What did he mean by this?

I know what he meant by this, but what did he really mean by this

Other urls found in this thread:


he wanted to see how people reacted.

I can't tell if he is an old man who loves technology and just reads stuff about those coins.

or if he is taking money to shill those coins and because he has mined so many and doesn't give a fuck about any of us

I shat in his mouth and he told me what's his next pump. Confido.

He's right. Alts are fighting for the future number 2 spot, but BTC has a huge network and user base headstart.

It's also one of the only currencies that allows you to cash out easily, directly to USD.

He meant nothing. He just wanted to punish the bots

hes a spinster trying to grow his investments

He made a lot of BTC in the recent days accumulating shitcoins and then dumping his bags at 200% profit.

So now BTC must go up.

Can his bots and PnD groups really affect BTC?

>36 hrs transaction time

BTC needs to die off for good. Once coins are freed from BTC, everything can moon non-stop

he is absolutely taking money to shill, usually.

25 btc.

He has said multiple times that bitcoin cash will beat bitcoin. youtu.be/2uhPnOyBHQs?t=44m40s

Perhaps when he says bitcoin, he's not referring g to what you think he is.

FIAT ---> BTC ---> ALTS

sure, there are some ALTs you can buy with FIAT but the bulk rely on BTC parity.

If you listen to the fucking idiots on here who tell you "BTC is dead" or some varying mantra, you will lose a lot of fucking money.

Lmao no way

whats the origin of this meme?

he pays ugly central american women to shit in his mouth

Bitcoin classic holders paid him 25 BTC to shill Bitcoin classic.

Not even good fud
FCT has only 8 million coins. Lrn2whitepaper

He meant of the coins that matter

>what are eth pairs

He's full of shit. In some interview he claimed he doesn't speculate as he is more of a "creator". Now he's unironically shilling "sound" shitcoins.

in this thread, no / new coiners desperately try to reassure each other that BTC will definitely die some day

there was a clearly biased and over the top documentary about mcafee's life in belize. that involved an interview with some girl who said she was paid to sleep with mcafee and he asked her to shit in his mouth or something. its on netflix, called gringo. most of it is over exaggerated to say the least.

>He and his wife's black son pumps and dumps you moron.

Jesus fuck christ. Get it together man.

>lowest circulating supply of any coin
>widely used by 10 yo kids on social media
His tweets gets gradually more detached from reality and are now turning into blatant lies.

Isn't that libel and slander? I know he's paranoid and eccentric and probably rubbed lots of people wrong, but that just seems like pure libel.

lol, he doesn't even own any coins. He even said so himself. He is so full of shit.

>some girl

A bunch of girls, actually.

Buy Monero instead. that is where you will need to be come Dec 31st anyway. That is where the real 10x is this year. t. ex core shill.

Matter of fact compare the current bithumb monero and BTC charts.

McAfee is pulling a Veeky Forums he is shilling his btc bags on you so he can get in to Monero.

he's right you know.

how quickly people forget, the harshness that whales move into btc from alts

sorry, your right. and im not saying he doesnt eat shit. But the documentary seemed biased to make mcafees life seem as eccentric as possible. as if it were biased towards that "wow" factor.

>ITT corecucks smiling smugly thinking mcafee's referring to their constipated dinosaur coin

Read the book, dude's one of a kind


McAfee has millions of dollars invested in BTC mining equipment, of course he's going to shill it.

>Once coins are freed from BTC, everything can moon non-stop
People have been saying this since 2014.
And BTC tanked and stay tanked for YEARS.
No Shitcoin was freed. No moon happened.
Just stop it user.
I know you have built your investment strategy around the death of BTC which will somehow make the shitcoins moon.
and you are just going to fuck yourself because of it.

in a time when almost no extra pairings or major exchanges existed, it was incredibly hard to buy crypto, and people considered all crypto to be "basically just bitcoin" (because it was)

McAfee has relatively good understanding of basics of markets considering he is tech programmer. Usually tech people really suck at markets. He still has some funny flaws but decent. This is not the area man is most talented at but smart enough to be in top 5% of traders/investors
