Whats the point of Centurions?
Whats the point of Centurions?
Centurions are anti tank.
Oh shit you remember those? Don't tell me you have some in your collection!
Not 18" range?
grav- oh wait, nevermind
Letting the marinelet players feel like they have big infantry.
So the manlet marines can finally stare the superior Primeris in the eyes.
>When marines with enough training can juggle terminators per statistics and receive blessings from the Emperor to do so anyway even in videogames.
what did he mean by this?
Space Marines were designed for concentrated assaults.
Breachers were designed for close quarters fighting.
Terminators were designed to replace Breachers.
Centurions were designed to fulfill medium to long range heavy fire support, where Terminators typically do not excel.
Aggressors were designed to fulfill close to medium range heavy fire support, where Centurions do not excel.
The codex literally said Centurions were meant to do Dreadnought jobs where Dreadnoughts couldn't fit.
>but isn't that what Tactical DREADNOUGHT Armor is supposed to do?
Shutup, Mimsy.
And dreadnoughts were designed to fulfill close to medium range heavy fire support.
>laughing Hellfire Dreadnought with triple 48" weapons
>laughing riflemen
>laughing Mortis
>laughing Deredeo
You have read zero (0) ZEE-ROH marine codex or rulebook lore. The fuck you think Ironclads are for.
They were designed for close combat, thus the heavy focus on heavy armor, close combat, and disposal mobile units for near-dead marines. Their ranged weapon capabilities were a result of battlefield demands and innovation. Deredeos and Leviathans spawned from the original design out of a desire for streamlined dreadnoughts with focused battle roles.
Ironclads are basically breacher variants of dreadnoughts.
At least when Blizzard ripped GW off they changed stuff.
>Posts space marine rip off
>a soldier in bulkier than average armor with wrist-mounted grenade launchers is more of a rip of standard Astartes than Aggressors are of it
It's cool; I had my own GW-fanboy phase. You'll grow out of it too, someday.
>Posts Fanboy-Grade Autism
>Aggressors are some Starcraft unit because they have two guns
>But the Starcraft unit is not a space marine despite having power armour
>GW invented power armor
>GW has the monopoly on troops in power armor
You need to be 18 to post here, kiddo.
So Blizzard invented two guns?
Why even have hands at that point? The gauntlets could just be bigger guns.
Eh? Moving the goalposts already? Going from saying that the Marauder is a ripoff of an Astartes to saying that GW never ripped anyone off?
Good heavens... you're even more pathetic than I thought.
>Eh? Moving the goalposts already?
No, but the point of commonality between Aggressors and the SC unit over regualr marines is two guns. Therefore Blizzard must have invented the concept of dual wielding guns for Aggressors to be a rip off of the SC unit.
The points, plural, of commonality are
>dual weapons
>which fire explosive projectiles, and
>which are wrist-mounted
>on power armor
>which is heavier than the base unit (SC marine/Primaris) wears
>resulting in a bulkier, boxier shape than the base unit
But good effort!
>>dual weapons
This is a commonality.
>>which fire explosive projectiles
Space marine in general do this, so that's a commonality to all three.
>>which are wrist-mounted
But the SC unit has them at the ends of their hands, not at the wrist.
>>on power armor
Power armour is something regular marines also have.
>>which is heavier than the base unit (SC marine/Primaris) wears
Space marine armour is heavier than regular power armour as well.
>>resulting in a bulkier, boxier shape than the base unit
Regular space marine armour is boxier looking than regular power armour as well.
So the only point of commonality is that not shared with regular space marines is dual wielding guns. Therefore Blizzard must have invented dual wielding guns, right?
>Space marine in general do this, so that's a commonality to all three.
Irrelevant. The topic at hand is how Aggressors are a ripoff of Marauders. Quit trying to change the subject.
>But the SC unit has them at the ends of their hands, not at the wrist.
Incorrect, though I'll admit that that image isn't the best one for determining that.
>Power armour is something regular marines also have.
Again, irrelevant.
>Space marine armour is heavier than regular power armour as well.
>Regular space marine armour is boxier looking than regular power armour as well.
"Regular"? Now you're talking out of your ass. Marauders are heavier than SC Marines, which is relevant because Aggressors are heavier than Primaris, the basic unit of the new 40k marine line.
>So the only point of commonality is that not shared with regular space marines is dual wielding guns. Therefore Blizzard must have invented dual wielding guns, right?
Again, stop trying to move the goalposts. You're wrong. Either man up and admit it, or just stop talking. Your persistence is simply pathetic.
To sell toys
do you... have autism?
Based Supes fan
Not at all. It following the space marine pattern.
Nope, I've looked. It's obviously at the end of the hand.
>Again, irrelevant.
Again, not at all.
>"Regular"? Now you're talking out of your ass.
Not at all. Space Marine power armour is heavier than human power armour.
>Again, stop trying to move the goalposts. You're wrong.
But I'm not.
The only point of commonality between Aggressors and Marauders that isn't shared by regular Space Marines is dual wielding. If dual wielding alone is enough to count Aggressors as Marauder ripoffs, then surely bulky power armour and firing explosive projectiles is enough enough to mean that Marauders are Space marine ripoffs.
No, do you?
WoW as a setting is rich as fuck and can easily compete with the likes of Warhammer, these days.
>Not at all. It following the space marine pattern.
"Following the space marine pattern" is not the topic of discussion and thus is, in fact, irrelevant. The topic is that Aggressors are a ripoff of Marauders. The only reference to other units that matter is how they relate to the baseline units of the Primaris and Terran armies, respectively, because having heavier, boxier armor than said base units makes for more commonality. I know you don't want it to be true, but what you want doesn't change facts.
>Nope, I've looked. It's obviously at the end of the hand.
Perhaps they've changed the model since last I played SC2... Very well.
That's how you lose a point graciously.
Practice it. People in general and you in particular will need to master this skill.
>Again, not at all.
Lying doesn't change the truth.
>Not at all. Space Marine power armour is heavier than human power armour.
Non-Astartes humans are not the base unit of the Primaris forces. Don't be obtuse.
>The only point of commonality between Aggressors and Marauders that isn't shared by regular Space Marines
>regular Space Marines
>regular Space Marines
>regular Space Marines
>regular Space Marines
Shut up about regular Space Marines. This is the most blatant goalpost-moving I've seen in some time.
If your goal was to annoy me, congratulations, you've done it.
If your goal was to prove that Aggressors aren't a ripoff of Marauders (or of Firebats when equipped with flamers), you've failed.
Clark is best boy.
They're adorable.
Realistically speaking, do any of us here NOT have autism?
>"Following the space marine pattern" is not the topic of discussion and thus is, in fact, irrelevant.
No it's not. Further Space marine units would obviously follow the Space marine pattern.
>The topic is that Aggressors are a ripoff of Marauders.
And that Marauders are therefore a ripoff of Space Marines.
>The only reference to other units that matter is how they relate to the baseline units of the Primaris and Terran armies, respectively
Primaris are not an army.
>Perhaps they've changed the model since last I played SC2
Perhaps you were just wrong about that.
>That's how you lose a point graciously.
No, that's how you attempt to save face but flounder while doing so.
>Lying doesn't change the truth.
It's not a lie though. How space marines relate to marauders and aggressors is very pertinent.
>Non-Astartes humans are not the base unit of the Primaris forces. Don't be obtuse.
Why does a "base unit" matter when talking about visuals, precisely?
>Shut up about regular Space Marines. This is the most blatant goalpost-moving I've seen in some time.
How? Regular Space Marines are pertinent to the discussion.
If Aggressors are ripoffs of Marauders then Marauders are a ripoff of Space Marines.
They're simply being pedantic and overly reductive to try and win an argument, but they're doing a bad job of it so it just makes them look slow.
If they were some cliche example of an honest-to-god autistic person they'd likely at least be more cogent.
>They're simply being pedantic and overly reductive to try and win an argument
Yet saying some can be a ripoff of something else because of dual wielding guns is not pedantic?
Not the guy you're replying to but you're a sad, salty little bitch.
Well you're a retarded, smelly, ugly cunt.
No human can wear that shit, it better be piloted, at least Marines are deformed monsters so they can wear their oversized shit.
Early SC2 media has a sequence of a convict getting welded into Marine armor. His hands fit into a device that controls the hands of the armor.
Do they fuse their heads to the chests too? Because the armor armpits are way to high.
But why try to win an argument on an anonymous board about Belarus' garbage collecting schedules?
>ITT salty Blizzard fags get butthurt because GW design their units better
Shit games shit designs, Blizzard never made nothing original by themselves always ripping off others(GW and valve team fortress) and diablo wasn't even created by them but by a company they buy.
centurions and aggressors are dumb in their own unique ways
gravis armour looks terrible, which is a shame because the mkX stuff looks great
>ITT: Arguing about who came up with a shit design first
ftfy famalamajam
I've come to like gravis user, a heavier armour for heavy armour assaults and with T5 only weapons S10 can wound them on 2+
GW did better though
The rules are fine, even though they're stepping on the toes of terminators even more.
However visually they are weirdly lanky and bulky in all the wrong places, made more drastic because they've been released alongside marines that are, proportionally speaking, quite excellent.
guys can we please get back on track and tell me the point of Centurions when fucking Terminators exist
Centurions are easier to produce and are designed to either hold their location or open a hole in a fortress, terminator armour is for prolonged use, fight inside enclosed spaces and still have a higher degree of mobility
It doesn't matter if sister kissed brother first or brother kissed sister first, the important thing is, INCEST IS BAD.
And that's why Reyes shouldn't be a chaplain.
That's literally why Reyes should be a chaplain and you fucking know it!
no fuck off
Why do their bolters have both belt and drum-feeds?
I don't know why those things exist, same as new dreadnoughts or those jump pack shits.
They keep introducing new units that are barely different, but also better rulewise so the old shit is pointless and forgotten. Just replace the models for the old stuff and add new options if you want to milk the players, stop pumping out shitty units that no one will care about in a year
comparing game stats, the centurion is slightly tougher and has more fire power while the terminator is somewhat more flexible
so centurions tend to be more like heavily armored devastators, while terminators tend to be heavily armored tacticals
Does anyone else like the new goober dread and want to bash away at the gunboat but have no time at all for the gravid armour? It just looks retarded and poorly balanced. Centurions are a mobile hw platform, termies are shock troops, gravid? I dunno but i bet it involves falling over a lot.
The drum is just a chute that pushes spent cartridges out.
>last edition killed my hopes for a good, or at least playable game
>have almost no interest in 40k left anymore, except from a fluffic point of view (because I love stupid over-the-top things)
>go back to Veeky Forums to see what's going on
>Super-Primaris-Centurions, Flying-Landraiders-Without-Tracks
>mfw I like everything I see
>mfw it will not suffice to bring me back to the abusive wife that was GW
That's fine, just stay gone, it's not really a loss for you or GW, so why bother coming here to tell people? There are people who hate 8E just like there are people who love it or returned specifically for it.
Centurions are better designed than these
there, I said it
>fight inside enclosed spaces
>higher degree of mobility
I don't doubt your sources but it only takes one game of Space Hulk to realize how laughable that mobility claim is.
Centurions were a mistake
Well, user was comparing the mobility of Centurions and Terminators. The latter are a bit more mobile than the clunky Centurions, at the cost of a little less strength and toughness.
That being said, Assault Centurions were a mistake. Just make them dedicated heavy weapons platforms that you plunk onto an objective and have it babysit with massive firepower. The power teddy bears look just silly in assault.
Do GW fanboys unironically think 40k invented the whole bulky power armor concept?
No-one cares that you don't play something.
they also invented God-Emperor, which Frank Herbert travelled in time to steal from them
I know this feel.
Are they the devastators of the primaris?
Do you have a moment to talk about or lord and savior AoS?
It's true.
The characters are wow's weak point these days. Arthas, Grom, OG Thrall, Jaina, Vol'Jin, Chairne. All fuckin dead or gone.
Khadgar does his best, but he can't carry the story by himself.
I do!
Both companies have been ripping each other off furiously for the past two decades (along with other companies) because neither are actually creative at all. Sometimes it's more blatant than others. Other times it's exceedingly obvious.
The real question is does it matter, considering neither are overly original in anything they do to begin with, where something originated from?
It's super-heavy powered armour. What's the problem? It's the next best thing to modifying a Dreadnought so that a regular marine can pilot it.
Actually, why hasn't anyone done that? Surely the sarcophagus could be replaced with a seat and a control panel? It would be better than Terminator armour.
>Whats the point of Centurions?
they are the replacement for manlet-marine terminators. do you people still not understand that the old-marines are being phased out?