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>How to Jumpchain
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>Jumpchain IRC Chat
>How to Jumpchain
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Hit up Kamen Rider Decade and duck out or hit Haruhi and get slider stuff.
Worm has stuff for that. And because it's a 'deterministic universe' with 'real life physics', you could justify using that stuff even if you lose access to your powers.
So I didn't get many comments on this last thread. Here it is again.
Night in the Woods 1.05. Ready for review
(unless my phone fucks this up.)
Start in Sky Garden and bully Sage into being a magical taxi.
Your phone fucked it up
That's Ib.
And I liked the original brush font more than the new one, fuck the haters.
Mother... fucker.
Does the Second Magic only let you move between different timelines/parallel universes or can you use it to move between more "local" dimensions that are part of or connected to the universe you're in. Like a pocket dimension or an afterlife or something like Malfeas or Yu Shan or different Planes in D&D or MtG?
Quick question:
Assuming bigitons necessary to fight a deathlord, how good of an idea would it be to fight the princess magnificent (Umbrella-wielding deathlord) with a scythe (probably artifact or something, possibly firedust powered), on top of an airship (or other areal vehicle.)
The reference is completely intentional and I am not sorry for it at all.
Kings, Queens, Emperors and Rulers of all kinds, I beseech thee. Tell of your grand Civilization from the jump of the same name, your Stellaris empire, your Game of Thrones kingdom. Tell me of your land and people, and all you have accomplished.
Jumpers! Whose your favorite wizarding companion and where's the best place to pickup a cute caster?
So, just making sure, but I do get money from the Ahnenerbe restaurant from Carnival Phantasm if I buy it, correct?
>Umbrella-wielding deathlord
I'm a god, but I'm no king. I provide wisdom, aid, and – most importantly – divine booze to my people. But I only exercise power over them to strike down tyranny or evil.
You seem to be having some Identity Issues there, Cataquack Warrior.
How will the various gods (and Exalts that aren't aligned with me) react if I move most of the mortal beings of Creation to a less fucked and more stable universe?
It's a nice place. The only deaths come from old age, the economy is post-scarcity, social programs are like those in Denmark, we have free basic income, free health care and it's a democracy where I get the final say in everything.
By attacking you in full force, you're stealing their prayer slaves.
Obligatory Overlord
Mushoku Tensei has some cute magic users of several varieties
I'd tell you to go to KonoSuba and get Megumin for explosions, but we don't have that jump yet, only sadness.
How would you feel is some strange dude came to your farm and stole all of your money makers while you were busy doing super drugs?
...Goddammit user. It's a terrible idea but you should do it anyway.
I believe the weapon was a gun-cane.
That or I'm missing the reference entirely.
What happened to the Bane Trilogy?
Toku/Sentai we need more of it! Anyone remember this!
Why would you want to fight Princess Magnificent when the book all but screams at you "SHE WILL BE YOUR DEVOTED WAIFU IF YOU'RE AN ABYSSAL AND FREE HER FROM THE LION"?
Princess Magnificent with Lips of Coral (or was it Crimson?) and Robes of Black Feathers.
It's a reference to a different jump/show.
Especially if it's a red jade scythe.
Anyone going to answer this?
The jumpmaker finished it, then after talking to the thread decided the jump wasn't good enough and went back to the drawing board.
So I took a lot of advice from last thread and wrote a prologue.
CONTINUITY~! Looks like I'm writefagging again.
That should be assumed, yes.
Only if you can end the fight with them getting eaten by a flying demon-beast of some sort.
Looks good.
Probably like doing more super drugs.
Bane Trilogy?
Extremely confused.
They'll probably fight you though, the gods need that worship to fuel them and the Exalts need people to rule over.
Yeah, cows were a bad metaphor, because the supply of super-drugs is dependent on mortals. Okay, imagine if your herd of heroin-pissing dinosaurs was stolen from you while you were doing heroin. How would you feel then?
So outside of buying g it with CP, where can I become a god? Ascending to divinity the hard way.
I thought the gods didn't actually need worship, it just gave them a boost?
Jump # 179 Kamen Rider Heisei pt 6
Age: ?
Gender: Female
Starting location: …
Background: Hero (100)
*Earnest Fool (0)
*I won’t be stopped (200, Discount)
*Here I Am (300, Discount)
*Lord of Speed (500)
*I don’t fight Alone (200)
*God Speed Jumpers (+ 300)
So sometimes you just are too late to help. This was one of those. The world was already dying and over run by these worm alien things. The ocean was gone and what little resources were left were being used up fighting the worms.
I quickly realized I now had time travel at my disposal. I thought I would go back and fix things… nope.
So I was blocked (and yes even Doom-chan’s was blocked) and set about getting unblocked. I stumbled across the little war between ZECTS and Neo-ZECTS. I really thought the fighting was stupid honestly and called them both out on it.
Anyways my search was a long and difficult one that led me to the heart of ZECTS. It turns out they were secretly in league with the Worms (Also what kind of name for an alien is worms anyways… it’s wiggly and disgusting not cool or evoking fear)
Unfortunately we found out about this as ZECTs managed to pull an even bigger Meteor full of Worm Eggs towards the earth.
Well we helped some other Kamen Riders as they tried to stop it. Beat some golden prick kamen rider (he was almost as fast as me but he learned the error of survival of the strongest when I punched him unconscious)
The other Kamen Rider stole his device that let him manipulate time and tried to use it but vanished.
So I went Super Saiyan and obliterated the Meteor down to Atoms. Yay for being totally overpowered.
While I was saving the world I had Doom-chan, Rick, Sans, and Van Hellsing working on a toxin to kill the worms and only the worms. They finished, we killed the worms and somehow that freed me up to time travel. I unsummoned all my companions (So they would go with me) and destroyed the first Meteor Atomizing it.
Right, which is why we're saying drugs and not food. They don't need it, but they don't want to go cold turkey, either.
Hence the drug comparisons.
Fair enough.
Are there any gods that aren't shit I should take with the humans?
They do need a certain amount of worship.
Less than what they're getting now, but a certain amount is necessary.
That's why humans were created /at all/.
If I can fucking make it work in either current version or upcoming update, Stellaris empire is going to be a semi-hive-mind of psionic, athletic dragon-girls.
if I can't make it work, we're going with Plan B - Not!Scotland made of Fungaloids. Fungaloids or Molluscoids, not sure which yet.
Portamancy is probably one of the better things on offer in Shadow Ops.
Weren't humans created accidentally when one if the other Primordials (Gaia?) decided to throw some meaty bits in Autochthon's test tubes when he was trying to make robot friends?
I approve of this plan wholeheartedly.
What do you do when you are bored /jc/?
so help me god above I will make it work.
Shut your fucking face zenbu.
The Nehushtan Armor a shit. Not even the visor looked good.
Yeah, some. They don't get talked about as much, though, obviously. I'd look them up, but my pizza is almost done baking and I'm about to eat, so I'm not going to drag out Compass of Celestial Directions: Yu-Shan right now.
No. Humans were made on purpose by a couple of Primordials working together. They did base them off of the first prototype for Autocthon's creations, the Jadeborn, horribly mutilating him during the process of dissection and reverse-engineering and making the Clay Man. That's kind of a theme with the Primordials, all their coolest stuff is made from bits of Autocthon's projects they tore open for parts.
>Write jumps
>Play video games
>Wish I had money
>Wish I had a job
>Talk to friends on and off of /jc/
>Wish Summer was over
I thought they were created to give the Primordials more efficient Essence batteries than demons.
...No, not at all?
They were created when a bunch of primordials decided to break Autobot's toy (the Mountain Folk's Clay Man), and experimented on him to create something different.
But they were always designed as prayer generators to keep the gods running.
Fiiiiiiiiine I'll agree with you there if you agree that drills can be swords
Nah. The primordials really didn't need that.
The gods however did need prayer to keep functioning, and Creation needed the gods to keep functioning... and so we have humans.
>That's kind of a theme with the Primordials, all their coolest stuff is made from bits of Autocthon's projects they tore open for parts.
...True. But this is not part of that theme, since humans are explicitly the weakest beings the Primordials have made.
Nothing productive. Which is a shame, really.
Have you ever had to make difficult decisions as a tough person?
Barely any humans even worshipped the Primordials themselves.
The Lintha were kinda the odd ones out for worshipping Kimbery directly.
Now that the weekend's here, I'm going to post my Ib gauntlet again. Please let me know if you have any concerns.
>Tell of your grand Civilization from the jump of the same name,
the Holy Terran Empire of science dragons,and we did a science victory.
>your Stellaris empire
haven't been there yet
>your Game of Thrones kingdom
yeah the thing about the foreign prince perk is that it doesn't actually require you to have an actual kingdom, just be suitably foreign and fancy. So I didn't have one. Mostly I got drunk and snarked.
>Tell me of your land and people
The United polystates of Poseidonvill,jumpsberg,Experimental Von Neumann Colony One,Nehekhara
,The Shard And the Light of Terra are a Post scarcity ,post economic,post production,constitutional direct democracy founded on the principles of equality, kindness, freedom,opportunity and curb stomping anyone who supports the opposite principles.
>and all you have accomplished
the successful uplift of the Jovian Republic
the end of the reaper menace
Destruction of the God programs
world conquest X3
Lots and lots of science
Highest number of cultivators per capita of any nation.
winning at Aerospace forever
Shooting All the brethren moons in the fucking face with a Jovian pattern nova Cannon
so much science It's ridiculous
Providing free Internet Wi-Fi for Earth
Primary exports: Science and Yum
higher education Grants the equivalent of a Midrange science focused Jumper.
the great golden dome that shelters us all.
converting our entire nation into a unreasonably large domed arcology with internal Free energy and matter generation freeing us from any reliance on the outside world whatsoever.
Where are his leg guns? Why does this guy Not have leg guns?
I burn in Hell, like I've been doing for who knows how long. I don't remember. No one remembers. When did we get Internet down here?
No particular concerns, but you should have posted the "night in the woods" jump first.
Look at Yorokonde's post at the top of the thread if you don't get what I mean.
Nah, it totally is. Humans are weak, but they serve a vital function. Infrastructure is cool, too.
Is English still alive?
So, due to the chatter about one last thread, there's now a Discord. Few channels for General Chat, Bot Spam, and a notification/archive channel to notify that a new WIP or jump is out. There's also a voice channel if anyone's interested in that.
Anyways, if it's something you might be interested in, The link is here
Fuck off. No seriously, why would you do this? This is just going to cause another fucking shit storm over an attempt at a community split when no one minded.
Some people need to be special.
Chill out, bro. Don't like it, don't use it.
Talk with Val, get hype with Val, flirt with Val, play videogames, watch youtube videos, etc.
What does it matter if I don't like it if it ends up causing a split community, making the problem it was made to solve so much worse by making there be a discord and an IRC? Think these things through you morons.
If it doesn't get used, it doesn't get used. Worst case scenario it's easy for people whom can't be bothered to keep up with the thread.
When was the last time you were even that active on IRC bubbles?
Eh, does it matter that much? Community is already quite split. Having discord as an option isn't the end of the world. Again, chill out. This is not worth getting excited over.
Worst case scenario is that a few people end up using it while the majority stay on the IRC, meaning that the people complaining about the IRC now have to keep track of both.
All made worse by the fact that you of all people barely use the IRC anyway, meaning you're making trouble for something you don't even care about.
Oh, I see what you're talking about. Well, I have no idea what's up with Yorokonde. But if anyone has thoughts on MY Ib jump, please let me know.
Man, that's dumb. Really dumb. If it was someone who was big in the IRC maybe it'd be less dumb but...this just feels like an attempt to create drama.
He mis-clicked the wrong file.
Really that's all that happened.
Got a forum I do stuff in, watch arcade pit, play video games
Talk to girlfriend and friends
Occasionally do builds
>meaning that the people complaining about the IRC now have to keep track of both
What kind of logic is this?
>If it was someone who was big in the IRC
So far it's just IRC regulars and Dirge from SB.
So he saved the Ib file to his computer and accidentally uploaded it?
The same kind of logic that had people complaining about the IRC in the first place.
And here comes the shit storm.
I'm not super active anymore, and a lot of the time i am, i'm in user anyways. It's a nice little group for those who want it. Also, there are active admins to manage and stuff, including myself.
Not meant to cause shitposting or anything else, just a convenience thing.
So, I've been doing stuff for the last day and now I'm back to doing my Side-Chain build. However I've run into a problem... Chroma Squad Jump needs an update. Because .... Night Driver and Space Sheiff gain you little to nothing in comparison to their 200 CP price tags.I ran the numbers.
Phone and yeah.
But we already have that. We have the IRC. How is it less convenient when you don't even need to download a program to use it?
It's you wanting to exert control over the community.
>active admins
ooooh boy. Yeah, that's...hard to take well given how badly that can go wrong, especially when you don't actually know the people. It also seems a little like there's no need? Mibbit doesn't really have any active mods, given how rarely any of them even put on the mod star (Been months since I saw that) so it feels like it's not necessary.
A nice little group that happens to be owned and controlled by you.
If that's what you think then don't use it and stop being a shit. At this point all you're doing is driving up thread awareness of the discord anyway.
Christ, why is this thread always a shitshow whenever anything happens?
The only drama over a Discord is by one asshole who's looking to start shit. Like, if you don't like it, then fucking ignore it.
>idiots who don't read the posts they respond to
I know it's hard to but try to focus on the little letters. It doesn't matter if you don't like and don't use it if other people do, because that's what will cause a split in the community.