Best Color combination

What is the best color combination in MtG (two and/or three colors) and why do you think it is?

Other urls found in this thread:

For me, it's Simic (UG).
Nature with nurture, life enhanced and made better, and using these to aid the community. All of these I personally like.

Temur. Also we need an artfag to draw anime waifus for the tricolors like the Ravnica ones

I might be up for the task. It'll make for some excellent training.
It just might take a while.

If the thread isn't up when you are done please make a new one
Or post it in the Veeky Forums discord

Red with it's rivals is always my favorite combination. R/W weenies and R/B spells are always fun. All three are best for staying on the defense until you can play your jank.

>If the thread isn't up when you are done please make a new one.
It won't be. I'm still fairly unskilled and slow, hence why I said it would be good training.
Perhaps I should have made that point a little clearer.

Depends on the settig just kidding, but actually they are different, there's not better color than other, each one has their universe of possibilities

The most fun deck I've ever had was a blue/red deck based on cards like Scrambleverse and other chaos-causers. Basically a "Fuck everyone's plans up and then try to recover better than them" deck.

Do people actually build decent decks around color combos instead of building decks around cards/strategies?

As a kid, I always though "oh wow, a red/blue/black deck would be cool!", or "look at all these cool monsters, I'm gonna put them all in my deck!". But when I got slightly better at card games I realized that to build a good deck you usually need to focus on a narrow strategy, to the point where the whole deck is probably built around a couple specific cards and everything else supports those cards. But I'm still pretty shit at mtg, so I could be wrong.

Or are these threads just purely talking about lore?


>friend had WBR EDH deck
>called it his FUCK THE GAMESTATE deck
>gives opponents jank with Zedruu to fuck with them
>Eye of the Storm makes us Scrambleverse every spell
>ended up playing rounds of Goblin Game 10 times

It was a fun deck.

You got my jimmies riled son. It is wubrg. U is blue. B is black

black is K

The K in CMYK stands for "Key"

Sorry, that's my bad. Wasn't thinking, thanks user.

If i was a printer sure. But I'm a wizard so try harder with your bait.
0/10 see me after class.

Why not WUKRG?
Prevent all misunderstanding.

>he still writes his spells by hand instead of using a printer

Because making a change like that 25 years into a product only, makes invested players upset, and new ones confused. It does nothing for marketing and makes years of publication incorrect.

Sorry bro, but Print Wizards are almost as useless as Troubleshooting Wizards.
I'd rather be an Installation Wizard; they get regular jobs and do them well most of the time.

Do you know how much arcane ink cartridges cost? I'm not made of money, you know

Magic: the Gathering includes the concept of the "Color Pie". Shortly put, the different colors in M:tG don't just segregate what kind of lands you need to play the card, they also denote--in a very general way--what kinds of things that color of cards "do".

For instance, counterspell-effects almost entirely appear on Blue cards. Similarly, single-target damage or "burn" effects are almost always Red. When people talk about their "favorite" color or color combinations, or which they think are "best", they're usually not talking about the colors themselves, but the kinds of mechanics that appear most often in those colors.

So, to answer your question, when someone actually sits down to build a deck they're usually doing it based on a few interactions with particular cards, or a general strategy involving a certain "kind" of card, and the colors being used end up more a consequence of that than an actual driving force behind the deck's creation.

This, but I'd add on that with the color determining what mechanics are available, and people having preferences toward certain mechanics, most people end up with a favorite color or combo. For instance, regardless of how viable it was, I don't think I could possibly enjoy playing a standard W/U "Pacify and Counter Everything" deck.

WBR, definitely.
Red kinda sucks on its own, but white and black rock, and all possible fusions of the three are great.


Blue/Black for unlimited power.

Esper represent.

>Spot removal?
Got it.

Bet your ass.

Oh hell yes.


You want card quality or quantity? We do both.

Flying, fear/intimidate, shadow, and unblockable, bitch.

>Sticky creatures?
Indestructible, shroud/hexproof, regenerate, and protection.

Just to show I am making progress, here is my work so far. Is there anything I'm doing wrong?

Arms look a little off, keep up the good work though!

I honestly thought that was a potion bottle or something but it's pretty good for an initial sketch.

Golgari, Rakdos, Gruul, Mono W, R, and Colorless are my favorites. Can you guess what my least favorite color is? It's not entirely Purple.

Drawing cards is a good thing, user.

Bant (GWU) colors are the best IMO, they each support each other making up for what the other two lack. There are very few ways to prevent them from continuing to press on the gas and each have powerful outs to any of the other colors abilities. Bant just runs like a well oiled machine.


Is the color pie and its attributes a MTG licensed concept? Would a RPG be able to use it as an alignment system w/out legal repercussions?

It's probably licensed, so probably not.