Remember that real money is physically tangible, retains its value even in hardest times and has been used for thousands of years
Come home white men
fuck off jew
come home goyim.
I own a shit load of gold and silver....feels good
reminder that cryptocurrency is jewish trap to rob all of your tangible asset
I own a collection of 18th century and roman silver coins, it's a hobby that could make you some money at flea markets too.
how does gold have less risk than treasury bonds?
>reee go get your money at the central bank goyim, remember it's the aryan thing to do
Real money is (((their))) greatest trick.
Got my silver shitcoins as a back up
gold has a relatively stable purchasing power and doesn't default
Remember that the actual Jewish trap is keeping people risk averse and more afraid of losing their money than of taking risks and making a fortune.
fiat money is not real money, cash in your digital memecoins to gold/silver coins while you can
Silver is ridiculously low right now, it'll be an easy 100% gain when it jumps to $40/oz during the next big stock market scare. Where do you even sell the shit though? Pawn stores that buy precious metals only buy at a ridiculously reduced price compared to true spot value and large commodity buying firms still charge you several percentage points as a "broker fee" or some bullshit. Calling it "real money" is bullshit too -- you can't even use it at a gas station or grocery store, the shit is completely useless as a currency.
just pay the broker fee. physical metals arent worth buying and they rip you off unless buying huge amounts
it seems like its been stagnant for decades now though, idk I think Id feel safer with Tbonds
Damn I’m jelly. Just started my bullion collection. Only have 10 oz of silver coins so far.
Where do you buy from? I just checked ebay and their prices even for 10oz+ bars are all at least $1-$2 / oz over spot price.
When the western economy and society inevitably collapses due to the takeover by corrupt communist third worlders and the unsustainable government spending, gold and silver will be the currency along with cryptos. I invest in everything that acts as a hedge against the status quo. I’m even thinking about cashing out my 401k to put into bullion. I have no doubt my 401k value is ridiculously overvalued right now and it will crash.
I don’t have faith in western governments anymore. The whole system is going to crash and burn.
>buying precious metals
This works, but only if you can afford to forget about your silver/gold for at least a couple of decades or something.
If you'll need to liquidate your precious metals to get cash you'll get cucked by the spread/fees/taxes etc.
JM Bullion has a silver starter kit that is 10 oz silver coins for spot price, no premium.
gotta get that buzz up to bring in the normies.
>retains value even in the hardest times
and everyother case of hyper inflation ever.
>1 dinar can buy a goat in ancient rome, 4.44g of gold can buy a goat now
not fiat money user
None of those statements are true other than physically tangible
Same amount of gold will buy a house today as it would have 200 years ago. Do you know how much more fiat money it costs to buy a home today than 200 years ago? 100,000% more at least.
Silvergoldbull have a 10oz bar at spot.
Rarely will you pay spot for anything. If you're looking to consolidate wealth in PMs, prepare to pay premium.
Coins have the highest, bars the lowest.
Have a look at CBI vs gold price graph in casw you're interesting in buying gold...way too overpriced at the moment.
>economy and society inevitably collapses
can I eat gold when that happens?
IF that were to happen, the ONLY thing worth trading will be bullets for bread.
Yeah, gold looks way too high to me but silver seems like a really good buy at the moment. I know I'll have to pay over spot price but I'm not going to pay $2/oz over spot price when I'm looking to buy a 100oz bar, that's ridiculous.
I just buy them to build towers since i'm a rich autistic manchild.
Another thing to keep in mind is how you're going to convert it to fiat if you need money. 1oz bar/coins are super easy to barter with, 10oz bars are easy to sell, 100oz not so much unless you're looking to cut it up.
I agree with silver being underpriced - can't remember the article but basically the price to mine an oz of silver at current oil price is around 10 usd. There's an increased demand for industrial use and no increase in output over the last 5 years, as well as possible increase in oil price. I personally don't see it as an investment, but if you like shiny things, don't trust banks/fiat and want to store your wealth in a physical asset then silver is too cheap to ignore!
gold has a lot of uses you triple nigger
unless phones and computers stop working, gold is needed
precious metals will be useful again in rebuilding post-SHTF
in case of hyperinflation gold will still be useful
3D pig disgusting
SHTF levels
guns, ammo
precious metals, make sure not to fall for the diamond jew