Why haven't you replaced your army with chads yet?
Why haven't you replaced your army with chads yet?
Other urls found in this thread:
>playing space marines to begin with
Ass of Satan players everybody.
Why do so many metallics ruin paint jobs?
Faggot I just got my force put together, do not force me to shell out more bucks to GW just for a few metaphorical inches and a few literal millimeters. I don't even like the new bolters.
Because lazy people think that metallics remove the need for proper highlights and shading.
Fuck. I think you're right. I think that's what started making the difference for me.
The majority of 40k players play space marines.
Could I get a citation? Not doubting, just curious.
if there's any further proof that Veeky Forums doesn't actually play 40k, here it is, in this post. god forbid one take even the barest notice at GW's perennial top seller list, FW's old top seller lists, what's being played in every FLGS, what's being posted in every GT population list after 6E made marines viable
tell me, oh curious one, what army do YOU think is the most played? perhaps one from Warhammer Fantasy Battles?
something tells me you don't have a citation
I dunno, I'm just curious about the numbers, whether it's mostly Space Marines Vanilla or Dark Angels or Blood Angels or Space Wolves. You make it sound like they're a huge majority.
If I had to hazard a guess, I'd say Guard is probably at least second-rating right now. Could still be a lot of Eldar players too, they've been pretty strong for a long time.
What makes you think every fact on the planet has a citation? What makes you think something like that would even have a citation? Why would you ask for citations for obvious facts that you can verify for yourself.
You can literally demand a citation for everything. Literally everything. Every time someone says something to you, demand a citation. 100% of the time, you won't be able to provide a citation for 100% of everything you say, despite them being true.
Space Marines ARE a huge majority. And no, IG aren't the second most populous faction.
Holy shit you fucking newfags are so fucking deluded. Space Marines outsold entire fucking miniature games like WHFB. And the citation for that is GW's old investors' reports.
something still tells me you don't have a citation
why do you need a citation for something that's true
what difference does it make if you have a citation or not, it's not going to change the veracity of the claim.
something tells me you still don't have an argument other than being retarded on Veeky Forums.
also, i'm gonna need a citation on your claim that he doesn't have a citation
>t. man with nothing to back up his statements
Prove it. Back up that claim of yours.
Because they're fucking terrible and have shit weapon choices? Especially in power level.
>why do you need a citation for something that's true
Because evidence is the only way to determine that something is true.
That's not how burden of proof works my friend. The person making the assertion must back up his claim. Statements made without evidence can be discarded without evidence.
eh he's being an asshat but here's something from a quick google search. Of course it's stats from a tournament, but still, CSM and SM are in the top two. If you're not specifying just loyalist, Asstart players double other armies, and even if you are looking at loyalist, they have nearly 150% of elder players which are number three in that list.
Guard actually. Marines only are #1 if their armies are lumped together, and they're half the available armies or something like that.
>nothing to back up marine players being the most common 40k army
Are you retarded? The answer is yes, isn't it.
forgot to link
Also, keep in mind that's not even counting the specific chapters like blood angels and black Templars which are listed further down those rankings.
>That's not how burden of proof works my friend. The person making the assertion must back up his claim
Back this claim up.
>Statements made without evidence can be discarded without evidence.
Prove it. Provide a citation.
>Because evidence is the only way to determine that something is true.
Then why don't you just get the dicks out of your eyes and walk down to your local store and verify it for yourself, because it's that common of a phenomenon. But you don't even play the game, so.
What the fuck? Are they really that blue?
Now I have a deeply-ingrained suspicion that you do not have a citation at all.
You don't have any citations either nigger so why the fuck you calling kettles black? You think marines aren't the most common army? Then who are? Provide citations too.
I don't think you have any citation at all
>Of course it's stats from a tournament
The only thing tournament lists are helpful for is determining what armies are perceived to be the most powerful.
>still no citations
You'll find that there's plenty of sources at the bottom of the page.
[citation needed]
Have you even read the citations you're providing? Provide citations for those citations to prove they're legitimate. You can cite any random shit you want, it doesn't mean anything.
I don't think you even know what a citation is, the way you mindlessly refuse to provide one
Got a citation for that?
>The only thing tournament lists are helpful for is determining what armies are perceived to be the most powerful.
You know, I thought the same thing as I was posting it. Unfortunately I can't find anything to back up either claim, but I'm not trying to google very hard anyways.
>You can cite any random shit you want, it doesn't mean anything.
a citation is required to verify this claim
here's another that is saying Ass-tarts sell the most, followed by CSM. Again, this is separating out specific armies like Blood Angels and Space Yiffs
I've provided citations. Feel free to dispute their accuracy but in the meantime could you provide some citations of your own so that I can do the same?
Only my shirikodama.
Citation please?
this is the best thread on Veeky Forums right now
you may not like it but this is what peak threadformance looks like [citation missing 109 days]
The sample size is far too small to be considered indicative of the hobby as a whole.
>when someone expects me to go on a Vietnamese paper crane factory known for spinning all sorts of bullshit on various boards, and believe what they say without question
How many people do you think believe that when they're on Veeky Forums, they aren't in some echo chamber? How many people do you think blindly believe everything other anons tell them about the state of the world, their favorite games, and various strategies?
Besides, this doesn't take into account interesting questions of how the fanbase is spread out, if different regions have different varieties of players, how things change from Europe to Burgerland, etc etc. Providing citations could actually lead to doing a level of research into the subject that could come up with interesting facts.
>this is the best thread on Veeky Forums right now
I'm gonna need some evidence for that claim, buddy.
because none of the models in the OP look good, even when properly painted
How do you know the size of "the hobby as a whole" to know what is a proper sample size? Any citations for that figure?
There's a poll on dakka dakka, a non-marine exclusive site with a good spread of diversity, and their poll has 17,000+ votes, and not only is vanilla the highest ranking one, but if you add up all the MEQ variants, you get a huge majority. And this is before even counting BaC, BoP, and of course, Primaris and Dark Imperium, which boost marine numbers even more.
39% play MEQ, sample size of 17,000, that's about as good as it's gonna get since there's no peer-reviewed studies and dissertations about 40K.
If you can't provide citations, then post pictures of your painted minis with timestamp.
Bet you can't though, faggots.
The Easy Assemble and promotional Primaris are indeed that blue. I'm going to have to douse mine in primer to get Blood Angels red to look right.
will a citation suffice?
I don't know, let me look up some citations to find out.
>this fucklechuck thinks that he can just assume that a citation is enough to assert that a citation is enough.
>he doesnt need a citation to clarify that a citation will clarify that a citation will clarify that.
Those are serious accusations you are leveling there. Do you have any citations to back them up?
sure do, buddy.
Why are you posting your facebook page?
sorry, chap. Wrong link.
Here you go.
So let me get this straight... On Veeky Forums you need to cite a citation on citations to prove that a citation is necessary to prove any facts.
I like ham sanwhiches.
Because my Marines are for 30k. I do plan on getting a few units of Chads for 40k use.
Because there is absolutely no reason to?
GW have said so themselves.
>inb4 memes
I kinda want to. My old space marine army could do with an update, since I haven't played it since 5th.
Are all the primaris in blue plastic now?
Might make painting Blood Ravens awkward.
>Are all the primaris in blue plastic now?
Just the ones in that 'Get Started' kit.
Well thats a relief. Hopefully in another year or so when I'm able to get back into the hobby I can get a full range of Primarines. Any recommendations, aside from Forgeworld Angelos, for making a fluffy ravens force?
not even once senpai
>Blood Ravens
>I stopped playing in 5th too
>repainting my boys as Blood Ravens
>playing DoW1 for inspo
>Fellow Black Gentleman of Fine Taste
I can't get any of the DoW games to work on my pc. Fucking windows 10. Otherwise I'd be replaying the whole series...minus 3 because it isn't on sale yet.
You ever try making any named guys for your TT army, or just the chapter colours?
>not visiting the Mongolian basket weaving site
It's your own fault you know
>You ever try making any named guys for your TT army
I'm actually doing that now, can't find a proper head for Davian Thule from DoW2.
Because I play Sisters.
Space marines have dominated 40k since day one. They're easy to build, paint and play so they're the newbie army. But it's a newbie army that is infinitely adaptable so people just adapt it over and over.
Well, I see that you come from the shithole that is Bongistan, or perhaps the new Sweden Caliphate?
Because I have an emotional connection to my manlets and also don't have enough MKVII/MKVIII helmets to replace the ugly ones Primarines have.
>Davian Thule
>Can't find any heads that work
nigga what
Thule was a dreadnought in DoW2
You're so bad at guessing I'm surprised you used it as an excuse for those /pol/-tier insults.
But it seems to have struck a nerve at least.
>everything I don't like it /pol/!
>unironically uses terms like "burgerland"
kill yourself, you dullard.
Damn dude, what's with the autistic rage? Why are you so upset
Because I play Eldar :^)
But Burgerland is funny because it's pointing out America's narcissistic obsession with all things 'murican. Bongistan and Sweden Caliphate are just the 'mudslimes are gonna take over the world' sort of shit mindlessly parroted by idiots who think it's the sick new meme.
He wasn't a dreadnought for all of it. Had a pretty nice face and voice, really. Kind of a shame that was lost so fast.
LOL, what twisted rhetoric.
maybe if you valued your country more, the opinion would not be that you were being replaced, and taking it laying down.
You could say Bongistan is the Brittish obsession with everything foreign and "better", all that culture coming to make them better.
I don't really see what point you are trying to make.
he was like that for all of one mission...
at the very beginning.
So? It's understandable why a guy would want the non-dreadnought version of as part of their force, or Captaining it.
it's fine, you can do whatevs with your dudes.
It's just not Davian Thule from DoW2.
Who is a dreadnought.
The fuck is a chad? Hanging chads on ballets, Chad from Bleach, what?
[citation needed]
BTFO nigger
But...he was in Dawn of War 2 as a non-dreadnought. That has been established. It's not that he's not Davian Thule, it's just before he was badly wounded and stuck in a Dreadnought chassis.
That would be like saying Avitus isn't Avitus if he hasn't been corrupted by Chaos and killed.
chaos corruption is not the same as being interred within a dreadnought.
okay, bruce wayne is in the batman movies...
but guess where the focus is...
thats right, on what he BECAME.
not what he was.
Shouldn't you be back to school shopping?
But he stars primarily as a Dreadnought in that game.
DoW1 expac Davian Thule is who this guy is trying to make. With cybernetic eye.
I mostly found it funny that he was saying DoW2 (where davian appears at the beginning, and immediately dies like a whore being gangraped, is his inspiration.
It's not, but if someone wants to model Davian Thule pre-dreadnought interment, there's no reason they can't or shouldn't. You can't say that it's not really Davian Thule because he's not in a dreadnought.
I really don't understand. If someone wanted to write a story set before Bruce Wayne became Batman, would you say that it's not really Bruce Wayne, because we only see him in the comics for a few panels before he starts donning the batsuit?
see no I would say it's not really batman
like, are you evening trying to use your brain?
I think the point was that in Dow2, Thule is a dreadnought.
Not in every single moment of it, no. He is not a dreadnought at the very beginning, and is only turned into a dreadnought near the end of the game. I don't get what's so hard about this.
>near the end of the game
>nigga what
did you even play DoW 2? I used Thule, Avitus, and Tarkus for almost every mission.
Like default, every mission.
The majority of 40k players are asses of Satan.
No Chadcrons yet. I am looking forward to my 2 wound immortals with str 6 guns and 3 wound Flametorians.
Jk we won't get shit.
I am talking about the original Dawn of War 2 game, where Davian Thule isn't available until a mission towards the end where he's brought in to help beat down Tyranids and then can join your group. Are you thinking about Chaos Rising?
So, wait, are you looking for a good head for "Davian Thule, laying in a fucking hospital bed in a coma dying of Tyranid Juice"?
Because that is who you're describing now.
He fought with a heavy bolter in a couple of the early missions of the game, had a model and all.
Because I'm 1) Poor as shit, and 2) Run with the IG.