>what are you playing?
>what are you hating?
>Guardian of Thraben or Heretical Cathar
>Current Modern Metagame
old thread:
>what are you playing?
>what are you hating?
>Guardian of Thraben or Heretical Cathar
>Current Modern Metagame
old thread:
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Why not both?
I'm wanting to sell my staples for quick cash. Can I just pawn em off at my LGS?
I do think that game stores buy cards, yes.
If they don't want to buy your cards, you can just go to a modern event and sell cards directly to players.
KCI combo
Not too much right now. Not a fan of Death's Shadow. I expect it to be banned.
Alright, thanks
no reason for shadow to be banned, dies to fatal push
Doesn't matter
It's too warping right now. Every midrange strategy has been eclipsed by shadow. If their standards for banning are still what they were when they banned Twin then I guarantee Shadow will get axed.
Does anyone know if the SCG is participating in insider trading?
>>what are you playing?
A version of Esper Draw-Go with Mystical Teachings, pic related. The list seems really solid, but I'm not sure if Anguished Unmaking is worth running as a Teachings target or if a 4th Cryptic would be better.
>>what are you hating?
Luck, mostly.
>>Guardian of Thraben or Heretical Cathar
Guardian is a better card, but I like the art on Cathar more.
So about that Paradox Engine jank with the charge counters. Green for Stirrings and sideboard options seems taxing, how about monoblue with Whir? I'd figure might as well tap all the useless trinkets you're casting T1-3 for mana.
is he /ourguy/?
Shadow isn't warping at all though
It doesn't even place well at tournaments, Tron is much more warping in that regard
Admittedly I doubt it. The problem with GDS (from a meta perspective) is that it's faster than traditional Jund, and the eldrazi upgrade for Tron was giving Jund a hard time.
Death Shadow decks, both GDS and DSJ, have a tough match against UW control. The problem is that UW control is a free win for Tron of really any variety.
In sum, we have DS decks that are fast but lose grindy matches, and eTron which eats grindy decks for breakfast.
There's no good option.
Either you pick something fast and race against DS (good luck), or you pick something slow for ez games against DS, and a certified loss against eTron.
If Infect were still alive, DS would have a much lower meta representation.
If eTron had responses, grindy decks could prey on current DS builds.
I'm hoping for no changes followed by some improved land hate tailored for control decks
instead Street Wraith will be banned and eTron will compete with Affinity for Top Dog of Modern
The funny thing is that, between GP Las Vegas and SCG Atlanta, Eldrazi Tron has one top 8, and GDS has one top 8.
At the same events, Affinity placed four times, UW, Jeskai, and UB control each placed once (Control 3 total), and Hatebears placed twice.
It may be fair to say that victory is given to whoever plays something that no one is packing sideboard hate for.
We'll see what happens at GP Birmingham.
/ourguy/ spotted
Only card that shuts down that draw engine is Thoughtseize, but based on the last thread TS is Hitler's lovechild with Force. I'm on the Hussar train for another couple events though I guess
So when can we stop calling GDS a fast deck? The most aggressive thing it does is sometimes put a 4/5 in play on turn 2, and that sure isn't meta-warping fast. Treat it like a midrange deck and I guarentee you'll play better with and against it
>If eTron had responses, grindy decks could prey on current DS builds.
see pic related
>If Infect were still alive, DS would have a much lower meta representation.
Have you ever played infect against DS? Do you by chance know how many hand hate cards DS actually has? Here is a hint its like 12. Inquisition thought seize and collective brutality. DS shits on everything not DS with stubborn denial.
Stubborn denial needs to get hit with a ban.
>The problem is that UW control is a free win for Tron of really any variety.
UW with Spreading Seas does ok against gTron and good against eTron.
The real problem for control decks of any kind in Modern is the hyper-aggro decks like 8whack. They go too wide for one or two paths to stop, and even if you have the turn 4 Wrath, on the draw you'll be dead before you use it, and on the play you'll die to the first thing he topdecks afterwards. Fringe decks like Taking Turns and Ad Nauseum are tough for control, too.
>see pic
Sure is good when they chalice for 1 or play cavern
>stubborn denial needs a ban
>ad nauseum
>tough for control
Why is Affinity still called Affinity? Aside from Thoughtcast, cards with that keyword are hardly even used anymore.
>Reject a T3 TKS or Reality Smasher
>cast another fatty T4
It's Tron. The exact difficulty of the deck is that they'll roll over your removal by continually playing huge threats that need immediate answers. A single 4-of won't change that.
I'm even stating a sub-optimal case. That could be T2 TKS into T3 Karn.
I may not have been clear. The point of referencing Infect was that it provides a strong threat against Tron, where the current big threats to Tron are Affinity or DS. There are folks taking the Tron loss to beat out DS by bringing control decks.
Surely, people would take the DS loss to beat Tron with Infect as well. but I may just have a soft spot for Infect
>Stubborn Denial ban
I hope we don't end up with another subpar Blue card on the ban list.
Agreed that the deck with 25ish discard/removal shits on infect. You're pretty high if you think stubby d (or anything for that matter) needs a ban. Grixis DS only plays 2 in the maindeck, and for good reason. It ends up as a bad force spike too often
chances are, if he thinks stubby D needs a ban, he doesn't actually play magic
>>what are you playing?
Desert & Taxes
>>what are you hating?
My local meta is 80% Death's Shadow and 10% storm and 10% lantern. So I'm mainly hating on Shadow Decks
>>Guardian of Thraben or Heretical Cathar
Why not both?
>>what are you playing?
hussar & taxes
>>what are you hating?
thoughtseize and inquisition of kozilek. duress, despise, blackmail, raven's crime, shattered dreams, mire's toll, psychic spear, horrifying revelation, cry of contrition, appetite for brains and harsh scrutiny are all fine.
Guardian is apex waifu.
>My local meta is 80% Death's Shadow
I maintain that this is the reason Wizards changed their MTGO data releases.
>there are still people running x4 Push and complaining they cannot kill Tasigur/Angler
The core concept is still the same (i.e. vomiting artifacts onto the board)
Even Vintage Shops decks are looking more like a superpowered Affinity archetype these days.
>implying that Death's Shadow isn't easy as fuck to beat
I have yet to lose to that shitty deck
>implying netdeckers are playing it right
If anything they didn't like how quickly Shadow rose to prominence and Grixis got tuned as the best version. I don't think it's too large a meta chunk (well maybe but not 80%) but the real issue is WotC thinks the list got solved too quickly
>It's Tron. The exact difficulty of the deck is that they'll roll over your removal by continually playing huge threats that need immediate answers. A single 4-of won't change that.
>I'm even stating a sub-optimal case. That could be T2 TKS into T3 Karn.
Trons entire thing is play and do nothing for the first 3 turns in the fastest format. Infect shits on tron its not even close sometimes. I went 4-1 with infect last friday. Played 2 scapeshift decks, 1 dredge (lost), BW taxes and finals against tron. Playing as control you should have enough cantrips to sculpt a good hand. Tron lives off top decking and luck there is no skill involved.
>You're pretty high if you think stubby d (or anything for that matter) needs a ban.
DS is retarded strong right now and the mana efficiency for stubby d is way to much and it should be limited or banned. This is the only real card I can see getting hit and the whole deck doesn't just crumble to pieces.
>the mana efficiency for stubby d is way too much
Pretty much every card on the modern banlist is banned because it does absurdly unfair things, not because it's too efficient. I can only think of maybe 5 or 6 cards that fall in the "too efficient" category, and people are talking about Jace, BBE, SFM unbans all the time despite being better than stubby. The other too-efficient cards are things like DRS and Cruise that don't belong in remotely the same ballpark as anything in Shadow decks
Plus, let's not forget that cards are allowed to be efficient if you go through the steps to enable them. There are real costs and risks associated with stubborn denial, and sometimes you die because you got greedy and put glorified force spike in your deck to be a bit more efficient than Countersquall
>what are you playing?
Rackdos Burn/Discard and BU Mill
>what are you hating?
Nothing, currently eating most decks at my local store, Red deck wins sometimes a problem.
>Guardian of Thraben or Heretical Cathar
Guardian. I think tapped lands are really not a big deal unless you get Heretical Cathar out on the play turn 3 and even then. Guardian is more potent and out faster.
Why is it I hate this game and hate that I like and play it but always want to come back to it?
This also only happens with modern, no other format interests me this way.
I know how to fix this
Modern has the best interactive gameplay imo, and the widest range of strategies. Legacy has a bunch of decks, of course, but when you sort blue combo decks, nonblue combo decks, and brainstorm/force shells into their piles it looks a lot smaller.
Of course that means that Modern is hard as fuck to metagame in, but it also never gets stale on a local level. At a GP I'd only consider a couple of the 15ish decks I can put together right now, but at 30ish person FNMs I can go months without repeating decks or matchups
Is there a good replacement for Horizon Canopy in Death and Taxes or should I just run more Plains. Christ the thing is like $150
basic lands are always good replacements for jewlands
You could play a couple Desert of the True, nowhere near as good though. It is kinda cute with a Scavenger Grounds if you're playing the 1-of Weathered Wayfarer to tutor it.
Probably you just want Plains though.
How do you best fight Grixis Death Shadow as B/G/x? Do you just wanna fight a topdeck war? I tend to just side in more kill spells while trimming some of the weaker spells.
I think you either need to out-grind them or attack their mana in some way.
When I play against them with Esper, I side out Cryptics to better play around Stubborn Denial, but I have other sources of CA. I don't think you can side out your Lilis and K Commands because if you don't have a way to 2 for 1 them, eventually they will kill you with the one guy you don't have removal for.
You probably don't desu senpai. Your Abrupt Decays are dead against a lot of their threats, them delving away their graveyard is relevant against you, their Pushes are ALWAYS online, their topdecks are just as good as yours if not better. Your biggest trump in the matchup is Scavenging Ooze but it won't be fast enough to stop it raining fish and you're only running 2 tops.
>tfw memeing living end player with turn 1 tormods
Did WotC stop posting names in the match history or is my lgs just fucking up?
as in when you look at the planeswalker points shit? I haven't seen names of my opponents for a few months. I thought it was just a store thing that they changed it.
>as in when you look at the planeswalker points shit?
Yeah... I can't see opponent names at all under recent planeswalker points match history.
Yep haven't seen it for awhile now. Interesting to know it's not just my store.
Eldrazi Tron, always
>GoT or HC?
GoT is better but neither are very good
Got screwed out of a game last night on a rules misread, had a Grafdiggers cage out against Marvel and for some reason we had a quick discussion that it didnt work even though it does, idk it happened so quick but yeah he shouldnt have been able to cast Emrakul with Cage out. Oh well I guess. I dont think he scummed me, we actually both agreed for some reason, and then it was over.
>Thalia will never look at your penor with delight after a long day of zombiekilling.
// 61 Maindeck
// 2 Artifact
// 60 Maindeck
// 3 Artifact
3 Vedalken Shackles
// 12 Creature
4 Vendilion Clique
4 Mistbind Clique
4 Spellstutter Sprite
// 19 Instant
4 Mana Leak
4 Remand
4 Spell Snare
4 Cryptic Command
3 Spell Pierce
// 24 Land
4 Mutavault
3 Faerie Conclave
16 Island
1 Pendelhaven
// 1 Planeswalker
1 Jace Beleren
// 1 Sorcery
1 Ancestral Vision
// 15 Sideboard
// 1 Artifact
SB: 1 Vedalken Shackles
// 4 Creature
SB: 4 Delver of Secrets
// 2 Enchantment
SB: 2 Threads of Disloyalty
// 8 Instant
SB: 1 Remove Soul
SB: 1 Dispel
SB: 4 Ceremonious Rejection
SB: 1 Echoing Truth
SB: 1 Repeal
They will lowball you and make it store credit. Better off listing the pricy ones on ebay and burning the rest.
>61 Maindeck
You have no idea how long I've been waiting for Sky Hussar's time to shine came around. I loved him in my old Dissension Drafts.
That rakdos deck looks interesting af. How well does it do at fnm? What are the matchups like?
Where is Bitterblossom?
I have no bitterblossoms. Same for snapcasters
It is. Unless they run Gideon of the Trials and Negates mainboard.
Need a janky list for modern. I'm thinking Haze of rage storm. Bunch of bushwhackers, simians, bte and priest of urabrask.
Thoughts or tech?
play it with NivMagus Elemental
Exiling all the copies on the stack? Or should I split it between a bunch of 1 drop haste creatures
>T2 TKS into T3 Karn
Veeky Forums is so bad at magic
>t1 urza's mine
>t2 urza's powerplant, spirit guide, spirit guide, thoughtseize monster
>t3 urza's tower, karm
wasnt hard *yawn*
eTron doesn't run Spirit Guide
>spirit guide
What are you smoking?
>not playing T1 chalice
You're bad desu
Haven't played in a bit, what's the deal with Sky Hussar? Some sort of combo I don't know about? Looks like it could fit in my UW Taxes deck as draw engine.
I saw it in that Modern Oketra's Monument deck featured on mtggoldfish. I suppose it could be a decent draw engine in any kind of white weenie deck.
It's been a draw engine in like one winning UW deck in modern and a UW deck in Legacy, so people are just going back to re-evaluate it.
Noobs on Veeky Forums want to pretend that they're Greg Hatch
who wouldn't want to be Greg Hatch?
Is it me or is the meta extremely cancerous lately?
>Playing a netdecked gds for a while
>Targeting pic related on myself
Am I pro yet?
All will be well when Urza's Tower is banned in the next update.
if ur going to ban urza lands ban all of them.
Banning 1 is more funny.
My dad works at Magic and he told me that Mox Opal is going to be banned.
I feel like that's the first thing you do with that deck.
it would but it would make more sense to ban all of them
Shit, I've been saying this for months now. Looks like us Lantern and Affinity bros better sell our vintage rainbow mox now while we still can boys.
This isn't modern related specifically but unsure where else to ask this. What's the likelihood of me being screwed over by purchasing cards over eBay? I'm looking to buy some Tundras and while they are above $100 on tcgplayer I'm finding them well below that on eBay. What are the odds they are fake? Seems super sketchy to be selling them that below market value.
>Buying ABUR duals
Unless you're taking them to a Legacy GP, just buy chinamen.
That's my plan. I'd also rather have originals anyway because they're only ever going to go up in price and also actually moveable.
>What's the likelihood of me being screwed over by purchasing cards over eBay?
Pretty sure eBay has buyer protection stuff. If someone sells you fakes you can do a charge back.
>Urzalands banned
Keep dreaming
It's not a matter of if, but when. Tron is a deck that can only get better over time as more colorless cards with huge CMCs are printed.
Tron will take a ban when an overwhelming colorless card will be printed
And then they'll ban that card, not the lands
>Tron will take a ban when an overwhelming colorless card will be printed
So Though-knot Seer?
Dude just run 4 maindeck Leylines TSK is totally balanced bro xD
>So Though-knot Seer?
Oh yea, I always forget than the worst flavor of Tron is Tier 1 right now
I don't think TKS is overwhelming, it's a 4 mana Thoughtseize
Leylines don't deal 3 to the face nor do they cost 1 mana
I'm not touching that shit.
A generic death-shadow deck okey ...so?
Nice Playmat
GDS is AIDS tho
No its a thoughtseize on a 4/4 on t2. Way different my man
Also it exiles the card permanently, Thoughtseize still allows flashback and other forms of recursion.
I think im just going to take a long break from Modern, I really havent been enjoying it since Aether Revolt desu. I feel the format can be amazing, the ban list just needs to be managed better. I used to love nearly all matchups I went up against, now most are dumb roulette matchups where one of us just has it, occasional hand rape and Shadows (which I dont think is that good but fuck is it boring to play against) , and once in a blue moon a fun match. See you round Modern, when we meet again may the Tron lands be banned, and Umezawas Jitte be unbanned