Do you like kobolds, Veeky Forums?
I hate to say it, but I think I do.
Do you like kobolds, Veeky Forums?
I hate to say it, but I think I do.
I hate kobolds and I hate you.
Kobolds can be cool.
I like Kobolds. I hate furries and their jumping on the Kobold train for the porn, writing up stories and drawing porn that is never lore-accurate, or even tasteful lore-porn or you know, having Kobolds with the correct colourisations, pattern of speech, accent, noises made, and ISN'T NEON-FURRY GLOWCOCK TRASH
I liked them before furfags ruined them.
This. So much this. For me they were originally a valid counter to ratmen and goblins until the furries showed up.
I liked them before furfags ruined them.
I REALLY liked them once furfags ruined them.
I like them, I make them into tiny techpriests.
Even before then when they were just getting popular as a race in 3.5 it felt like they were kind of annoying. They were basically an "underdog" race that happened to be qualified to do tons of OP shit. Never mind all that winged kobold stuff
Japanese kobolds.
At this point I strongly prefer them. At least when they make art about wanting to fuck them they're just humans with dog ears.
moar kobolds
and a bard
They're cuddly
Am I the only one who never heard of Kobolds before starting frequenting Veeky Forums? I've never played D&D, using other systems instead and I don't think I've ever seen them used in any other setting.
I generally like lizard people and bird people in all shapes and sizes.
Don't give a shit what they're called or what kind of people like them for whatever reasons.
Kobolds are a DnD thing. Even if they exist in other systems, they are something wildly different.
Like, WoW has those ratlike kobolds obsessed with candles.
Just because they're subterranean and doglike huh? Das raycis
Have you considered the Bullywug? Their my personal fav lowbie monster and there is not nearly as much furfaggotry about them.
There's basically a low level fodder monster for every flavor. If focusing on one of them too much means they're the next kobolds it's better to spread that shit out
>implying they didn't get better
So long as they're short, don't have fur, and are digitigrade, it's all good.
I love bullywugs, love giving them frog mounts and a habit of wearing cutlery as armor and jewellery out of i misunderstood view of human wealth
Kobolds before furfags (yes, yes, scaliefags ARE furfags)
>Weak minion race
>Multiplies fast
>Not very smart, but clever and able to learn
>Kobold PCs are a huge outlier
Kobolds after furfags:
>Fluffi wuffi cuddli wuddli cuties ^________________^
>Precious smol cinnamon roll =^_______^=
>Totally underdogs but must always win ^________________________^
>I cuddle for warmth XD
>*lifts tail*
I've seen more oversexualization about shit like elves in real-life games than I've ever seen of all these "furry" races Veeky Forums loves to bitch about put together. Have you tried actually going out in public rather than getting all your world views from Lithuanian sketching forums?
And that's all I got kobold-wise.
Kobolds were a mistake
Can you describe a single thing wrong with furry/sexualized non-human characters in games?
Then stop shitposting. There is literally nothing wrong with having 'furry' characters, cute or sexy kobolds, and attractive or non-monsterous nonhuman characters in a game. Take your strawman and shitposting back to where it belongs.
>Can you describe a single thing wrong with furry/sexualized non-human characters in games?
It's annoying.
It makes the other players uncomfortable.
People who enjoy these things are often raging autists.
There's three.
Shut up nigger; there's a time and place for your shit, and it's not in normal games. Go find a PF game on roll20 if you so desperately want to use that cropped hyper dicked kobold as a character ref.
t. Furfag
Because, as a GM, i didn't sign up for your PC's "sexy" adventure, which, in 90% cases, would mean "hey GM can you ERP with me?" "No?" "And now?" "Still no?"
The problem with you furfags is that you're incapable of subtlety. If one proves otherwise, i will let him play what he wants, but so far this didn't happen.
They are just trying to steal your body heat.
There's absolutely something wrong when you are sexualising anything at a table that did not previously agree to sexualising the game. It's creepy and out of place, and everyone is uncomfortable even if you are too socially maladjusted to notice it.
I don't care if you go home and jerk off that one fight where your kobold PC got swallowed by a yuan-ti (because god knows I am going to do exactly that) but when we're out for post-work friday night swords and sorcery funtimes adventure I don't want your e621 bullshit spaghetti-ing out all over the table you weirdo.
But they're endothermic
Yeah exactly, and I'll put my warmth in their endo, friendo
>I don't care if you go home and jerk off that one fight where your kobold PC got swallowed by a yuan-ti (because god knows I am going to do exactly that)
Yes, ERP has no place in tabletop unless everybody there signed up for it. I'm here to go on adventures with my friends, not act out your disgusting sexual fantasies. Go have sex with animals or whatever it is you faggots do, and leave my games alone.
I hate kobolds for the thematic space they've stolen from goblins. Kobolds are little shitty pathetic things that should squirm and die in droves. Whn you roll the dice to attack kobolds, you roll to see how much damage you do, but how many you kill.
>What are Tucker's Kobolds?
Should be Tucker's Goblins.
>Tiny green humanoids with a knack for trapmaking and dying in droves
>Tiny draconics with a knack for trapmaking and dying in droves
I'd agree with you if gnomes didn't exist, since then Goblins could fill the now empty "crazed tinker" trope.
Gnomes are good tinkers, goblins are bad tinkers. Both can exist.
they're good for sticking your peepee into
If you think hating furries is then you're probably the biggest newfag I've ever seen in my fucking life.
Sure do. Kobooooold...
What said desu
Besides, everyone knows that human male on sapient non-human female is the true ubermensch fetish.
>when over two thirds of your bodymass is hips and thighs
When did kobolds become the pear/thighs shortstack?
They're reptiles so they can't have real tits, ass is all they have.
nah. there's such a fucking stigma around using any character that might be even close to being "furry" that the furfags who fly below the radar don't even touch them. I actually keep my power level in check and don't feel the need to tell everyone i meet about my fetishes.
i love furshit, but I'll never play a werewolf or druid because of all of the autistic furry witch hunting that happens whenever someone rolls one.
>because of all of the autistic furry witch hunting that happens whenever someone rolls one.
For good reason, too.
not really.
if someone pick a "furry" character but doesn't do anything overtly sexual or creepy, they aren't hurting anyone.
I've watched people get called furfags just for wanting to play a werewolf.
there's a point where you're so obsessed with calling things magical realm that you're actively looking for people to ostracize.
they're also a fantasy race
>that you're actively looking for people to ostracize.
That's what Veeky Forums is all about these days, get used to it newfag.
TIL furfags ruined kobolds. Yeesh.
Right? Not having fur I would have thought they would be safe, but apparently there is no limit to what the furfags will do.
why don't you go molest a sea turtle you lizard fucker
>Posting cropped/censored lizard porn is totally gonna convince Veeky Forums we're not furfag creeps
Solid plan, koboldfags.
Still less annoying that shitty 40k crossover threads.
You gave me an idea.
Sexy kobold space marines.
Nah, turtles are low tier
>implying anything in here is cropped or censored porn in the first place
Scalefag*, and at best it's just cheesecake.
Don't try to distance yourself from furfags.
A subtle distinction, but one nonetheless.
Can you fault me for trying to distance myself from such near overwhelming shit taste?
No you
>Can you fault me for trying to distance myself from such near overwhelming shit taste?
Considering your taste is just as shit?
Yes. Yes, we can.
>he's not an omnifag
Get a load of this loser.
I have to agree with you there. Shit, I love kobolds, I've played kobolds (without trying to fuck everything in sight) and I just can't fathom what or are trying to accomplish. Apart from blatant trolling.
You friend, you I like.
As some who doesn't care about memes and just play tabletop and jack off to whatever porn there is. I never found a furfag, ever.
Not in gaming, tabletop or at the streets, sometimes I question if these people are just thinskinned or i am not looking hard enough.
Lithuanian sketching forum?
I am Lithuanian and I don't get what do you mean...
Its a joke about Veeky Forums being a japanese imageboard.
>native american smoke signal board
>German telegraph club
A dude came into my lgs once wearing a dog paw necklace, leather wristbands and a shirt that said furry on it. They exist man, they exist.
I am not asking if they exist or not, just that you're making a big fuss over nothing, one day i will find one.
Sure, i guess.
Now you're just being willfully wrong
>liking shitty fur or feathers
Only skin and scales are acceptable.
But I didn't even post porn, user, just a drunk kobold and some tasteful cheesecake.
More importantly, I think that rifle is all wrong.
The fit of the stock and trigger assembly, the size in comparison to the lizardthing, estimations of arm strength based on the stick-legs seen. That thing is either ONLY a very bad spear or there are too many problems here. And, no powder horn and pouch of balls or even waxed-leather case of paper wrapped cartridges (plus the lizard would have a hard time nipping the rolled paper cartridge open, holding the musketball in their teeth while pouring in the power then spitting/dropping the ball in with easy motions, what with the lack of lips and having hands with such pronounced claws)
If there was at least a visible stick/monopod/bipod to prop it on while holding the stock against a rock and leaning over it to sight in a semi-prone position it would make a certain sense. As it is.. meh.
Great for underground cities, that are not underdark.
Even managed to create few tribes of different kind that live under an undead infested city.
Aegis using powerful build to use a medium greatsword
God is dead.
I prefer to use Cabir recently.
Depend on setting.
>not knowing this meme
>on a Somolian syrup sucking panel
You Will hate these fuckers after a Sessions with a GM that actually knows How to use them as clever trapmasters in high numbers and prep time