So I had a thing I wanted to bring up here regarding something I had thought of. Probably already come up once or twice, but oh well.
Basically, I was wondering if there was any known connection between the Thu'um, tonal architecture, and sword-singing.
Essentially, the line of thought I'm working under follows the logic that all three of these forms of magic, which despite having characteristics of traditional magical arts, are accomplished without use of traditional magicka input.
In addition to this, both tonal architecture and Sword-Singing seem to rely on esoteric mathematics (see Lord Vivec's Sword-Meeting With Cyrus the Restless and discussions of cutting at precise angles and fields of degrees for examples of this in the Yokundan art).
In addition to this, tonal architecture and the thu'um both operate with the direct application of a sound with a precise focus behind it, a mathematical song used to produce a specific result in the case of architecture, the inherent conceptual meaning of a specific word in the case of the thu'um.
Then consider that all three forms of magic, which at least apparently have a connection to sound and hold some form of mythical status, are capable of somewhat similar feats, like the Thu'um being used to shout people apart or blasting down the walls of cites, tonal architecture creating energy and force through the use of sound, and the infamous Pankratosword destroying an entire continent including possibly Orichalc Tower.
In addition to this, in Skyrim, applying the thu'um, specifically the Unrelenting Force shout which generates kentic energy from seemingly nothing, not even the energies of Magnus and Aetherius, to the artificial sun of Blackreach, it creates a massive feedback wave, which to me at least, conjures images of trying to patch incompatible A/V equipment together.