I don't know what those cards are, nor what they do.
I don't know what those cards are, nor what they do
Other urls found in this thread:
It's the Tub of Avarice.
It enables you to draw two cards from your opponent's deck.
It's clearly the Jug of Covetousness
google it fag
>not vase of envy
>doesn't even know Pitcher of Cupidity
Do you even d-d-d-duel?
No, it's the Bucket of Rapacity.
>not the cup of mild need
Fucking normies
Urn of Urges, OP.
It's the Chalice of Want
Its pot of greed
You mean Jar of Jewery?
Its the mug of smug
Never heard of it, but the card in OPs pic clearly the Goblet of Accrued Interest. A staple when I played
This is the worst meme of any card game I've ever seen in my life.
There's nothing mild about the Decanter of Voracity.
Jeez, its the Pitcher of Rapacity. Get it right guys.
If there's anything Veeky Forums hates, it's a meme-- especially a yugioh meme, the symbol of 12 year old faggotry.
>not the barrel of insatiableness
I bet you don't even play children's card games.
It's a "container of worldly pursuits" you fucking knobs.
You're all fucking wrong, it's clearly the crucible of decadence
Mug of Materialism
If there's anything else Veeky Forums hates, it's bad flavor text - especially Ancient Grudge's flavor text, the symbol of overexplanations used as flavor text.
It's definitely the basket of bourgeoisie
Pretty sure it's not.
Could it be Decanter of Demanding?
What were its effects again?
It's Divination.
You get to ask the dealer to hit you twice.
You add 2 mana to your mana pool
ALL minions
>This whole thread
You gain 2 ener
Obviously it's the Receptacle of the Miser.
Why is the Jar of Jew a meme?
Honestly, that card would having a varying degree of use to the player, but it would probably fuck with the opponent enough to make it worth while. I'd use it.
You gain two boyfriends until the end of your turn
oh gosh
Because 0:draw two cards
2 things
you get 2 weed
lmao 2cat.
At least it's not thermonuclear.