Hey Veeky Forums. I've been a longtime lurker here and I recently decided I would share my experiences about someone I gamed with for a while. He was at once a cool guy and the biggest That Guy in I've ever played with. It's a bit of a long story, so grab a loaf of meatbread and settle in.
That Guy Stories and Flaming Trainwreck Sessions
>not pre-typing
That's okay, I'm busy with ur mom lol
Before I get into some of the stories, you'll need some background.
>Coworker of my dad's
>Trained police officer
>Thick NY accent
>Licensed chef
>Was once in a metal band
>Knew his way around a throwing axe
>Loved his booze
>Was also nuttier than squirrel shit
>Paranoid, to the point where he kept a bug-out bag in his car
>Died last October from a heart attack at age 54
As for the actual beginning...
>Started gaming with my dad and some of his friends back in 2013
>Their first game was Vampire: The Dark Ages
>6 person game
>Group composed as follows
>My dad, who ran that game
>M, my dad's best friend and the group's forever DM
>C, M's ladyfriend
>W, the whitest black woman I have ever met
>R, a friend of M's and a grognard of epic proportions
>And our resident that guy, P
>I wasn't there for most of the game, but it didn't last very long
>Most I remember is P played an inquisitor of the Catholic church and was surprisingly good at staying in character
>Game dissolved pretty rapidly
>Moving too slowly, people getting bored
>Dad decides the faster pace of 3.5 would be a better pick
>Originally just going to be them, but dad decides to let me play because party was short a trapfinder
>Character gen goes well enough
>Party consists of:
>Myself as Corvo, a charming second story infiltrator rogue
>M as a dorf cleric of Moradin whose name escapes me
>C as Colla, Corvo's sorcerous little sister
>W as Leah, an argumentative elven bard
>R as a dwarven brick shithouse with the personality of sandpaper
>P as Tracker, a reclusive wood elf ranger
>First session party is moving around the unexplored countryside
>Decide to camp for the night
>Roll Spot
>Wagon in the distance
>Wat do, party?
>"Let the ranger and rogue check it out."
>Try to sneak up
>Tracker and Corvo spotted
>Just a woman and her kid
>Corvo stands up, makes small talk with wagoneers
>Tracker still trying (and failing) to hide in the grass
>"Oh, we're just passing through."
>Lady's explanation seems legit. Corvo sees no reason to bother them.
>Duo goes back
>Except Tracker decides he needs to go back
>"We gotta make sure they're not up to anything."
>He skulks off into the night
>Tracker decides the wagoneers need to be interrogated to make sure they aren't orc spies
>After shenanigans, the rest of the party has to rescue Tracker, who almost got a second circumcision from the "child," who turned out to be a halfling in disguise
>Get away from the caravan
>Tracker decides he now has to hunt down the halfling at some point in the future
That was only the beginning.
>Further along in the adventure, we find a wizard tower
>Tower lived in by friendly lich
>Has lantern archon buddy trying to get him to redeem
>Has cane and stereotypical old man voice
>Charmed the party to make sure we don't shoot him
>Sorcerer succeeds at knowledge check, knowing what lich is
>Charm wears off after we agree to do things for lich
>Some of party is hesitant to work with lich, but hey, he has magical shit
>P is confident our 5th level party can murder the shit out of a lich
>"C'mon, we can take him. An arrow in the back and he hits the ground."
>Have to keep talking him out of trying to shoot the lich
>Lich wants us to get macguffin from a destroyed city out in the plains
>Camping in the hills
>Hearing things in the distance
>Guess who has to investigate
>P and I stealth around, trying to figure out noise
>Peek over hill
>Big fucking orc warband
>Two dozen warriors plus bigass chieftain
>Bloody breastplate, skulls hanging off belt, wicked looking greataxe, etc.
>"Alright Tracker let's get back to camp, we can't fight those guys"
>"No, I think we got it."
>Sudden realization
>Favored enemy: orcs
>Character so far has been a paranoid nutjob
>"Tracker no"
>"If we cut off the head of the snake, the rest of it dies"
>Nigga, there's like 25 guys there
>"Tracker do not do what you are thinking of-"
>Arrow flies at chieftain
>Nat 20
>Confirm on Nat 20
>Max damage on longbow crit
>Chieftain not dead
>Hurry back to camp
>"What'd you see?"
>Sounds of angry rage boners charging over hill behind us
>It was the elf's fault
>Party not wearing armor because sleep
>Party almost wipes, just narrowly survives massive onslaught of orcs
>Party later trying to reconvene at town
>Corvo learned some wazardry, let lich mindrape him
>Got +2 sword out of it though
>Lich warned us orcs are going to besiege town
>Everyone in the inn, trying to get their shit together
>Reconvening and having drinks
>Discussing plans
>Party gets room to itself
>Group begins arguing about how to set up defense and stuff
>Literal hour OOC arguing about what we're doing
>While arguing, P declares that Tracker throws a chair out the window
>Why'd you do that?
>"We just gotta clear the air in here, and a chair will handle that."
>Sorcerer casts Well of Darkness (citation needed)
>Tracker falls into Plane of Shadow
>Comes back out screaming, runs out of inn
>Party continues to argue
>Game dissolves a few sessions later
>Party just can't get along
>Have a few one shots and soforth between sessions
>Decide to try new game
>Schedules get moved around, so M decides to run Aberrant, minus my dad who has a janked work schedule
>Party of heroes:
>Myself: Merasmus, a flamboyant stage magician with the power of SPARKLES and superhuman charisma
>W: a kind of boring CIA agent with force fields
>R: Jolt, a stuntman with electricity powers
>Then there's P.
>P played Yeasticles, a french baker with the power of bread
>Could stretch self and throw cinder block hard loaves of bread
>MFW not the first character he named after testicles
>Game goes mostly okay
>High action heroics and superpowered exploits
>Go to Australia
>Looking for Terragen sympathizer with "oracle" powers
>May help us find a secret sect of baddies
>Decide to stop in a town along the way
>Asking around, townspeople are suspicious as hell
>Manage to roll high enough in Streetwise
>"Yeah, check over by the school"
>Run into juiced up thugs who want to beat the shit out of us
>Manage to take them down, despite being thrown into a car and landing on my head when I tried to do a flip off the roof
>Unconcious thugs everywhere
>Call cops
>Police decide to get shit sorted out
>Throwing guys in squad van
>Cops say we can talk to them in jail
>P says they need to stay here
>"Why? Cops already have them detained."
>"Yeah, but we need to get information out of them."
>"We can do that at the jail."
>"No, we need to torture them."
>... W H Y
>"Because that's the best way to get information."
>Mild mannered french baker decides he is now the Punisher
>"But we're good guys."
>"Yeah, but torture isn't evil if it's bad guys."
>Logic.exe has stopped working
>"We can't torture them"
>"Then we'll just kill them"
>Spend a half hour trying to talk him out of murdering a bunch of unconscious people who were already dealt with
>Shit gets sidetracked
>Game fizzles
>Try D&D again
>Higher level party, monstrous allowed
>Myself as flind rogue/ranger
>W as straight out wizard
>R as minotaur barbarian
>P goes with LN cleric of St. Cuthbert who thinks he's LG
>Undead heavy campaign
>Trying to stop evil necromancer amassing an army
>Have to go into blasted hellscape land surrounded on all sides by mountains except for two places
>One is front gate
>One is valley filled with bones
>Most of party decides going in from behind is good idea
>To valley of bones
>P vocally objects
>Says we have to do what the queen said and go in front
>Two hour argument ensues
>Trying to argue about tactics and what ends up where
>Eventually decide to check in back
>Party gets effed up bad by boneyard
>Guess the front gate it is
>Finally get to necromancer's castle after a week of searching around and beating up zambles
>After beating up giants serving as guards, party finds it has two options
>Either go through front gate covered by sketchy ass magical barrier with creepy faces pressing against the other side
>Or go into caves below and STELFF into stronghold
>Rogue/ranger decides stealth is viable
>Party in agreement
>Except for P
>"No, we gotta beat the bad guys now"
>Look at that gate
>We're not going through there
>More arguing
>Eventually decide to stealth in
>Moving through sewers
>Find entrance into castle
>Decide to stealth in
>Flind finds cultists crucifying a wizard
>Trying to transform him into zamble wazard
>Go back and tell party
>Everyone ready for action
>Except P, who's still butthurt about not being able to storm the gate
>Refuses to go
>Flash of inspiration happens
>"Look holy man, you want to stop evil, right?"
>"Right now, that room above us is filled with bad guys, and they're crucifying wazards they grabbed from your homeland. Don't you think it's time to beat down the bad guys?"
>Convincing enough, I guess
>Party beats up cultists and shit
>Beat necromancer
>Schedules due to change again
>New game on the horizon, it looks like
>M running new game, more D&D
>Party is now:
>Me, catfolk warlock on the path of redemption
>My dad, a catfolk ranger/sorcerer/abjurant chamption who doesn't wear pants and somehow managed the highest AC in the party (averaged at 43)
>W, a warmage/cleric of Boccob who eventually switched over to Pelor
>P went with a human scout
>Plot is Xorvintaal based
>Party ends up becoming agents for dragons playing chess with the world
>Most of party signs on with Mrs. Bell, a goodly bronze dragon
>One of her other agents is a gnome by the name of Tom Fiddlesticks
>Bard who usually acts as our Mr. Johnson
>Tom gives us a job to explore some grell infested ruins, says we can keep whatever we can find, will give us each 100 gold as incentive to explore
>Go into ruins, raid tombs, kick grell ass
>Come back
>P asks "Where's the money?"
>Dude, he already paid us
>"No he didn't"
>Yeah he did
>I saw you write it on your character sheet
>"Well he still owes us"
>Owes us what?
>Have to convince him to not murder our boss's favorite bard
>Swears vengeance against gnome
>Second time he has sworn vengeance against a short person
>Same campaign
>Moving through Underdark to rescue captured buddy
>Find massive drow city
>Described as large, craterlike ground with well carved buildings and single massive stalactite overhead
>P gets idea
>"Say, drow are all evil, right?"
>Most of them, yes.
>"I have an idea. Why don't we kill them all?"
>Not this again
>How and why
>"We could blow up that rock up there and bring it crashing down onto the city"
>Blow up a stalactite
>About a half mile in diameter
>Have to explain drow would murder us well before that point
>Party doesn't have that kind of firepower
>Also it's a half mile in diameter
>Also have to explain genocide is evil
>"But it isn't if they're bad"
>This takes an hour to sort through
>>Also have to explain genocide is evil
>>"But it isn't if they're bad"
>It's okay, the jews were evil anyway
>Last session he ever played with us
>Party is in snowy mountain land inhabited by monsters
>Trying to infiltrate fire giant capital, where an event holding tribute to Mr. Ripper was being held
>Halfway up mountain, going to go in front gate
>P interjects
>"Hold up guys, I don't trust this"
>Oh boy
>"I think we should sneak in"
>Warlock and cleric are not stealthy
>Have way to get in without drawing suspicion already
>Plus walls of city are too difficult to climb
>Insistent on arguing this with us
>Eventually decide that HE can sneak in if he wants to
>Rest of party gets in successfully
>He's climbing the side of a freaking mountain
>While inside, party manages to start a riot to screw up bad guy plans
>P's character still hasn't showed up
>Decided to quit game that session
I know that last one wasn't quite as exciting, but the arguing was just constant. Those were the ones that stuck out in my memory. If everyone's interested, I could tell about the late shift games where he tied up my character in one game and cut off a bunch of minotaur dicks in another.
>Cut off a bunch of minotaur dicks
Do you really think we wouldn't be interested?
OP again. Had to do things. But anyway, severed minotaur dicks.
>M ran late night game for my dad, P, and W
>Game went on for a good 18 months
>Super complex world building, wheels within wheels, etc
>Party had to stop demilich from ascending to godhood
>Planehopping adventures where party had to destroy pieces of the demilich's phylactery
>Party had few encounters with minions of evil
>Vampire sorceress getting cozy with P's ninja
>She casted Embrace the Dark Chaos and Morality Undone on him
>The previously LN ninja is now LE
>P somehow thinks all evil alignments equate to Chaotic Stupid
>Grain (P's character) starts pulling shit like murdering his old training mates because "hurr de durr evil"
>Things come to a head in the Abyss
>Party searching for phylactery fragment
>Ends up in maze full of half fiend minotaurs
>ECL 16 party wrecks the shit out of puny minotaurs
>Cow men falling left and right
>Battle ends
>Grain pulls out his kukri and starts cutting bovine cocks
>Party looks on in horror and confusion as he weaves a fruity scarf out of severed minotaur penises
>Ask for explanation
>"Well, that's what you do when you're evil, right?"
I could tell about the tied up one for those who are interested, though it's a bit less exciting. Or I could tell about the guy himself, who was a bucket and a half of crazy. Or does anyone else have any particularly egregious that guy stories?
Does this ever get interesting?
Idiot murderhobo won't shut up, relatively standard adventures ensue. Briefly, because nobody gets nice things, especially when somebody's bitching the whole time.
There is no conspiracy to make traditional games politically correct. Characters in fiction and gaming communities simply change with respect to the latest cultural values. But you fedora-tipping cancerous fucks always blame imaginary SocJus boogeymen when people start hating you for the shit that you do. As long as you continue to refuse act like decent human beings, people will keep noticing.
But of course, you will keep blaming imaginary "SJWs", "poseurs" and "normies" when you the public hates you for the scum you are. And let's not even get started on how you all react to games becoming more popular and easily accessible.
pretty stale pasta bro
even though I unironically agree with you in most cases that aren't Evil Hat
Why the fuck do retards do this shit? It's disgusting and makes your shit unreadable.
because they're lazy and egocentric and don't actually read stories of other people, therefore they don't know what separates a good story from a bad. It's the '13 year old writing novels or poetry or fanfiction' problem.
>my dad
What a great influence. Holy shit nigger.
Least he contributed, fuckface
>introductory game of 5e for us all to learn the ropes, one guy claims to be experienced at RP
>group of four, him included. Everyone rolls standard fare, "experienced" guy rolls evil drow rogue
>uh oh
>DM also decided a crit&fumble table would be fun and we'll be using it
>uh oh
>drow rogue refuses to go a bit ahead of the party in the dungeon to check for traps ahead
>"you're the big guys so you take the lead"
>drow ends up being annoying at best, very uncooperative at worst throughout the game
>supress OOC frustration, just grumble about it in-character
>I end up KO'd after my first turn because of a fumble from the drow who accidentally threw 22 damage worth of dagger into my back
>at this point I feel fully justified to smite the cunt where she stands as a paladin, as all pointers are she's there to betray us, with all the lack of cooperation and now this literal backstabbery
>decide not to because what kind of cunt initiates PvP in D&D
>all end up being alive, game's becoming a drag. Say we're doing a long rest taking turns standing watch
>decide to rest in the dungeon proper because we don't want this to take another hour returning to the city
>DM acting all smug about how we decided to take a rest in the dungeon proper and not return to the city, promises an ambush next session
>after the game try to reason with the DM and the drow guy about how the drow is being not fun to be around and maybe tone it down a little
>DM takes his side because he thinks evil characters are "fun and interesting", and drow guy can pull it off because he's "experienced", and "this is D&D, worse stuff happens"
>become that guy myself by bowing out of the game saying "if this is what D&D really is, then it is not a game for me"
I feel like everyone was a bit of a that guy in this one. There's actually a continuation to this story, too.
>everyone in the group including the DM suddenly wants me back for some reason
>I *know* this won't end well since I'll just be a cunt, but I get guilt tripped back
>before the next game starts, I manage to accidentally bully the DM out of DMing, he says that maybe being a DM isn't for him, cancels the game
>feel responsible, announce the game isn't cancelled as I grab the reins of DMing
>whip up a nice little scenario in time for the next game
>everyone ends up liking it more than the other DM's, game is now 3 sessions in
I'm not sure how to feel about all this, but I still feel very bad just in case.
Oh yeah, the drow guy carried over his character to my game, which I allowed because I'm not in the same party as his character. The drow character died next session. In PvP. In one of those instances of PvP that I feel are fully justifiable.
If you beat orcs without armor on then why didnt you want to fight them when you would have armor on
>friend joins the party
>his character is based around the poisoners kit
>DM doesn't want to allow it because he hasn't worked with poison before
>send him a poison list
>he reads it
>time to play
>GM tells me that he's taken away my gourmand feat and has just given me cooking utensils expertise
>no idea why but what ever
>new grayhawk initiative is out
>we all practiced it and are really excited to swap to it
>turns out he watched a video about why it's bad and doesn't want to do it anymore
>I protest and saw we all spent time practicing it in test games
>he says it's shit and that battles will just be disorganized
>I press on about it
>suddenly out of nowhere I'm poisoned and out of commission
>can't identify the poison
>22 con save fails to resist
>I take an action to dash after the poisoner
>pass out
>get cured but spend the second half of the game passed out
>they battle without me
>they're not using grayhawk initiative.
>DM tells me that he plans to play with poison a lot more now that we're stronger
>I know I was poisoned with purple worm poison which is way stronger than any of us are ready for but can't say anything due to meta gaming and being passed out
>friend still wasn't allowed to have poison kit proficiency because he think's it would make him too strong
>one of our party members has a young dragon and yet he thinks being about to find poison in the wild and craft it is too strong.
That sounds like a prime cunt GM
No one can keep track of single-letter names, if there's a reason not to use their real ones (and there isn't) just make some up.
This sounds more like P is a murderhobo surrounded by that guys and that gm.
>>Me, catfolk warlock on the path of redemption
>>My dad, a catfolk ranger/sorcerer/abjurant chamption who doesn't wear pants and somehow managed the highest AC in the party (averaged at 43)
>>W, a warmage/cleric of Boccob who eventually switched over to Pelor
>>P went with a human scout
Are you sure that P was 'That guy'?
Your writing is improving. Still havent managed to get that screencap yet though
are that DM stories welcome?
>be me
>be 20 years old
>living in a shitty house with 4 roommates
>play D&D every friday
>one roommate says he wants to DM
>spends 3 weeks talking about nothing but how awesome his setting is going to be
>its basically king arthur + oblivion
>group gets together to play
>DM reads aloud a short story he wrote introducing the setting
>after that, he basically has nothing prepared
>my character is a dwarf druid who came to the city because a big fuck off oblivion gate showed up in my sacred forest
>shrek jokes all around
>King Arthur is missing, we need to find him
>get told that if I help find him, he can close the oblivion gate in my forest
>motivation established
>"where was the last place Arthur was seen before he vanished?"
>the dwarf city
>trek to the dwarf city
>random encounter
>dwarf king says "go to the elves"
>trek to the elves
>random encounter
>elf king says "go to the fairies"
>trek to the fairies
>random encounter
>fairy king says "duel me and I'll help you"
>we kick his ass
>DM says "and that's all I have prepared for right now, we'll pick up next week"
>he never DMs again
did I mention that this took about 3 sessions of play time?
>Party is teifling alchemist, Orc bezerker, a naga rogue, a cleric and me, a Paladin
>So they walk down the stairs, and the lobby is right around the corner
>Rogue hears something
>someone creeping up the stairs behind them
>giant cultist cube out for our souls
>Run from the murder cube
>Nobody says shit about the cleric
>He also didn't get the hint
>Rogue just shrugs at me
>DM gives me a weird look
>NEar total party wipe, due to bad rolls. My Paladin is only one left, and on low health.
>Everyone else is bleeding out
>BBEG "Stand down, stop fighting me, and I shall let you live. Join with me, and serve me, and I shall bring back your beloved, gifted with life so she never has to leave you again."
>The rest of the players are silent
>Deal with glares
>The dick-ass DM ain't having any of that
>I look at him
>I calmly point his "mistake"
>he becomes visibly upset, draws attention from everyone else
>Won't show it to anyone due to it being shiny.
>silence in the room
>spots the squishy members of the party
>Cleric puts up shields to defend them
>Mishap temporarily averted.
>HOWEVER, not the fallen will ragequit
>Cleric opens a door
>Call bullshit
>DM claims the cleric cast the spell
>Call bullshit on that
>DM's face is anus-red
This is the second time I've read this. And I gotta say, it still hurt.
What the fuck?
Teehee Maccaroni is the bane of my fucking existence.
Every fucking campaign that my GM runs inevitably at some point involves running into an NPC named "Teehee Maccaroni," who the GM affectionately describes as "an epic level sorcerer who's also a retarded nudist gnome."
Teehee Maccaroni wander the countryside with a unique Rod of Wonders powered by "retard magic" shoved up his anus, and he casts the Rod of Wonders by diddling his penis. He says nothing but his own name in different inflections and the phrase "I like-a the goodberry, gimme gimme the goodberry." The GM thinks it's hilarious to have this character show up during the middle of encounters we're struggling at and start jerking off magic everywhere.
But the worst part is his chant. He wanders around chanting his name, so when he's about to show up the GM will start low;
>Tee-hee-hee, Maccaroni Maccaroni
>Tee-hee-hee, Maccaroni Maccaroni
And then get louder and louder until he's fucking shouting
And the table loves it! The other guys I play with think this is the best shit! Teehee Maccaroni has been our table's de-facto inside joke, our signature "running gag" for six years now. When that chant starts up, everyone else joins in like a ritual; the whole table is expected to start chanting "TEE HEE HEE, MACCARONI MACCARONI" by the end, and every fucking time I refuse because this is some embarrassing circa-2002 Penguin of Doom shit, it's always the same thing; "There goes user again! No fun allowed around user! user's just a big grouch who's getting angry because we're making him touch Teehee Maccaroni's penis again! Why won't you just let us have fun with this character, he's just here for dumb fun, you stick-in-the mud!"
These motherfuckers are all over 25 years old.
Teehee Maccaroni is going to be the death of me.
This is the funniest shit I've read all week.
Maccaroni is my favourite pasta
Time for me to bitch about... Old DM, D and G
> Join long running game
> Old DM has our characters awake from cryopods
> Are introduced to D, druid who has been horribly mutated thanks to a deal with a BBET (Big Bad Evil Tree)
> My swashbuckler feels horribly out of place amongst the group
> Hold my tongue as D acts as Chaotic Stupid as possible, demanding that we allow him to sacrifice the souls of every NPC we come across to the BBET
> Gets in a fight with our cleric after the group successfully negotiate with a giant corporate stooge
> They are literally wrestling in the background as the rest of the party talks stock options.
> Head off to Ravenloft
> D brings his friend G to the game
> Oh God Theres Two Of Them
> G immediately makes deal with Doom Tree
> Old DM allows this, but punishes G by making him a ghost
> Old DM starts missing games, I cover with Yawning Portal
> One night, Old DM shows up and hands me all of his notes
> No warning
> I'm The Captain Now, fuck
> D gets bored of playing jackass... for two sessions.
> Right back to sacrifice to BBET
> Except now as DM, I have to deal with this shit.
> Write a cool dungeon
> Have vampire baddie like Castlevania Dracula
> Turns out, old DM gave G and D timestop scrolls because of the number of people they sacrificed.
> Oh For Fucks Sake
The only happy ending is that both G and D are headed to college soon, so I can kill them off horribly as soon as they leave. It's really wearing to have two CE party members, especially since one of them was in the group longer then me and I can't really do anything about them.
It gets better every time I read it
Here's a story of a "That DM" bullet that I dodged.
>looking for games on Roll20
>see an interesting Werewolf: The Forsaken game looking for players
>setting is neat
>fill out application, pour a ton of love into my character concept and history
>get accepted into the group
>DM: "Okay, I just wanted to see if you could write a good character, now pick one of these premade characters."
>dude was basically just wanting people to play his OCs in an "interactive" version of a novel he wrote
I noped out of there so fast. Fuck off with that shit, dude, you should lead with that instead of making us waste our time with your shitty fanfiction.
Is this some kind of new high quility baiting?
>Delivers pile of shit
>b-but at l-least he contrib-b-buted.
Sorry if I'm not thankful when your contribution is objectively bad to mediocre and filled with flaws that could be fixed by fucking lurking moar.
>decide not to because what kind of cunt initiates PvP in D&D
That's what some cheeky cunt did in my last game, just PvP everyone who bothered him or had something he wanted to the point he nuked the campaign and this wasn't the first time nuking it. Of course he wasn't kicked from the group. And cause of how the story was set up we couldn't gang up and bash his brains in or hell, have a proper reason to confront him. So what happens with the DM making the new game? Just PvP arena fighting which I would of thought would be ok but race and some other things are randomized. Then of course some randomized races are straight out of the monster manual so that's fair for a game based around PVP. Of course the DM lets the guy who was a problem and got literately everyone in the group to hate him for killing everyone go on another power trip.