Re-remember me?
Re-remember me?
>even marines players who already have tactical squads will want one of these bad boys
Forever in my heart.
And since my friends and I play 4th edition, forever solid troops for Space Marines.
13 year old me remembers. Missile launcher, flamer and sarge with chainsword and a massive paper back-banner. How Marines should be.
Don't worry, you're still better than Intercessors at everything.
Literally who?
Manlets. When will they learn
>Waaah, we get too many models making our not-quite-so-new models seem old!
It was TWO EDITIONS ago. Orks still have 2 plastic HQ models total, and one is a named character who doesn't exist anymore, who you can only buy in a bundle. Fuck right off with this whining about too many new models.
>Oh no, my solid gold Yacht makes my solid silver Yacht look trashy
Literally newfag, newfag.
>when will they learn
>this joke will always be funny!
Just thinking about this today. How long was Grukk around before they scrapped him? A year? Also they need to stop having Ghaz be everywhere and bring back Wazdakka, he was cooler anyway
We also need a ghaz model that is bigger than a standard space marine now.
But that is the thing that pisses me off the most, space marines get 5 new HQs in short sucession and orks still have no wazdakka or zogwort.
If we made sculpts for Ghaz do you think GW would take the hint? At this point I'd be happy to commission someone to do exactly that.
This box makes me rock hard
>Tons of plastic
>Reasonably customisable
>Cheap as fuck
This is what plastic miniatures should be.
Yeah, I bought one the other day.
>r-remember my onslaught of Imperialfag releases
I don't wish you any harm in getting what you want, but if you seriously think you marinefags have been forgotten you need to take a step back and reassess the big picture.
They scrapped Wazdakka? Bastards. I haven't given a damn about orks in some tume, but he was a neat character.
Really, they ought to have like 12 named Orks, so's each Clan can have their own one and then you have supra-clan characters like Ghaz running around too.
>supra-clan characters like Ghaz
>Non-ork fag dont know gazz is a Goff
plz, next you'll say that you dont think grotsnik is a deffskull
while being a Goff he kinda did transcend the clan for the greater WAAGH/Gork&Mork.
Which brings us back to Wazdakka as most of it was Evil Sunz, it was a big enough scrap where everyone was breaking themselves off a piece and they could've done so much with it fluff wise.
>instead of that gay warp shit killing the mid tendril it could've been his spacefaring bike convoy greasing the bugs in orbit
Ghazhkull is the Abaddon or Archaeon of Orks. Yeah, sure, he came from one of the subdivisions, but his current deal is being the big boss of the entire faction.
I actually have a bunch of those with about 10 unclipped sprues.
Hoo boy by today's standards those models are so horrible bad.
Possibly the most iconic set of miniatures GW has been selling for a long time, but I wonder how sales for the tactical squad by itself went, before primaris. It was possible to get them and a couple other units cheaper in both Start Collecting (tac squad, terminator captain and a venerable dreadnought) and Armoured Assault (tac squad and a drop pod), so I'd assume that people would just buy those two rather than the full price tactical squad. Also, now that primaris are out, the sales probably plummited.
A shame, really, I like their helmets and less detailed armour more than primaris, but primaris do have better propotions overall, and look less ridiculous next to other humanoid infantry like chaos cultists.
>How long was Grukk around before they scrapped him?
He's still available, just in about, just now in a boxed set with Nobz.
Pity. The old fluff used to really talk up him being a Goth, and his rules reflected that. Then GW seemingly figured we could only keep track of one leader and kanned the rest.
>Nobs aren't a tax unit anymore
It's quite surreal.
>Orks still have 2 plastic HQ models total
You mean how they have 2 different Big Mek kits, they have a pain boy and the Gruk
Feel a bit bad for nuGW posters, I can't imagine the level of Stockholm syndrome that would drive you to go on a Japanese animation forum and market a plastic toy company's newest range, for free. Even in satire.
Funny because these lads would blow a Primaries squad of the same points off the board.
I remember when I didn't have to go on ebay to get you for $25.
I miss my 4th ed blood angels. Death Co V. Berzerkers fights were so much fun.
I'm planning on buying a few.
This. Fuck space Marine Creep
Space marines get a whole new race. I get my planet blown up
And I got most of my currently-active faction deleted in a single paragraph
ke ?
I haven't played warhammer in year but this post caught my eye.
What faction got squatted out of existence now?
I play chaos and am totally happy and confortable with my hobby and the direction that the game is going.
One big mek was discontinued (and was finecrap) and the painboy is no longer a HQ.
Not entirely out of existance but they had what was explicitly 'the main tendril' of the current main Tyranid hive fleet be outright removed from existence by the giant warp bullshit going on, not even letting the Blood Angels be the ones to stop the assault on Baal. Fucking chaos saved their asses instead.
All that's left of Leviathan is the war at Octarius
t. manlet
I do and probably always will. This was the first box I ever bought.
My 40k DIY chapter see the primaris as abominations and tolerate them only because of their contribution. At the end of M41, any primarines they came into contact with have gone MIA.
I prefer Tactical/Devestator/Assault to the Primaris line. I like the versatility.
I have one of these in my closet actually
Haven't done anything with it but open it since I don't really play 40k and don't want to spend a ton of money on paints that I'd just use for these. I just got them cuz I like 40k and got them for 20$ since my game store was gonna get rid of them
Could have gotten a knight for 50$ but I was broke
They where made for a game, not Kirby's miniature company.
The good ole days.
I like having all the options. t/d/a and primaris. Hope GW doesn't fuck everything up and discontinue models.
>not made for a miniatures company
> exists because someone made a model for fun and they started making up rules to go with it in their magazine
The second White Dwarf stopped being the British equivalent of Dragon and started printing rules for Citadel miniatures was the second the became that company
Really makes you think about the size of the mehreens, looks like frankenstein or one of the big daddies from bioshock
Were talking about the real model range, not your limited specialty products.
not to mention a good deal of models that haven't been updated since 3rd fucking ed
More like 2nd Ed user.
Here's your (you), now fuck off back to /hhg/, we're discussing a wargame with more than 1 faction here.
Agreed. I'm finding Primaris do a good job of being security for your rear line while tacticals/assaults maneuver. The range and wounds do a good job protecting tanks and devastators but still have the range to contribute forward.
My friends using a Kromlech meganob as his Ghaz. Works pretty well, especially in terms of size.
A single one of these still ticks over in my Ultras.
What the fuck is this bullshit?
The warriors of the Adeptus Astartes are
sworn to defend the Imperium of Mankind.
While a single Space Marine still stands, the
light of Humanity will never fade.
If your army is Battle-forged, all Troops units
in Space Marines Detachments gain this ability. Such a unit that is within range of an objective
marker (as specified in the mission) controls
the objective marker even if there are more
enemy models within range of that objective
>Don't worry, you're still better than Intercessors at everything.
Except that's not even remotely true. I ran the numbers against MEQ and Ork Boys, Intercessors are significantly better for the points.
>when Will they learn
So a mixed force has value? Thats good, was planning to get some for my mantis warriors
There are two plastic Mek models.
And the Warboss and Retinue kit.
It's just there to help low model count marine armies have a chance to contest objectives against horde armies fielding fucktons of grunts/ cannon fodder.
Have you been cursed by a gypsy woman to be unable to read the thread or the index? The Mek is no longer a HQ, he's an elite, the model that comes in the burna/loota box is now a spanna, only usable as a squad sergeant, and I already mentioned Grukk, who is a named character who got squatted after one edition.
Look at the HQ page for orks on the webstore, cross off the mek and the painboy because they're no longer characters, and orks have 8 HQ models total, 6 are only in resin and 1 can only be bought in a bundle box.
Orks have 5 named characters total, and are the tied oldest faction in the game. That means there are only 3 generic ork HQ models.
3 generic HQ models. For the tied oldest faction in the game. GW either just needs to officially squat all non space marine factions and admit they just want to make Horus Heresy 40,000, or actually support their other big popular factions with dedicated fanbases.
Can you field a mix Space Marine-Imperial Guard army?
The Mega Armour box includes parts that can only be used for a Big Mek, and should also be sold in that category.
I still use them since i need that plasma/heavy weapon in a razorback, and cheap bodies for Veterans.
Yep. You can take robootay and surround him with conscripts and skitarii vanguard if you want. This is the age of "5th edition army composition for everyone but imperium, they can play unbound with 7ed allies"
Bought this at the College Park Maryland GW store back in the good ole days. Rogue Trader for life.
>Wipes tear from eye
I remember! I remember it all!
The chaos gods listened to the prayers of those on Baal and unlike the false emperor did something.
I just picked up pic related to be my heralds. Oh man they're so ugly and dorky looking.
To be fair, a good paintjob goes a long way in improving older sculpts.
>grotsnik is a deffskull
Didn't he get kicked out?
What the fuck is even going on here, they look like those creepy Sims glitches
I kinda like the sculpts, the messed up anatomy makes them look unnatural which fits chaos daemons pretty well
Is there a way to make tacticals passable. 2 five mans with two meltaguns each for 200 seems almost efficient enough to run.