Why does classic Fallout work so well as a post apocalyptic setting? What did it do that made it so memorable and last this long?
Why does classic Fallout work so well as a post apocalyptic setting...
The classic fallout vibe it's weird.
It's because it's post post apocalyptic, people got off their ass and started rebuilding society.
It's not as over the top as the future installments. Barring New Vegas, Fallout has come to be known as "the 50's retro post apoc" game. Bethesda has really milked that vibe and, at least in my opinion, have degraded some of the general feelings of desolation, despair, and loneliness that are littered throughout the original games.
Honestly that always happens with sci-fi series though. Halo and Mass Effect did it too, the first game will have a much lonelier and more somber tone to it that later installments will have stripped out of them because of increased budget, profile and the associated production meddling that goes with those things.
True. It's the same reason why Dark Souls "feels" different from its later installments. Not to say they're bad, I actually enjoyed Dark Souls 2 greatly. It's just that there's a bit of clunkiness and weight to Dark Souls that make it feel more... real.
But this is a discussion more fit for /v/.
>>dark souls
demon's souls had the heart
Wish I had the console for it. I've heard great things about Demon's Souls I am playing through King's Field (English translation of the Japanese version) right now.
It wasn't, but because you have the nostalgia for the game there's no point in really discussing it
It's almost worth buying or borrowing a console just to play.. Dark Souls follows much of the same beats, but in my opinion less elegantly because of the broader scope.
>desolation, despair, and loneliness
Compared to Fallout 1, 2 basically has none of this.
I liked the magics and psionics.
Anyone who uses the nostalgia """""""argument""""" should be shot.
Fallout 1or 2 had no magic pleb.
You're right, it had Tragic not Magic.
Also the highwayman is the best vidya vehicle hands down, nothing is as satisfying as when you bomb it down to Reno for the first time to that sweet music
ignoring the ghosts
the master being psychic
and the visions sent by that shaman dude
>west coast
>80 years after the shit hit the fan
>people are rebuilding and adapting to the new world
>120 years after the end
>people are rebuilding and getting retconned away from existence
>east coast
>200 years years after bombs fell
>ooga booga gotta scavenge the same supermarkets that our forefathers scavenged before
I played 3 first and was born in 95 so I have zero nostalgia for fallout 1 and 2, and my opinion still stands that they were great.
>playing the restoration mod and getting addicted to tragic
>people now call me a junkie and some refuse to talk to me
It's almost too accurate.
Did you really expect any more from the West coast?
West coast best coast.
The old Fallouts aged like shit and are practically unplayable anymore.
lol could you imagine if someone actually thought this?
The game over messages are one of the things I really miss from classic fallout that they don't have in the new ones
Classic Fallout is weird because it is both amazingly pulpy and fun, but the environmental look and the music is depressing and oppressive as shit. I think people like that bizarre contradiction
>>people are rebuilding and getting retconned away from existence
Just like in real life, we don't matter so hard, we cease to exist.
tfw there'll never be remakes with better controls and interfaces.
People will hate this answer, but it's true and the only reason we talk about it today
>popculture references
Before you piss and moan about "LOL STAR TREK JOKES xD"
EVERYTHING in that game is utopian 60's refrences, cold war refrences, hobo decadence hysteria references and black nihilistic humour references.
Even if you take away the cheesy holy hand grenade jokes and 4th wall dialogue it's still 100% liquidized popculture.
By the way, I'm only counting the main games FO1-2 and tactics), Vegas has some moments.
A game doesn't become less playable over time. It's the same fucking game it was 20 years ago, you just don't like that style of game.
Which is fine. But don't lie about it. You're a "Fallout 3 fan", not a "Fallout fan".
What, you can't play turn based games anymore ?
FO1 has some fidgeting gimmick UI issues and needless clicking. But FO2 plays like any turn based RPG to date with no extra fat.
Every oldschool RPG and their mom gets Enhanced Edition lately, why not Fallout?
Bethesda hates the originals and wants to distance themselves as far away from them as possible.
And in New Vegas we're still eating old TV dinners, and in the luxury casinos the wallpaper's falling off in chunks, despite the NCR next door apparently casting enough concrete to need a limestone quarry in Nevada.
Fallout probably started with a decent balance of scavenging from the past and rebuilding. But then they let time keep ticking, yet they won't let the world really change. So everyone gets eternally trapped at roughly the same state of rebuilding, at least on screen.
The good old curse of popularity, they guys with the wallet won't let you change anything that matters ever again.
I'd disagree.
As a kid, I was obsessed with Arthurian Legend, and Dark Souls felt to me like a fresh new take on it all that stays more in line with the original texts instead of just "Muh Epic Dual-Wielding Badasses" that Hollywood is obsessed with.
Hell, I can easily pin the characters in Dark Souls with their counterparts.
Don't they try to justify it with the "War Never Changes" line and just have civilization explode when it reaches a certain critical mass?
Only when the creator's mouthpieces start it.
Well you also gotta remember that if society ever collapses ala Fallout, there WON'T be a complete rebuilding because all the easy to access surface materials have already been mined/exploited. This isn't an issue because we have deep drill techniques and shit but in a theoretical tie in the future where industrial civilization has collapses we will be capped at a permanent 17th century level of living until man goes extinct
>tfw there'll never be remakes with better controls and interfaces.
I'm satisfied and comfortable with that.
But none of those characters relationships correlate to their Arthurian counterparts.
>What did it do that made it so memorable
Not much apparently since only handful of old grogs talk about this supposed timeless classic and this thread has had barely any replies in twelve hours.
>and last this long?
It didn't, people play the 3D ones now. New Vegas is the one that gets all the love and attention on Veeky Forums anyway. Occasionally you'll see /v/ shitting on 2's tutorial though.
Yes because people who haven't played the game would remember it wouldn't they?
You're talking as if it was a popular game that people forgot about when it didn't have much of a broad appeal to begin with when competing with its contemporaries.
Because it's one of the few settings that show a successful transition from the post-apocalyptic in Fallout 1 to the rebuilding of civilization seen in Fallout 2 instead of being based soley in one or the other. They also cherry picked and adapted from other great examples of fiction and built a cohesive, believable world around it all.
I actually enjoyed Fallout 3. Its forthcoming release at the time inspired me to find the orginial games and play them both to completion a week beforehand. If F3 took place 80 years after the war like F1 everything being rough, ramshackle, and people still living in the ruins of their ancestors would have fit right in with the orginial game.
According to rumor 3 taking place at the same time as 1 was planned but they wanted the BoS and Enclave so it had to be moved up with no changes made to anything else.
>want BOS and enclave so they throw out the time when it'd make sense for everything else to be like they are
>but throw out everything about those factions from their armor aesthetic to their ideologies and just keep some names
Why? They should have just made new factions with similar themes. Why are the enclave the only ones claiming to be the American Government?
Why not make some rogue descendants of the House Un-American Activities Committee with genocidal tendencies for the bad guy role? Why not have another tech focused faction with scavenged power armor and bleeding hearts: hell they could even have been established by former soldiers who were conscientious objectors that were locked up in some high tech replacement for leavenworth that could call themselves something like the "bloody hearts" without knowing what that means: give them all outcast paintjobs. Cool new symbols, cool new aesthetics, same both sides being idiots the writers wanted to do otherwise. How about instead of just wanting the Geck for a purifier, both sides want it so they can revitalize the capital and jump start civilization. You can still sabotage it.
>And in New Vegas we're still eating old TV dinners
There was a farms and ranches in New Vegas. NCR has Brahmin barons that own massive tracts of land used for meat industry.
That's one of the big things new vegas had over 3 all of the settlements actually had farms. They never really explain how half of the settlements in 3 had survived as long as they did without farms.
For same reason that there are supermuties on the east coast and Harold popped up, brand recognition. Hell, the whole Fallout 3 feels like it has been designed by a committee trying to fill out as many check marks as possible.
At least the Enclave finally got the axe, if 4 is any indication they are going to milk the BoS and Super Mutants until the end of time. How many super mutant strains will they keep creating at this point, adding a new one in 4 was pointless enough.
I am now imagining "The Jungle" with a supermutant as the protagonist instead of a Lithuanian
To be fair Vegas had only recently been "colonized". Before house woke up it was still just a tribal area and until the families started working for him everyone was still in the primitive stage.
in Fallout 4 they explained that there was a post war government similar to the NCR that fell reinstating the apocalypse. Not to mention that the raiders are less like gangs one the east coast and more like Chaos cultists.
But how else are you going to illustrate the point that the Institute are dickheads than to have the make their own FEV?
>Occasionally you'll see /v/ shitting on 2's tutorial though
That's fine. Even the developers didn't like it.
New Vegas isn't NCR territory and it only started being a civilized settlement about 7 years before the game starts.
>post war government similar to the NCR that fell reinstating the apocalypse
Fallout 4 would've been better if they focused on this aspect, played it up a bit. You have the remnants of the old world, but then also of the new world that failed to prosper. Scavenging through buildings that were blown to shit 200 years ago, built up again 100, and then blown up again 20. Interact with factions that may have contributed to the infighting and squabbling that lead to the government falling apart. And then you tie it in to main quest. Do you try and rebuild again, risking the same outcome as before? Do you let the secure but ultimately authoritarian Brotherhood control the Commonwealth? Or do you say fuck it and go underground with the Institute, the above ground really is a lost cause if it's gonna keep making the same mistakes over and over.
This would have given the institute some more weight if they were the cause for the fall and give them more of a reason for synths.
That sounds like halfway decent writing and we can't have that in our Bethesda sandboxes (now with 100% more paid mods).
Except F3 had a plot that was a near-ripoff of 2, bad writing, nearly no humor, heinous voice acting, and made no damn sense.
Say that to my face, I'll fuckin cut ya m80
You are literally me in every way. When do we bang?
Are the two of you male as well? You need to ask these things beforehand. If you are both male, and you're not gay, then you have to remember to say No-Homo before AND after.
Because Fallout 1 and 2 were on-point as far as the themes of scarcity and brutality and the sense of doom and things being fundamentally wrong and messed-up. Fallout 3 and New Vegas were a little too comfy, and Fallout 4 is downright pretty. In those games you get the feeling that everything's going to be fine and people won't even ever run out of valuables to loot or cars to blow up.
I finally got around to playing Fallout 1 and 2, I loved 2 but Fallout 1 just wasn't my bag.
>It's not as over the top as the future installments. Barring New Vegas, Fallout has come to be known as "the 50's retro post apoc" game. Bethesda has really milked that vibe and, at least in my opinion, have degraded some of the general feelings of desolation, despair, and loneliness that are littered throughout the original games.
I don't know, 2 and NV didn't feel lonely or super desolate. Only FO1 with its tissue-paper companions and such felt lonely and desolate.
...Then again I played Fo2 with the power armor savescum trick so I had APA and my first companion started with Combat armor.
>>ooga booga gotta scavenge the same supermarkets that our forefathers scavenged before
I mean at least most of the Super Market stuff seemed to have been stashed there by the raiders.
I self justified it by saying that the East Coast got the dirtier bombs kept people from rebuilding as fast but left more buildings intact.
>And in New Vegas we're still eating old TV dinners, and in the luxury casinos the wallpaper's falling off in chunks, despite the NCR next door apparently casting enough concrete to need a limestone quarry in Nevada.
Interestingly they never got the chance to actually include the bunkers they were building on the side of the Colorado, the only bunker even near there was the abandoned BoS one from OWB.
I mean they were (Though they claim to have been the ones who tried to engineer that society in the first place, only slaughtering the meeting when the leaders were about to storm off and go to war.)
I mean other than the ghost I guess, there were only psychics, not magic.
Most of that was caused by mutation too, the psychics at least were just a random mutation, and most were nearly insane because of it. The only not insane psychic we see is the kid in NV.
I wanted to agree with you, but:
the first half of dark souls > demon's souls > the second half of dark souls
It's funny that normally 200 years sounds like it'd be enough time for civilization to have returned to a city but with Vegas itself there's like no resources besides what loot there was: it's dependent on gambling and without outside wealth to pull in it's no wonder it was occupied by cut throats, backstabbers, and cannibals fighting over what little there is and probably harassing the small farming and ranching communities that actually produce goods. Well, them and a cult of Elvis. House probably would have moved to snuff it out if they did actually try and make anything civilized there before his plan was ready anyhow.
>...Then again I played Fo2 with the power armor savescum trick so I had APA and my first companion started with Combat armor.
I forgot to mention that because I had tagged unarmed and for some reason instead of having four options on one thing they made punch and kick based on the free handslot I was basically a Kamen rider for a while, running around in bugeyed armor kicking people to death to save MFC ammo.
I miss the fun of unarmed builds, I'm happy that NV added the bonus unarmed moves it really brought back that old feeling. 3 and 4 absolutely butchered them.
A style that still seems unique because of the weird blend of Mad Max with old pulp sci-fi and a little dose of X-Files style conspiracy and weirdness.
It was fleshed out in a way that gave it life beyond what most settings manage, post apocalypse or not. Much like how Warhammer 40k managed to get big (partly) because it had a distinct style in contrast with other genre media and a lot of fleshing out.
It's easy to imagine characters and stories in Fallout without much difficulty of making them fit, because there is a lot that can easily be made to fit.
This image is undisputed fact.
So given how Bethesda has continuously simplified their "RPGs" ever since Daggerfall, what can we expect from Fallout 5?
>perk system eliminated more or less completely
>no s.p.e.c.i.a.l.
>no speech options, the story is now firmly on rails
>day 1 paid mod support
>game is still an unplayable bug ridden mess on launch but luckily for you you can pick a unofficial fan patch on bethesda's very own mod store (only $9.99, get the patch for free if you pre-ordered the time limited limited order gold leaf wrapped physical copy of ultrasuper collector's edition of fallout 5)
>no speech options, the story is now firmly on rails
And they will still claim it is a pure open world RPG.
Kek, the Fallout 4 quest dialogue was hilarious
>alright you have four options
>no(explain more, yes)
Who really card about the little shit anyway honestly?
>>no speech options, the story is now firmly on rails
A "Tales of Fallout" side story with an on rails story could be interesting, if it was handled by a more competent team.
>no speech options, the story is now firmly on rails
So, Skyrim?
Goddamn was it frustrating not being able to tell so many of the quest givers to fuck right off.
Because it's actually the worst you just have shit taste.
Get the fuck off my board Todd.
Nobody believe his LIES
>liking classic fallout
Or Dead Rising and later installments...really any game series, whatever made the first game feel unique will be stripped out.
He claimed to be a """fan""" of the series when he bought to assuage fans that he'd do right by its legacy.
one yes, i ended up with all the best equipment at level 8, which killed the point of the game. 2 is still great, allthought there are some things that aged very very poorly
I don't know if it's just the production meddling, isn't it entirely possible that the games were intended to have more vibrant worlds and Camaraderie but budget limitations restricted that?
A lot of those option seem to have fan bases devided at the first 2 all 4 examples(fallout, mass effect, halo, dead rising) all have fanbases divided on what was the better tone for the series. Even NV knew about this and added the wild wasteland trait for people who wanted a more fallout 2 references feel because they couldn't decide which worked better.
>believing in todd's lies
I admit, I tried playing Fallout 1 myself, and I did find it a bit clunky - I started getting used to it after a while, but it will never feel as 'natural' to me as a first person shooter does. You play enough of those and it only takes you minutes to become a badass, no matter what game you're playing, because you know the basics - you just have to get used to what the specific game tweaks are.
That doesn't mean it's unplayable, it just means that I'm a big baby that needs to check with guides every once in a while so my hand is held while I play through. And I'll never quite get over the idea that I have to check with how quests will turn out instead of trusting my own judgement and just letting them happen.
I kinda felt the opposite, and sorta quit when i realized I'd sent the BoS to the wrong base. (Mariposa where they won't even go inside and I'd already cleared the parking lot myself, instead of the Cathederal.)
I feel the opposite and the same t once really. I got good gear finally but only at a low level, but I started Fallout 2 with the savescum power armor and found it much more satisfying to play and level up.
I started with this a bit but after a few playthroughs and injecting all of 2 into my blood stream I can play both like second nature. It mostly takes time and acceptance of the mechanics and with the right practice you can start having fun with unique builds.
>failing reading comprehension this hard
i bet that's a trap
>huge tits
Tranny you could argue, but you'd be retarded to call that a trap.
>NV didn't feel lonely or super desolate.
I actually really felt that vibe playing it - sure, NV had a lot of towns growing in parts of Las Vegas, but a lot of it was still ruined factories and suburbs. There were tribal villages that had been wrecked, towns that had been hit by raiders, that sort of thing.
And another thing added to it that I thought I'd never miss from Fallout 3: random events. Say what you will about Bethesda, but they're able to throw in some spawn points around the map where certain scripted events might happen, and it really adds to making the world feel like stuff is happening in it. New Vegas, once you take the long route from Goodsprings to Vegas in your first playthrough, it's never going to change or feel different in your second or fourth or fifteenth.
>No speech options, the story is now firmly on rails
Considering that with 3 and 4 they went out of their way to decide a lot of your character's backstory for you, and really limited what sort of things you could say and reactions you could have...I think it'd be a lot stronger if they just made you a set character, but gave you open-world freedom outside of that characterization. Better than claiming that shallow puddle is a whole ocean.
the main problem with bethesda rpgs is that they shouldent be called rpgs, just change their name to action adventures with rpg elements and we are fucking golden
1 was extrealy clunky for my taste, i did most things by randomly stumbling upon them without any thought. Things wernt really explained properly and the randome encounters were fucking annoying most of the time (half the game i just reload because i know im not going to survive, the other im so powerfull that they are just a drag. No inbetween). Fallout 2 was much better at both telling you where more or less you should be heading and making it easier to find quest and not just bumble into them
>1 was extrealy clunky for my taste, i did most things by randomly stumbling upon them without any thought. Things wernt really explained properly and the randome encounters were fucking annoying most of the time (half the game i just reload because i know im not going to survive, the other im so powerfull that they are just a drag. No inbetween). Fallout 2 was much better at both telling you where more or less you should be heading and making it easier to find quest and not just bumble into them
Also some of them had events where if you go through the dialogue in the wrong order you're fucked.
Like Patrick the Celt who can give you +1 Cha, but NOT if you ask him for directions first.
I think some of my bitterness may come from playing a low STR Skilled build that couldn't do anything useful till I got Power armor, and immediately screwed up the BoS Supermutant quest.