Board Culture

What single change would improve Veeky Forums in your opinion?

Bring back quests
I'm not a questfag and don't even understand how they work but they actually did nothing wrong

/mr/ - Magical Realm

If the fags here stopped going into threads about games they hate to hate on them.

Shut up faggots, if you do not like a game, do not play. That is all you need to do.

The, killed perfectly good threads for their faggotry

While we're at it, threads created specifically to hate on a game are pretty shit too.


Less metathread bitching about things we don't like. Basically none of the other issues I have are due to the boards culture.

Start banning people who post metathreads. Start banning people who whine about /qst/

The removal of generals. They contribute nothing and have nothing to say.

Keep quest threads out. Bring back smut threads.

Get rid of Paizo games general. Pathfinder and Starfinder are legit topics of conversation but the general doesn't discuss the game, just their stupid lewd games and the meme characters they make as applications to those games.

This is and has always been retarded. Banning generals would change nothing beyond the threads no longer having 'general' in the name. Specific threads for discussing certain games have literally always been a thing on Veeky Forums.


What it would do is encourage on-topic discussion. As an added bonus it would make the threads much easier to find in the archive.

More OC

Everything that I don't like should be banned.

Everything this user does like should be banned.

Sort of. Generals are permanent board fixtures, and rarely have enough good OC to justify their existence. So the generals inevitably fill up with low quality garbage.
I mean, I don't want this place to turn into /p/ with about two posts a day, but...

How is a thread explicitly about discussing a game not Veeky Forums related?

"Board Culture" usually means shit-posting and hive-minding. No thanks.

Would you prefer pages full of threads about different aspects of a single game? Think before you post.

The great thing about those is that they A) contain content and B) drop into archive swiftly once discarded. So... yeah.

>Being this obtuse

Yes, this would be beneficial. As a bonus, it would push unpopular general threads off the board, like Tower Girls or /cyoa/.

If people stopped worrying about board culture. The entire point of anonymous message boards is so that sort of shit doesn't build up.

Can I ask that we bring back the quests that had to do with role-playing mechanics and traditional games, and shove the anime weaboo threads back to /a/?

But how will you talk about a system that you would like to play if not in a general of said system if you remove those threads?

That would be better than bringing them all back, at least

cyoa threads are actually pretty fast by Veeky Forums standards. It would mostly lead to less popular discussions, like threads about obscure games, being pushed off the board faster by 40k.

Ah, but then they'd be able to complain about how many threads there are discussing MtG/40k/D&D, point to the arguing about what format/edition is being discussed to prove their low quality, and then advocate for a creation of a separate board for them, which has been shown to work if you complain enough. It's all carefully planned, you see.

Bring back the weekend smut thread

both because it genuinely produced content and also because it rounded up the ecchi threads under its wing that otherwise spread rampant

What aspect would you like to talk about?
Start a thread about that

No you cannot. Quests are gone and good riddance.

>Bring back quests
Came here to post this, happy it was the first reply.

Veeky Forums started falling apart once people realized that if they shitposted hard enough, they could get the things they hate banned.

I miss the old days when Veeky Forums didn't have dedicated mods and only the global rules were enforced here. Letting neckbears make the board rules here is a dumb idea because everyone on Veeky Forums thinks their particular opinions are the correct ones.

Fuck off. It only produce unreadable garbage, and it's better off in /d/. There's really no reason to keep trying to bring it back here.

>HORF DORF I want Veeky Forums to be filled with ONLY MTG, D&D and 40k threads
Ya, no you're dumb.

Hire a hooker for every virgin poster.

Board quality instantly doubles.

Shut the fuck up.

More Ribbon.

Kill everyone involved in any way with geek & sundry.

>only protect you when you save it
Bad protection

People not responding to bait or shit designed to start arguments.

Does immunity cat negate immunity pinapple?

Ban all CCGs for being pyramid schemes

>The, killed perfectly good threads for their faggotry
The fact that those threads were on page 11 and hadn't been bumped for several hours didn't have anything to do with it.

Generals are the best thing to happen to Veeky Forums, and as browsing through Veeky Forums will show, you aren't obliged to post in them.
They're there so that you can talk with people who know half a shit about the content.
Pre-generals Veeky Forums was a shitshow with the occasional entertaining storytime thread.

No more fucking generals.

>Bring back the weekend smut thread
We're got a true retard here, fa/tg/uys.

This is a blue board, /wst/ is never coming back. It's weird that it lasted as long as it did, I don't know what you fucks expected to happen when you habitually posted LEWD on a BLUE BOARD.

Id's for easier elimination of undesireables.

Delet anime content

Bring back the sexy. No more blue board puritanism.

Tbh general's are very much a double edged sword-
>no generals and the board gets flooded with billion variations of samey threads about exactly same games
>with generals you get circlejerk filled shit shows like /pfg/

I would delete Veeky Forums because I'm tired of these fucking threads. KYS.

>it's better off in /d/
Someone hasn't been paying attention.

>I don't want to talk about Argentinian pottery on an Argentinian pottery website
Like pottery (pun very much intended)

Remove CYOA put them on /qst/. All they do is shit up the board

Tbh if you'ren't here before captcha was first implemented you lack the required historical perspective to really talk about Veeky Forums and its state.

How is the connection from your grave, grandpa?

I think quest threads should be allowed on all boards again (this would let the /a/nime loli haremshot quests to stay on /a/ where they belonged in the first place, or be removed from /a/ at the mod's discretion) and the sticky about quest threads on Veeky Forums should be changed to say "Quest threads are allowed on Veeky Forums; low-effort or bait quests will be moved to /qst/". This would allow people to use /qst/ as a way to improve their ability to run quests, and only the quests with high production values remain on Veeky Forums.

Removing quest threads from the board where they originated and where the majority of people who are interested in them lurk was a bad idea.

Bring back all of the threads and content that were banned through people shitposting about it until the mods gave in.

Ban all the overt magical realm threads, thinly veiled magical realm threads, "character art" threads that are actually magical realm, "worldbuilding" threads that are actually magical realm, and all the faggots who think smut threads are somehow Veeky Forums-related.

I'll fully admit that quests could occasionally clunk up the board on busy nights, but when there was a good quest going? It united anons from all around. I remember the hypest moments in Black Company Quest, Homeless Mutant Quest, and Banished Quest when they were live, and basically were some of the best pieces of collective storytelling I've ever seen.

Or the feels that were exchanged when Nerv Bridge Commander Quest hit that part of any Evangelion quest and went absolutely NUCLEAR.

I remember the autistic rival and his cp-filled copycat site that caused the CAPTCHAS.
I say we force Generals to use a consistent 5-letter non-word codes so they can be effectively filtered.

>it's better off in /d/. There's really no reason to keep trying to bring it back here.
>He really doesn't know at all.

Shouldn't you be at church, Missy?

But what about smut quests?

>No fun allowed

Permaban all the faggots who bitch about magical realm threads.

Instantly 30% higher posting quality.

Shouldn't you be at Pornhub instead of trying to force porn onto a traditional games board?

At least quests made Veeky Forums move fast enough to where most troll threads sank to the bottom half of the catalog.

With them gone, what's left to really talk about if you don't give a fuck about MtG, WH40K, D&D, or the generals?

>Implying that the vanilla and nothing else porn site can satisfy any of my fetishes.

>Lewdness = Porn

Only pictures of females wearing burqas should be allowed on Veeky Forums.

I would be, but it's blocked where I am, so the second-best thing is Veeky Forums.

>Look at this guy, as if science fiction, fantasy and rpgs never had any lewds in them, no sexy women, only stiff upright paladins fighting dragons

A little less meme forcing in some of the generals would be nice, but we're pretty good compared to basically every other board I visited more than once. I wouldn't want any (more) changes or rules. I never cared for quest but I think it's ok they have their own board, gives non generals a chance to stick around from time to time.
Also don't feed obvious trolls, but even that is rather fine on here and I guess b8ing/trolling just belongs to Veeky Forums.

This man speaks wisdom. /a/quests belong on /a/ where the players are, /d/quests belong on /d/ where they can be explicit rather that ecchi, Veeky Forums quests belong on Veeky Forums, etc.

>only burqas
Damn straight! That'll show those magical realmers!

Why do you guys try to lie like this?
There's a smut thread up in /d/ right now.

Make the board more open to off-topic threads but only if the thread itself is talking about something tabletop related.

When you get right down to it, tabletop games as a whole are niche as fuck and limiting all discussions to pure tabletop subjects hurts genuine discussion since nothing tabletop is 100% tabletop anymore.

I mean, name one tabletop game that's as popular as D&D, WH40K, or MtG that doesn't have a comic, anime, TV show, manga, video game, etc. based on it in some form or another.

>The breasts of the women on the left are blurred out despite wearing a garment
What's going on here?

Removing the generals and giving them a /tgg/ board, use this for misc Veeky Forums junk and quests.
I never like general threads, they're either too fast or too broad.


Nipples are showing through, and during the depths of nazimod, even nipples through clothing could get you a 3day ban.

I wish Nazimod came back and gave the board a good purging.

Moar worldbuilding threads

>There's a smut thread up in /d/ right now.
It's nice to meet a time traveller from the past.

You'll hate the future, I guarantee it.

Why are you still lying like this?
Either way, even if you weren't lying, your concern should be to get in back in /d/, not trying to force it back here.

I would honestly ban anime. There's a board for anime and it should be there.

>>>back to /pol/ with you, scum

What's left to purge honestly?

This is such a beautiful way to irredeemably fuck up a thread I love it

Don't purge shit. Bring back stuff that should have been here to begin with, but got taken off because a few butthurt people raised a fuss.

Occasional metathread or two.

Generals, according to the our resident puritans.

I mean, why would people want to discuss RPGs in a coherent way on an RPG board?!? That's crazy talk!

Go check, there's no smut thread, and smut threads are no longer allowed on /d/. Veeky Forums is the place that makes most sense for the threads anyways.

>still believing in that myth

Might as well claim that the jewish illuminati is using chem trails to cover up that Earth is in fact flat.

The solution there isn't to get rid of generals, but to get active mods/jannies ready to monitor and destroy the shitposters of /pfg/ and similar places.

Make any OP require a specific system or setting declared so that all discussion is framed around a defined set of assumptions. Homebrew can get it's own general.

> he doesn't know that the earth is in fact a dome turned upside down, held in the cosmos by a blanket of stars

That's remarkably retarded, user. How the fuck do we talk about green text stories?