>Unearthed Arcana: Greyhawk Initiative:
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How do you like your undead?
>Unearthed Arcana: Greyhawk Initiative:
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How do you like your undead?
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>How do you like your undead?
Is Hoar the best god for a vengeance paladin towards an individual or organization in Sword Coast? I was thinking Hoar, Torm, Tempus or Lathander
Can I get some horror stories? I tried looking online but you guys always seem to have the funniest, out of left field bullshit ever. The worse they are the better.
My Arcana Cleric is getting really serious with another adventurer and might retire soon to settle down and start a family. What's a fun class to play for a successor character that has helpful party support and utility, but can also fight people and be tough? Is it just paladin or bust?
What's your favorite Giant out of the six standard varieties?
I like Torm
If you want to go full Narnia I'd say cloud giant, but otherwise I don't think I really like any of them. Hill giants are probably the easiest to use without having to make a significant place for them in the world
Stone Giants are autistic. I like them.
I like my undead evil and villainous.
Braindead or fancy and flamboyant
Guys I think I just broke my game: So my players had a bag of holding (they are lvl 3) and they were going to go to the 9 hells to save a NPC as part of a sidequest. They found a portal to it which is very small, basically you touch it with your pinkie and you teleport to the 9 hells or if you touch it with your ring finger you teleport to the farm realm.
The thing is they decided instead of using it they took the bag of holding and put in in a stick so they make a net, like a bug catcher one, and they trapped the portal in the bag of holding.
So what do? They carry around a portal and charge people to see it instead of doing my quest. I was going to not let them but they rolled a nat 20 to catch the portal so I have no excuse now.
> I was going to not let them but they rolled a nat 20 to catch the portal so I have no excuse now
There's your first mistake
Frost Giants
You should have made it explode violently. Just have the demon or wizard responsible for creating the portal show up, slap their shit, and put it back.
Also you're an idiot.
my new characetr is a new tiefling aasimar hyrid homebrew race who is an antipaladin and chosen of the gdos sorcerer and she is too strong. woTC neets to nerf tieflimar's ascended blod trait
Anyone want to group homebrew up some more Origins for my Sorcerer rebalancing?
Long story short, anons, I want to convert the Blood-Crowned Courtier tiefling subrace from 4e to 5e. Can I get some feedback on this result?
Tiefling Subrace: Blood-Crowned Courtier
Ability Score Increase: +1 Strength
Kissed By Hell: You have Resistance to Fire damage.
Diabolic Transformation: As an action, you can shapeshift into the form of a rampaging fiend. For 1 minute, you have Fire Immunity, inflict bonus Fire damage with all of your weapon attacks equal to your Charisma modifier, and increase your Strength modifier by +1. Your transformation ends prematurely if you are knocked unconscious, end your turn without having attacked a hostile creature or taken damage since your last turn, or choose to spend a bonus action to do so. Once you have used this transformation, you must complete a long rest before you can transform again.
For reference to the original version:
4/10 you'll get some replies thinking that you're serious
fuck off, namefag
I would have had the bag of holding do the same thing it does when you put a portable hole in it, since the situation seems similar enough. Now that they're running around with it fuck if I know.
I have no idea what that "nat 20" would even be rolled for, but now I just assume this is some form of "hur nat 20 can do anything" meme bait bullshit. I should probably stop reading posts as I reply to them
Stupid discordshit.
What the fuck does a sledgehammer do? I can't find stats for it anywhere.
Learn to spell or type properly before you shitpost jesus Christ.
You probably wont find stats for a wrench, saw or a hammer either.
Leave and never come back. You are not welcome herem
We call it the Disc0red. You should be honored to have a god amongst men here.
Have they opened the bag recently? Next time they do.. They see the sky above them with a large figure looking down on them holding the bag open from the other side. The figure is one of the players. The giant version of themselves reaches in, grabs the group and pulls them through the portal in a curious fashion. When they do they fall prone on the floor seemingly back where the portal was the first time with nothing unusual around. The bag of holding is now nonmagical and anything they had stored in it before is gone forever.
Don't fuck with the Astral Plane.
Although my advice if you don't want it to be too railroady, let them roll an opposed strength and if they roll a Nat20 let them grapple the giant version of themselves through the portal, who then joins them on their quest. They are pretty much the same stats except they are Gargantuan and have 30 Strength and 30 Constitution.
>Favored Soul
>Tiefling/Aasimar hybrid
>"Needs to be nerfed"
What are you, twelve?
Cloud, definitely. Followed by Fire.
I love critical successes and critical fumbles, I have players roll the percentile die every time they get a 1 to see what happens, I have this custom table with 100 events in case of a critical fumble.
But because I am a fair DM with a nat 20 I let them do cool stuff, my campaign is all about the rule of cool.
Improvised Weapons
Sometimes characters don't have their weapons and have to attack with whatever is at hand. An improvised weapon includes any object you can wield in one or two hands, such as broken glass, a table leg, a frying pan, a wagon wheel, or a dead goblin.
Often, an improvised weapon is similar to an actual weapon and can be treated as such. For example, a table leg is akin to a club. At the GM's option, a character proficient with a weapon can use a similar object as if it were that weapon and use his or her proficiency bonus.
An object that bears no resemblance to a weapon deals 1d4 damage (the GM assigns a damage type appropriate to the object). If a character uses a ranged weapon to make a melee attack, or throws a melee weapon that does not have the thrown property, it also deals 1d4 damage. An improvised thrown weapon has a normal range of 20 feet and a long range of 60 feet.
Why would you even reply to that post? It couldn't be more transparent
This is a good idea, thank you.
I'll go with this.
>magic item abuse
I feel no pity.
Rolled for starting stats three times and this is what I got 4d6 subtract lowest roll
5166 - 17
5152 - 12
5245 - 14
5246 - 15
4155 - 14
1116 - 8
4246 - 14
5554 - 15
3556 - 16
3262 - 11
4142 - 10
3322 - 8
2434 - 11
3131 - 7
4312 - 9
1652 - 13
1541 - 10
4161 - 11
This is why I don't roll for stats.
Hey guys, deeply sorry about the shitposting. I'll stop now.
I'll assume this is bait, but if it's not then all I can say is that the conversation behind how to handle Nat 20s has been had over and over again. Let's just agree to disagree.
A sledgehammer isn't just a weapon, it's a tool. A crowbar has stats to be used to give advantage to rip things open. I figure a sledgehammer may assist in breaking walls down or something
Can I see the table?
>Roll set 1
>Easily better than point buy
>Roll set 2
Still easily better than point buy
>Roll set 3
As long as you aren't saying 'I don't like rolling for stats because I don't get super epic stats every time!' I guess you get a pass.
The problem with rolling for stats is that it gives people 'super epic' stats far too often.
Anons? How enormously overpowered is this race?
Ability Score Modifiers: +2 Wisdom, +1 Intelligence
Size: Medium
Speed: 30 feet
Vision: Darkvision 60 feet
Theocratic: You have Proficiency in Religion.
Stealthy: You have Proficiency in Stealth.
Hard to Kill: When you would be reduced to 0 hit points, but not killed outright, you can choose to be reduced to 1 hit point instead. Once you have used this trait, you must complete a Long Rest before you can use it again.
Of course it does, but do you really need to see rules in the book to explain how sledgehammers are used? In a pinch it might save your character from getting exhaustion clearing something out, advantage to doing a task you could do without a sledge hammer, or be a necessary tool in order to do certain tasks
>remove racial adjustments to ability scores
>everybody gets 18, 18, 14, 14, 8, 8
So, guys, I'm trying to build a dungeon atm, and it's going to be the first big dungeon crawl I do in a few years, the first in this edition. And I wanted to know if you guys could give me some ideas.
>It's a recently fallen dwarven citadel
>A dwarven smith recently dug out a forbidden, closed-off mine and went mad due to the greed and to the influence of some ancient underground being(s)
>The dungeon has 7 floors, the party enters on the 4th (3 upper levels, 3 "basements")
>The level structure works kind of like a pyramid, they get smaller the further top they are
What do I have so far: I've got the gist of what I want on each floor: the lowest will be the mines, then the artisans' workshops, then the underground farms, butcheries and breweries. Then at ground level it'll have the great halls, the temple, guests' quarters and market. Going up first are the guilds, the dwarves' houses and the military post; then the clerical quarters, the court and the council, and finally, at the top, it'll be the patriarch's quarters and the chamber of the "inner council".
At this top floor I wanted only one or two rooms, the boss (the mad dwarf) and the loot. I thought it would be nice that, to get there, they have to gather some items, like a complex key system, similar to old Resident Evil's door puzzles.
Maybe since he's a smith, the upper floors are full of his metal creations, while the lower floors, under the influence of the maddening ancient being(s) are of a more organical horror nature...
Idk, any help, dudes?
I'll legit average 13 with 4d6 drop the lowest
Its common for me to have a 6 and an 8 as well
Seems fine at a glance at least
It essentially may as well only have a +2 total ASI considering you won't use intelligence alongside wisdom much at all, proficiency in two skills is worth meh levels and it has half-orc's racial which is kind of okay maybe.
I'd give it a couple of good ribbon features (Not particularly powerful but makes them more racially distinct)
Its not, actually I would not pick it.
Averaging 13 is still better than point buy, especially when you end up with some stats over 15.
Getting 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13 is probably slightly worse than point buy, though. I guess you can get human with +1 to all stats and become a whateverthefuck.
I'm at work RN but I get off at 5. I'll show it to you then.
But Torm doesn't seem all that vengeful, he seems more likely to forgive enemies with the whole open hand thing
Thanks for the critique. Now, if I could only figure out some ribbon features... don't suppose any anons have any suggestions? For reference...
We both know you won't stop trying to ruin my fantastic, fabulous, intellectual, IP. But nice try autist kys.
Well that right there are rules that you're making up for it, I'd like to see it more rigid than coming up with it on the fly. I could use it to gain advantage on breaking down walls or doors, but then isn't it like a battering ram at that point?
>player thinks it's ok to roll for stats multiple times at home and take the best one
This is why I don't let players roll for stats.
Wouldn't a sledgehammer just be a warhammer, ultimately? It'd be splitting hairs to differentiate.
Sounds dope. My suggestion is to draw maps that are simple enough for your players to understand each room and the dungeon's layout without revealing it's secrets.
Also, if for any reason yout force your players to backtrack through a rin they're already been in, at least one time put a new enemy there as a nasty surprise.
>>player thinks it's ok to roll for stats multiple times at home and take the best one
Did I say I did that?
You should take a look at the aasimar races in volo's they all have transformation features and would be a good base.
A sledgehammer is definitely used more like a maul.
A warhammer is practically a long hammer and likely hits a smaller surface area whereas a sledgehammer is more just a heavy weight at the end of a stick. I mean, that sounds similar, but I'm sure there's a clear way to differentiate.
Forgot to add that you should include some stair mimics in there somewhere. Keep the party on their toes and such.
Which piece of my homebrew is your favourite, /5eg/?
I'd have to go with your complete artificer rework. It's probably the smartest thing out there.
Personally I like the part where we take a class that's practically the only one to have at-will abilities and a focus on using a variety of at-will abilities though it has sone long rest resources and a companion resource and instead we now add on extra resources for them to use so that they're now mechanically less distinct.
You should.
It's what a table deserves for rolling stats.
I'm sorry /5eg/, I'm a hack desperately seeking attention. Please respond.
Why thank you, handsome user.
Well that right there are rules that you're making up for it, I'd like to see it more rigid than coming up with it on the fly. I could use it to gain advantage on breaking down walls or doors, but then isn't it like a battering ram at that point?
If you're not using my reworked point buy system you're dickstabbing yourself.
No problem. You're probably very handsome as well.
>he thinks it's possibly the actual guy and not some other user false flagging to make others hate him as much as he does
I wanna introduce the book of erotic fantasy to my 5e campaign but I can't find any good conversion. Any ideas on how to convert it?
Back in the 3.x days it would really spice campaigns ups.
Who even are you? Homebrew is garbage at best and fucking retarded as a standard.
Though okay I'll admit ranger has an at-will AoE and rogue has at-will sneak attack but it's not the same as having at-will limited healing, speed boost, smoke cloud obscuration, prone+knockback AoE, single-target and multi-target damage. And there might have been a stun one in there, I forget.
But it's not the right way to fix artificer.
I regularly masturbate to Naruto.
Not hentai, just regular Naruto episodes.
>responding to namefags
I agree with that, but I feel like a slesgehammer is designed for more practical purposes than martial purposes. Compare a war pick to a mining pick, for example. I feel like the war hammer stats are a better fit to reflect that - maybe make it heavy?
Just make it a -1 maul to represent it's not supposed to be used for battle.
You're not supposed to one-hand a sledgehammer I presume and two-handing a warhammer is worse than two-handing a -1 maul.
Slesgehammers are my own design of weapon for 5e and Shadowrun btw. Anyone want to see?
Someone hates a guy on the Discord (who barely even looks at Veeky Forums) so he's namefagging here in an attempt to make the Discord guy mad.
You speak only lies. I'll have you know I had an autistic breakdown last night.
Who wants to check out my loremaster rework? I thought it was really weak so I let it change saves 3/rest and swap spells 3/rest. Really, why would 1/rest be useful for anybody?
That's a good idea, c0re, thanks. Maybe you're not so bad at homebrew after all.
I'd love to see it. I am sure it is not broken or even slightly stupid. You are very smart. You are an important person.
Accurate representation of the situation. By the way, have you tried my warlords?
You're a pretty swell guy too, c0re.
Anyone got good crusader character art? I want to roll up a paladin for my next session.
I have, it was pretty fantastic. I liked the way it was overpowered in most situations you could even be in these days.
>go to /pol/
>start thread
That is too close to abelist for my liking. Please do not try to trigger me, user. Only post progressive pictures for now on, okay?
I don't want to go to /pol/ it is a silly place
what is this c0re meme
I am the legion. Speaking of that, should I write some mass combat rules?
Actually a small part of the reason I want to roll up this character is that I want to antagonize a few of the hipster players in our group by playing a judge dredd type character for the bantz
I'm not a meme. I'm probably the best homebrewer D&D has ever had. Way better than Crawford at least.
some fag who knows everything there is to know about D&D, homebrewing, and balance
>trying to make me mad by using my name
Nice try but im not upset at all.
Hows it feel to know that youre just proving how well known and popular I am? Its a nice feeling knowing that so many people are butt hurt by my very existence that they spend DAYS shitposting about me specifically. its actually very flattering, so thanks, please keep spreading my name and linking my homebrew.
Remember, I do homebrew for fun, and never sell it, its completely free for anyone to use and I love feedback so discuss it/insult it as much as you want, im able to sift through your shitty attempts at putting me down to gain valuable information about what I can do to improve it.
I hope mods ban all you core fucks. Your meme is shitty and it's pure autism at its worst.