40k proxy thoughts

How would you feel about playing 40k against a 100% 3D printed army?

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I have about 1000pts that I'm painting right now, up close they don't look great, but look almost completely legit from arms length away

as long as its clear what the unit is and what it is equipped with most people wont complain

I'm still following wysiwyg, which is actually really fun.. trying to create bits to modify stuff

You could smooth the fuck out of those printing lines if you invested in a little greenstuff or plastic clay.

I'd do it for shit and giggles for creating some quick themed scenario with a friend but I'd rather work on better models for the modelling hobby part

Looking forward to the day

? greenstuff?

asking what green stuff is is about the same tier as asking what paint is.

>look almost completely legit from arms length away

Good, that's how I like to play Epic - with normal sized models I stand really far away from the gaming table, so they seem smaller.

Anyway, nice Land Raider and more pics please, if you have them.

I'd be down with it.

? Dental Plan?

I don't care. I'd even ask to borrow your printer to make shit.

Worst case scenario is that you play at a GW store (I have no options but)and they ask about why they look fake. I'd just answer with "I don't know, got them off E-bay." It's not like he'd tell me to leave after "unknowing buying" shit off e-bay.

! Lisa needs braces!

>have about 1000pts that I'm painting right now

Four Land Raiders?

I actually like the way those look. Reminds me of zimmerit paste on tiger tanks. But hey, that's just me. I'm sure op will clean it up.

Is seriously all if I could borrow his printer.

Almost as bad as proxying MtG cards desu



As long as it's painted and the proportions are right, I wouldn't care.

What bothers me the most about this kind of situation would be if the army is entirely unpainted (even if it wasn't 3D printed, and was actual official models) or if the 3D print just looks super fucking bad, in which case my beef is just that it's ugly and not fun to look at, not that it's 3D printed.

I think there comment was basically this

No shits given, as long as they don't look like ass. Minis are expensive.

Depends more on your attitude towards it all. If it's because you are new to the game, trying stuff out, or using it to do customized models, people won't care. If you act like a smug cunt for 3d printing saying you refuse to pay the prices, people will not like it at all.

I don't see any problem with it.

I'm too cheap to pay for legitimate models, but I'm also too cheap to 3d print, so I like to cut up milk jugs, melt them into slugs of plastic, and carve out my models with a dremel tool.


I don't care if people 3D print, I don't have a problem buying from GW, the only time I consider making my own is if I could make Sisters of Battle on the level of quality as Kingdom of Death.

Look up Grishnak

...it's not, but I considered it at one point.
It came down to
A) not worth the time and effort
B) not skilled enough to do a decent job
C) not sure if the paints would work on number two plastic

These look amazing actually.

Baww, i wish you could have proper models.

Everything but my tanks is 3rd party, and half of those are recasts. I don't think I'd be able toi complain.

What if I rocked up to the game with these badboys?

Anything that stops the flow of money to GW i am all for fuck those people and there greed.

What's the cost like. I'm not going to do it, but I just saw a tread about someone bitching about g prices

That does genuinely look like it took a lot if time and effort, I can respect that as an ork player. And it is 100% GW plastic. AND you had to buy the bases. So yeah, I wouldn't turn you down.

>"I kill that guy"
>"You can't kill that guy, he's a Bloodletter proxy"
>"I thought THAT guy was the Bloodletter proxy"
>"no, he's the Defiler proxy"
>"Okay, then what's THIS guy a proxy for?"
>"...who are you attacking him with?"

While we're on the subject, can anyone point me in the direction of chinabro alpharius' email? I found z's in like 10 minutes, but I've been looking for alpharius' for like 2 hours.

Honestly? It looks really cool. Genuinely impressed.

Must've took hours to get it right.

ask wip

Depends on the quality.
If they look okay, I couldn't care less
If they look shit, I'll think my opponent is a cheapass, but I'll still play him.

Those are clearly Necrons.

...you can't prove that

Pretty sure I've seen this around, it was definitely intended to be a necron army

Cubes of Tzeentch though, that's an abstract monstrosity

Forward the Spruecrons!

Always liked themed armies, they're cool, especially since this one gives a new meaning to "100% GW Plastics".

Of all the possible armies, though, Tzeench was a good pick. Abstract concepts of form seem pretty much exactly the kind of thing he would adore fucking with.

I only play proxies.

As long as you can clearly tell what everything is, don't care.

What does that mean? I will straight up paypal you monies just to tell me his email.

I mean, regardless of the effort you put in to make it, regardless of being 100% gw plastic, it looks terrible. I work hard to paint my models nicely so my games look better so I would prefer to play against literally anyone with a real army.

I might those

are you poor or don't spend alot of cash on minis? ok. better then a shitty proxy, and putting in effort to do that is always ok. I mean id still ask for WYSIWYG and hope you would reciprocate the gesture and running a balanced list not crammed to the gills with bullshit.

Four land raiders with 3 command squads with plasmas and a bare bones captain sitting back field next to scouts. no. just no, at least buy the fucking shit.

No problem. You paid more for the prints then most order from chinaman or ebay.

What would you field them as?

Or just not, y'know, thin your paints.

Hi, fellow kids, I want to know where I can do some crimes! Where are the criminals, so we can do crimes together!

Yes I would. GW prices are there for few reasons. 1 is basicly to give them profit but second is to create a base of costumers with certain characteristics. GW is expensive so only wealthy can realy enjoy it and not get frustrated. Your poorfag question could be stated "How would you feel If I would come to your Harley Davidson rally on my rip off from China?" You would have no fun at all because all of us would tell stories of success and you would be sitting on your cheap toy.

If I would find out that someone uses ripoffs or 3d printed stuff (doing damege not only to GW but to shop that sells) I would point them out and ensure they are banned from every shop I play.


I second that, fuck poor and cheap people.

>tfw Decurions were the eponymous OP as fuck greytide and this guy's masterpiece predated them by a solid five years.

Depends where
At your place, sure its fine
But at a LGS you're the worst kind of dick.
They have those tables up because they make money of 40k, if you don't participate you don't get to play there.

I have a sligthly bigger problem with proxies ever since, back in WFB, I charged a unit of "swordsmen" (regural Imperial redshirts with sword and shield) turned out to actually be greatswords (heavily armed and armored, nigh-unbreakable elite infantry).

>"James, escort this... peon... off the premises, would you?" said the dignified aristocrat as he put down the bell again, sipped some Mountain Dew from his finest china and turned back toward his plastic soldiers

On a separate note, how do you feel about people recasting stuff themselves. ie. buying from FW, getting a silicon mould done for themselves are casting it. Is it on the same level as chinaman?

It depends, i've never seen anyone get anything larger than pauldrons/legion icons/shields but i doubt you could get good quality mastadons from a silicon cast. I feel it's fine unless they're making a profit reselling further, although if i ever come up against an IH list with twelve badly cast identical contemptors or some such i'll be a bit leery

> Is it on the same level as chinaman?

No, at least you brought the original.

Wait did you just compared a "handmade" product with a mass produced one?
When GW price starts getting more expensive than FW you know full well that it has gone out of hand.

Just because I can afford a warlord titan every day does not mean I'm paying the overpriced hunk of resin. Maybe if the bloody thing was sold without bended or miscast parts I could be fine on paying it.
But currently? for the shit quality of the product they are putting out in the market only die hard fans and retards would willingly pay full price for this stuff.

There's also 3d printing with a 2d printer (papercraft). No paint required. It still looks a bit retarded, but if you're just wanting to game without the hassle of buying expensive minis and painting them it'll get you there.

My problem with proxies is that it puts an onus on the other player to remember what each proxy is and equipped with.

If its Wysiwyg then i have zero problems with it.

I'd assume it means ask the Work in Progress thread. They probably have a better chance of knowing than us.

its obviously a necron army. Skeletons with guns, bases of scarabs, big pincery things in the background...

I'd ask if he could print me some as well.

About time this started to spread to the hobby.

Darwinia was a cool game.

Some people are really good at Papercraft - it's just scratch building really