Hey Veeky Forums is there any online, lite, and automated tabletop RPGs? I'm looking for something to play with my friends but I don't really want to invest a lot of time and money into something.
Hey Veeky Forums is there any online, lite, and automated tabletop RPGs...
>tabletop rpg
Aside from being a code monkey in a VTT, there are none.
mythic rpg
what exactly do you mean by "automated" in context. It's a bit confusing.
There's Diablo or video games in general. "automated" rpgs are just Co op video games, you shit stain.
I hope you win the lottery and die the next day, and your daughter has to watch you get lowered in your grave.
Shut the fuck up. You're a fucking cunt.
Are you asking for something that handles all the adding/subtracting, and keeps track of everything automatically? All whilst still being a tabletop RPG? You just simulate dice rolls and somebody tells you what to do?
>dude comes to tg
>asks about a video game
Sorry, my mistake. I'll go donate to a few autism charities instead, try to fix the problem at its source.
Look OP, I'll man up and apologize. I'm frustrated at things outside of this thread, and I vented it out here. Legit, sorry.
But traditional tabletop gaming is a vastly rewarding and enriching experience, both to play and run. The fact that you're looking for something to play makes me think you'd be able to run a game; you're looking for a fun time, and you are drawn to this style of play.
It isn't nearly as hard as it seems. Heck, the DnD 5e starter kit has a premade adventure that's a ton of fun.
But in the end, you described a video game in your op, not a tabletop game. If you still don't want to run or play a tabletop game, look towards Diablo or other ARPGs; they have some great Co op fun.
what was the meaning of this
Wow, taking your insults from filthy frank songs. You're hard as fuck dude haha sick
Didn't say I wasn't a massive faggot.
I'd recommend checking out a rules-lite RPG like pic-related. Minimal math and rules to remember, and no purchases past the first book.
If you don't understand what's being asked, either ask what they mean or don't fucking comment. The internet isn't some kind of sitcom where you're the star, and quoting your favourite internet videos is gonna get an applause. A smarmy comment for everything you read isn't necessary, you're just being an insufferable cunt.
I'm pretty sure I knew what was asked. He wants a video game, pretty much. "automated tabletop rpg." A game without an actual gm.
How is that not just a fucking video game?
Because he wants a tabletop RPG? And I don't see him asking for something without a GM. Automated could just mean all calculations are done by the client, and you don't need to look up rules because some actions are restricted by the client.
space station 13 isn't what you are asking for but is the closest thing to what you want that I know exists
you could always write your own game
The OP sounds like he wants an online system that lets him play an automated rpg, which sounds like without a gm. Especially since he said he doesn't want to do much time or money, ie run a game.
Look, I'll straight up say my Filthy Frank insult was pretty fucking terrible. I shouldn't have been lazy, I had just heard the song and said fuck it. Either way, I shouldn't have brought in frustration from elsewhere into here; it made me a cunt.
But I really do think the op is looking for a game without a gm.
Don't worry, I forgive you. Nobody really seems to know what OP wants for sure because he hasn't been back to actually clarify shit though, we're just throwing out suggestions with our own assumptions as to what an automated tabletop RPG means to him.
Hope you have a good day anyway homie.
Yup! I don't expect him to be back, either. I'm out of here.
Thanks, hope you do too.
>that time two reasonable people talked about their problems on Veeky Forums
>Shut the fuck up. You're a fucking cunt.
no u