Fate: the SJW comic


Can we talk about this? About how everyone on that comic is in some way a prejudiced minority?

"But there is a white guy there!"

He's probably gay or trans, of course.

Who gives a fuck? It explains the rules, alright?

what's up

with that reddit spacing

In a very SJW way. No, thanks.

A really bad vice.

Are you just fishing for angry posts so that you can get upboats on Tumblr or whatever?

If anything, the only problem with it is how autistic the fat girl seems to be, screaming randomly about how much she loves spies and dragons without stop.

You sound triggered.

>Are you just fishing for angry posts

I am. SJW trigger me.

How do you live your life when you get flustered by two guys and two girls in a comic strip?

Needs more cute girls.

I see three white people and an ambiguous black/brown person

I'm from /pol/ and I'm pretty sure the artist is just a hack who loved Community.

That's before even pointing out the fact that an SJW artist would jump at the chance to completely ignore combat in a system that permits it.

They don't even have tumblr nose.

>Dorky looking white guy
>Dorky looking Indian guy
>Dorky looking chubby white chick
>Normal looking chick who could maybe be mixed race

Honestly, this looks like most of the groups I've run with. You should maybe go outside and get some fresh air.

THIS I can approve. That SJW abherration up there I cannot.

Please read for their ethinicity. Also the white guy is gay, that's why he doesn't counts.

That's cool. You keep fighting the good fight here.

No,seriously, stay here. We'll come get you if we find work for you to do.

>elf cow tits

just fuck my shit up

If i didn't know better, friend, your wording might give one the impression that somehow you disapprove

Go gargle hairy man ass somewhere else

He's probably from the_donald.

Ironically, OP is a faggot again.

>Also the white guy is gay
How can you tell? I don't even see it on the cast page

Takes one to know one.

Wow, a comic where not everyone is white, and not everyone is straight what a fucking tragedy. It's almost representative of the world as it is. Go back to /pol/ and cry more about things you don't like that nobody else gives a fuck about.

I'm really being lead to believe that OP is just an awkward shill, because rather than just posting the two pages, he linked to the site, and pitched a little too far in the "Look how upset I am" territory.

Yes, it's very tumblr and the comic would be improved tenfold without any of the characters (and end up just as large boxes of text and be a lackluster article), but OP really seems to just be aiming for SJWs to chime in here about how people shouldn't be so sensitive all just to bump this thread and get more exposure for the comic.

>tfw even /pol/ doesn't want you

I forgot this game even existed.

user... You need to know the greatest thing you can do, and the thing these people despise the most, isn't to hate them... It's to not even think about them.

user people who complain about online comics that you are not forced to read and have no impact on the hobby tend to be retarded. OP is obviously too stupid to understand anything you said


It's not even that bad, even then why post it here? Just ignore this dumb bullshit. The more attention you give SJWisms the more they'll grow.

If it's invading your community, just don't involve yourself with it unless it forces it's involvement with you.

>then why post it here?

>The more attention you give SJWisms the more they'll grow.

Ignoring them is exactly how the issue got this bad in the first place.

>Use "triggered" unironically.
>While complaining about SJWs.
Okay, either OP is seriously retarded or this is bait
The only issue there is you being a faggot. Because even if it SJW-bait (I'm not giving you the satisfaction of checking it out), a random person posting something I don't like online isn't going to make me lose my sleep.


>none of them even have blue/pink hair

for someone who's this triggered by "SJWs" you sure don't seem familiarized with their bullshit art cliches.

Can you quit virtue signalling about how un-upset you are that someone who is probably a false-flagging shill is totally failing to succeed in getting responses out of you because you're too smart for that?

Sounds like an incredibly narrow virtue.

>Okay, either OP is seriously retarded or this is bait

Not mutually exclusive

This isn't tumblr art, this is shitty college-humor level of art.

>Ignoring them is exactly how the issue got this bad in the first place.

No, it didnt, SJWs blew up the moment people started freking out about them. If the whole thing would have been ignored SJWs would have as much to say as /pol/, that is to say they would think they are important but really they would be cloused off in their own bubble

>Use "triggered" unironically.
>While complaining about SJWs.
Remember when ''triggered'' meant having an infantile emotional breakdown and not being critical of something you dislike? Pic related is triggered. Complaining about something on a imageboard is not.

>Remember when ''triggered'' meant having an infantile emotional breakdown
It still does.

not really, 99% of the time when someone uses "triggered" they mean "this person dose not agree with me and voiced it out in any way". I'v been called triggered when i called out someones mistake in a fucking math problem

> virtue signaling
> anonymously
What a surprise, a triggered alt-righter who doesn't even understand the buzzwords he learned on /pol/.

"triggered" is the new "u mad", user. Don't kid yourself. When someone uses it, it's an attempt to derail the argument in their favor by making the other person sound mad.

Triggered just means "I am feeling stress" nowadays, which is really the source of all this special snowflake bullcrap. Too many people don't know how to handle stress, even the mild good stress that builds you up.

user, very few people know how to deal with stress, the main reason is because we live in a state of constant stress. The main reason why we had the "snowflake" outburst is because people started to talk about a bunch of crazy tumbltards who lived only on the internets, a bunch of other crazys saw this, adopted their way of thinking and this whole shit blew out. But truth be told we always had snowflakes, the right has a fuck ton of snowflakes, it's just that the right wings snowflakes arnt as funny. If anything we shold go back to "u mad"

I literally cannot see the problem OP has with the comic. It just explains the rules of FATE in a colorful way.

>for someone who's this triggered by "SJWs" you sure don't seem familiarized with their bullshit art cliches.

to familiarize myself with it would mean exposure to their degeneracy REEEEEE!

OP is a massive faggot, what's new?