Why is Bane so underused in the mythos of DnD? It's all Orcus and Tiamat and such.
Why is Bane so underused in the mythos of DnD? It's all Orcus and Tiamat and such
4 u
because no DM wants to have to deal with this shit:
It would be extremely painful.
He's a big god.
Was killing Mystra a part of his plan?
Of course
Hothead detected
because this
He's crashing this plane of existence with no survivors.
>level 11
He's a small guy.
Because no one cared who he was until he put on the mask.
This actually happened TO Bane in 4e lore.
Yeah Gruumsh crashed his plane into Bane's plane. The survivors have been fighting ever since.
Even his traits fit.
>crashing a plane
Why Gruumsh is the inferior god.
Bane (Major God)
Lawful Evil
Domains: Masks, Planning, Stregnt, Darkness, Death.
Because there's no GM big enough to do Bane.
Because Bane is a deity specific to the Forgotten Realms campaign setting, whereas Orcus and Tiamat are more generic.
I wonder who was behind this post?
I really don't know. Personally I made a LE Dwarf that worshipped Bane. He's a fine enough god as any.
Isn't he the god of orcs? It might be because Orcus and Tiamat has baseline more badass things they are associated with (liches and dragons).
I've been wondering the same thing too, he used to be a pretty big guy.
4e has a version of Bane in its core pantheon that is seriously great.
Bane is a leftover of Ad&d that was sidelined in favor of more demonic opponents during 2e due to political reasons basically.
Well, 4e, so...
Is CIA the prophet of Bane?
>Small guy wordshipping Bane
There is literally nothing interesting about Bane other then 'muh Dark Knight memes' and 'muh 4e'.
He's a generic 'conquer everything because LE' god. His followers were actually way more interesting then he himself is. (Well, they *were*, when they were just a faction within the setting's version of Cobra, but then they took it over and just made it into his church so it became every bit as boring as him.)
Then he died and Cyric took over, but Cyric was actually EVEN MORE BORING, making everything worse. Then 'muh 4e' came along, and we made Cyric into a Tharizdun ripoff, because it was important to make DnD more generic while pretending we were making it less generic, I guess.
Look, bottom line?
Orcus sucks.
Tiamat sucks.
And yet, Bane still sucks EVEN MORE.
And that's why he's underused.
Yeah, sure. Things being better in it kind of goes without saying.
You keep going on about FR stuff no one gives a shit about in the first place. Everything about deities in FR is shit in the first place.
>God of tyranny
>No tyrants would worship him because he doesn't tolerate any other authority
>Everything about FR is shit in the first place.
I edited your post to make it more accurate.
No one knew who he was before he put on the mask.
Because Bane is a batman villain obviously