Khaine is cool edition
Core rules
General Handbook
Army builder
Custom Warscroll Designer
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Khaine is cool edition
Core rules
General Handbook
Army builder
Custom Warscroll Designer
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first for president kroak
Are skirmish pick up games common for AoS? I got just about enough to fill the 50 renown criteria and was wondering if any of you have done so in your lgs?
Just one quick question why are the fucking dark elves good guys now?
Oh yeah, in fact in my shop they are more common than normal AoS games. Such short set up and quick gameplay we get through a lot of games in a day.
Whatcha bringing to the table?
They aren't exactly "good" guys. They just fight for Order because they happen to like the concept of civilization and all that.
But they're still the exact same murderous slavers that flay people alive and do shit that's expected of chaos right?
Why does everyone else put up with them? Actually, is there a wiki or something I can read so I can try and wrap my head around this?
Was thinking my Moon Grots/night gobbos.
I would have
1 Gobbo Shaman
1 Felwatter Troggoth
2 Wolf Riders
14 Moonclan Gobbos (3 nets)
Hits 50 renown exactly.
Havent played in years. Since 6th ed. I am clearing out 99% of my old warhammer but want to softly plop back into the hobby and just have fun.
Plus its mega budgety which helps.
There is precious little lore about them currently other than they exist. We won't learn about them or the aelves in general until the realms of Hysh and Ulgu are expanded upon further.
Sounds like a good balance to me. Though I'd consider swapping the wolf riders with something else. Namely Spider riders
Hey you're the guy from the other night.
your list is actually close to what I would run, but I'd exchange 12 of the grots for another troggoth and trade the wolves for spiders personally.
The games are fun and you shouldn't see one last more than 45 minutes ever, even if your opponent is a dick and did nothing but spam 1 point units.
Idea was to use the wolf riders as harrassers or objective snatchers. Main idea was harry oppenent from a far and when lines close they charge in with the rest.
Spider riders work too sure but thematically I was thinking non forests. Then again that poison sounds vicious.
Heya! Thanks for the info man. I checked the rules and looks like I can only have 1 warscroll each. Though honestly even if I could, I like the idea more of a core of gribbly gobbos than a shaman trying to lead two trolls about. Would be fun as hell to write fluff about but could see me getting outnumbered something brutal if it were possible.
Ya thats another huge plus. Games less than an hour is ideal. The last tabletop match I played like 3 years ago in 40k. Sadly we forgot our dice box so had only 6 to roll with. We gave up after 30 minutes of agonizing dice rolling.
whos da little greenzkin?im gona smash him in da head
You can have a max of three troggoths. They normally function in units of three in Age of Sigmar, where in fantasy battles they could be individuals or units.
And best of luck with your list man.
>play daemons of chaos and lizardmen
>my fantasy daemons (which I already used in 40k) can be used in sigmar with basically no alterations
>lizardmen literally become seraphon with no alterations
>don't have to spend any money on new units
god i love these races
What is your favourite model that you own, but don't use often because its shit?
Mine is this guy.
Way overcosted but I like him.
Oops I misser that. Well im stupid. Even then, Id like to have my grubby green grotties as my core. Now if I played a 100 renowm game, sure! But just wanna keep it to 50 for now.
Thanks and have a good one!
Order is the 'lawful' column of the alignment chart. From the little lore we know about them in the GA:Order book, they fit in the Lawful Evil category. They don't do chaos and believe in living laws, but they just prefer to be the ones making the laws. Right now they are allied with the rest of Order because of common enemies (chaos), they don't believe in destruction for the sake of destruction (destruction), and are not undead (death). Order is just the best fit for them.
To add to that the current Factions split from the original Dark Elf are:
>Darkling Covens: Magically-Charmed armies serving a former Dark Elf Queen.
>Daugthers of Khaine: Crazy zealots of a long dead god that take baths of rejuvenating blood.
>Order Serpentis: Knight Order that genetically manipulated dragons into crazy shapes.
>Scourge Privateers: Beast-hunting pirates.
>Shadowblades: Mysterious assassins that always make their victims aware they are target.
mournfang :(
I use troggoths regardless of their underperforming
How are they in a proper scale battle? Are they just underperforming or just bad?
Sad as I thought they were always viable somewhat in the original warhammer.
>viable in fantasy battles
>when a standard that gives flaming attacks that cost 50 points existed
Also they can't tank hits like they should. I'm not saying they should be 7 wounds with a 2+ rerollable tough, but they'd be closer to worth it if each model had one more wound. As it currently stands, 20 unsaved wounds is five dead troggoths. What I would like to see is twenty unsaved wounds is four dead troggoths.
I asked this over in the warhammer fantasy thread so I'll ask here to see if I get some more help, what's the best way to do a Death army that based on Castlevania using only GW or at most, 3rd party bits for conversions?
Back to your cuck shed.
I mean I don't want them to be like the best monstrous infantry Destruction can field, but a block of nine should be considerably more than a mere speed bump to most armies.
> Not playing both Fantasy and Age of Sigmar, Fantasy for nostalgia and AoS since most people in my GW plays that
Am I the only person who does this?
>mere speed bump
Christ it sounds like AoS has a lot of omph behind it if 9 trolls aee just a speed bump. Id have thought once they got into melee they would be pretty good.
I play both still.
>square bases and of different sizes
You can fuck right off.
Oh yeah they can do some damage if they get in close. If you get a turn after an opponent's combat it isn't as bad because then that juicy regen kicks in. Otherwise they vanish quickly, like most models with only a +5 save
Ignore the asshole. Castlevania monsters are pretty much just about every variant of classic horror monsters combined. So pretty much any death mini would work, painted up in the schemes of screenshots from the video games and all.
5+ not +5
Good to hear I'm not the only one.
Does it trigger you that I still rank up my men in AoS with square bases, still use the lance formation for my Brets, and my unit fillers are now objective counters?
I was thinking of that too.
From the fantasy general, one of those chaps gave me some advice on how to make Legion, do you think any of the other monsters in the game could be scratchbuilt/converted?
Just a few rule questions
-Is it possible to shoot or blast magic at an opponent even if thry are in combat?
-Since AoS is more skirmishy than blocks, is it possible to take advantage of tight spaces or passageways to take away advantage of greater numbers?
-Is it technically possible to have a functional "shield wall" with a line of tougher infantry in front in a line with halberdiers right behind to dish out damage? Thinking chaos warriors specifically.
>-Is it possible to shoot or blast magic at an opponent even if thry are in combat?
>-Since AoS is more skirmishy than blocks, is it possible to take advantage of tight spaces or passageways to take away advantage of greater numbers?
Melee weapons have a specific range on their attacks, if you use choke points properly you can deny space to fit models into melee
>-Is it technically possible to have a functional "shield wall" with a line of tougher infantry in front in a line with halberdiers right behind to dish out damage? Thinking chaos warriors specifically.
Any unit that is within 3" of an enemy can attack in the combat phase
Putting 2" weapons like spears behind 1" weapons like swords/shield is a common tactic
Well thats sold me. Thanks man.
>still use the lance formation for my Brets,
This is just bad strategy user
post pics of your dudes fagget.
>-Is it possible to shoot or blast magic at an opponent even if thry are in combat?
>Since AoS is more skirmishy than blocks, is it possible to take advantage of tight spaces or passageways to take away advantage of greater numbers?
>Is it technically possible to have a functional "shield wall" with a line of tougher infantry in front in a line with halberdiers right behind to dish out damage? Thinking chaos warriors specifically.
Fuck yes.
You basically described how I play my Tzeentch army. Chaos Warriors and Horrors for screening while my wizards sit in the back and throw ridiculous numbers of mortal (unsavable) wounds downfield.
You can get more dudes in on 20mm bases, so get out.
They aren't finished
Is Settra Celestant-Prime?
looks like the sun is settraing behind him
Behind?Or in front?And is it a sun,or some chaos shit?
Let's say it's behind, so we can also say the sun represents the reign of the chaos gods
Oi shut up. He's dead already.
Dead nigga is a dead nigga.
AOS ignores bases my friend :^)
That's been replaced by a houserule so often that ignoring bases practically has become the houserule
house rule that you have to rebase your minis? yikes
Yes. If you want to look like you actually play the game, you use rounds. Squares are for kings of war, WFB and the 9th age.
Can anyone explain to me why do treefolk have tits?
They lactate maple syrup
Ever heard of dryads? Besides if you read old folk tales about forest creatures they are often described more akin to female than male. Are you implying that you wouldn't want to fondle delicious wonders of nature?
Anyone have any tips for getting the orange of the bird?
The WHTV did the blues but left out the orange.
We can assume that greenskinz are as good as officially squated, right? No new models since launch, no battletome, no role in WHQ games. Also no mention about them in GHB17 and they have no usable hero in Skirmish. Were they even mentioned in new lore?
TK are at least playable on their own - mono-greenskinz lists are no-challenge for other armies
So, I've been thinking for a while now about building a Khorne Skirmish force just with heroes
It would be something among the lines of:
-Slaughterpriest with Hackblade y Wrath-hammer
-Exalted Deathbringer
-Aspiring Deathbringer
Would this list at least be fun to play?
(I'd call it the BloodBros)
Thinking of starting up a seraphon army.
Got a few saurus warriors still lying around and I might go for two starter boxes next.
The idea so far is:
Sunclaw Starhost
- Sunblood
-3 x 10 Saurus Warriors
Firelance Starhost
- Scar-Veteran on Cold One
- 3 x 5 Saurus Knights
For 1.020 Points. The least amount I can get
Leaving me with one carnosaurus and a troglodon to be added in later.
So, I got the Beastclaw Raiders SC! yesterday. Is it a bad idea to put those 2" longaxes (I think) on my Mournfang pack? I'd trade 1 attack for a bit more reach and a -1 rend. Plus, they look way cooler than the clubs.
Maybe just magnetize them mate? You will have to learn how to do this someday tho
Well, they're not my first army, coming from 40k. I just don't really like magnetising, it's often been a bit fiddly. Although I guess I can use a bit bigger, stronger magnets on the Ogors.
Where do you think acorns come from? Lady trees.
They arent squatted just neglected. They are in the path to glory at least and Ghb likely has them under destruction.
Think you can only have one warscroll per warband so cant have two slaughterpriests. But sure why not? Sounds fun otherwise.
New AoS novel coming. What's your hype level?
Dorfs vs Delves? Not really interested.
I'm not into whfb - what the fuck is this creature?
The gargant hackers are the superior choice unless an abnormal number of wounds are inbound and you didn't get a charge. Fear not: the cooler option is better.
No, go ahead and have a third orc battletomb before one elf one, they'll wait.
Two headed dragon man.
Man, I'm not implying that Greenskinz should have a batteltome right now. I'm not even implying they need a battletome at all but it would be nice to have some new fresh battalion for pure-greenskinz army or maybe a battalion for some greenskinz-grots fun in GHB2
The idea of a nomadic cavalry army has always fascinated me, pretty much like the Mongols were
(I'm refering to the idea itself, I'm not planning to convert them to look like the eurasian nomads)
What is the best army for carrying this out?
A Gorefist Ironjawz army could look cool, but also a Chaos Brass Stampede, and even a Deathrattle army with just Black Knights and Blood Knights between soo many options
Winning games is a secondary option behind aesthetic and money investment
>Khaine is cool edition
Boobs for the boob elves god
20 Chaos Knights and Chaos Lord On Daemonic Mount give you a legal 940pts army
That sounds pretty cool, thanks!
throw in maurader horsemen with javelins to have some ranged attack
looks good. the start collecting is a great deal
do it and paint in many colors
Chaos Dragon.
You could also consider playing Beastclaw Raiders since pretty much all theyr units are cavalry
And the nomadic thingy you like it's theyr theme in the lore
That aside, the Brass Stampede is pretty fucking fun to use
I know that square bases are shit but God help me - I just bought a box of 4 orcs and they fit so perfect with a warboss on boar. All my models are on round bases but I'm thinking about putting these goofy fuckers on squares just for aesthetic
seraphon battalions are a trap for higher competitive play, but that looks like a good starter army
Guys please!
Is the classic splitted/two headed Tzeenchian dragon!
>and even a Deathrattle army with just Black Knights and Blood Knights
And do not forget Hexwraiths
This skeletal cavalry horde could look awesome, but sadly there isn't any special formation for it, so it might feel weaker than the Brass Stampede
But if you said this
>Winning games is a secondary option behind aesthetic and money investment
Then you could consider it
Also, there are rumors about more Deathrattle to come, so there are possibilities of them including more mounted units and even a chariot or something similar
(You could actually still use the Tomb KIngs chariots, and even Settra as the general, it would fit nicely in your theme and be quite competitive)
Wathever you do, good luck! It's always cool to read someone with inventive ideas!
>they'll wait
they are nearly immortal so they have time to be patient. The longer the wait the more advanced the power creep is bound to be for their release.
and also a chariot or two cannot hurt
lot of attacks for only 80pts
The army you are looking for are the beastclaw raiders
Well, I thought of a War Hydra.
The heads looks alike, but I think they can't fly
They look quite cool
Bad thing is, maybe the numbers are too low to really have visual impact, idk
I've always thought a Wanderers horse archer army would be cool. Glade riders, mounted heroes, and even wild riders or sisters of the thorn for some deer cavalry. It's mostly oop, but could be done with conversions.
whats the best chaos command trait?
Looks like a really original and probably aesthetically pretty idea, thanks!
Allegiance: Chaos
Thanquol and Boneripper (500)
- Warpfire Projectors
Skaven Warlord (100)
- Warpforged Blade
Warlock Engineer (100)
- General
- Command Trait : Great Destroyer
- Artefact : Crown of Conquest
20 x Clanrats (120)
-Rusty Blade
20 x Clanrats (120)
-Rusty Spear
20 x Clanrats (120)
-Rusty Spear
20 x Stormvermin (280)
1 x Poisoned Wind Mortar Weapon Team (60)
1 x Ratling Gun Weapon Team (80)
1 x Warpfire Thrower Weapon Team (60)
1 x Warpfire Thrower Weapon Team (60)
War Machines
Warp Lightning Cannon (180)
Doomwheel (140)
Verminus Clawpack (80)
Total: 2000/ 2000
Heroes: 3/6 Battlelines: 3 (3+) Behemoths: 2/4 Artillery: 1/4
I would put blades on 20x clanrats and run at least one unit of 40x rats with spears
I'm actually working on this right now. I have 16 Glade Riders, 10 Wild Riders and 10 Sisters of the Thorn. Ill have to convert heroes though. For now im using the High Elf Prince on Griffin painted in Wood Elf colors.