Just how EVIL is your current BBEG?
Just how EVIL is your current BBEG?
ugh. how tvtropish of you.
He drives primitive pedal powered hovercraft made of wood around as a taxi service of sorts. Will drop customers of mid-air f it they are no longer willing to pay or lets them drown in the rising sea if they are not offering enough.
He mostly just wants to bring humanity into the next step in its development through his gentle guidance, by conquering most of the world and mass-upgrading humans into cyborgs.
The actual endboss is a sleeper agent working the patriots because they have her husband.
Less evil than one of the current PCs actually, which is concerning
It's not concerning; just remember that your bbeg should have a broader view point making him either more rational than your evil player or at least appear to be more grandiose and scarier than him. This is why they have Grand Plans and players are only focused on stopping said plan.
Suprisingly not too evil at all, just, people don't like how powerful he is... he even guided the players through the first dungeon, making sure they knew how to get around the traps. (they are newbie players)
He cuts off the tails of cats before throwing them into a junkyard full of underfed dogs. He likes to watch them try to drunkenly run away from the dogs and see if they survive.
He's so evil, that he likes to drink Orange juice.
Immediately after brushing his teeth!
How high off the ground does it hover?
>When Altrue is making *new friend,* the *hair with no scalp* make *air dancing* that *turns left* like "good" and "evil." It is called *jokes.* *Lonely hairballs* are always *forgetting.* Altrue will take away *forgetting* from "new friend.* *Lonely hairballs* look at *good deals* like taking away *forgetting* and *dance the air* in *jokes* like *evil.* Without *forgetting* there is no *endings.* Without *endings* there is no *evil.*
Yes, my BBEG is heavily inspired by Orz.
I don't get who the character on the left is meant to portray. Ryo from Shenmue?
she is trying to save her dying race. i wouldnt call her bbeg per se
If she's opposed to the player characters, then she's the bad guy.
Pretty evil, he runs the criminal enterprise that makes its money from human trafficking, feeding the victims to soul eating bugs to keep them docile and has a lot of police in his pocket.
>has a lot of police in his pocket
Jesus christ his pants must be huge
Interdimensional Traveller that can go from our universe to a fantasy world that our setting, retaining only his memories
>Treats the setting like a playground, where he's able to experiment and treat everything and everyone like if it was a GTA game
>Goes back to our world, and uses the knowledge he gained in the fantasy world to do well in his studies, as well as gaining a much higher insight on how to do different things
>The Fantasy world is his very own dumpster fire, where he can do all the wrong in the world, rape, pillage, massacre, become a god of chaos
>In our world he's a well adjusted and succesful member of society, still one among the masses, but not bad at all in any sort of way
So he's more of an utilitarian Evil, doing all the Evil he wants, because he knows that as long that he goes back to our world, there will be no consequence
He's a Nosferatu that spent decades having a regular vampire clan infiltrate the capital, use the king as a scapegoat, and abduct children from all over so he can see what happens when he performs the rite to turn into a Lich.
You tell me
They're essentially the goddess of chaos in our setting, and had been previously bound into a dragon and sealed for generation by a cult that kidnaps people and sucks the life energy from them to keep her bound. We didn't know this last part and killed the wizards casting the seal. Now there is a god war throughout the planes of existence and corruption is spreading. Recently a breach in the material plane allowed demons of all kind spill out that almost killed the party. So pretty evil.
He has a thirteen year old love slave. He never sleeps with her; just makes her do chores, sometimes naked, while he brings other women home.
Just like the Veeky Forumskraut
To be fair, he's the BBEG of a Bunnies and Burrows campaign where he's the owner of said Junkyard. Things have actually gotten quite Fantastic Mr Fox with him and the Party.
They're killing the planet because they got bored and wanted to start over.
An Oathbreaker Paladin racing the party to claim a revenant's treasure.
My main antagonist wants to summon Beelzebub to the material plane and start a new world order where his followers can rule along side him.
He and his cultist love to manipulate people into joining them as to them they are protecting them and bringing them into the new world where they will be powerful.
my bad dude isn't the KING OF DARKNESS or anything
Well it's Shadowrun we started at brainwashed sex-slaves in the first session and then baby killers and authors of self-help books.
I guess the answer is "as evil as they need to be to turn a profit."
So every setting is kind of like "Westworld" for him? Like an amusement park
I like this idea, but is he ever in any danger while visiting?
>demon manipulating the evil pcs into creating a portal for him to escape the underworld
Pretty damn evil
If any of the heroes ever gets to speak with him directly he would probably stop being the villain, he is a pretty chill dude.
So evil he makes people say "ugh"
, See, he's at it again!
Fucking Barnabus.
Does he also actively broadcast and taunt the few heroes that can actually stop that from happening instead of just being quiet about it and just doing it?
German user that's "in a relationship" with an eleven year old girl while still dating women his age, he's keeping her on a leash until she turns 14 and it becomes legal to bone her.
He's a hero to some.
What if the players are the villains that have to fight against a party of heroes? Does that count?
My current villain is alien to the point of being a force of nature. It doesn't really understand what it's doing, and in an attempt to understand is doing horrible damage. I'm not sure that this is evil at all, if intent factors in. Still needs to be stopped though.
Sounds like a swell guy
Gassed an entire planet so they would stop mining in an ecologically destructive manner.
>I wouldn't call her evil
>For trying to save her race
Stormfag detected
The hero Veeky Forums needs
Trying something totally different. BBEG is a force of Law/Chaos. Homebrew setting where the gods brought so much order to the world that it seeks to destroy them. Making party decide between saving the gods themselves, or joining the menacing dark forces that seek to kill them and restore "The Natural order"
TLDR: God-killing essence of entropy
It doesn't
She tried to genocide a group of people but botched it and accidentally killed the majority of the planet and is now trying to absolve herself of sin by trying to kill a different group of people
He's so evil he sang a SONG about it!
Was it a good song?
Only if it's a white girl.
If it's a black girl then she's the good guy
He's fundamentally broken as an individual and has been since birth. The in world explanation was that he was in fact born with a deformed soul, and unlike most mortals will never be capable of normal happiness.
Most mortals who turn evil have their souls twisted and deformed, he was born with a defective soul from the get go, and thus has no way to return to being good as he is missing fundamental required pieces. He is personable and generally likable, but is only able to derive pleasure from the destruction of legacies. He needs to see effort go to waste, any effort, to feel happy.
He's only a little evil. He illegally took the throne through force and he levied taxes on wealthy nobles and merchants, but he's not really much of a tyrant. He's an aggressive expansionist though which makes him more evil than good to be sure
Oh no he's sparing a little girl's feelings and not breaking the law at all
What a fiend
Hmmm, let's see. He's trying to follow his personal view of the laws set by a deceased primordial titan of Order and Stasis who helped create the world, but he made them pretty much harsher. And the original ones viewed the humans as nothing more than slaves which live and die by the Titan's will, so yeah. Pretty evil.
He murdered the entirety of an imperial family, switched the royal guard with his goons and mind-controlled the only survivor, the ten year old youngest son of the family, who believes him to be the new regent and that his family died in an horrible incident involving a federation of other states from where the PCs come. So long short story he want to destabilize world politics, bring everything to anarchy, then use his growing cult's power to dominate humanity. And the fucked up part is that he isn't doing this out of desires. No desire to be immortal, no desire to possess all of the world's treasures. He just thinks everyone should be enslaved because humanity doesn't deserve freedom.
I haven't thought much more about him, his personality and his past, and I would like to add something more, but huh. The campaign is going slow, so they aren't going to meet him anytime soon, also many players are new to RPGs and aren't actually getting involved with the plot. It's pretty disheartening, since I don't consider myself much of a good DM, but in my years of practicing this dreaded activity, I usually got full attention from my players. I just hope they'll grow up to appreciate the game. I, for myself, am rambling about it on Veeky Forums at 5:00 AM. Session's tomorrow. At least I have something prepared (recycled from unused content).
He's not super evil, he just wants to save the realm. The whole "the safest hands are my own" type deal. However to obtain the power to save his realm it could destroy neighboring realms.
A spirit of justice with the ability to control minds. He's basically a cross between a zombie outbreak and a hivemind. Has decided that the only way to ensure humanity's long term peace and survival is to control EVERYONE.
So not evil at all in his own mind.
I haven't watched Japanese wrestling in a long time, who's the evil looking guy in the picture?
He wasn't until he met the party, as in the setting he was a revered inventor (He just brought things from our world to this), therefore he had plenty of social reputation, which meant he could do a ton of horrible things thanks to the money he would get selling his said-so inventions
Until he met the party, which he sistematically pissed them all off individually and tried to buy a powerful artifact from them by dirty an underhanded methods
So now they're gonna burn everything he's ever owned
he's not to worried, as long as he comes back to our world
So evil he kills a stuffed cat
She's a feminist who wants to eliminate the male sex and force all humans to reproduce by using magic to fill in the "blank spaces" of the unfertilized eggs with the DNA of the "Other Mother"
Once she's done slaughtering all human males she will move on to the other races, such as Dwarves and Elves. She also destroys the temples of any male deities she comes across, making it a death sentence to continue worshiping them.
Oddly enough, Lolth and the Drow hate her guts.
But... That's when orange juice tastes the best.
Who the fuck wants to drink Mildly Pepperoni Pizza Flavored Orange Juice?
I think it's the guy from the Kira movie.
Don't really know yet. We've got hints of someone riling up cults behind the scenes with 'investments' of useful rituals, but we only know that he's a thing because we recovered communications from him because one cult leader didn't follow instructions and destroy the message after reading it (thanks KT!).
My current BBEG is on a path of destroying DEMONS IN HELL of every planet, but once that's done, it goes on to also kill everything alive on planet in physical world so demons can't return and feed on life there.
It's only a BBEG in a sence that player's character (its hivemindish entity played by more then one player) soul and fate is tied to the BBEG's fate and would be able to ascend to heavens only after moving BBEG from its current path to salvation.
Depends. He's a green dragon in 5e (Not popular with some people here, but it's the only system we are all familiar with). He spends all of his time disguised as the mayor, and he is in for a long con. He has been impersonating this guy since replacing him as a baby, literally aging his polymorphed form and hiding himself with powerful artifacts. His goal?
Build up the town into a thriving metropolis, with him (disguised as his own descendants) ruling over it and founding his own kingdom. That, and eating the pieces of an atropal to gain immeasurable power. (not statted for 5E, but I will cross that bridge when I come to it.)
He views the party as his ultimate treasures/playthings. His ultimate goal for them is to pit them against his former mate, and have them kill his full-blooded children, to remove the competition. Other than killing that baby, though, he hasn't really done anything truly evil yet. Underhanded, sure, but he is founding a community, and he IS a politician.
It was an EVIL song!
As evil as the evil sorcerer Zargothrax.
Well, mine was just jailed tonight, don't know what system I'll run next, but the one for cyberpunk was pretty fucking bad, had his fingers in plenty of pies all for a big plot to take over California and rule it as his own. Turning people into suicide bomber zombies, corrupting the police force, letting gangsters run free, he was nasty.
The party didn't take him seriously because he was weeb as fuck, talking about bushido and owner, even tried to commit sudoku with his girlfriend when the party cornered the two of them.
He was also a dwarf, so that didn't help in the seriousness regard. The only time he got under their skin was with the bomber zombies, they were creeped out by those.
I'd say my BBEG is more a Ticking Time Bomb.
I'm actually using LIJ as minibosses in a game I run. It's good shit.
She's a necromancer who travelled back in time to sell out the location of the planet to a great old one who I wants to free rovagug.