What do the major groups in the Imperium think of Cherubs?

What do the major groups in the Imperium think of Cherubs?

That's like asking what different organizations think of dogs.

What exactly are Cherubs?

Vat grown fetuses stuffed with metal bits so they can do stuff like act as scribes or heralds.

Typically, most non-Ecclessiarchy (and other related or similar groups like Sisters of Battle and Black Templars) actually find them kinda unsettling. A common descriptor of them is that people suspect they are more intelligent than they appear to be.

As with everything Imperium-related I assume it differs from planet to planet. I'm sure some think it's good that these children thst otherwise have no future can serve the emperor in their own way and others are probably like "Robot babbies? Does this count as heresy?"

They're basically pissed off flying babies.

Most of them are vat grown using actual babies is far too grimdark for GW's taste.

>female criminals are sent to rape gulags where slave laborers and well behaved criminals get the privilege of mating with them
>once they are about to give birth, the child is taken and the mother goes through the entire process again
>the child is then lobotomized and made into a cherub servitor

Isn't that the daemonculaba?

No, that involves an entire adult man being shoved inside a woman.

Seems like a waste doesn't it, why waste a perfectly good baby when a vat grown one is simpler, throw the actual babies into guard. Although I guess this would all depend on the planet.

Actually, there are some that are created using normally birthed babies. Apparently they're higher quality than usual because of a more developed nervous system or something.

...that's perfectly fine but using normal babies is too grimdark how?

Sounds like you could probably just achieve the same thing by letting the vatborns develop for a bit longer. That or use better equipment but that's probably not gonna happen.

>using actual babies is far too grimdark for GW's taste.

You mean the franchise were children die in the thousands so a few hundred can become inhuman psychotic killing machines to defend an empire who sends billions to die on a daily basis? The same empire that is willing to lobotomize people, strap guns into them and program them to kill and then use them as cannon fodder? The same that uses loyal soldiers, mutilates them, puts their brains in a robot and have experience nothing but pain from their implants and augmented senses causing their brains to die faster? The same empire that has rape gulags and uses humans as mine sweepers?

Nothing is too grimdark in a setting where the only afterlife is hell.

>mfw that's before the marines kidnap all the children and force them to fist fight each other to the death until only the strongest remain to begin the process of dying during implantation and trials

>Man, that guy must be stupid rich or be important

Guilliman hates them. Expect to see less around Ultramar.

>The same empire that has rape gulags

>rape gulags
This keeps coming up and with twenty years following the franchise this is the first I have heard of it. Sauce?

There is none, Virt is just trying to impose his fetishes upon the canon

Lords of Mars trilogy, first book I believe. The protagonist finds an archo-flagellant who was a priest that had taken over a planet and turnedit into his personal pleasure world, he built torture palaces and sent dissidents to rape gulags, presumably to be raped to death.

Good book by Mcneil.

Sounds like heresy to me but OK

>he built torture palaces and sent dissidents to rape gulags, presumably to be raped to death.
Kind of reminds me of those stories about the Roman rape monkeys.

>Vat grown fetuses
Shouldn't they and other vat grown servitors cause bad luck because that's what clones do in 40k? They bring terrible terrible luck.

Seems only a thing if something has higher brain functions. Servitors and cherubs have not.

Also a vat grown body won't reject implants.

You know that was seen as batshit insane by the imperium? And a big reason why he got accro-flagelated?

When people try to push this stuff as 'normal for the imperium', I can never tell if they're jackasses trying to make 40k look bad (and seriously, at that point, just use actual 40k decisions to make your point), or creeps who want to make 40k even darker then it already is (hi, Carnac!)

my money is on the latter

Wasn't that just the Afriel Strain and not clones in general?

Nope, almost universally clones are bad news. Something to do with cloning not fully realising the soul and the universe rejecting them on a fundamental level/the warp hating them. Think of an untouchable, if a daemon COULD actually hurt one it most definitely would. It's only prevented by the fact that getting close literally phases it out of existence

Clones in general have no soul. And in 40k no soul and having an organic body is very bad news. Fine at first but ultimately batshit and dangerous.

Pariah on the other side have souls. But something's off with theirs.

Afriel were more designer babies than clones.

>Clones in general have no soul. And in 40k no soul and having an organic body is very bad news. Fine at first but ultimately batshit and dangerous.

That's not true. Horus's clone had a soul.

Not so much phased out but being forced into the materium without any link to the warp. Not good for demons. Or psykers.

Because you're mistaking user's magical realm for canon.

In the Ascension book for Dark Heresy it is said that even some ministorum and related people are uncomfortable with them, but they still keep the tradition.