What's your LGS like? Do you live in a good city for it?
Does it smell like poo and sweat? Mine does :(
I wish that people who enjoyed traditional games weren't social freaks
What's your LGS like? Do you live in a good city for it?
Does it smell like poo and sweat? Mine does :(
I wish that people who enjoyed traditional games weren't social freaks
Whoa, that one's got carpet. Must be nice.
Mine's actually pretty good. Nobody smells, everyone is either college or post-college, and we have a nice, thriving Commander community, as well as a Brewer's Paradise night. Nice people, good community. My only gripe is the $3.00 minimum charge fee for credit/debit cards, which is just a business standard. Oh, and they can't sell food or drinks because they share the location with a mexican restaurant.
It's a small (150-200sqm I think) 2-stories miniature shop in the centre of my city. There's about a dozen Golden Demon scattered around the shop and it's visited by pretty much everyone : students, soldiers, kids, blue and white collar workers and managers. There's 15 or 16 tables to play. It only sells minis.
Mine is full of fat SJWs and numale cucks.
You sound super autistic
There's nothing wrong with soldiers tho.
You sound fat and retarded.
Mine's pretty good. I love it to death, actually. The owner's struggling financially, though. Says he's going to give it another year and if he's still in the red, he'll call it quits.
The upside to that is that he says he'll still invite me around to his house and we can Veeky Forums without the shitters.
Fucked a trap in the bathroom of mine last week so I would say it's pretty good.
I'm sorry what?
I have way too much anxiety to go to mine, it's terrible. I mean, I go there, I give them my money for all sorts of different things and I'm generally polite, but I have no friends so I don't actually get to play very often.
Seems like a nice place and my few interactions were generally positive.
Fucked a cute trap in the bathroom of my LGS. We finished a game of EDH and then 10 minutes later I finished in his mouth.
Story it up mother fucker. I don't believe you. Pics.
That's hot, user
Story time on how you got him to suck you
>a cute trap
I'll take 500 for "never happened" Alex
Traps are huge sluts. They base their entire self image around their fetish and are desperate for attention from any reasonably attractive guy.
I really need to meet one then.
Come to Seattle.
Putting on a dress and cutting your dick off doesn't make you not a man.
Depends on how hard you're willing to look
That's pretty much in the other side of the planet
It's a great place to have a trap fetish though. Maybe visit some time, leave some of our local fembois with a nice ass-full of foreign cum for them to think about on those cold lonely nights.
>science is /pol/
Kill yourself my dude.
>Maybe visit some time, leave some of our local fembois with a nice ass-full of foreign cum for them to think about on those cold lonely nights.
Will do, thanks for the tip
>>science is /pol/
>hatespeech is science
That's why people tell you to go back to /pol/
kys you fucking asshole
Ah, yes, scientific facts are, in fact, "hate speech". Are these those "alternative facts" I keep hearing about?
And if scientists, the people who are supposed to be arbiters of truth, are wrong - according to you, an anonymous nobody on the internet - who do we trust?
Male/Female and Man/Woman are two different things
Why is it that people who like board/card games tend to have such terrible personal hygiene?
I don't get it. I'm socially awkward as fuck and ugly as hell to boot, but I still know no one likes some stinky asshole and putting a little effort into my presentation (ie showering and wearing clean clothes that aren't ratty as fuck) makes playing with someone a better overall experience. Or just interacting with someone in general.
>Why is it that people who like board/card games tend to have such terrible personal hygiene?
It seems to be an American problem because we literally don't have it here
>I wish that people who enjoyed traditional games weren't social freaks
It's not even that everybody is social freaks, or even on average, with most places it's just a case of one or two smelly apples smelling up the whole barrel.
>My only gripe is the $3.00 minimum charge fee for credit/debit cards
I've got to side with the retailers on that kind of stuff. From experience, the credit card companies really drag you over the coals, it's all you can do not to LOSE money on those small purchases, never mind keep the rent paid and lights on.
>who do we trust?
I trust my dog. He barks at people who are disguised to give me a heads up. Traps, commie spies, werewolves, you name it.
That is probably one of the worst smelling rooms one could be in.
>Why is it that people who like board/card games tend to have such terrible personal hygiene?
This has become far rarer bow thast nerdy things are normiecore, but even in the 90s it was never truly bad. There was at most 1.5 filthy hambeasts and everyone hated them. LGSs being hives of scum and villainy was always a meme.
>I wish that people who enjoyed traditional games weren't social freaks
I wish normies would get out
Sorry if I don't want hatespeech on a traditional games board. We already have a board for edgy bigots like you, and it's right over here >if someone doesn't like transphobia they must be b8ing
I dunno, user.
At the LGS I frequent the DnD group is just... They play in a closed off room and you can still smell them. They have one dude who is so fat he uses one of those mobility scooters in the store. Whenever he goes through a doorway the fat spilling over the sides of the seat on the thing makes audible scraping noises as it's smooshed up.
I understand it's anecdotal, but it sure as fuck makes me not want to pursue an RPG group even though I'd really like to play.
I know what you mean. My group enters the FLGS and people won't stop staring at us like we're assholes because we brush our hair and wear deodorant. A couple people in our group get a little scared because some of those dudes could probably eat them.
Honestly the mentally ill make me sick.
>mobility scooters
These thing are a joke, they shouldn't exist or at the very least, only be obtainable in very very specific cases
>I have way too much anxiety to go to mine
Speaking from experience, the only way to deal with social anxiety is to just power through it, at least at first. It's one of those things where if you always fold to it, it just gets stronger and stronger. For me it started with phonecalls, had a job where I needed to make a lot of calls. Damn near having daily panic attacks early on. But you just force yourself to do it, it gets easier and easier. I'd set times of day, alarms on my phone and so on, "call such-and-such NOW". After a while, you can move to doing meetings, then to public speaking, and so on, just baby steps.
Anxiety, in my experience, is a kind of bad habit. It's a mental block. Just like with other habits, best way to beat it is to use your routine to forcibly create other, new habits that take its place. The first few times, hell, maybe the first 100 times, you have to FORCE yourself to ignore the anxiety, but then it gets burned in to your brain. Ignoring the anxiety becomes the habit, it becomes rote.
>just b yourself
Holy shit this has to stop. You CANNOT just talk this way to people with legitimate mental conditions and expect to get away with it. If he has anxiety he has anxiety and you need to RESPECT that okay got it?
Soldiers are bros, it's ex-marines you want to avoid.
I don't know if this is bait or not but I'll bite anyway
He is right, that's actually the only good way to get rid of anxiety
But they are just dickless femmy men, don't get so triggered over simple biological facts.
You can fuck right off mate. You and your kind rule literally every other platform of speech in the world with legions of shitposters at your beck and call ready to purge the insufficiently liberal. You can put up with the occasional casual right wing comment on Veeky Forums.
Not what I said, at all. The anxiety never goes away. I still have a flash of panic every single time I pick up the phone, every time I walk into a meeting, every time I have to goddamn order a coffee from some random on the other side of a counter. If your brain is wired that way, then that's it, that's what it is.
My point is that, like any physical limitation, it's something you can learn to manage and live with. Speaking from direct experience with what was crippling social anxiety. No, you're probably not going to ever be a politician. But you can find workarounds that let you live a normal life.
What doubly amazes me is he's got a little basket on the front of it and it's always loaded with his 'gaming snacks,' ie several bottles of soda and at least 1500-2k calories worth of candy.
I suspect if he just quit eating that shit all the time he wouldn't need the scooter after half a year or so.
Anxieties, when not due to fucky brain chemistry, are the result of misplaced protection mechanisms. Typically, animals learn to fear/have anxiety about things that are dangerous to them, so if someone is bullied, has abusive parents, etc, they learn to fear people.
You're right that the only way to overcome it is through exposure training, but without proper guidance it can wind up reinforcing the anxiety-causing behavior. For example, any kind of ritualization strategies before engaging in whatever makes you anxious is actually an avoidance behavior.
For example, trying to psych yourself up by telling yourself it'll be fine, there's nothing to be afraid of, etc, will hinder the process.
A decent psychologist/social worker should be able to build a plan and give suitable exercises to ease you through the steps.
I understand not everyone has insurance or the money to visit one, but even a few sessions can get someone started in the right direction.
I'm not sure if this is bait or not. That you call it a condition while at the same time trying to say it's something some people just have makes me think it is.
No one likes or wants to have anxiety. It's a pretty shitty emotion.
That's anticipatory anxiety (which is separate from performance anxiety) and requires another line of treatment to help resolve.
Muh corp.
>I still have a flash of panic every single time I pick up the phone
I still have this one when I got a call from an unknown number or someone I don't talk to often. Not being able to see the person on the other side is pretty hard, even if I'm a socially well adjusted member of society otherwise.
Don't get me wrong, this CAN work for some people, but it's not a miracle solution. Some people need meds, for others it's e.g. group therapy. Going outside and confronting the problem and establishing new habits is obviously a part of everyone's recovery, but not everyone can un-break their broken brain all by themselves through sheer force of will.
>he wouldn't need the scooter after half a year or so.
I'm pretty sure most people that have one can actually walk by themselves and just have one out if sheer lazyness
I have a story to talk about anxiety never really going away and having to live with it
During my college years,we had interviews with old engineers and other team-managers
I was talking with this guy, that was a high-level manager in on of the biggest factory around, the kind that keep a city alive by itself
That guy had like 500 people under him, had weekly important meetings. He had that aura of confidence that would make you obey him on the spot.
I was telling that man how I was working on my anxiety, hoping to see it disappear completely one day
He told me "I'm like you, you should know that it never truly disappear, you need to learn to live with it"
He lifted his hand from the table and told me to look: he was trembling
That 50 something man was anxious about meeting 20 years old kid
That was one of the best lesson I've ever had
>I wish normies would get out
Thinks personal hygene = normie....
Fair enough, I can only speak for myself. No idea if my particular case is funky chemistry or some suppressed trauma or what-have-you. I had bad luck with shrinks - lots of time invested and no meaningful results, got a great deal more out of doing my own research and techniques. Obviously that's not everybody's experience, and if seeing a pro works for you that's great.
>any kind of ritualization strategies before engaging in whatever makes you anxious is actually an avoidance behavior
Ok, but if it works, what's the meaningful difference? Rituals and routines are powerful mojo precisely because of the repetition - you keep hitting those same neural connections over and over, and they get stronger. Eventually they become second nature, and pushing through the anxiety is habit, and easier than acknowledging it.
That's fair, I didn't mean to condescend. Just sharing what worked for me - forming new habits, constant repetition, and starting with the small stuff and building up.
Initially, I had to basically make a game of it - literally going out of my way to put myself in uncomfortable situations, and thinking it in terms of almost like "grinding" in an CRPG. Each little encounter pushing my brain a few millimeters closer to being good at this thing. Tiny, almost imperceptible, gains to start with, but over the course of years it adds up.
That's a really cool story. Not the first time I've heard one like it, either.
The different is rituals will reinforce the anxiety. You'll never overcome it.
If it's something you feel you have to do in order to do the thing that's made you anxious, you haven't really improved much, have you?
For many folks, it can be very difficult to avoid engaging in mental rituals/avoidance before doing something, and often it happens automatically. Need to watch out for thought patterns where you're trying to reassure yourself and stop them.
Hate speech and bigotry is sickening
You can fuck off, there's no space for hate speech on the internet any more. It's fucking 2017 already, it's time for transphobia to die a quiet death.
Umm no they're not, science disagrees with you. A trans-woman is a WOMAN.
>hurr durr biology
Shut the fuck up, you're not a biologist.
>Umm no they're not, science disagrees with you. A trans-woman is a WOMAN.
You're right
A transwoman is a male woman
>The different is rituals will reinforce the anxiety. You'll never overcome it.
I suppose that's true in some sense, in that I still feel it, the anxiety has never really gone away. On the other hand, 10 years ago I would have had a panic attack about calling to make a doctor's appointment. It was quite literally destroying my life. Today, I can get up and speak to a crowd without any outward sign (although my heart usually still goes like a jackrabbit). I have a job that requires me to interact with new people constantly, often in direct confrontation, and I'm reasonably competent at it. Maybe my rituals are not a perfect solution, and I'm sure not suited to everyone, but it feels like progress.
You're like a parody of a cliché.
My LGS has this out front. I would go if I wasn't still painting my army, cause based on the facebook page it seems like a friendly place
also Chaos is winning their konor campaign so it cant be that bad.
Too obvious, the other /pol/tards in this thread probably won't be replying as often because there's no doubt about your insincerity.
It wouldn't have been quite as bad if you hadn't decided to throw in the "literally the current year" bit.
The only LGS I know about is a wargaming café. The idea sounds nice but I haven't gone there yet, I'm a bit afraid of finding the stereotypes to be true. I'm not sure if I ever will, but I enjoy just collecting and painting 40k for now.
Any funny stories?
That's a fair review, thanks for the feedback.
I shitpost because I hope to make sensible people feel like rightwing extremists, which will further push them toward rightwing extremism
so you are a closet rightwing extremist you fuck
>Oh, and they can't sell food or drinks because they share the location with a mexican restaurant.
Shit like this is why I voted for Trump. As if selling a few poptarts and sodas conflicts with those slimy spics' business.
>I shitpost because I hope to make sensible people feel like rightwing extremists, which will further push them toward rightwing extremism
But we can all tell that you're a walking caricature of that "normal person mask" cartoon. If you wanted to make people lean right, you would have to provide factual evidence that leaning right benefits anyone other than the people in control, which is a lot harder than shitposting as what you think a strawman libtard sounds like.
We have 3. two have one stores ones is a mini chain in the area. I never go to one of them anymore because of the owner, he's sold fake mtg before and from what I've been told he "accidentally" still has bought some off of people who sell collections to him, his store was pretty much just average mtg and not much else when I was there he was buying old vidya, but I refuse to go back to a store that sells fake goods and knows it.
the other one I go to has been around forever and I even do some volunteer work sometimes on the weekends when my wife decides to come along for the day.
the third is pretty much all hype, I've been in one of them about 3 times before picking up dry cleaning just to look around. Imagine if Hot Topic and Veeky Forums had a kid, that's the store.
You sound like the kind of guy that goes to a mom and pop store
.....it's a small biz ofc it's mom and pop
I'd totally buy fakes if they were sold as fakes, passible, and priced as fakes. But I get the impression he was selling china man reprints at market value for the real deal.
Store Name?
that's what I know, he lost some business that way, because let's face it, fakes are obvious as shit to anybody who isn't delusional.
lolno I may not like that kind of thing but i'm not like that. it'll come back to him eventually.
Does anyone ever see people playing YuGiOh anymore?
I mean seriously, my LGS only buys 1 case now, shit just doesn't sell at all around here and the owner of my store is sitting on tens of thousands of singles yet he refuses to have a bonfire with the bros.
I have found one Games Store within 20 miles that isn't a GW. It's in Westminster/GG. Large selection, narrow walkways
miami has a lack of good gaming stores. south miami anyway.
My store had a prerelease for the newest set, Code of the Duelist (shit set, don't buy boxes if you plan on getting into yugioh), it had like 30 people and they got enough sneak peek kits for like 70 people.
The game is still going strong, just ignore people that say Yugioh is dead. People have been saying that for years.
FLGS charges a lot for you to play there since they rent it out to a rogue trader club,
Friendly people but feel out of place being normal
GW filled with autistic 12 year olds FeelsRageMan
woah man, I think its a pretty nice theres a place to eat right next to that LGS, besides, its not just mexican restaurants, my lgs couldnt sell snacks cause the arcade it was attached with sold snacks as well and they didnt want to stir up shit between each other. As for the mexican restaurants, those tend to be pretty dope, but there are some that are ghetto Mexican as fuck and dont use clean anything, which ruins the food, :(
The one that sells fakes that is.
Currently I have no LGS. The games store in Fukushima with tables is a card shop, and the owners act predictably like scowly western LGS owners.
The good shop here stocks a small amount of RPGs, but between that, the model kits, and the RC airplane kits on the ground floor, they don't actually have any tables to play on. Friendly staff, though. I'd totally take my patronage there if they did, though they could afford to set up an AC unit in the window or something. Summer in their shop is just a few degrees off from the melting point of iron, I think.
Not true at all. Every LGS here smells find 99% of the time but literally stinks worse than a locker room any time a MTG event is on. It's that specific community that stinks.
I love my LGS. Great play room with tables galore for every game type. The retail area is clean and very well organized. The only downside to the store are some of the partrons. Saturday nights are absolutely horrid because of the hipster vape crowd that shows up for MTG. The store is in a constant haze of sweet smelling mist. I really hope the owner decides to ban vaping.
The store has a great history of dealing with problem crowds. They completely banned Yugioh because the players were cheats and thieves.
We had a big yugioh crowd every weekend right up until the day the owner got sick of their shit, canceled all events, and stopped selling the product.
God, the shop got so much nicer so fast it was mind boggling.
Eh, it's actually hit or miss. Some is good. Some is bad. Also they have to get their teenage daughter to come up to talk to the english-speaking customers... yeah it sucks.
Generally we walk a couple yards down and get food from the Wienerschnitzel.
I have three LGS's in my area - one is a cool little hole-in the wall that one could miss quite readily. It could be in a better area admittedly but is still a cool place. Huge area for comics and lots of lesser played games/RPGs.
The second is near the first but is much smaller and is attached to a book store. They focus more on board and card games though.
The third (and best IMHO) is like the first but in a much, much better lo.cation but is quite a bit smaller. It's in the mall and sells comics, games and a lot of merchandise.
Am I the only fat fuck that does basic hygiene when going to the LGS. Sorry it seems some of my fellow ham planets don't give a fuck.
For christ sake though is using deo, brushing your hair, taking a shower, brushing your teeth, and trimming the beard to damn hard?
fuck off to leddit tell them we sent you
Most fat fucks just give up and don't give a shit anymore because they know they are a lost cause and lack willpower to even try to do something.
Huh. Is banning a whole community like this common?
Found a Nosferatu fledling. Don't they teach Obfuscate in the clan anymore?
Fuck even in Aus its like that here. I cant stand going into game shops anymore because of the sheer stench. The one i use to go to i would go during the day. Would play some rpgs with these relics in their 50s-60s, it was alright during those times because we were the only ones in store and the place had no stink. It was nice.
But go at the evening or school holidays, fuck me the place stunk to high heaven.
Some EB games are just as bad and dont get me started on conventions. I dont understand why its so hard to bathe and put on some deoderant with these people. I mean fine dont take pride in your appearance but at least make yourself tolerable to others.
Because of this I now only go into LFGS if i can buy my stuff cheaper than online just to avoid the stink.
Well in my case there's a few tank crews at my LFGS because there's a barrack not far.
I find here in shitposting land we like to copy the worst of American habits