Are Rhinos bad in 8th? I see a lot of lists either using exclusively Razorbacks, or opting just to footslog most of their troops.
Is it because of the points increase, because infantry armor got better? Both?
Are Rhinos bad in 8th? I see a lot of lists either using exclusively Razorbacks, or opting just to footslog most of their troops.
Is it because of the points increase, because infantry armor got better? Both?
Razorbacks are not that much pricier, and have a gun. Rhinos no longer have fire points, and why are you running large units of Marines anyway?
>Disclaimer: IG-exclusive player who only faces space marines
It depends on the army. Rhinos are pretty good for Melee marines and berserkers because they shield the units inside from the turn one shooting and turn two overwatch. Razorbacks are also pretty damn awesome as they fulfill tank duty while shuffling the squads to objectives.
Melee hordes don't need the transports because they all have some sort of deep strike (nids), teleport (orks), or super-run/run-and-shoot (imperial guard) ability. Plus, trukks and chimeras can't reliably hit a barn's broadside while moving and cost a fortune.
Taurox prime is pretty good for meltamen just because they can charge forward then shoot turn 2 after the offload.
Eldar units can ignore the BS and are thus quite decent at most things.
Rhinos are pretty useful and incredibly obnoxious to use as melee units against enemy vehicles that don't have fly. Just keep charging them and they have to keep falling back but never get to shoot. Bumper cars syndrome is one of the problems of 8th ed when you run a lot of tanks or transports.
I wouldn't say rhinos are bad, but they are not great still better than a pod now adays but poor chaos has no other option under200 points so they are kind of stuck with it
Thanks for the perspectives.
I'm actually playing Sisters but Sister threads inevitably attract trolls and I wanted useful information.
Gonna bring 2 Rhinos for flamer squads and 2 Repressors for melta squads.
No. Rhinos should be used for Repentia and/or the Ministorum assault troops. For actual Sisters you really should just use Repressors or at least an Immolator. If you want big squads of Sisters you're better off just giving them Storm Bolters and footslogging.
This. Don't fucking use rhinos for Sisters. repressors and immolators are where its at.
>Bumper cars syndrome is one of the problems of 8th ed when you run a lot of tanks or transports.
this sounds like a feature and not a bug
>he didn't tank shock with every single vehicle in his list in 7E
>deepstrike hellions
>assault razorback
>consolidate into predator
>the same predator was T1 charged by reavers to prevent shooting
>break away from combat
>assault his HQ
>consolidate into land raider
>cant shoot following turn because in combat
Laughs were had
I really miss tank shock and ram. I remember reading the rules for them and thinking "when am i not going to this?" Oh your guys are holding that objective? Outta my way fucking tau shits, obsec rhino coming through! Ever ram a monolith into a leman russ' flank? Its glorious. No one ever expected stuff like that at my shop
>tfw have a transport specifically designed to ram shit
>Fires of Cyraxus never release in 7e
Trucks are basically pointless now. They're so expensive and Orla are fast enough without. Also you can only fit, I think, 10 Boyz in a Trull and Boyz mobs should always be 30 strong in 8th.
The only units I'd consider putting in a Trukk are tankbustaz and maybe nobz.
>not putting yer nobz in a 'naut
mukkin abowt
Isn't that thing like $200?
I thought MSU was bad in the current edition since everything is aura based?
Two squads of 5 inside an aura are the same thing as one squad of 10 inside an aura.
yeah, but now you can conga line further for greater threat ranges
>tfw when no glorious admech ram-train
So glad that the equivalent of Tank Shock isn't "Hmm, I'll casually walk out of the way". It was pretty pathetic in previous editions for years and years.
You were lucky to find a tight space and maybe kill a couple of gaunts.
It should have been an initiative test and a STR 6 AP 3 hit to all models in the unit that failed.
I like that they gave it a combat equivalent in 8e. It works okay. They can do actual damage.
The bumper cars situation kind of works (Makes sense that an empty transport can do a lot of harassment as it tries to run something over and someone's trying to get out the way if they aren't strong enough to fight back, or one tank is ramming another away etc.)
The problem is that at the moment, it has little risk.
Maybe have it so any wound of a 6 on a vehicle is a mortal wound as it took damage to a vulnerable area that is more easily hit in melee.
Kind of like how they used to receive melee damage to their weak rear armor.
Anyone using conga lines should be ashamed.
You can argue it's a legitimate tactic and yes it's fully in the rules.
Problem is you're supposed to be simulating a battle and your dudes wouldn't fight like that. Just not in the spirit of the game.
Spirit of the game is bullshit.
Game has components and rules.
Nothing in the rule books demand that I need to simulate anything.
Fuck your stupid ass inane bullshit.
Why do you even use models then? You should just use tokens that represent the rules entries you want to use to win the game, if that's your idea of a good time.
That's a stupid comparison
Actually using armies of models is the whole point of the game
Why do they need to look like an army? They aren't in a battle.
You just need playing pieces to move around with what the rules let you do.
We WANT them to look like an army because the game itself IS making armies of models fight
But if two people DID want to play with just markers, then that's cool for them.
Explain this "conga lines" thing to a noob please
Doing this
>break away from combat
>assault his HQ
I think it stills make sense in most cases.
Like a guardsmen squad, only a few of your mates need to be in voice range of your officer to relay orders, etc.
>The bumper cars situation kind of works (Makes sense that an empty transport can do a lot of harassment as it tries to run something over and someone's trying to get out the way if they aren't strong enough to fight back, or one tank is ramming another away etc.)
no, if a tank is trying to shoot you aren't going to prevent it by harassing the tank, either the rhino puts itself in front of the cannon or the tank should be able to just fire undisturbed out of combat. The rule would make more sense if you could choose to take the autohit on your bumper car.
The purpose of tank shock was not to kill models but to move enemy models, it worked fine and death or glory moments were pretty cinematic. Raming needed a change though, even a S10 autohit wasn't all that impressive for a heavy tank ploughing into something.
if you have Fly you can basically do whatever the fuck you want
You can break and shoot with the FLY keyword, you can't break and charge.
That one isn't really the problem though.
THIS is and it's very favorable to armies like Orks where that string back 30 boys (So up to 60+ inches potentially) that keeps your warboss way out of harms way but can buff a load of guys in combat on the front lines.
>trukks and chimeras can't reliably hit a barn's broadside while moving
First off, trukks have assault weapons.
Second off, who the fuck takes trukks for the gun?
That looks more like the HQ failed the charge, and you probably want the warboss in melee rather than "out of harms way", he is a capable fighter that you pay a bunch of points for.
There's nothing wrong with this.
I have more of an issue with a mob of 30 boyz getting a few models tied up in combat while the rest trail behind, being unshootable and also screening all the characters buffing the unit from being targeted.
This. My friend has been running Ghazgkull and, after a few games, realised that he really didn't need protecting and every turn he wasn't in melee was a waste.
Here's a less rushed version to make the point clearer.
I'm not trying to move goalposts, just give a better explanation of the potential here. People are doing this and it's silly but totally works with the rules.
How does one end up in that situation?
Add in a painboy, ghaz, a KFF mek and probably some FW unit that also gives a boost at the back
That's how auras are supposed to work. Otherwise the rule would be written like the Mek's KFF...
I haven't really looked at 8th but I just got some orks just to try some fun conversions. Are trukks usable as a gun platform for boyz? Like, 10 shootas in a trukk scootin and shootin?
Put some terrain on the table then.
Trukks are too expensive to run boyz in them, but they're great to run nobz in
KFF the whole unit must be in
Still open-top assault vehicle or equivalent?
But the chain can curve around the pieces of terrain. They don't need to be straight lines.
Model base is 1" and you get 2" coherency, that's a 90" line that can snake in an S shape around the board 7.5 feet.
WAACfag thought process is to try it and hope the enemy doesnt know ork rules. We had a dude congalining ninety boys try and argue that he'd take all casualties on the dudes within range of the KFF despite having the rules exhaustively explained to him by bystanders because he was playing against a crons player who didnt know ork rules
At least this generation of WAACfags are actually good painters, they were gorgeous
send a unit of Berserkers into the side of the conga line then
At the end of the day, they're T4 boys with a 6+ save.
Conga lines really only fuck with gunlines. Being some assault troops
That's not WAAC that's cheating. Shun him.
Also in "rad missile artillery" variant, because fuck fleshbags
oh yeah, he was politely asked not to do it again by our redshirt, who's actually pretty cool, and no-one else played him all afternoon, and likely ever again
>Are Rhinos bad in 8th?
No. But if you don't field your Assault Cannons on Razorbacks, where does you anti-infantry Dakka come from? Lots of bolters doesn't cut to it.
Rhinos are for melee church units.
Immolators for SoB
Repressor for melta dominions and maybe an extra squad of storm Bolter dominions.
Don't bother with heavy Bolter Immolator you can get a Repressor for about the same price
On a side note flamers suck ass for SoB now, so it is Storm Bolters for Battle Sisters Squads, melta/SB for dominions and Rets Heavy Bolter
Meltas or flamers on immolators?
Storm Bolters
Think of this you can fit 3 Storm Bolters and a power maul for 10 points, a flamer is 9 points.
That is 12 shots alone for the SB and 4 extra shots for the bolters.
3D6 flamers at 8" is very unwieldy while 16 shots at 12" is more useful in the long run.
Meltas are for dominions or inferno pistols for Seraphims since they can move 24" turn 1 between AoF and special rules.
Remember AoF are only for stuff on the board at the start of the turn so shit in transport of Deepstriking does not count for AoF
If overwatch happens you are already dead in melee anyways
Thanks. But I meant on the immolator, not in it.
Immolation flamer
12" S5 AP-1 and 2D6 assault it is the magical number for weapons in this edition.
For melta you have the rest of your army that is better at it.
This. Immo Flamer is a nice sweet spot in terms of points and effectiveness. If you really want Multi-meltas I'd lean towards MM Rets in a Repressor.
Aight, seems resonable. Heavy weapons on a transport also seemed like a bit of a waste.
Any idea about what to do with a canoness? I plan to have a cheap one stood between a couple of exorcists but I don't really know what to do with the other one. She doesn't fit woth my repentias as they already get the re-rolls from their mistress and so far I have no other close combat infantry.
Why do i find those "arms" cute?
I do wish that they did more than one easily accessible stormbolter model
Repentias are trash.
Run them as DCA, Crusaders or Arco-fags
Canoness keep them cheap. They are just buff bubbles. Maybe a combi plasma
I've had very good results with 8 repentias, a mistress and a ministorumm priest in a rhino. Sure they are a glass canon but they kill whatever they charge.
And I also like them.
Because they are cute! They even have their own machine spirits
Not a transport though, unlike this - which (or rather, the unit it represents) can also be made as a land raider
>keep the boss out of harms way
You congaline Conscripts or Orks, not Tacmarines. Bobby G's buff bubble goes to units that don't use transports, like Rifledreads and other "shooty" vehicles.
Jon Camacho ran a Living Tomb at LVO 2014, and won against a guy running a Thunderwolf Superfriends build that didn't expect him to Thunderblitz him off said objectives.
I enjoy "shove" mechanics in games (you could argue one reason WMH is going tits up besides colossals and war engine casters, is there are way more ways to negate "being moved"), so their removal in 8th is sad.
>95% of your army can't fight back in melee
Gee wow what an advantage broken rule
Tails are more useful than full congalines--a couple of boyz trailing off the side or back of a blob to stay in reach of a buff unit or objective. Which is nothing new.
I like the Combi/Eviscerator Canoness. She has WS 2+, re-roll 1s aura, 4 attacks and a 3+/4++ be default. Might as well use it. Plus she can have pretty impressive output if you burn an Act on her. The 22 points of the Evis. are worthwhile. Eviscerator Canoness can stand up to other melee characters surprisingly well.
That said, the cheaper Combi/Power Maul version is also good. Also I love Combi-Plasma on her. The aura means she uses it really well as long as you're comfortable with her committing suicide every once in a blue moon.
it costs glue, a coffee tin and some soda cans.
Ancient greek phalanxes were organised so that their most experienced men were at the front and back. At the front so they could fight the shit out of the enemy, and at the back to keep the squishy inexperienced innards of the phalanx from running away. The entire phalanx never fought all at one time and it was that way by design. The bulk of warm bodies was just there to support the front ranks. In fact if the enemy broke through the first few ranks the phalanx was likely destroyed.
It's possible that military commanders in the new age of massed hand to hand combat have studied ancient tactics.
How are Land Raiders in 8th?
And what about variants - what's your favourite?
On table/in theme or fluff?
Yeah but it breaks down when it comes to yuge hordes of dudes. Ork Warboss buff should be 12" but only affect models within range, not units.
They're the toughest non-knight equivalent model in the game with T8, 16 Wounds and a 2+ Save. They're slow but pack a hell of a punch now with 4 lascannon shots, 6 heavy bolter shots and a cheeky multi-mmelta+stormbolter all with splitfire for multiple targets. They can move and fire at full efficiency which is handy as you're going to want to keep them moving to acquire better shots and avoid close combat units.
They're silly expensive at 350 points. They are particularly vulnerable to close combat in the respects that they can easily be chain tied up and effectively be able to do nothing for the rest of the game against a throwaway rhino or unit of conscripts/gaunts etc.
Their role as an assault transport for terminator type units is greatly diminished as it's probably worth saving 350 points and just deep striking the terminators now as you can assault with them straight away and you don't want your land raider anywhere near close combat range to anything as then it's fucked.
They're probably not worth it overall as they're super expensive and don't really do much for that but they're still really cool and in casual games I'd take one for the fun of it.
Ah, shame that they can be tarpitted - I thought there was meant to be something for that?
You could probably use melee Terminators to clear away tarpits so it can keep shooting.
Nothing that I've seen in the rules. You can move the land raider away from the unit who charged it freely but then it can't fire or charge itself on the turn it does that, and then can just be charged again ad naueum.
You can obviously support the unit with other units and shoot whatever is tarpitting your landraider but now you're using a unit to try to kill anotherwise insigificant unit like an empty rhino or group of fodder units.
You can surround the landraider with your own tarpit troops to take the charge itself and any unit can now shoot through another unit and not suffer any penalty, nor do your opponents get cover saves. However this relegates the land raider to backline fire supprt, which other units would be better at, rather than in my mind its role as a frontline assault transport that can pack a punch as well while it still can do this it's going to be inevitably tied up if it does.
Hellions can, nigga.
Similarly, the White Scars Chapter Trait lets their units do this, too. Although the only applicable Vehicle for that is a Dreadnought.
Ironically, White Scars do Jump Packs better than Raven Guard, Ultramarines do Bikes better than White Scars, and Raven Guard do Gravcents better than Imperial Fists. Whoops.
The assault phase comes after the shooting phase. Get cheap Primaris Psykers to mass-Smite.
Just bring your own cheap vehicles to drive into their Rhinos so you can forget about both of them for the rest of the game.
Though I guess SM don't get any cheap vehicles so once again only horde armies can do it.
See, you don't put boyz in a trukk. You put 12 lootas. Or 6 flash gits with ammo runts. Speed them to exactly where you need them, and then sit them there. Trukk is essentially a bunker from then on, not a terribly tough one, but enough to increase their survivability a bit. But the real advantage is spending one turn with a -1 to hit, and then being in perfect position in every subsequent turn, rather than spending the first three turns footslogging with MV5 and with -1 to hit.
You have to think of open-topped transports as gunboats this edition, as there is no reason not to give your battlewagon an 'ard case if you're only using it for assault troops.
Still, the best gunboat strategy is obviously 20 grots in an open-topped battlewagon, keeping them at SDILN bonus until the battlewagon is destroyed
>Still, the best gunboat strategy is obviously
Well, technically Imperial Guard have that one, which is just a Stormlord (whichever that baneblade with the MEGA bolter is) and as many Heavy Weapon teams as you can stick in the back of it.
Yes but the game itself is making armies fight. You said it yourself.
Armies don't fight in conga-lines.
What kind of heretic wouldn't be inspired by knowing that he was in the presence of someone who had been in the presence of someone who had been the presence of someone who had once spoken to someone who had once breathed air in the same room as the great Lord Commander Guilliman?
Easy fix. My special character's aura only affects MODELS within 6" instead of units.
Because the models are the components of the game, you stupid shit. The game tells me to use models so I use the model.
This makes the Support command vulnerable to shooting since it's the only shooting target I have. Don't even need snipers.
**units with a majority of models within 6"
It's no less effort to check, and isn't changing the spirit of the rule just to reign in one That Guy
>vulnerable to shooting
Being in melee doesn't the congaline brigade from being the closest visible enemy unit(s).
Well, Scars can make great use of ONE unit of bikes. It's just that massed bikes aren't the best for them.
Do we know anything about the SoS transport?
I'm running Sisters with both rhinos and immolators as transports. You can play bumper cars after they dump the troops on an objective which always infuriates vehicle heavy armies.
Of all the rules that weren't properly thought out in 8th edition I think this is the worst of them. there is no reason that a tank can't reverse and fire it's main guns in combat. it simply makes no sense at all. and if they get "stuck" up against some terrain or a board edge they are pretty much out of commission until they kill the rhino.
Trukks are for protecting tankbustas and skorcha-Nobz while they do drive bys. They aren't for melee units anymore.