pic is flashing screen at the start
pic is flashing screen at the start
The Machine Spirit is talking to the Astropath.
I decided to try
it works, redirecting you here
Ignore the url shit, probably irrelevant
I checked a bit more and I think it's just some weird shit involving how articles are linked,
also goes there, probably because the article title starts with an H
Forge World Moirae was right
Cawl bringing back Men of Iron confirmed. Get hype.
Ok. Just collecting what's floating round the net. The URL redirecting to dwarfs could very well be relevant.
I'll serve some copypasta:
>Regarding those cryptic numbers and letters onto the shown logo in the YT video ...
>"The first release of the Squat weapons plastic sprue was at 1989 with the following article number(?): 0007-03"
>"AP" from the cryptic letter/number line (B50-AP/78903//M/h) could stand for "Alan Perry" who was one of the original miniature designers for Rogue Trader Space Dwarfs back in 1989"
That actually usually happens, Astropaths tend to have some minor cranial cybernetics as with nearly all Sanctioned Psykers and commune with the machine spirits of the choir chambers when sending out long-ranged messages.
It's just more age of sigmar shit. Dark elves probably
I actually can see Squats coming back, since we have GSC, 30K plastics, 8E streamlining, and all sorts of crazy shit that's better than Kirby's era.
If they do I'd still go crazy. Not because I'm a huge fan of them or anything, but just because it would be by far the most unprecedented move in GW's entire history, even more than plastic SoB. Squats have attained the status of urban legend known only for no longer existing. This is probably what the characters from Jurassic Park felt like.
Imagine Squats coming back before SoB get plastics. The salt could keep every kitchen in the world stocked for generations to come.
I will shit through GW's letterbox if they do that.
(I know, they're going to do exactly that. Sisters will never get plastics.)
I really don't want plastic sisters, I just want the metal ones to be reasonably priced. It seems like for ever cent more I make at work the price goes up by two. I'll never get my army ready at this pace.
buy recasts m8. Fuck paying £50 for 20 year old sculpts. Even the equivalent age guard squads are £22.
My sisters army is a mix of leftovers from the witch hunters era, recasts and third party.
My guess is something to do with Imperium Nihilus.
a hive fleet in imperium nihilus got intestinal disease and puked out the squats again
Imperial Aquila that also looks like a skull.
>See new video
Ugh, it's probably primaris grey knights or some shit
>Watch video
Huh, I have no idea what that video was about
>Read thread
Well now I have my expectations so high the second coming would be an anticlimax.
>squats get plastic models before sisters
And people question my cynicism when it comes to my sisters.
A skull + aquila logo? It could be fucking anything.
But we're overdue for an adeptus titanicus announcement so I'll just declare that it has something to do with that.
It's squats, my son. Either that or Necromunda.
So the squats are getting unsquated?
If squats get unsquatted what do we call getting squatted? Getting SoB'ed?
What copyrightable name will the reborn squats have? Adeptus Rotundi?
Getting Sanguinius'd.
Militarum Reductus
So are squats just another type of abhuman or actual friendly Xenos?
squats are abhumans, as with ratlings and ogryn
I'd rather see some kind of hive gang/arbite release, though. We've got fucked up imperial citizens (chaos), imperial citizens (zombie chaos) and imperial citizens (genestealer hybrids), but no imperial citizens (classic)
>bitchin' skull/aquila hybrid logo
If THIS is the logo Squats get, I'm gonna be fucking furious.
Fuck squats, they serve no purpose, their models are dopey in all the wrong ways, and make virtually no sense in modern lore
>hive gang faction
>mfw it's just hordes of desperate hive gangs and hive citizens beating the shit out of the other side with whatever they can get their hands on
If this is the case, manufactorum workers killing a warlord will be the new Lucius, titan-killer. I guarantee it.
Come on GW, stop teasing me and put it in already.
Silly user, thid is obviously a Bloodbowl Brettonia release.
Leads me to think it's either Titanicus, or a BIG GW/FW combined thing.
Could also just be some GW codex and some employees just got a pin of that army earlier.
I think Titanicus or Imperial Guard are the best guesses, Titanicus being released about now would make sense since Grey Knights and CSM wont have new models so Titanicus can steal some of that spotlight by being new models.
Makes sense. Although I wouldn't spit on IG either, especially with that laspistol Rumour Engine we had last week.
Lasgun+WD tease+This teaser
Gonna say all for necromunda
The Skullquila motif does feel like it'd fit Necromunda.
Maybe the grenade box also fits with this?
I thought the WD tease was for the vidya. We've know for quite some time that the people behind Mordheim were developing Necromunda.
The fact that a FW guy has a pin makes me think you're right.