Order of the Stick

1088 Hall Past

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I don't mind the slower pace of the comic now that pages are coming out regularly.

Also, what if Durk's mom died dishonorably, and there will be some twist where we see her in Hel's realm?

Can someone remind me why Durkon's Mom never got her arm grown back by one of the Clerics in the fortress? I KNOW the story had a reason she couldn't or wouldn't, but I forget.

The same thing that gets in the way of any cleric healing anyone: value.

The level of the spell and its related components have to be taken into account. Durkon's mother being more or less poor does not help the church help you. This is the primary reason that Durkon became a cleric in the first place; so that he could personally reach a point where he could fix it for her. His exile got in the way of ever accomplishing it, because once he was powerful enough to cast it he wasn't able to come back.

They were poor.

Stopped reading this comic a year ago, is it still shit?


>The level of the spell and its related components have to be taken into account.

Ah, right, right.
I'm never quite sure what magical or edition rules Order of The Stick goes by.
I just thought it was a matter of how many miracle charges you have in a day, etc..

It's 3.5, but it plays fast and loose with stuff. They explicitly revise editions right during the earliest part of the comic.

>I'm never quite sure what magical or edition rules Order of The Stick goes by.
Its D&D 3.5. Even references Weapons of Legacy (Roy's sword, and the book he's using to learn about it), the Expanded Psionics Handbook (there was a Blue goblin at one point), and etc.

No, it is the most awesome thing ever. You must now read the entire thing, or else you will die not having seen the greatest story ever told.

Okay, I'm gonna be annoying, but: Do they ever go into detail why there aren't more Clerics to go around? Durkon clearly proves you can just train more, so why aren't they doing that? I understand it wouldn't be EASY, I'm not expecting them to get a 100% or even 50% graduation or turn around, but what's the deal?

Is Durkon seriously the only cleric who graduated from his class?

So, why isn't this vampire affected by all the holy symbols of Thor being shown?

You need faith? Faith isn't exactly easy to come by. Also, besides faith you also need a personality and mindset fit for a cleric and not, say, a backstabbing rogue.

Clerics is a class that doesn't start young. It's the kind of thing that takes some good time and dedication to get to.

Also, more clerics doesn't mean anything when you need better clerics.
One of the things that gets driven home over and over is that NPCs around you are not growing as fast as you are if you are out there adventuring. When they go check if they can get "Durkon" raised, there literally aren't any clerics in the city who can do it. It's likely that only high-level adventurers (who are few and far between) and high priests (who might be even fewer) can actually even cast a spell of that level.

Assuming Cleric school world like Roy's Fighter College, then graduating means becoming a Level 1 Cleric, which I'm sure they have plenty of. Reaching high levels on the other hand, well Durkon literally had to get exiled for him to even leave the Dwarven Lands.


What level would a Cleric need to be to heal her arm?

13th, in the normal course of events.

high enough to cast 7th level spells

>Aunt, yer hot

In before we spend more time in this hallway than we did on the airship.

How many strips did that one Thog joke say it would take for the Order to get out of the mountain range?

Twenty-two strips, it's pretty close now.

>stuff tha dinnae happen, the thread!

I shouldn't have laughed, but I did.

>No it'll be fine. We'll make it

I don't know if it counts for anything OotS general, but I'm glad to have made it with you all.

Of course it counts, user. We've only made it because we're together in this.

Is there a Thog edits compilation? Like, a folder somewhere on the Internet filled entirely with it?

OK, I'm officially freaking out.
That's my name. and it's bolded for some reason.

How'd you get named Maurice?

Not everything is about you Maurice, fuck off.

Jesus, and I thought my parents had bad taste in names.

I think it's because it feels like the story is actually going somewhere now. There's a world of difference between a slow boil and a narrative just spinning its wheels.

I think it's more because updates are actually happening.

At least he isn't called Dongus.

I don't even read or care what's going on in this stupid comic. I just come here for Thog.