This deck is doing okay versus RDW so far.
I have 3 of these in my sideboard and I also do good against RDW
I built this deck when Amonkhet came out. It never could beat its Draw-GO counterpart, but now that its receding from the format thanks to RDW I think it has a window again. The original build was Temur with Attune with Aether and Harnessed Lightning, but I've been trying out this build since 7/10 creatures need double colors, and adding the green made getting mana screwed too common.
It wont save you from their hazorets. May I suggest a one of Hour of Devistation to deal with the gods and planeswalkers.
I've got a couple Soul-Scar Mages in my RDW brew for the mirror match
how rekt am I going to get tomorrow running a similar list to pic related?
Trying to finalize my sideboard for New Perspectives (the standard Amonkhet list).
2x Kefnet
2x Chandra's Defeat
1x Mountain
2x Radiant Flames (considering to switch for Kozilek's Return)
2x Forsake the Worldly (Cast Out on N.P. is a bitch)
3x Drake Haven
2x Dispel
1x Negate (might replace for third Dispel)
Thoughts and suggestions?
So is rdw an actual good deck? Or will it be phased out as the meta changes and players take a closer look at the cards?
It's just straight beats with some burn spells and shit that makes it so your shit can't block. Unless you build to gain life, counter the block removal, or just straight take the pain like u/b animators, it be lethal by turn 5 if not faster.
I might buck the trend and run g/b hapatra. Cheap as fuck and withers the opponent's board.
Remember: red sucks and is completely unviable, there's only four colors in magic, wizards hates red.
Moved Nicol Bolas to sideboard, brought in another Torment of Hailfire.
Dropped the Champion of Wits x2, brought in another Fatal Push and Bone Picker.
>Forsake the Worldly
fragmentize still hits it
return is instant speed
drop a dispel for a negate, using them proactively on planeswalkers just shuts some plans down
Last Game Day for my RW Allies. They have been with me since BfZ. I hope we will have an Glorious End.
I'm packing a lot of SB hate for Ramunap. Shocks and Chandra's Defeat.
Any other interesting SB choices in Rw besides solemmity?
If you want to fuck Ramunap, you should be running Authority of the Consuls.
why are people buying sunscorched desert? i only got a playset weeks ago for memes
If there are any w/u monument at your shop I suggest you run magma spray as it removes their ability to use Dusk//Dawn to bring their shit back.
This user is correct with his assertion that AotC is fucking murder for RDW
Consider solemnity for any energy or counter decks. Hour of Devistation is fucking murder for many decks as well.
I was running Authority of the Consuls in my Colossus-Fling deck and it did not help at all unless you get it in your opening hand. Coming down turn three, four, or god forbid five seemed far too late. Frequently killed me before I could Fumigate, too (even with mana-rocks like Caravan getting it out a turn earlier). I'm annoyed that Colossus doesn't seem to have any answers for the deck in black or white, and not sure what to do. I'd hate to give up on it so close to rotation.
>playing colossus fling
>not colossus gift combo
Maybe trespassers curse to at least mitigate some of the damage?
What is Colossus Gift?
reanimate master marionette with god-pharaoh's gift make 3 artifact tokens, attack for 4 and if they choose not to block, sac two tokens to colossus in the graveyard, trigger on the stack activate colossus again and sac the last token + gift (or any other artifact) to deal 16 damage.
Can also play Walking Ballista for 0 with Marionette out when it's a 4/4 or a 7/7 and dome them in the face for that much.
Deck can't beat mono red though, matchup is horrendous unless you can nut draw the combo by turn 5.
How could you get this on the field without paying its full mana cost? (question applies to other spells in general...)
Improvise with Inspiring Statuary?
Cryptolith Rite, or just things like oblivion sower where you steal your opponents lands instead.
So what's more poised to do better for game day? RG Pummeler or Temur Energy?
I really can't decide on which deck to pilot this weekend. I just want my Bolas playmat because this is the sexiest playmat in forever.
>actually playing Standard
holy fucking kek
I'd say Temur Energy because RG Pummeler just doesn't have enough early game to deal with all the blistering-fast aggro.
How important is Elder Deep Fiend for that though? I never got him and instead just got glorybringers due to rotation being so soon.
Most of the Temur Energy decks I saw last night had switched to Glorybringer. It seemed to work well for them.
5th place of 10 with a 2-2 so it was ok
The meta in the store I usually go is pretty diverse so I played against Esper Zombies, BR Madness Vampires, Ramunap Red and Naya Humans. And the guy who won was obviously a netdeckfag with Mardu Vehicles
I'm thinking of change the Servants, 1 mountain and 1 forest for a playset of Rogue Refiner and 2 islands. Opinions about this?
Abrade is such a great card
should I play MTGO?
Just came back from Gameday with this.
Made 9th place. Sideboard was pretty much optimal, though there was a single RDW player and I didn't get paired against him. Got lost game 1 1/2, Game 2 with another 1/2, because mana screw, then got a free win and had the last game against Reservoir combo, went 2/1 and lost that one game because, again, mana screw.
Pretty fun Gameday though.
One question, though: do you guys have entry costs for Gameday? Our store recently gave up Gameday to a local gaming group because they have more room and instead of just doing the Gameday without any booster prices and just the top 8 card rewards, they had a display's worth of boosters spread through the Top 8, having a 8€ entrance fee for it.
Really not a fan of that change, since it turns off casual players and beginners, is just a pretty serious entry fee considering the prices and leads to people bringing almost entirely tier 1 meta stuff. Just feels like it's seriously screwing over casual players and like it's not really what the point of Gameday is.
mine is free (since standard numbers are pretty low) but there's no booster pack payout to top 8. Everyone gets the free promo, top 8 gets the other promo, winner gets playmat.
5€ but everyone gets the promo and a booster
The prizes are just the rare promo for top 8 and playmat for winner, no store credit because the stock is usually pretty low for MtG. 8€ is a bit too much I think for any kind of event that isn't some PTQ or something like that
>cathartic reunion for 1
>cathartic reunion for 1
>swing enigma drake for 12
>fling it
What's the most smug you've ever felt in a game, Veeky Forums?
>newbie with burn vs some veteran player with UGB control
>have good start put opponent at 4 life
>Blaze for 4
>opponent Brainstorms twice, then discards BoP into Survival of the Fittest to fetch Morphling, feeds Morphling into Force of Will to counter
>Bolt for 3
>Go 1-3 at FNM
>destroyed by aggro every game
>spent $50 on cards
>Store didn't even have promos
why did i get back into this hell-game
You can only spend that little when you become good at magic and can win with a pile of trash. Go to MTGO and play pauper if you want to budget.
Different user, my Modern deck is about $30 and I normally go 2-2 or 3-1 with it lmao
>want to build Artificer Tribal since Kaladesh release
>it's still shit
>but Scrapper Champion's artwork is too awesome and the Modules to fun to combo with to stop trying
Won gamesday today with my wierd Temur Superfriends Frankenstein abomination.
Had game's against U/W God Pharoh's Gift, Fog, Jund -1/-1 counters and Aetherborn tribal. Went 8-2 overall. I wasn't too hot about it before the game started but it preformed well and I ended up happy. Got to win 4 games off the back of Bolas which is always fun. Always comes as a shock to my opponents when It looks like I'm on normal Temur.
Mine always die. In fact I'm so tired of standard. There's too much card draw stapled on everything and the only creatures that survive a single turn are big 4+ mana fatties that win the game in 2 turns. Wow, that's magic.
Cryptic Serpents are cool, UU for a 6/5. Hard to kill that.
>implying this is different for Modern or any other format
hHow viable is a UR deck with cycling and discard synergy for drake haven. Threats being enigma drake, cryptic serpent and bedlam revealer.
Drake Haven is extremely powerful in cycling-focused decks as long as you cycle at least 1 card pretty much every single turn. Everything below that is mediocre, but far from bad.
I play that, no Drake Haven though.
Here's my deck, works pretty well.
This is something I'm playing with atm. I'm considering adding 2 flings to the sb for tough midrange match ups and maybe some control.
Fling is actually really good. That on a big enigma drake gives you huge reach.
>implying they survive until able to attack...
Holy shit, Madcap Gearhulks is fun.
hey our store didn't have promos either.
>tfw 4 promo rampin'up excavators
>play mono red
>go 3-1 only lost to BG Constrictor
>Guy who goes 4-0 playing UR Control avoided every mono red deck
I just won my game day with UR Control and only dropped one game the entire night, feelsgoodman
>Play w/u spirit monument
>Go 3-1
>Lost to what is basically naya tokens because I cant fucking draw any of my damn solemnities that I threw in during my sideboard
>Fucking cunt had to spend three minutes shuffling my deck every time I mulled
Maybe its just me but assholes who shuffle rather than just cut really get on my nerves. Its not like I am stacking my deck every time I fucking mulligan.
It's so annoying and weird, the people at the Legacy FNM I went to once all don't even cut each other's decks, they just say it's good. And if there are reveal hand spells they'll just leave the revealed cards out so you don't have to worry about writing anything down. Nicest folks I ever met.
>go to FNM with a BW Zombies
>go 2-2
>win against UR Control and some themed deck
>lose against WR aggro and GW cats
Some backwards ass night, I tell ya.
Any suggestions on what to drop or change?
Drop sarcophagus and sideboard drake haven, add in god Pharoah's gift and the tutor for it.
I was thinking of doing this. Should I do 4 Gates and 2 Gifts or just 3 Gates?
>friend somewhat pioneered Mardu Reanimator
>thought it looked cool as shit and I need something for when my R/B Zombie deck leaves, take his list and modify it for Prized Amalgams, Haunted Deads, and a few other tweaks
>Friend 2 gets in on it
>Now around 3 people will be running it, not a big deal.
>Saffronolive makes his budget list on mtggoldfish
>mfw there are at least 4 other people who I can guarantee will run that list
>meaning enough people will run it to incentivize people to get strong hate for it and we'll all get hated out.
>All the reanimators get destroyed and out of the game against the wave of Red Deck wins.
4 gates 2 gifts is the right number you
Samefag and I also feel an autistic need to do a small rant on said saffronolive deck list.
>number 1
Madcap Experiment. On a fundamental level, I hate this card. It almost perfectly embodies what they're seemingly trying to do to the game: make it more randomized and different each time you play it. Sure, you could have that whitehulk on top and essentially wipe a wide board, or you could dig through several spells, hit a second copy of God Pharaoh's Gift and take a significant portion to the face. It is a card that simply cannot be played in the late game because it is a high risk, low reward card. It's far too easy to just kill yourself if you have some 3 life and madcap in hand. It's the same reason why no sensible opponent will ever have you mill with redhulk.
>Number 2
God Pharaoh's Gift. While it works in some decks, I dislike the fact that it exiles them, and reduces their stats. It makes any future refurbish you draw dead. The stat difference is nothing to laugh at. The difference between a 4/4 and 5/4 menace may not seem like a lot, but it's a 4 turn clock vs a 5 turn one. 4 toughness gets shat on by numerous burn spells as well, meaning your 4/5 whitehulk and 6/6 redhulk are a lot less intimidating if you can just cut them.
>number 3
The spell lineup is all over the place. What is the point of Never // Return at 1 when you're running a lot of artifacts and Unlicensed Disintegration exists? Why run Cut // Ribbons when Lightning Axe exists and you'll want to pitch gearhulks anyways? Radiant Flames over Sweltering Suns? Even mainboarding the boardwipes? I just don't get it.
>Number 4
Minor complaint but the non-budget version. Liliana the Last Hope does literally nothing. What is the argument for her? -2 to add a hulk back to hand? But they're getting exiled with GPG or brought back with Refurbish anyways? I know >budget deck and I'm not the best brewer but mine costs 30 more dollars than his and in my opinion, is much more coherent.
>What is the point of Never // Return at 1 when you're running a lot of artifacts and Unlicensed Disintegration exists?
Woah Unlicensed disintegration now kills planeswalkers?
Why would PW be a problem when he's running 3 whitehulks to trim down blockers and multiple PWs? Blackhulk has evasion hit that last surviving walker. If it's not enough to fully kill a walker, disintegration redirect damage could finish a smaller one out.
>Number 1
Madcap experiment isnt meant to be a Standard Constructed card, you cannot play it in Draft or Sealed because you will not have enough Artifacts to support it without probably killing yourself, its a theme card meant to show the unexpected results of a madman, it found home in Modern to cheat Platinum Emperion and in EDH in artifact decks.
So getting mad at it makes no sense when the card itself is called MADCAP EXPERIMENT. It could win you the game on the spot or kill you, thats the fun/risk factor to play it.
>Number 2
Are you seriously mad that GPG makes every eternalized creature a 4/4? really? GPG on its own is hella broken if left unattended for a few turns it makes low cmc creatures stupid big and has some stupid synergies like that Angel of Invention one where it makes it a 6/6 Flying Lifelink Vigilance Haste beater. Its just stupid.
>Number 3
Never // Return deals cleanly with planeswalker and doubles as a graveyard hate card. Also its used because Never // Return when milled with Red Gearhulk deals 7 damage due to the combined CMC, Cut // Ribbons is basically the same and lets you steal games because when you mill it away as it can still serve purpose with the aftermath effect, Radiant Flames is a little bit easier to cast because you are already playing a 3 color deck and not being able to Sweltering Suns away the board on time because you dont have 2xRed can absolutely lose you the match when theres so much aggro going on
>Number 4
Liliana is basically a wincon on her own because she excels in certains matchups like red aggro where you can snipe some of its creatures with her +1 and then the opponent has to take a turn off to kill her, and she can also fuel the graveyard quite efectively and stay in the board. She is pretty good because if the opponent wasnt expecting her and didnt bring ways to deal with her she will definetely win the game on her own or provide way too much value
You are just angry at the wrong things.
>That feeling where you went 2-2 on your gameday and your only wins were a mentally slow couple.
>That feeling where your last round you got to see one of them retard rage quit and storm out because you played a Glorybringer...
...I played Temur Energy...it's fair magic...why the fuck did that happen?
Did you at least topdeck and slam the glorybringer?
No, nor did I do the, "GLORIOUS!!!" when I played it.
I just kept blocking his creatures or having another creature to play after his removal (he was playing some janky Grixxis afflict build) and then he got to the 5/4 attacks every turn afflict guy, I played Glorybringer and he just scooped his shit up stomped out while raging that he was done with this shit and he didn't have patience for it...
Everyone kept looking over, "Wtf did you do man, he was slow? Why not go easy on the dude."
You have no requirement to play poorly because your opponent is a grown autist. If you did, good play would never be allowed in Magic.
Ayyyy. Sultai reanimator mirror except I'm full Reason // Believe.
>G1 I counter his only play so he scoops
>G2 is 35 minutes and takes forever
>G3 is ended by a HEART OF THE CARDS Believe into ulamog followed by some turns swinging and he only lost because he forgot about my Hostile Desert
Ah that sweet sweet single victory pack for going 3-1 >_> (pulled a foil adorned pouncer to go with my three alts) Game day was weird.
Scariest three drop post rotation is pic related. RIP Tireless Tracker.
There's a lot of neccessary artifact haste, but as long as I can't remove it this fucker will be the scariest for me
PW are a problem because a ton of decks play 1 Planeswalker that needs to die and whitehulk does jackshit against that.
>smaller walkers
Is Madcap Experiment really all that bad in the deck? While it is highly risk/reward, I liked it as a backup plan for the opponent playing graveyard hate, much like how UB Reanimator in Legacy will run Show and Tell.
Playing Esper and Mono Green right now. Like them both equally.
Cataclysmic gearhulk is not planeswalker removal, and having to resolve something and get it to combat next turn to kill the walker is too slow. Instant (or even sorcery) speed planeswalker removal that also hits most creatures is just better than using a guy next turn, especially one that can also make you a zombie without using a card in hand
Esper vehicles or esper control?
I'm looking for unusual creature-based lists, anyone have any jund, god I want to jund peoplesort of lists?
How do you sideboard in against green black constrictor as r/g ramp?
Hour of Devastation? 5 damage and blow everything up?
>tfw going 0-5 with rdw
Why do I even play this game?
>Bringing the Protour winning deck to Gameday when everyone is expecting the Protour winning deck to come to Gameday so they sideboard specifically with dealing with the Protour winning decks that come to Gameday so they have the best chance to not lose to the Protour winning decks that will come to Gameday.
It was your own fault.
Sideboard? Every match was a hate match against red
i sideboarded 4 Chandra's defeat and 4 Life goes on just for you, my friend
I don't understand how you couldn't win the first games tho
>play game day at lgs
>am undefeated and only player who is undefeated at the end of last round
>so happy because is first game day mat I have ever won
>owner says top 2 are playing final elimination round
>2nd place is player I have already beat in previous round
>player wins match 2-1 and is crowned game day champion with mat
Is this complete bullshit? Is the owner even aloud to do that?
Yeah i call bullshit and probably spoof them out with wizards for rearranging the tournament format
You could have said no, point out that it doesn't work that way in gameday tournaments and ask for the appropriate prize.
It was pointed out to me after that that's not how the tournament is suppose to work
Well, lesson for the next time. If the LGS owner tries to pull that off again, complain about it and if ti continues, you can actually complain directly to WotC and they'll have to deal with some BS.
Depends on how your store runs the tournament. If your store didn't state that there is a playoff for top 8 after rounds then it's complete bs. Although it's also sounds like bs if there was only a top 2 playoff but I guess that also depends on how many people showed up.
>final round at Game Day
>New Perspectives vs Esper Artifacts
>dragged out, unfun game for both
>finally lose after drawing 3 Shadow of the Grave in a row while he also had that 5/5 Improvise demon on board
>check deck for when Approach was coming
>literally the last card
The amount of salt I produced after that game put every salt mine to shame
Only one Approach? No tutoring?
Yeah, I only ran one and no Razaketh's Rite. Running more always bricked my hand, since having 4 New Perspectives often already fucked me in playtesting by having too many at once, and while Rite was kind of alright, I opted not to run it since I couldn't really afford cutting any of the other cards given my local meta.
No evolving wilds? Or anything to shuffle the deck, at least?