Do adventurers "take wives"?

Do adventurers "take wives"?
How does that work exactly?

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Usually by saving her from life-threatening peril.

I've never played with players that engage their characters in such degenerated behaviors.

What is a war bride for 500$, Alex?

>How does that work exactly?
Seduction checks and later a subplot to rescue her from some arbitrary peril that she's in.

>Sacrifices to the great Volcano God

Well, somebody's got to run the demense while your off adventuring.

Not sure I understand the question. You mean like do adventurers take wives forcibly? I guess some do.

Or how do they do relationships while remaining wandering adventurers? I figure either you've got a battle couple or perhaps the cute wife remains back at the homestead with the young'un while pops goes hither and yon, saving the day and winning that bread. Sometimes these alternate. Worst case scenario is the wife and kid get murdered while dad is away, or in the case of the former, both parents are slain after leaving their kid in someone's care.

Find someone's wife. Take her.

Like this

Sure. Don't get mad, get even.

But bears don't have wives.

OK, that's kinda funny, we thought of the same exact image at the same time.

>Do adventurers "take wives"?
I've never seen it happen in a real game


>your move sir knight
1. e4
everyone's playing checkers, but i've been playing chess for YEEEEEEEEEAAAARS

Isn't that strange?

But you can't move a knight to e4 as your first move.

>Would you marry me?
>Repeat till someone answers"yes"

No, not really.

Devil-bears sure as shit do.

No, the DM will just kill them. Same reason you never leave your character's family alive during chargen.

...And that's where Dragonkin came from.

SOmehow I read it as "fake wives" and I thought you were asking about adventurers paying some random woman to act as their wive to hide their adventuring life to others and maybe have an actual home to come to without the actual emotional attachment and its downsides.
Now I want to do that.

I actually reward adventurers with families to care for with plot hooks and better than average rewards in both xp and loot provided they make the story of their marriage feel compelling.

Family can provide plot hooks like your kid afflicted with a curse or feels an magical awakening.

>Figure out the items said NPC likes the most
>Give them some every day
>Repeat for a long time
>Give them a wedding ring
>Punch Fournival and the inkeeper in the face a few times just to be safe
>Murder the dragon.


They roll if they have them, if they do when they are not adventuring they "live" with them in off-time.

>take wives
Everywhere I go, user.
I make sure to marry a halfling or other small race, makes 'em easier to store in a carry-on while adventuring.

Where do they take the wives to?

I once roleplayed a peasant warrior that took up a sword because his farm didnt yield enough crop anymore. DM thought it was funny to NTR me after I came back with a bag of money (I would periodically go back to deliver some of my spoils). Instead of getting mad I instead gave a sad speech in a sobbing southern drawl about how I lost everything I cared about and I didnt know what to do with myself. The people I played with felt bad and the DM gave up the guy that fucked my wife with little resistance.
I guess everyone expected me to get mad and chop her head off.

See wife
Place in bag of holding
She'll love the dozens of candelabras, kakapao corpses, unidentified keys, pickpocketed coins, elvish ledgers, gallons of kappa blood, rabbit's feet, iron bars, and other very useful items I take ten minutes to remind the DM I have in case I need them every session. If only he would give me a fair price of 3,000 gp per inordinately colorful grasshopper leg like I ask I'd be willing to part with some of these magnificent treasures.

>open bag
>tell wife to spread her legs in front of the opening
>grab bag of holding with both hands
>ram your dick inside of it into your wife

You're not supposed to put a bag of holding into a portal hole, user. Trust me.

Like this:

I sing songs to her and visit her until she's ready to marry.

Well you see, user, when a Malkavian and a Nosferatu really love each other (and the Malkavian's entire perception of all thing around him are horribly distorted) they spend a lot of time together and then exchange vows and go to the local Prince(or regional equivalent) for a blessing so that they might get a childe delivered to them by the, uh, let's call it the stork. And no I don't mean the Stork as in that bar downtown with the bright neon lights with all the college students getting drunk and wandering off with strangers never to be seen again at all, whatsoever.
And that is how a new vampire is born.

My wife is also an adventurer.

Shopping, then back home.

Immovable rods are okay though, right?

Have you read Deitrigalch's Fourth Theorum on portal enlargement?
No, of course you haven't because he fucking died when he tried that!

Sometimes out to a nice meal or to see a show.

>Raid a village/city
>pick the girl you want
>make kids

>You end up with one of the other waifu NPCs anyway because the arisen's bond doesn't fucking work or you forgot and talked to them or did their quest before doing Deny Salvation which also maxed out their affinity and gave them priority.

>arisen's bond doesn't fucking work
it does work but it just maxed affection. The last person you talk to with max affection becomes your waifu. So for sheogoat youre fucked because she disappears quite early


Not quite. I've ended up with Reynard and Madeleine in two of my playtroughs in the past after giving the bond to Selene. Even made sure to talk to her a couple of times before starting Deny Salvation.
I'm guessing either the trigger for locking your beloved is before you pick up the quest in the first place, or the Bond doesn't max out affinity and just raises it a lot.

did you talk to her as the last person before you started the quest?

Of course.

well then I dont know what the triggers are.