When's the last time someone has tribute summoned while playing Yu-Gi-Oh?
It seems like the game is now just "Use a bunch of effects to get 5 XYZ cards on the field in the first turn"
Raigeki should honestly be unlimited
When's the last time someone has tribute summoned while playing Yu-Gi-Oh?
>When's the last time someone has tribute summoned while playing Yu-Gi-Oh?
Fairly recently; a deck focused on tribute summoning, True Draco, is very competitive. There's also the less relevant Monarchs.
>It seems like the game is now just "Use a bunch of effects to get 5 XYZ cards on the field in the first turn"
XYZ spam really doesn't work anymore, or any Extra Deck spam for that matter, Zoodiac being an exception.
>Raigeki should honestly be unlimited
Eh, I'd argue there are enough board-wiping cards to begin with. Besides, Raigeki would be a tremendous pain to get a hold of while unlimited unless it got a reprint of some kind.
Both Blue Eyes and Dark Magician got pretty decent support and stand on their own.
>insert obligatory "Do you actually play," "Fugg Komoney," "Synchro/XYZ/Pendulums/Links killed the game," and "RIP ygo" comments
This has been a good thread
I think the problem is that Konami introduced a ton of cards like pic related where if you do something relatively simple you can special summon a powerful monster. I think if they made it so that playing these cards counted as a Normal Summon instead of a Special Summon then the game's balance wouldn't have spiraled so out of control.
It's ironic, really. It's called a SPECIAL summon. As in, it's supposed to be something special. Something uncommon. But nowadays for a deck to be viable you have to special summon five times as much as you normal summon.
The problem is it wasn't designed to be a game. It was designed to be an easier to understand and easier to panel Magic the Gathering for the manga. It wasn't designed by a game designer. The first seven (OCG) sets should make that painfully obvious.
The game was always trash. Heck, its arguably far better now than it was the first seventeen sets when it came out and everyone in the OCG played Slate Warrior zoo and everyone in the TCG played Summoned Skull beatdown.
>XYZ spam really doesn't work anymore, or any Extra Deck spam for that matter, Zoodiac being an exception.
I mean it's a step in the right direction but it really doesn't take much work to get around. I've been up against plenty of Extra Deck spammers in Dueling Books. The Link zones don't seem to slow them down too much.
Konami couldn't even fully commit to effectively nerfing XYZs. There's a million ways to put your Extra Deck monsters in the Main Monster Zone. It's so easy you'd have to be an idiot to not figure out how.
What annoys me most is that while the new ruleset is a minor inconvenience to XYZs, it absolutely cripples fusions. Which is bullshit because XYZs are broken as hell but fusions weren't hurting anyone. If your deck revolved around fusions then now you have to give it a total overhaul and make Link summoning a central component of it.
>it absolutely cripples fusions
That's bullshit because shit like Fluffals has topped in the OCG multiple times against shit like Dinosaurs and True Draco. Invoked work perfectly fine and so does Lunalight if you can build the deck properly. Predaplant can easily shit out Links and most of the time they ladder Fusions. Gladiator Beast are fine unless you want to spam the newest Fusions, and it only takes a couple of adjustments to the deck. HERO works if you're fine with sitting on Dark Law. Ancient Gear and Cubics can just turbo into their bosses. ABC is fucking meta in the OCG. D/D/D is still playable because of their fusions.
A lot of Fusion archetypes work perfectly fine with Links.
It always amuses me when nostalgiafags complain about the current meta, only to reveal they know nothing about it and the stuff they're asking for is actually in it, like tribute summons. It's like clockwork.
>unless it got a reprint
Do you have any idea how often they reprint cards that see play?
While I agree that Links didn't really change much for the decks capable of mass-producing ED monsters, I don't think Fusions are really "crippled," as the newer archetypes work perfectly fine, as points out. Would you be willing to give examples of which XYZ decks you've seen be barely affected on Dueling Books?
Did I imply that popular cards didn't get reprinted? My point is that, as it stands, Raigeki has had plenty of printings and is still a $20 card. If it were made Unlimited, prices would soar unless it got reprinted into oblivion, which I can't see happening.
>Would you be willing to give examples of which XYZ decks you've seen be barely affected on Dueling Books?
Wish I could but I don't remember which ones specifically.
On a related note, when was the last time anyone used Polymerization?
Me literally 30 minutes ago.
Thank you, I fucking hate the constant stream of nostalgia fags.
Former player here. I quit mostly because I aged out of the places I had people to play with.
Looking at the game now, I do see a serious design problem with constantly introducing entire new TYPES of cards. Konami could stand to take a breath and really try to refine what they've already made.
Also they could take a page from the 2 or so untinted pages of WotC and try and reduce the overall number of lines of text on cards. Yugioh has always had a problem with trying to do big elaborate effects that have too much text, but I see more cards like that now than I did 6-7 years ago.
this guy gets it. Fuck it was only meant to support a 1-off 2-parter manga story; he put about as much effort into it as he did designing that nitro table hockey game.
This game can be fun, but in terms of long term viability, competitiveness, and design strength, its a game made by a comic book writer in like 3 hours competing in a genre invented by a PHD in Combinatorial Mathematics.
Ehh, I think their design philosophy is fine, if and only if they introduce a standard block rotation. There are currently so many cards in play that making a new card that supports something like frogs could break the game again. So we have a standard block, and we reprint all time favorites like they have been every few rotations. Take out the stupidity of link summoning, and tone things back in power down to Nekroz, Shaddoll, Qliphoth, BA block level or FireFist/ Mermail block, bring in some archetypes with flavor and we're golden
Interesting take. I'd at least pay attention to how things developed if they did some of these.
I still think it's bad form in general to have this much text of this small a font size on cards. The explanation of pendulum summoning isn't needed if the rules for pendulum cards are in the rulebook itself.
It's not that bad. I have the card irl, and I can read it just fine.
Those aren't the rukes for pendulum summoning...
Those are the effects of the card itself when it's in the pendulum zone and it's special summoning conditions for being a weird ass synchro pend and effects on its summon...
You don't play this game at all do you...
The question is, what sets would create the best YGO card pool?
And you're just being an ignorant fool who forgets the game hit a sweet spot back in 2004 where we had good cards and a fun meta while holding true to the original play style. We didn't need all this extra bullshit.
You sound like a old fogey complaining about how things were better when you were younger. Good job.
Fluffals need Poly because they rely on materials hitting the GY instead of the banished zone and Factory is once per turn.
My Phantasm Monarchs tribute al the time.
The deck produces salt when used properly.
If they just reworded it to specify the monsters you banish have to have been destroyed in battle
>back in 2004
I think you mean 2008-2009
Why aren't Yu-Gi-Oh threads active? Do they happen elsewhere? Is it finally dying?
we can only hope that it will lay down to rest soon.
I don't get this. I haven't played YGO since I was like 14, did they add a bunch of mechanics or something. Cause this seems totally over the top.
duel links is down the block kid
She's right, though. Double-duty card design like what we see with Five-separate-effects-and-a-condition-for-easier-summoning-paladin-kun directly contributes to the game's slippery slope of power creep.
>power creep
try looking at the actual game
The key words in that post are "card design", user. Cards with multiple costless effects are inherently better than cards without. That leads to a trend of more cards with multiple effects, which is literally power creep even if competitive players still consider the cards trash.