Running a small business hardly justifies being a garbage person that can't take any criticism at all, like RichT
/CofD/ & /wodg/ Chronicles of Darkness and World of Darkness General
Can we shit on both of them together?
Something like: Rich gave Goat Boy a blank check on M20 because he has patreon groupies to pay his rent and only wants organic hummus and sidebars from Rich unlike those other hacks who demand actual money.
Your complaints are futile. Nobody cares about /wodg/
They're all protected in their safe space OPP forums
cause holden and morke need their cheerleaders after they fucked up their chance to work in the rpg industry by not doing the work they were supposed and lying about it for years
Sycophants, the lot of em.
Well 5 dots is the pinnacle of normal humans. So depending on how many extra dots, yes?
Could a True Fae fight an Archmage?
So 5 dots of vigor is only peak human...
Version 1.23
The Illumined Path were... A bit weird to write, if I'm going to be honest. A lot of their Spirit stuff showed just how much stuff Spirit has lost in 2e.
So I uh, put some more of that back in.
e.g. Their Third Attainment protects Sleepers with this weird aura, that if you have Spirit 3 stops them from taking Breaking Points from non-Supernal, non-Abyssal supernatural stuff for the duration.
Their Second Attainment also kind of forces people to act in accordance with their nature and perspective on other's Enlightenment. So those who want to help others are Inspired, and those who are selfish pricks are compelled to run away, escape, or protect themselves. It's withstood by Resolve though, and with Potency equal to Spirit dots, so you can easily spend a Willpower to push through and take offensive action.
Their fifth Attainment? Buddy I know that's not how it works RAW bar Archmasters and that usually causes Banishers and Madmen, but the person who created that attainment had to be Gnosis 9+, was likely an Archmaster, and could do whatever the fuck he wanted.
So yeah, you want to spend a DOT of Gnosis to awaken a suitable Sleepwalker at Gnosis 9? That sounds fair to me.
Oh shit, just realised that I forgot an optional arcanum for the first Attainment.
Uh, stand by folks.