I have an idea for a side job/hustle. I want to make and sell handmade pipe-cleaner minis, probably online. I might start with an etsy shop?
As usual I can't tell if my idea is autistic, so I'm looking for any feedback. Do you think people would buy these? How much could i get away with charging? How/Where should I market these?
Pic related, made these for my brothers 5e campaign. Will post more examples.
I have an idea for a side job/hustle. I want to make and sell handmade pipe-cleaner minis, probably online...
I was thinking of posting something snarky and mean spirited but is that a fucking Chester Cheetah wizard?
Oh fuck I cant unsee that now.
Pretty impressive work with pipe cleaners.... bit it's still autistic
Go user, live your dream.
Could be neat.
Do double material cost or cost + 1/2
Sell on Etsy, local art scenes, Ebay, maybe even some small conventions. The style alone should garner you some sales, they are high quality given the materials.
I wouldn't buy this, but i think it's pretty damn good looking. Like some jak and daxter fellow. forget which is which
>it's still autistic
Where are you from? This guy is actually creating shit. Badass Veeky Forums shit.
Some generic npc minis
>bit it's still autistic
everything is autistic. you are autistic for posting on a forum about playing pretend and toy soldiers
I came in here to shit on you but these are all really nice. My group has bought custom figures as gifts for each other before and i could totally see myself/my friends buying these.
If you have a local game store and you know some of the workers there, you could even see if they would stock your minis once you can show them you have respectable sales.
The basic sized (Medium in DnD Terms) would be like 50 cents maybe a dollar a model (Assuming the buyer can pick the colors)
Larger sizes would be 2-4 and so on.
I'm afraid that price will never earn you more than sweatshop wages. These things look like they take at least a few minutes to make.
I'd ask for a few bucks apiece. They're a handmade novelty, not a dollar store toy.
Anyways, costs you nothing to put up an Etsy page and see what happens. Just don't expect to quit your day job.
Man, I had a whole snarky comment loaded up, but these are actually kinda neat.
Your most valuable ingredient is your own time. Time yourself, at least $20 an hour, and add in all the other costs.
Then double it. That's your off-the-shelf shit on etsy. Make a bunch, sell them, make more.
If you're considering custom orders, double the cost again. It probably seems like a lot to you, because people almost never value their own time properly.
You know who'll go crazy over this? /co/. Do some recognizable characters and you'll get sales I bet.
Etsy is proof that people will buy anything. Go for it
I was going to ask what the hustle angle was, but if you go legit you might be avle to rake in a few extra bucks a month, certainly enough to cover costs.
Launch an Etsy store, see what happens. The worst thing is that you lose some time and a few dollars.
I used to do this sort of thing all the time when I was a little boy, used to make Mortal Kombat characters and fight out tournaments with them.