An important question

Who here thinks the Lamenters are Mary Sues?

Other urls found in this thread:

>literally the setting's fuckups
>Mary Sues

I'd believe it if the universe wasn't assfucking them without lube, consent or mercy. What brought the question on?

This question is indicative of the fact that we have lost our way irrevocably, never to return

>do the right thing
>your friends and allies hate you more
It's like the opposite of Mary Sue

I could see why you'd think that if you didn't know what a Mary Sue was or how the Lamenter's lore went.

That song is one of maybe three things in that show that were good. The others being the main villain theme song, and the fact that there were worse ways to get fanservice I guess

Bruv, are you posting from bizarro world? The Lamenters are basically the truest form of This Guy in all of 40k. If they survive, they might go that way, but not now.

There is nothing wrong with fanservice and KLK was good, not the savior of anime race but good. Deal with it.