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Orks Take Konor Edition

>Chaos Space Marines:
[YouTube] 8th edition Codex Chaos Space Marines; review (embed)

>Grey Knights:
[YouTube] 8th edition Codex Grey Knights review (embed)

>Konor Campaign:

>Check your local store's contribution to Konor.

>GW FAQ (1.1):

>FW FAQ (1.1):

>Rules and such. Use Readium on pc/iphone, lithium/kobo on android:
>Everything 8th edition in pdf & epub, SW:A, WIP and BB are here too, no novels.

>Other megas

>WIP Math-hammer doc (Chart-user doing Mork's work)

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Does anyone have the release schedule for the new codexes? Also are Red Corsairs in the new SCM codex?

... its next week faggotron

so just picked up some orks,
got the starter set and the loota/burna combo

what kinda build should i go for?

the CSM codex review says 12th august

No I mean like all the ones for the year,
Like how it was Space Marines release, then CSM, then it will be Deathguard etc. I meant like that and any specific dates if any.

One with an HQ model since painboyz are that no longer

With EC CSM always fighting first and Possessed now having two wounds, are they viable now?


yeah, been meaning to pick up a war boss and a truk for awhile now

An HQ like said, Warbosses are versatile and good so I'd go for that. I personally prefer Lootas over Burnas for the combo-kit but that's just me. As for other things you should get, more boyz are always good (you can get some cheap from ebay) and perhaps some fast attack stuff, the 5th edition? set, Assault on Blackreach has all of this, a Warboss, boyz, and Deffkoptas if you can manage to find that. Also the newer Battle for Verdos has that and nobz in the set so if you can find those that may suit you well.

white dwarf pdf when

Chaosfag here.

Help me to chose a warband as I can't made up my mind:

>Night Lords
Always loved them, and the possibility to model gruesome shit is very tempting
>Word Bearers
My first conversion was to GS long hair and beard to Abby and make him a Dark Apostle. Still very fond of them.
>Red Corsairs
Well, I love space pirates. And skulls.
>Dragon Warriors
Love flame and melta weapons, badass armor scheme.

Please help!

Dragon Warriors, but I always like seeing the obscure warbands/chapters see someone give them some love.

My chaos bro needs help. He's getting tabled to almost tabled by our friend's Tyranids every game he's played since 8th. I'm seriously worried about his fun levels. He's been running Death Guard since way before 7th when they were just resin FW conversion pieces for chaos marines. Other dude runs mostly a regular spread of Nids with a few Carnifex, a Flyrant, two Broodlord and assorted Gaunts and Denim-Thieves.

Are there any Chaos units that are SUPER NICE against nids in general I can set him up with for his b-day? To my recollection he's got:
The DG half of DI
Two FW Plague Drones
Plague Hulk
About 12ish regular Marines that could fly as such OR Plague Marines
Typhus and about 20 assorted zombies we made out of leftover Catachan pieces
Two Las Preds

I know Jack shit about Chaos so help would be appreciated.

Also forgot the Demon Prince. It actually did some fine work against me last game.

That's one of the reasons I want to field them too

My fledgling Kabal is going to need some more anti armor soon, as a bunch of Reavers with Blasters won't cut it.

Whats the best choice:
Ravager with 3 Dark Lances
Scourges with 4 Dark Lances
Razorwing Jetfighter with 2 Dark Lances

Or is there another good tank buster I'm missing?

ravagers are always a safe bet

Spawn are pretty legit all-rounders

Typhus is pretty decent too if he's running a heap of plague zombies, who are also likewise pretty darn good with Typhus (and okay otherwise)

What habbend to Lion El'Jonson?

from what i can gather it seems like hes just locked himself in his room watching anime

am i wrong?


As a word bearer i want to tell you to bear the word, but for realsies, i think night lords look awesome and like a fun legion to model. never heard of the dragon warriors.

Or Leviathans if youre doing FW.

Unrelated but I don't play DE and I love Kabalite models so much, they just look so fucking awesome.

I thought they were hot trash? They could stand up to Stonecrusher? He'd still have the SC! one at least so maybe I can get him another box.

He's either a potato on life support, having a longer sleep-in that gulliman did, or dead and Luther is the one down there instead.

>Fleshmetal guns: Assault 4
When will this get errata'd?

For 200 points, this seems fine

Arnt Leviathans just instant win kill buttons anyway though?

It's OP. If Slaanesh, they can shoot again, Sorcs can give Prescience, Lords can let them reroll 1s, etc. Its to strong

everyone said the codexes would make things less bland. why are the codexes so bland?

Help me out Veeky Forums - I have a Death Guard army (some marines, 5 termies+lord, hellturkey, daemon prince, a rhino, a rhino/pred, 3 oblits, 2 hellbrutes and 5 raptors/warp talons).

The thing is I have an urge to finally build a Jugger Lord like I always wanted. He's gonna be accompanied by some spawn and 10 (for now) zerkers - blood warriors conversion.

Here's the kicker: the two tanks(a rhino and a rhino/pred), two hellbrutes and 5 raptors/warp talons (unbuilt yet) are all unpainted...
Which things should I paint as Death Guard, and which as World Eaters?

Raptors/Warp Talons are definitely a World Eater unit both thematically and rules-wise.

Is this book any good? Red Corsairs are cool, but I was disappointed by Siege of Castellax.

This is ADB the best author in BL and best writer of 40K lore in general. Say something nice about him.

Yes. There is a funny and goofy CSM character that I quite liked.

Master of Mankind brought tears to my eyes. I don't think BL will ever publish anything that amazing again.

You look like Matt. I hate him the least.

Everything but the raptors as DG

If you're going to do night lords, so them right. That means lighting and shit. If you don't want to paint lighting on every model, I wouldn't recommend them.

Decimators with soulburners kill everything

He's cute.

He wrote the Night Lords trilogy.

If your main army is a death guard army, paint it all death guard and 'proxy' your colour scheme when you play world eaters.

Unless you think a bit of variety will look good (or you just really want to paint something else).

The tanks too? I was wondering what will I more likely put in the rhinos - zerkers, or green boys.
>implying I'd be even running 2 rhinos, and not a pred

What do you mean by "proxy color scheme"? World Eaters lending Rhinos for DG?

Scourges with lances a shit, you'll be taking -1 to hit on arrival and they won't survive to shoot again.
Ravagers are a always safe bet.
Razorwings/Voidravens if you want a more versatile platform, as they kill all the things and not just armour.
Blasterborn are always efficient.
Scourges with blasters likewise.

Post ending with 0 names my warlord.

Dubs name my cabal.

Trips choose my color scheme.

Always loved the Leviathan Dreadnought, but the price is just dumb. What do you guys think about the idea of converting the new Redemptor into a Chaos Leviathan?

What would you suggest I change about it to make it more Leviathan-y?

More plasticard all over it.

Purple and gold

Kabal of the Love Supreme

Archon (I assume) Koltrayn

Skellingtons Georg

Cabal of the Flaccid Cobra

Lime green armour with red and purple hazard chevrons.

>nothing new added, as far as I can see

Remove beer belly, lean forwards to counteract the reclined sarcophagus.

Strip down the shoulderpads, the double shoulder is kinda weird. Since bulking up the legs would be very hard, I suggest instead trimming back the pelvis a little to make the legs closer together so they look less spindly.

Renegade salamanders with deep red scaled armor and dragon lovers

>2 squads of 20 berzerkers with a dark apostle and an exalted champion between them

He isn't CS. Goto

Yes i know! Still can't decide :(


You guys were right. Fabius is working on creating traitor P-marines. Why do the traitors get to have everything the Imperium got + cult squads?

It's bearable if your okay with the fact that it rather sloppy work and something just makes no sense, for example there is a scene where one of the red corsairs fires a plasma cannon, that he had strapped on to his back at a vindicator while he's driving a bike at high speed to avoid getting hit by the tank ...

>tfw chaos but bought heavy into the primaris release because truescale

Did you already paint them? Because Primaris look great as Alpha Legion.

The codex seems like a disappointment so far, but night lords could be cool. Take them and a death guard detachment with some chaos spawn. You can get a total -6 penalty to leadership.

So I really want to play Black Legion, but I cannot edge highlight at all. Is there any easy way to get black armour that looks decent?

C'mon Fabby it can't be that hard to recover a body from a battlefield in M42.

Not yet.
VMC Glossy Black with varnish. It will shine so much it will highlight itself.

The Penis Lord

The Penis Pumps

Penis colour

How is this a surprise to anyone?

Puss Cleaver

Circle of the Knot-takers

White with yellow&pink hazard stripes

That'll be really interesting to see play-out, considering he's no longer with Chaos but a free agent

Cameron Mitchell

The Cameron Mitchell Sex Escapade

Black and Pink

>Chaos Space Marines:
[YouTube] 8th edition Codex Chaos Space Marines; review (embed)

>Grey Knights:
[YouTube] 8th edition Codex Grey Knights review (embed)

Archon Wesley Swipes

Kabal of the Blade

Black, black, and more black

I'm literally working on mine right now. Finishing up the brass on the termies before moving to the blue, then lightning, then lenses, then bases.

Victor (or something like that)?

Why is Cypher in the CSM codex? He isn't a traitor or a Chaos marine.

He's a renegade.


Master of Mankind was so awful I will never again read a BL book again.
The levels of stupidity of every character (figure is more appropriate, nobody has any personality whatsoever) are incredible. ADB wanted to portray the emperor as evil so much he ended up being a massive retard, because he's a shitty writer.


Can sister of battle become an inquisitor?

Of course.
Greyfax was a Sororitas.

Stop wasting your time.

Yes, Greyfax is speculated to have been an SOB.

Isn't that an argument for the shooting twice ability being too strong then?

That or Oblits lose the ability to take a specific Mark, which would make sense fluff-wise anyway, since iirc they're all undivided.

If an Inquisitor picks her up as an Acolyte and she survives, sure.


yea the shooting stratagem should be 3cp as well.

The Flayed Lord

Death's Head

Metalic Red

>GW on social media : LOL traitors won't get Primaris marines because such is the wage of treachery
>a month later
>GW in the codex : Chaos Primaris is a possibility

What happened?

Got a 1k against nids after work today. I CANNOT let him win since I dont think he's lost an 8th game against anyone else yet. What IG shenanigans could I bring BESIDES Conscripts spam that would work well? BC Russ Commanders with Flamer sponsons?

Primaris are selling well

Wraithlordbro here again.

My magnificent Wraithlord was charged by the big bad Swarmlord himself. The Swarmlord landed exactly 0 wounds, allowing the Wraithlord to strike back and deal 6. The next turn, the Wraithlord bailed and let a Wave Serpent lance the Swarmlord to death.

This is the second time he's played a major role in the defeat of the Swarmlord. Does he deserve a name at this point?

>white dwarf pdf when
Up, in 1st mega.

BTW, why Veeky Forums banned my IP?

Daemon Prince of Slaanesh autism time?
Loadout: Talons+Warp Bolter
Herald of Slaanesh: +1S
Exalted Champ: Reroll Wounds
DP Aura: Reroll Hits (Since DP hits on 2, all misses are 1s)
Diabolic Strength (Can be cast by DP on itself): +2S, +1A
Emperor's Children Warlord Trait: +3 attacks at -3 wounds or greater
Result: 11 attacks at S10, AP -2, D2.

Pic related. He can rip a tank apart.

Anyone else think of any other shit to stack? Hysterical Frenzy isn't that good unless you're stuck in a fight with a titan that you survive against.

Always name your dudes when they do cool stuff


For Reference: Plague Weapon means reroll 1s to wound.

New Rules: Champion can take fist and plasma gun separately, no longer worded to take them together. Can't take combi-weapons though.

2 Plague marines can swap to Melta Gun, Plasma Gun, Blight Launcher, Plague Belcher (Flamer with Plague Weapon) or Plague Spewer (Heavy Flamer with Plague weapon)

Any Plague Marine can get 2 attacks if they swap to a 'melee' load out. Any can swap to two Plague Knives, which is just a normal melee attack and Plague Weapon. This is probably just a cheapo option.

Any can also swap to a Bubonic Axe which is +1s, -2ap and plague weapon. Seems decent.

2 can swap to Bubonic axe AND Mace of Contagion. Mace of Contagion is +2s, -1ap, 3 damage, Plague weapon and has -1 to hit. Seems quite poor desu, I guess if you want that 3 damage reliably.

A further 2 can swap to flail or cleaver. Flail is +2s, -2ap, 2 damage, does D3 attacks per swing (so d3 per plague marine), plague weapon and the damage spills over, so great at cleaving stuff like Guardsmen. Cleaver is Sx2, -3ap, d6 damage, plague weapon and -1 to hit.

Flail and Cleaver don't count toward the ability to gain +1 attack, so they are at 1 attack. Which seems quite bad.

How likely would you say that the Ulthwe will get their black guardians back in 8th?

Just play khrone and rape everything instead with vanilla units