>that guy in your group that's a friend of a friend and eats the snacks other people bring but never brings snacks of his own
That guy in your group that's a friend of a friend and eats the snacks other people bring but never brings snacks of...
lace the snacks with rat poison
>that guy who brings greasy snacks to an event that involves touching dice, paper, and books
>get my own house and finally have game room set up
>our games move here.
>within very acceptable distances for all parties involved
>after a year in here we sit down with our groups that guy
*as a side note, he's not a gane disruptor and alright to pkay with, he's just a slob and complete disregard for social control
>we notice when the pizza gets here, he legitimetly grabs half of it for his plate and dosnt put any money towards it
>says he dosnt have to, he spends the gas money to get here
>we mated it out, he spends 20 cents to drive here and back
>says if we don't feed him he's not playing
He wasn't poor. He drops 1k+ on suits of armor and animu weeb swords on a whim. He also said he wouldn't help clean up at the end of the game because "not my house not my promblem". Some fucking people man.
Is this snacks thing an american thing.
I never ate anything when playing TG.
Dunno. I'm American, but my games run from 3pm to 4am the next morning. People get hungry within that timespan.
How someone can end up this entitled is beyond me.
German here, MTG and board games at the LGS go from 5pm to 3am, sometimes also D&D at home from 1pm to 2am. There is always some kind of pizza/snacks involved.
I eat like 60% of the snacks at the table but in my defense I bring some of my own, DM and host the game.
A+ ending
I'm surprised it took a full year to reach this point. whatadick.jpg
It's really not hard. All it takes is the correct combination of mismanaged youth, a dash of enabler behaviour and three quarts of autism (real or just fucktard behaviour) and bam. One entitles fuckwheel
>He wasn't poor. He drops 1k+ on suits of armor and animu weeb swords on a whim
>someone with terrible impulse control couldn't possibly have no money!
Not saying he's not a fuckhead, but people who constantly buy dumb shit tend to have little to no savings.
>cook a big meal for all my players
>it turns out that half of them are vegetarian or have allergies and can't eat it
>I've known these people for years and didn't notice
It's the thought that counts, I suppose.
I constantly forget that one of my friends hates pizza because not liking pizza is weird as fuck. He is fine with eating it because usually I'm paying but it's still funny how I forget literally every time.
You're not doing it right.
I'm Italian, in my group we always have snacks/beer handy, sometimes someone brings in some cake/sweets they just made.
>don't know the conventions for eating snacks while not bringing any yourself, so whenever I'm not the one who brings snacks, I don't eat any at all
That guy's our DM
>That guy in your group who brings terrible snacks no one but him eats
>Tfw you are that guy
>that guy who keeps getting free stuff due to basically being the group mascot
>tfw it's me
>that married couple in the group
While people who are dating can be trouble because they create drama, married couples are hilarious. They're no longer afraid of breaking up, and I've seen some hilariously cutthroat behavior as a result.
The point is that if he can buy a $1k suit of armor he can chip in a couple bucks for pizza.
>that one guy who does what op said, and also smokes everyone else's weed and never brings shit
>that guy who gets pissy and refuses to use any set of dice except "his", "his" set of dice in fact being my back-up set that I bought for myself but allow him to use because these fucks are too lazy to spend $4 on a set of dice
>gets mad when other people use MY dice because he's a fucking child
>those guys who come over to play, make a complete mess, and leave without picking a single thing up or helping me pack away the game
Luckily I don't have to play with these people any more, but holy shit.
>that guy in your group with no social awareness who pays little attention to the game and constantly interrupts it with inane shit
I'll regale you with a tale of a similar guy.
>Greedily takes of the snacks people put on the table
>Will occasionally throw in like a candy bar and expect us to bow down to his benevolence
>Makes shitty jokes, then laughs loudly at them when nobody else does
>Takes a smoke break every five minutes, then demands to be filled in on what happened during his very extensive smoke break
>Doesn't pay attention when it's not his turn in combat or the spotlight isn't on his character
>The exception here being when he really wants to tell you how to play your character optimally
>Still doesn't know what to roll for initiative or attack, despite this being a year and a half into his second campaign of the same system
>Threatened IC to kill another PC to get his hands on his magic map
>Got sulky OOC when he was told 'no you don't' and was reminded he's not the star of the show
>Whined the GM into letting him play some OP as shit elf career, some sort of sword master, that let him start out with better stats than a dwarf all across the line
>Managed to creep out and scare away the girl from our last campaign, who's a hard-nosed spunky french spitfire
>Whines about everyone else whenever they do anything that's not approved by him
>Rather than actually sweet-talk people IC, he just says "I sweettalk him, very politely of course" with robotic repetition
If he is the only DM, then consider it payment for services rendered.
If he isn't the only DM, have a talk or boot him out.
Use a fucking napkin.
>DMing is a service
You should stop DMing.
Why is he even still playing with you?
Because it's his sole ray of light after divorcing and losing custody of his kid, and the GM is too "nice" to not allow him in.
Between him and the other guy playing an elf, I've more or less entertained the thought of quitting.
Well, quit.
Make a new group, invite your old GM and players except that guy, run a game once.
When it's over, let your GM run again!
Win/Win for all.
>take time out of personal life to set up multiple contingencies and plot hooks
>Most of which won't even be used, especially so if you have PCs who avoid them purposefully
>have to create a setting, remember multiple NPCs and all past interractions
>along with whatever else the party throws at you
>not a service
Fuck off.
I know this pain. What is the proper etiquette?
See, thing is, apparently the others aren't bothered enough to feel the way I do.
What are you going to do about it?
>That guy who offers you a lift to the game then forgets where he parked
Just eat the fucking snacks you sperg
t. guy who brings snacks
Just don't be a ravening abyss, you spergy fatsos, and you'll be fine.
>That guy who wears a puffy shirt
Our group has a habit of relentlessly berating anyone that makes any faux pas.
We don't have this issue.
>group mascot
How can he chip in for pizza if he blows all his money on armor and weeb crap?
>Those guys who are bad at organizing and end up going months without playing
>other players get antidote before the game
>says if we don't feed him he's not playing
Sounds like the solution presented itself.
I honestly wonder how accurately "these guys" are portrayed or whether you guys are just vaginas.
>That guy who distracts the other players with his pez dispenser in the middle of a serious bit
Im american and I normaly play 8 hour sessions, we almost always eat diner and sometimes eat snacks.
You owe it to your GM.
So you have nothing to complain about. You sub-human player filth.
>Group mascot
He meant "fluffer."
>bounds up
What did the cunt honestly expect?
Did he have genuine delusions of granduer?
As with all that guy threads just assume everyone in the story is awful in their own way
shouldnt there be Kramer on the picture not Jerry ?
>Just don't be a ravening abyss
>that guy that pretends to be a marine biologist
My wife and I always, always, ALWAYS bicker in game. In a couple of instances she challenges me or I her to a duel. She usually throws more crits, I throw more hits. The group is expecting us to do this by now :D
>that guy who double-dips in the group salsa
>That guy who does'nt know shit about fantasy races.
It's a stupid story but I've been friends with one of the other guys in my group since high school. He's a bit /r9k/ and he's been NEET for about 2 years now but he's still my best friend. Anyway one day I ran into a girl who went to school with both of us, who he used to have a crush on, and she asked about him in a slightly disparaging way. I felt a bit defensive and I certainly didn't want to embarrass him or tell her anything too personal about him so I said he was a marine biologist since I'd just got done watching a documentary about whales and it was the first thing that came into my head. I know it was stupid of me but I didn't think anything of it, she'd just go back to her life and maybe think a bit better of him and that would be it. What I wasn't expecting was for them to get in touch and to start dating and for him to keep up the pretense of being a marine biologist the whole time. He even brought her to one of our games and just talked garbage about fish half the time he was there. I wish I'd just said he was an architect or a latex salesman or some other boring job
I'm that guy but on the opposite end of the spectrum.
>everyone is buying snacks
>they all make more money than me
>they choose to spend it on other activities, whereas I don't
>they all want to just chip in to share snacks
>I tell them they can all do that, but I'll buy my own no problem
>mostly because I want more than they would be willing to pay since I'm fat fuck
>they all shrug and say fine
>get all the stuff back
>notice they haven't even covered all their bases
>lots of crisps but barely any sweets or drinks or heavy duty snacks (dried meats, party foods, etc)
>they start distributing between themselves
>tiny portions but they're all small guys anyway
>I set up my feast on my table
>"hey, user, can I get some of that?"
>fuck sake its already started
>ask why they didn't just buy it themselves, they had every opportunity
>"well I didn't want to waste money buying a whole pack just for a bit of it"
>tell them I bought exactly the amount I know I'll eat
>"okay, I'll just stick with my crisps"
>mixture of decadent greed and guilt starts hitting in
>still annoyed they didn't just get their own, but offer out some of my food
>by the end of the night, half of what I'd bought had gone to them
>they then start dividing up money, since they put all their food on a single person's card
>"okay, so we all owe this much"
>I point out that they owe me that much, too
>"wtf why?"
>they all ate half of my food, and I spent more than any of them on it
>"you should've said you wanted money first"
>didn't expect them to take the piss so much
>"I can't afford that, can't we just call it quits?"
>would they let money slide if it was one of them?
>"no but we were all sharing"
>then share the cost
>took almost 2 months before they all eventually paid me back
>told them not to bother coming round for my turn to host
Seriously, if I buy my own shit, it's my own shit. If I want to gorge on more food than anyone else is going to eat, I'll fucking do it.
lol fat fuck
>Never bring snacks
>Usually brings games
Am I alright?
Depends on how many other people bring snacks
If only one or two people bring snacks then you're in the clear but if everyone else in the group brings them then you're a turd
I didn't expect to be disgusted on so many levels by you.
yeah, nothing better than sitting back watching le happy couple have a playful bout of kissy fighting at the expense of everyone else's time and enjoyment
You can save a shit ton of money by drinking only water.
>That guy who ODs on melange and gets possessed by his ancestors during the game
You can, but it's not as tasty as a pina colada.
>That guy who ate an eclair out of the garbage
user, I'm friends with plenty of (not literal) Jews like you, and I completely sympathize. You laid it out up front and then they basically took advantage of your feast. Bad manners on their part
Who the fuck throws an éclair away?
>Did you bring any napkins as well?
>that guy in your group that's a friend of a friend
Oh! I hate that guy, I want to fucking kick him out but my friends want him to stay.
>...and eats the snacks other people bring but never brings snacks of his own
The fuck? Snacks... Who cares? If I bring snacks I don't give a fuck that other people didn't bring any. A thank you is fine.
What are you OP, a poor fag?
'hey guys everyone needs to drop 2$ in the snack basket'
'hey x can you bring pop next week?'
What do snacks have in common with bringing one's dad?
If you play for 3-6 hours snacks are probably not necessary.
If you play for 6-12 hours it's pretty harsh to expect people not to eat anything. Most people are used to eating a bunch of small meals throughout the day (which is healthy).
Hey if it keeps you off the other snacks, it's fine.
He means 'buttslut'.
>Most people are used to eating a bunch of small meals throughout the day (which is healthy).
Unless it's garbage like potato chips and snack cakes.
>That guy who thinks chocolate is better than cinnamon
Dunno, usually we play from 1pm to 9~10pm and have dinner after. No snacks during, though. Shit's gross.
this seriously, fuck poor people and their shitty poorfag drama. If you are hung up over a few bucks about shared snacks then do us all a favor and stay home and jerk off
Fool, dads always bring a bunch of food and goodies.
>what's up boys, I made burgers!
>here's the beer, now let's kick some ass.
Very late dinner. you live in Mexico?
No. We all dine earlier on the other days.
honestly I've never understood people who feel comfortable sponging off other people. nigger if you wanted some snacks why didn't you buy some? I know you have money.
> that guy who monitors other players' snacking habits
I always prepare a meal, drinks and snacks for my players, it is there to be eaten. I don't ask for them to bring anything and the onus to provide and control their own stuff is on them.
>tfw poor
>tfw also
Not having money isn't an excuse. You're talking about *cheap* people.
This. Even beer eventually just gets spilled. Play, then go to pub. Not that difficult.
You are a fat bastard jew and your associates are equally shit and Jewish.
>That guy who regifts
You've cursed your friend to live in a sit-com.
This is magnificent.
I'm with . If a person, specially a fat one, declines to share snacks and bring his own stuff instead it's pretty fucking obvious you shouldn't be even asking for his food in the first place. Your only mistake was offering and have it laying on the table, have your food by the side of your chair if it's not for sharing.
Most people are dense and can't tell the difference between a courtesy offer and an actual offer. Yours was obviously out of guilt but that fucker should feel guilty for asking it in the first place.