Previous thread: >Pastebin:
>This week's Monday Meeting Notes:
What are some NPCs or Groups of NPCs that you put into your games that your players responded well to?
>5th editons cliffnotes
Previous thread: >>54704483
How is it a superpower system? How is it a joke?
Fuck off. Enough with this. Discuss something else.
We've already been over this. Mage's spell mechanics are in effect a power system for a super hero game disguised as a magic system.
>Mage's spell mechanics are in effect a power system for a super hero game disguised as a magic system.
Except you're wrong.
You said that, but you haven't explained it at all.
How so?
For him to explain that you would have to explain how it is a supehero system first, because what does that even mean? It's nothing like Mutants and Masterminds.
>What are some NPCs or Groups of NPCs that you put into your games that your players responded well to?
We had great success when our GM tossed in a group of hunters. But not Hunters, capital letter, just 'hunters'. We were the capital letter ones.
The other guys had seen a bit too much, but were basically mortals. Like, good old boys with a pick up truck, spot lights, rifles and all the liquor they could afford. The fuckers kept beating us to clues and scenes we were investigating, shooting things and setting it on fire, then blasting off into the distance with polka remixes of katy perry songs blaring (This being what the GM would put on over the stereo when it was one of 'their' scenes).
They died terribly when they beat us to a scene and found not the 'great tootin' boar' they were expecting, but a shapeshifter busy eating a derelict. We took all the credit for killing it with our associates, framed them for the murders with the standard authorities and stole all the stuff out of their houses.
Mutants and Masterminds emulates superpowers through a D20 lens. Mage emulates superheroes through the storyteller system via the arcana and attainments. You have to construct them via mixing and matching the arcana. Life for enhanced physical capabilities, regeneration, healing etc.. matter for web shooters. Matter or Life for wall climbing. Fate or Time for Spider Sense. Voila! Spiderman!
That would all be pretty complicated though, and honestly probably wouldn't be all that viable. You can only hold so many spells at a time. Could you do it? I won't say it isn't possible, but it would be pretty complicated and annoying, and just because it's theoretically viable doesn't make it a superhero system. You're basically saying that using magic in a convoluted and specific way means the whole system is about that.
Meanwhile to be the Flash or Quicksilver in Vampire you just need Celerity and a costume. Makes it a superhero system, by your logic.
Vampires need blood to sustain it, and are cursed, burn in the sun... yeah... not the flash. Mages have the means to set their powers long term, without the need for sacrifice.
>Meanwhile to be the Flash or Quicksilver in Vampire you just need Celerity and a costume. Makes it a superhero system, by your logic.
That's one power though. And it's not really Flash. Mages have an entire system built around generating just about any power you can imagine. Flash would be built with Forces, Life and Time.
Face it.
Mage *IS* a super heroes game.
>Mages have the means to set their powers long term, without the need for sacrifice.
They actually do have to sacrifice. To release a spell is incredibly taxing, and takes a willpower dot. To release a spell unsafely is dangerous. You also have no more control over it. You can make a spell Lasting, but that counts toward the amount of spells you can hold, which isn't a lot. Even as a Gnosis 5 Master, you can only hold 5 active spells. So for your Spider-Man example, that would be 5 spells. Your Spider-Man would have to be a Master just to have his powers. He wouldn't be able to do anything else. At Gnosis 3, the standard level, you can only hold 3 spells, so the spell slots are even more valuable. To dedicate one to a lasting spell is definitely a sacrifice.
So do you just not know anything about Mage?
Superheroes don't get any power they can imagine. Neither do Mages, unless they're a top tier Archmage. It's not a superhero system, it's a magic system.
>words are hard so I will call him autistic
No character has every power/"spell" that they can imagine, your hero is only built with a select set of powers. Which of course may grow/evolve with time. So your conclusion is false, your logic is faulty.
Am I weird for not caring in the slightest about mages in either gameline? I don't hate them, or even dislike them... but it's pretty boring, imo, so I just don't use them or even generally think about them, even when playing WoD.
>your hero is only built with a select set of powers. Which of course may grow/evolve with time.
Congratulations on describing powers for practically all the splats. They're all superheroes.
Spider Man is actually a rather powerful hero. He would probably be ranked up quite high (given quite a bit of experience, probably up to master level) to fill out his power set.
It is a super hero system, my friend.
Not really. I don't care about Mummy, Demon, or Vampire, and they're all boring to me so they might as well not exist in my games. Its entirely our prerogative to include or exclude whatever we want.
Build spiderman with the other splats.
>It is a super hero system, my friend.
Because you could theoretically make a superhero character using its mechanics?
To be fair, if you've ever seen the magefags talking about the power levels and behavior, it's a super hero game.
And then build The Flash.
>it's a super hero game.
Somebody actually built Spider-Man with Changeling, iirc.
>what is celerity
Celerity in CoFD is not the Flash. Have you read Vampire the Requiem?
He's simple, as he can be sort of emulated with a small power list - the Flash is tougher. "fast" just doesn't cover it.
Nobody in here crying superhero has read what they're talking about. Although reading through, it definitely seems like the Flash.
Fast covers enough. Power levels in comics are very inconsistent, after all.
>Power levels in comics are very inconsistent, after all.
If you're not going to discuss this in good faith, what is the point?
How am I not? Power levels ARE wildly inconsistent in comics. The only consistent thing is "fast".
>No character has every power/"spell" that they can imagine, your hero is only built with a select set of powers
What an incredibly dead thread.