Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/

Dark Eldar Milfs Edition

>Chaos Space Marines:

>Grey Knights:

>Konor Campaign, Chaos winning the battles, Imperium winning the painting and buying models:

>Check your local store's contribution to Konor.

>GW FAQ (1.1):

>FW FAQ (1.1):

>Rules and such. Use Readium on pc/iphone, lithium/kobo on android:
>Everything 8th edition in pdf & epub, SW:A, WIP and BB are here too, no novels.

>Other megas

>WIP Math-hammer doc (Chart-user doing Chaos' work)

Other urls found in this thread:


First for true milfs


Soul Grinder deployment when? Come on chaosfags, at this point you have nothing left to lose to claim Konor!

Third for modeling advice.
Now that we have the multi-part Intercessors, would it be possible to:
- Take chest and arms from blood warriors
- Take back and lower body from Intercessors
- Use FW world eaters upgrade kit
To make Primaris Berserkers?

Dark Eldar boys are cute

Roll away.

How's the chaos one of these coming along, out of interest?

Is there much point in buying the Intercessors or Hellblasters if I've already got the DI box and an extra of each?

When is melta getting some Primaris love?
At least the Aggressors can take flamers

>tfw the only wargear options Inceptors have is plasma or heavy bolter
>only wargear options Intercessors have is different types of bolters and adding a grenade launcher
>Reivers get to choose between bolt SMG and a knife
>tfw no all melta deathsquad equivalent to a hellblaster

Can Primaris HQs even take melta?

You need just to add the primaris legs. One guy remade his GK character for INQ28 and only thing that was true-scale were legs.


Xth for Guardfags don't collect or paint Guard

Why bother? The Incinerator and Heavy Incinerator are better


>Dark Eldar
>Not banging his mom on the reg

Want: 1000pts tyranid swarm
Have: 300cad
wat do?

>implying that counts as painting

Literally a step up from unpainted plastic

Quit being a bitch, you're a true born. How many people would do unspeakable shit to have a do over and have that honor.

different weapon options but other than that not really

I've got 1500 points of guard fully painted, with an additional few hundred in a different scheme for my cult army.

Juggerlords are gone
Im sad


Oh man is it time for a meme-off? I was only making fun of the guy last thread who claimed RGG didn't own Guard but I'm game. Throws some spicy macos at me familamadingdong

What do you all think of Whirlwinds?

If you taped/glued/tied a bunch of Orks together, could you field it as some kind of flesh Gargant?

So are Inceptors overcosted or just fine? My friend keeps bitching that their sooo expensive for what you get, while regularly bringing up how you can get Guilliman for a little bit more investment. I think theyre fine.

Do the weapons stack up?

Isn't it Assault, Rapid and Heavy for each?

Why bother? 12 s8 ap-4 shots is great and all but you can get a land raider and a full terminator squad for the same cost

Because giving my Salamanders plasma guns instead of melta or flamer feels weird.

The tanks are alright, but the guardsmen look bad and you should feel bad.

Imagine this but green.

I was asking because the Berserker sculpts really suck, and I wanna be sure it'll work with minimal sculpting before I order the parts from bits websites.

Is anything worth taking on a Dev Sarge or is it best to keep him stock?

I'm pretty sure stock is most efficient but it feels like such a waste to have all those unused bits.

Poses and options, really. DI ones pretty much come with the best equipment. Stalkers and heavy incinerators can be more useful for long range shooting, but at rapid fire range the bolt rifle and regular incinerator wipe the floor with them.

It's weird the Hellblaster kit doesn't come with the regular plasma incinerator option, just the assault and heavy options. Even the store image uses DI Hellblasters. Personally I'm looking into converting DI incinerators into heavy incinerators.

Whirlwinds don't hit that hard or cost anywhere near that much, are you thinking of something else?

What in God's name is that from? I hope it got purged with fire.

Put some sharp flashy bitz on it and it's plenty Orky. And Power Klaws!

Why not pick up some of the cheap 3-model starter sets to test it out? There's one for intercessors, and I'm pretty sure blood warriors have one too. Should be enough to see if the proportions work, at least.

You can throw him a power axe or something. If they can take storm bolters, that's an option.

But it's all extra points, so only do it if you have spare left over. Your devs shouldn't be in assault unless you are in a disadvantageous position.

A Neill Blomkamp short, I believe.


He's probably thinking of exorcists, which are SOB models (and quite good at anti-tank)

Drop the name fag, and become one with the board


Source? Google just keeps trying to tell me it's a girl.

They're monopose snap fit not multipart like he said


Bolt rifle 30″ Rapid fire:1 S:4 AP:-1 D1
Auto bolt rifle 24″ Assault:2 S:4 AP:0 D1
Stalker bolt rifle 36″ Heavy:1 S:4 AP:-2 D1
Plasma Incinerator
(Standard) 30″ Rapid fire:1 S:7 AP:-4 D1
(Supercharge) 30″ Rapid fire:1 S:8 AP:-4 D2 (kills the bearer on a 1)
Assault Plasma Incinerator
(Standard) 24″ Assault:2 S:6 AP:-4 D1
(Supercharge) 24″ Assault:2 S:6 AP:-4 D2 (kills the bearer on a 1)
Heavy Plasma Incinerator
(Standard) 36″ Heavy:1 S:8 AP:-4 D1
(Supercharge) 36″ Heavy:1 S:9 AP:-4 D2 (kills the bearer on a 1)


I mean, you can clearly see a pair of tits in that image

You're not a Painboy by any chance?

Women, not even once

If you use it with the new land speeder stratagem, it can put out some pretty solid damage against light units with the castellan launcher on a good roll, haven't tried it other ways though.

He can use his buff on himself so he can negate the penalty for firing both barrels of a combi-weapon or just get a really accurate stormbolter

If I took a Knight with my Space Marines would I lose out on chapter tactics? I assume that having the Knight in a separate detachment would allow the marines to use their own tactics.

Is the big body-part monster a metaphor for apartheid then?

What? Will my soul grinder help that much?

If "he" can't cut up monopose then he should probably give up on trying that conversion. Clearly doesn't have the skillz.

I bet its oppressed by rich white people.

Yeah, just take it in a seperate detachment

Codex buffs are detachment based so yeah you can as long as he isnt in a supreme command detachment with them

No, it's clearly for the bloated western military industrial complex consuming the planet of its resources and destroying the habitats of the peace loving noble magical savages.

Are the heavy ones worth taking for vehicle killing?

Still trying to decide between Storm Lords and Mantis Warriors. I doubt rilling will help.

Nth for sisters of silence.


New Chaos Codex review.

Going over changes in point cost at start. Bikers cheaper, defilers cheaper etc.

>spend hours cutting and sticking and cutting and sticking
>spend 5 minutes dryfitting and glueing various bits together


Nth for why no plastic SOB?

GotC are cool. Definitely my favorite Unforgiven. But I have no interest in DA rules.

Not too sure, havent tested them yet but they seem solid as they can set up shop earlier and stay out of harms way longer and hit a little harder

How do you get that dusty olive green the Salamanders are shown as here? The way GW actually paints the Salamanders is a warpstone green affair that looks a lot more like the Aurora or Dragon Lord marines instead of that color the Salamanders are in this chart.

Inside (2016)

Good job, Xenos-bros.

>5 mins

Clearly I take too long assembling my models

fuck white people amirite

Artillery mother fucker! Besides, nothing els is working.

Eh it'll happen sooner or later.

>In before people unaware of the current climate comparing this to how things used to be where it would never happen

Protip: don't buy GW paint

where do you guys find these statistics? I'm looking all over and am getting zilch.


Peaceful young races with fires on their houses,
Millions of voices are silenced like mouses,
Watching the cowards bow to their new king,
These are a few of my favorite things!

>Blurry low light pic
Not even mine Famkashi Hakate.
Also how new are you that you don't know his Guardsmen or that he openly admits he barely tries on them to save time?

If you know what you're doing what takes so long besides drying

Wrack'em up wrack'em up

Link in the OP where you can do a search for your store.

>his topknot was on his shoulder pad all along
What a revelation

I already got Raptors once, whats next? Grey Knights?

Finally settled on a colour scheme for my Archon and Kabal, now I just need a name.

Kabal of the Steel Serpents maybe? Ideas?

Chaos Ranged weapon points:

Bale Flamer: 30 points cheaper.

Blastmaster: 8 points cheaper.

Hades autocannon: 5 points cheaper.

Reaper autocannon: 3 points cheaper.

Soulreaper cannon: 5 points cheaper.

Melee weapons:

Demonic axe: 35 points cheaper (45 to 10!!!)
Hellforged sword: 32 points cheaper (42 to 10)
Lightning Claws: 1 cheaper.
Power fist: 8 points cheaper.

oh thanks

Is that supposed to be Abadoo?

Huh, that didn't occur to me. The firing both barrels at normal BS that is.

Obligatory "post your own shit then, asshole"

>mfw 2 ounces of high quality acrylic is cheaper than 0.8 ounces of G dubs scrub


Chaos should apologize to Xenos.

>the pain of being born white on Nocturne
