In the past we made many fantasy races.
This time we will flesh out a race that lives in modern day earth.
No races already present in World of Darkness.
First 20 posts are to decide what race we will be working on.
In the past we made many fantasy races.
This time we will flesh out a race that lives in modern day earth.
No races already present in World of Darkness.
First 20 posts are to decide what race we will be working on.
Other urls found in this thread:
Crocodile people
Who can't speak human languages and communicate through sign language involving use of both their hands and prehensile tail
maybe finaly we can have something better then the crocoman from Suicide Squad aka a niggered nigger with scales.
Coatl, hidden in the Amazon for centuries subtly pushing civilizations around them into stagnation to protect the jungle.
Brahman, three who are one. Never realize they are one distinct mind in three people until they physically meet and realize they know each other intrinsically.
Highlanders, there can be only one.
I like this.
A race of people with blue skin and wavy hair. They live on a continent isolated from the other races.
Thier mother tounge is mostly maddening screams and howls of fury followed by growls made only by a being that can only hate.
They're actually nice guys and gals but pretty scary.
all the time living near humans taught them at least how to write. Different throat structure will not allow human words but at least writing.
Completely bald and hairless, stunningly beautiful humans called Gurus.
They're spirtually at piece but see no use in technology. They don't need to eat, sleep, piss, shit, whatever just meditate. They're longevity increases ten fold, but as they are at peice with their deaths long before it happens, they are quick to help out during times of crisis.
The written language is long with many many characters. Entire pages are used for a single paragraph.
Seem... boring? No offense but I see no reason for conflict with other races.
Maybe they are captured and researched for immortality?
A race composed of sentient viruses. Together, they form colonies inside of massive genetically modified organisms, which are their equivalent of our cities. Using their ability to alter the DNA of cells from within to modify their host to suit their environment, they can breed specific strains of organisms to serve different purposes, with massive immobile photosynthetic masses of biomass acting as buildings and breeding complexes while smaller and more agile creatures act as resource gathering drones. All decisions are carried out unanimously by democratic vote. While this would be ponderous and inefficient for humans, the greater connectivity coupled with faster responses stemming from extremely short lifespans make the process almost instantaneous for the virus colonies.
do they worship someone in particular?
>Something not even complex enough to be considered alive
I got a body of mine who created her first MnM character as a human virus purely based on the fact that she was pissed off when she learned viruses weren't sentient when she was 12. Weirdest part was she joined this one DnD community and apparently there was a character just like that who already existed on the forums.
So peaceful croc people be it.
To comunciate with humans they go around with a sound board.
Oh, look at that, someone who doesn't like fun.
*peaceful croc people who sound like hell beasts
They live in underwater huts. That is how they remained off radar for so long.
What is their principal vice/issue/obsession?
For westerners it's video games and anime
For arabs it is religion
For nihhers it is music
For slavs it is vodka
For japs it is 2D porn.
The underwater angle need some serious thoughts.
How do they build underwater?
How do they light underwater?
How do they make food underwater?
How do they keep warm underwater?
Obviously they don't light fires underwater, but they do make use of exothermic chemical reactions when necessary.
However, they are totally fine with raw food.
>A race composed of sentient viruses.
There was a movie about that and there are a few Green Lantern characters that are it as well
I assume the thinking gets done by the cells they infect, and that the actual viral particles they use to spread are as dead as any other virus.
A subteranean race of nocturnal humans. They have elaborate stone head-dresses in place of hair. their diets consist mostly of mushrooms and bacterial soups.
i don't think viruses can hold dna that complex, i would make it a bacterium. something that has a hive mind which communicates with a queen.
I don't think there really is an upper limit on how much DNA a virus can carry. There are some big viruses and some really tiny bacteria. The difference is that Bacteria are their own cells, and Viruses have to infect other cells to reproduce.
Now, this means that Viruses are usually smaller than the cells they infect, and thus also carry less DNA than the cells they infect, but there is no real correlation between amount of DNA and complexity of information carried in the DNA. DNA is sloppy and inefficient because of billions of years of blind evolution. A sentient Virus that knew how to re-write it's own DNA could probably carry a lot of information in addition to that ability. This information could include things like memories that would be carried between cells it infected, allowing the colony to form a sort of mind.
Of course, the individual viral particles aren't alive, they just contain super compressed code, and instructions on how to infect cells with it. The Virus probably only becomes sentient when it infects sentient beings. If it infects a human, it learns how to do human things, and only needs the virus to give it instructions on how to find other humans and start building a hive mind out of them.
If you want to subvert the "Me me me" cliches that these kinds of hive minds inevitably create, Just say the virus also has a self inhibiting function, where the viral hive mind wants to perpetuate itself, but also doesn't want to become the only living thing in existence, so politely limits it's own growth and forms peaceful relationships with non infected individuals. After all, not all cells can be infected, and if it spread too fast, people would start trying to cure it. Better to form a symbiotic relationship.
>underwater huts
Yes but let's think on all bullshit stuff they need to do to make it work.
How the fuck is air breatheable?
Poltergeists that long to be material once more so they possess and inhabit dolls, the more human sized and shaped the better.
A small number of beings who are a single emotion given flesh.
Beings who evolved in a higher dimension but were somehow trapped in ours, which is coincidentally very similar to their version of hell.
Not really a "race", but sometimes random objects just grow legs and start walking around the place.
So a few weeks ago I made a thread called "lets make a modern super hero setting in the vain of Mother" and one of the things in the setting was and this thread makes me want to do remake it, anyone willing to go to it if I make one? or should I not and just post some of the ideas from that thread here like Objectoids?
if reposting ideas is just copy paste do it.
I think they're probably semi-aquatic.
Their huts are floating structures, usually built in swamps, estuaries, and shallow bays. A small part rises out of the water to provide an air pocket. They sleep with only their nose sticking above the water.
The huts are used primarily for storage and rest, so they don't really need lights, social spaces, food prep areas, etc. They spend most of their time outside.
The majority live in the shallow seas around Southeast Asia, but there's also significant populations in the American South, the Amazon Basin, and the Nile.
Their vice is gladiatorial combat.
They are very peaceful because their society has extremely rigid rules about fighting. There's no "chivalry" or duels over "honor", and they don't see combat as a sensible way to resolve any kind of conflict.
They treat combat the way we treat sex. It's fun to have. Fun with strangers, but more fun with people you like. Fun to watch. Starting a fight with someone who doesn't consent is extremely taboo. The aggressor and sometimes even the victim are usually shunned from society.
Most other races invented clothing for warmth, sun protection, or modesty. Croc clothing evolved from armor. Some of it is functional, but most of it could be better described as "jewelry".
The way they view combat also has some other odd effects on their society. Instead of war, civilized crocs basically form hyper-aggressive debate teams. If you piss off a croc, they'll basically just yell in your face as loud as they can you give-in (or until one side of the argument passes-out).
Crocs who leave the society may become warriors for other races. These warriors are shunned to the point where other crocs won't even speak to them.
Humans say that the only thing scarier than a croc warrior is a croc lawyer.
ok, Posting the other races
Bug people. nothing more. there literally bugs who stand up right
Animal people that aliens made. similar to Buglings but more antro like. Lizards have fully integrated into Biker culture.
>Grey Guys
Aliens who gifted humans with super powers. live perfectly with humans no problem
and thats about it really. kinda wished the thread continued.
Is combat to death?
See this -> The idea isn't that individual viruses are sentient, it's that they each contain a fragment of potential sentience. When they group together infecting sufficiently complex cells (or gradually making them complex enough through DNA alteration) they form something comparable to a single sentient organism, which the exception that said organism is motivated not by a single consciousness acting but by several million smaller ones connected by the sharing of DNA-memory.
> the virus also has a self inhibiting function, where the viral hive mind wants to perpetuate itself, but also doesn't want to become the only living thing in existence, so politely limits it's own growth and forms peaceful relationships with non infected individuals. After all, not all cells can be infected, and if it spread too fast, people would start trying to cure it. Better to form a symbiotic relationship.
This. I always hated that 'Hivemind = evil and hostile' trope. I envisioned the Virus colonies and their greater community to be initially unaware of other uninfected organisms except as 'virgin land' to be colonized. Gradually, as their network expanded and humans poked around trying to purge them from their colonies they would become aware of other consciousness and horrified at the idea that their success came at the expense of others' sentience. As a compromise, they would stop infecting sentient life forms and instead breed organisms specifically designed for them to infect and inhabit.
>Instead of war, civilized crocs basically form hyper-aggressive debate teams. If you piss off a croc, they'll basically just yell in your face as loud as they can you give-in (or until one side of the argument passes-out).
They're going to love it here.
>penguin people