>Everyone in Veeky Forums saying that being a forever DM is the worst feeling ever and it sucks
>I enjoy DMing MUCH more than being a player
I'm not the only one with this opinion right?
>Everyone in Veeky Forums saying that being a forever DM is the worst feeling ever and it sucks
>I enjoy DMing MUCH more than being a player
I'm not the only one with this opinion right?
I prefer to DM, myself, but I just want to play at least sometimes as a player. It just feels like two completely different things to me. DMing is fun because I like seeing my players have fun with what I've made, and I enjoy having the chance of playing dozens of NPCs and try a number of weird mechanical combinations for encounters; on the other hand, being able to focus on a single character and have fun exploring and solving mysteries/stabbing shit without already knowing everything that is going to happen and spending weeks of prep work would be neat once in a while.
Players who absolutely refuse to DM are typically worse than players who will.
Obviously there are individuals who break the mold, but refusing to ever step up is typically a sign of laziness and/or entitlement that makes for shit players.
But in general I agree with in that they are two very different things for me.
>let me put you all in this box
>oh ho ho how clever i am for being out of the box
Chew glass
I also strongly prefer GMing to playing, however, give it 20 years and you'll understand.
No, I'm with you. I get to dare people to enter my magical realm every session I run, except my fetish is smiles.
I'm an isolated case because I only had meager exposure as a player before starting to DM a couple months ago, but I'm enjoying it a lot. It's not an accurate explanation, but I revel in the fact that I can throw all sorts of ridiculous shit at my players and the only person who picks up on my fuckery is the veteran in our group. Sent one of player down to the Abyss too meet Papa Orcus and the only one shitting himself was the one guy who knew what kinda bad shit I was cooking up. It was hilarious.
First, don't presume that everyone on Veeky Forums holds the same opinion just because you see a thread or two discussing something. Second, GMing is, in my opinion, like eating your favourite food. Some people could eat that meal every day for years and not get tired of it. Others require more variety in their diet. To take a break from GMing is not to declare you dislike GMing, or even that you're not interested in doing it again; some people just need a change of pace for a while.
I usually prefer, as a rule, playing with a whole world. Sometimes it's nice to nestle into a single character and let someone else do all the work.
It depends a lot on the quality of your players, I think. I used to love GMing, but my players have become increasingly jaded, finicky, difficult, uncooperative, and unappreciative, so that's not really the case anymore. The older I get, the harder it is to find good players who really care about the game. Everybody's got more important stuff they're focused on and are meh about gaming, at least once they actually start doing it. Beforehand they may seem enthusiastic, but that doesn't hold. In theory though, I am a big fan of GMing.
nice Waifu, OP.
GMing is great, as it's the thrill of being the George Lucas, not the Mark Hammil.
but, you gotta find the great actors, and keep them.
there are tons of shitty crybabby players in the RPG world.
you gotta shift through the Shit
also, you yourself as a GM have to avoid being the Uwe Boll or Shamylman
you as a GM have to develop showmanship, research, and the ability to fairly mette out judgement.
you have to be judgemental.
it has to be a good type of judgement, the kind that solves problems players may have that pushes your good actors away.
I enjoy DMing more than being a player because the only DMs I've ever played under are That DM.
I like GMing well enough, but there's definitely some "necessary evil" to it in the sense that it's often the only way to get your group to play X system or Y setting. I love the group I usually play with but everyone definitely has their systems of choice, and I never want to be the guy who says, "Hey, can you learn how to run this game for us? And by 'us' I mean 'me'?"
The longest campaigns I've GM'd have always been with systems I've had little or no interest in, because it's always for the sake of the group's enjoyment.
I like playing the world and all the NPCs rather than just one character.
More options, and I have an autistic love of reading the rulebook and building a world, so it works out fine.
There are many players who love GMing. You're not special. Often, however, being a good GM for your group and enjoying GMing are not the same. Maybe you're just inexperienced or not a very talented story writer. Maybe you just don't fit the tone and style of your players, and would be fine in another group. However it goes, usually you pick the player who's best at GMing for that group for the maximum net fun of the group as a whole. That isn't always the one who enjoys it the most. I don't like GMing very much, I like playing a single character, I like being in a world where I don't know what's around the corner.
However, for reasons that escape me entirely, my group likes my games when I GM. They like my dungeons that tend to involve a lot of verticality, cover positions and interactable environment options because instead of making my own dungeons I copy old buildings and FPS levels. They like my monsters where 90% of the numbers are fudged and most of the risk comes from them responding to loud noises and using the same bullshit the players can do. They like my plots which are, in essence, all variations on "some asshole has a goal and few moral taboos, PCs witness the effects of his bullshit and intervene". Fuck if I know, my games are all essentially the same, but they eat it like fucking hotcakes.
I like being a GM but not constantly. I would like to be a player once in a while. Veeky Forums complains mainly about ForeverGM, which is being forced to GM 100% of the time with no play time, which does suck.
In general, I find that GMing is a higher investment, higher reward sort of game. I love it, but it takes a lot of time and effort to get things right, and anyone who will tell you that you can lazily slap any old shit together and your players will never notice is probably used to dealing with LGS defects, not serious players.
If I have the time and energy to make it great, it's better than playing. If I'm at a tough stretch at work and want something lower key, I'd rather play.
I like GMing better than playing usually but a lot of that is because I'm the only good GM I know. Other ones are still in the 'lol what prepwork' stage or aren't running games I'm interested in.
>I lovingly crafted this box of entertainment for you
>You who will take for granted the fact that it's even a box at all
Entitled playerbaby
I think he was referring to:
>Everyone in Veeky Forums saying that being a forever DM is the worst feeling ever and it sucks
>let me put you all in this box
>I enjoy DMing MUCH more than being a player
>oh ho ho how clever i am for being out of the box
You're not, but Veeky Forums has become a place where people come to bitch and nothing more.
>I'm not the only one with this opinion right?
Not at all, whenever I'm playing I can't help thinking about how much better it would be if I were DMing.
I started as a player, and sort of fell into the ForeverDM throne as of late.
It's incredibly fulfilling--in my opinion, moreso than playing--but I can't endure it as long as I can being a player. I grow stir-crazy for DMing much more slowly.
Don't know OP, I've never been a player
As a foreverDM, fpbp
Rotating GMs a best.
>GM A runs an arc of his campaign for a couple of months; when it reaches a nice ending point he rotates out and GM B steps in
>Repeat until either GM A or B retires that campaign; usually this is 4-5 arcs
>That GM steps out of rotation and GM C steps into the rotation, usually for an equivalent amount of time
4 out of our 6 players GM, everybody gets to do it who wants to, everyone gets ample time to prepare and recharge between arcs. It's been a little over a year since I was behind the GM screen and I'm itching to get back in. I've run one-shots and stuff in the mean time, of course, but I'm getting geared up to run a Stars Without Number campaign once the Revised edition hits and I'm pretty excited about it.
Nope. I enjoy both, but probably enjoy being a player more than being a GM, simply due to less work required.
Doing both is necessary to become better.
I am an absolute cunt as a player. I will pout at bad rolls, be passive aggressive about fucking anything that doesn't go my way, stir drama and such. As a DM, I'm suddenly alright and everyone has fun, and I'm not angry or upset with anything, even if players do something stupid/unaccounted for.
Guess I'm a control freak.