Why is that billard and chess are the only tg games that are socially acceptable to get autistically good at
What makes them different?
Can anyone give me more examples?
I guess poker could also be included here
Why is that billard and chess are the only tg games that are socially acceptable to get autistically good at
This is kinda my fetish I guess? I kinda want to fuck dragon mom.
OP, you've committed the grave sin of posting an image more interesting than your question.
Is my backup plan
I also want the source on the picture
>socially acceptable to get autistically good at
As long as it pays more than regular middle class job and isn't strictly speaking illegal, you're good from the social standpoint.
So pro-gaming in the few prominent (most funded) games, M:tG, or professional miniature painting are all fine.
Hell I used to watch TV for living ("content review and quality assurance") and wasn't ashamed to admit it.
chess is not socially acceptable
How much did they pay you to watch TV?
See, I'd a dragon too, but I think a kobold/lizardgirl would be preferable because the size difference with a full dragon would be too difficult.
unless she has magic to make me bigger
More than a century of history.
Word of caution: Avoid /a/, you'll get banned.
Artist is sanzo, they post their work on e621.
Because not only they are old and existed before your games of pretend, they actually have coherent balanced strategic depth to them.
>Forgetting Go
>Forgetting all forms of playing cards like poker
Could you seriously only think up two games?
Go is totally socially unacceptable
Times I were caught playing it people always thought I was a complete loser
catan and all that normie shit are socially acceptable
Anywhere between 20c to 1€ per minute of video processed. Depending on what it was and how short a notice. Though some parts had to be watched more than once, I had to take notes on the go, or cut breaks into it (eg. policing unrated broadcast into PG13) and none of that counted. Effectively I was making around 10€ per hour after tax.
They probably just thought you were a weeaboo fuck or something, Go is pretty well respected in basically all of Asia though.
Ah yeah, I know, I was speaking of western society though, at this point it's more respectable to have a board of catan playing in the library than a board of chess or a board of go
>What makes them different?
Visible demonstrations of skill and prowess (either mental or in dexterity), which are immediately impressive to most people.
Simple, codified rules that don't require much explanation and absolutely no imagination required (beyond creative strategy, which is a different skill altogether). Remember: normies HATE imagination or creativity, so it stands to reason that they prefer games that do not require these skills.
Check your imagination privilege abnormie.
Blorb thanks thee!
Are you serious? Go maybe but definitely not chess. Chess is socially acceptable even in prison and ghettos . Just try playing catan in those place
Chess requires more creativity than any tabletop Rpg
No, all it requires is memorizing 1,000,000 opening variations. There's a reason all the really clever people play D&D or Pathfinder.
>creativity = lol so random xd
99% of D&D matches seem some roguelike generated shit
>chess is memorization
Billiards and poker are easy to pick up so normies can play them easily. They've been codified in pop culture as "cool", whereas tabletop games are still only featured as being played by nerds and socially inept people in movies and tv shows. It's also harder to learn the rules of pretty much any tabletop Rpg so a normie won't be willing to put the time in to learn it, whereas billiards and poker can be played casually. Billiard and poker are also sources of serious money if you get good at them, but you'll never make as much money being good at say MtG
Chess, on the other hand, actually requires intelligence to get very good at and so is respected.
This is a very good b8 post
As I said, chess requires creative strategy which is not the same skill as imaginative creativity.
In other words, brilliant strategists are rarely brilliant novelists and vice versa.
Please refrain from using best smug for shitposting.
C92 soon.
All that you call imaginative creativity is bullshit
All D&D sessions come down to this:
>GM wants to fuck the girl of the group so acts accordingly fucking up everything
>GM wants to feel like a real man, so he tries to fuck with the chad of the group fucking up the session
>GM is autistic as hell about restrictions
>GM creates a roguelike
I wasn't using it for shitposting, I was using it for funposting appreciation!
>C92 soon
Think of the possibilites...
Lord dunsany, Ames, Asimov, Bergman, Kubrick, Beckett, Frank Baum, Borges, caroll, Cervantes, Chaplin, Dali, dickens, Dostoevsky etc were all chess enthusiasts.
Tons of great writers, artists and filmmakers played chess. I can't think of a single good one that played D&D
I thought ADB played D&D?
Vin Diesel, Mike Myers, and Robin Williams are just some of the big-name celebrities that have explicitly admitted to playing D&D. Not writers or film makers per se, but large enough icons to break the stigma surrounding role playing games as just something nerds do, and you can't deny these are creative individuals. Even to this day, chess is seen as the primary symbol of the poindexter, whereas RPGs are becoming increasingly accepted.
Reminder that GURPS is better
Hot diggity dog, can't fuckin' wait.
Of the hundreds of great artists, that is a very small subset, and it does not necessarily imply they are using the same skills in both fields.
I also don't recall ever mentioning D&D. Normies detest amateurs of any creative form and pretend to like them once they become popular.
>more than a century
But of an understatement
>he thinks those people playing D&D reesemble any of the skill level and dedication to get good at chess and thus be able to compare creative levels
>comparing vin diesel, Mike Myers and robin Williams to people like Charlie Chaplin, Stanley Kubrick and Salvador Dali
Good creative types play chess not rpgs. Chess requires more creativity to be good at and actually requires intelligence.
Also, Rpgs are still not accepted. Not a lot of people knew Williams played rpgs, Myers is a literal nobody at this point and with Vin Diesel it's just treated as a quirk
You sound awfully bitter.
It takes far more creativity to be successful at chess then at tabletop games
Chess IS a tabletop game, except unlike modern, superior tabletop games, it is played by the kind of person who makes thought errors such as this.
They were terrible at chess tho, they played for fun
What modern tabletop games are superior to chess?
Dunsany, Kubrick and Chaplin were considered quite good
>superior tabletop games
>require just 1 hour to understand the metagame and be excellent at it
Most of his work is like that. No lewds as far as I know, but it's very cute.
Dominion and its many expansions, for one. It blows chess out of the water in terms of tactical depth.
>It takes far more creativity to be successful at chess then at tabletop games
I'd argue chess is a better demonstration of mental ability but otherwise they aren't really comparable; they involve totally different skills. You might as well argue luge and handegg are testing the same skills, or play-writing and interpretive dance.
Chess is a test of your ability to consider large numbers of possible outcomes and creatively predict what your opponent will most likely do. RPGs aren't really a test of anything beyond your ability to spin a yarn, which has little intersection with strategy.
This is why chess is socially acceptable and tabletop games are not: chess is a clear demonstration of ability whereas RPGs produce a more subjective output.
You can't be serious, I have played dominion drunk and won
Let's not get into "muh anecdotes". Dominion's competitiveness is scientifically proven.
Not an argument.
Name a single person who has experienced some form of creative success in life who has played dominion
>It takes far more creativity to be successful at chess then at tabletop games
Chess is 90% netdecking and memorization. Famous games are being pondered over and analyzed. Successful plays are diligently replicated. There's no element of chance so what worked last time is bound to work again.
For starters, me, but I'm not going to bother to prove that.
Show me these scientific proofs please
You forgot Duchamp, who was a legit top 20 in the world player in his day.
Google it. I'm not in a spoonfeeding mood.
>this is what brainlets actually believe
Lmao stick to pathfinder
I thought the early game of chess was largely 'solved' and that the real game began in the late game when there are simply too many permutations and branching paths to solve in a linear, logical level?
So, the first step to getting good at chess is memorizing the couple dozen or so really effective openings (that I believe last around 10-12 moves?), then develop a strong concept of value and positioning to get through the midgame, and finally the real chess masters make their mark with late game plays. Am I wrong?
>cite empirical evidence
>requested to show it
>"nah, not in the mood"
Riiight, now show me your ELO or GTFO.
They're all well-known, competitive, and getting autistically good at them means you've honed real world skills like tactical thinking, manual dexterity, or people-reading. There's few other games which that applies to: D&D isn't competitive so being autistically good at the game doesn't mean you're a better player; MtG is pay to win bullshit so getting good at it doesn't mean anything, because someone can just pay more to beat you; Dominion isn't well known.
I read a study about it in grad school a while back for fun, I'm sure it will pop up somewhere if you know where to look.
Just admit you pulled it out of your ass to try and sound cool.
>declare an opinion as if it's a fact
>provide no proof of said opinion
Why play chess when go exists?
>Playing linear 2D go
Goddamn I love these things.
Because chess is superior. Name one intelligent person who played go.
The founder of Atari, the founder of Microsoft, the creator of Sims series (simcity, the sims, etc), Conway got their surreal numbers from Go endgame study, Albert Einstein is honorary dan, John nash, Emanuel Lasker considered Go the better game and regretted learning only chess, Alan Turing the creator of Morse code, etc
Most chess champions are only good at chess, while Go players actually make changes in the world
>morse code
Turing test*
No, dragoncest is wrong, m'kay
>Turing test
Nah. Samuel Morse dreamt that up.
>dragon lunches
Chess is a scholar's game. Not in a praiseworthy sense, but you have to learn how to play it, which involves study and memorisation and recognising what openings and stratagems your opponent is using and what to use to counter them.
Dragons are not birds
wtf isnt Go basically checkers
No, lets not go back to this dark forbidden place.
Wait there's 92 of these things?
death by dragon anus
C92 = 92nd Comiket, it's an event, or rather THE event, where new doujin get released.
All we got of Nanashi at C91 was streaking Illya and monkey dick, so hopefully things are gonna be better this time.
Kubrick was too old to learn to play D&D.
how about we compare Dame Judy Dench? She's a frequent player.
Dame Judi Dench is a highly overrated actress, there's no way you can compare her to actual creators
I mean we can be pretty confident you'd say the same about anyone else we brought up.
But that's Godzilla.
>So pro-gaming in the few prominent (most funded) games, M:tG, or professional miniature painting are all fine.
didn't help John Finkel score with his date. At least her shitty behavior earned him so many pity points he could have choosen any girl he wanted around that time.
Let us not go there. 'Tis a silly place.
I only recognize one smug loli
I wish I recognized them all
This place is blinding compared to were I live.
>Thinking Go is socially acceptable
Weeb spotted.
Does it look cool doing it?
Think of billiards and pool, the scene people have in their mind when they picture it. The smoky bar, some potentially dangerous dudes, the long cue that could easily be a makeshift weapon, the show of aim, control and dexterity to sink a shot just like you said you would do it. All of that shit's fucking cool.
Contrast that with five nerds huddled around a table, 2 are 100 lbs or less, 3 are well over 200 lbs. No smoke to be found but an odor of sweat finds it way to the room. There is no skill displayed at all, a die is cast and when it lands on 20 the whole group shrieks with infantile glee. What's cool about that? What about that image makes for an attractive aesthetic? Fucking nothing.
>I-I ready a study! But it was back in school, and just for fun so m-maybe I don't remember right
Wish Shyguy would do something happy.
Not all of the have doujin yet.
It's the artist's future plans.
>go on date with person
>realize he's a geek
>go home and write an extremely insulting article and dox him
>said article is on a tech-geek website
How naive do you have to be to think that will end well?