How would you do a campaign without combat?

How would you do a campaign without combat?

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the characters are 5th graders, and the campaign centers around exploration, espionage, dialog, et cetera. What would be a good system for this?

GURPS could do it, but it's gonna be realistic.

Expect at least one broken limb.

Any real WoD game - you know, the way it's supposed to be played, can be done without any combat at all.


my group usually plays with almost no combat at all. The trick seems to be to just make combat so dangerous that it's the last option for solving a problem, like it should be.

stories thrive on conflict, but interesting conflict can be about arguments, striking deals, betraying covenants or keeping your word, stealing things without anybody noticing, etc

If in Anima, every member of the group is a Nephilim(human with the soul of a non-human race) of some sort working for the "Befriend Humanity" half of Sammael. Missions may include running a cafe, spreading good rumors about certain races, or getting signed merch from Andiel's latest concert for Legion Ramses.

I'd play MonsterHearts (as I usually do)

How about dangerous non combat challenges?