Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/

Saging A New Thread Every Other Hour edition

>Chaos Space Marines:

>Grey Knights:

>Konor Campaign, Chaos winning the battles, Imperium winning the painting and buying models:

>Check your local store's contribution to Konor.

>GW FAQ (1.1):

>FW FAQ (1.1):

>Rules and such. Use Readium on pc/iphone, lithium/kobo on android:
>Everything 8th edition in pdf & epub, SW:A, WIP and BB are here too, no novels.

>Other megas

>WIP Math-hammer doc (Chart-user doing Chaos' work)

Other urls found in this thread:


First for GSCB, you will never be forgotten.

Is there a video game that capture better the essence of 40k than Battlefleet Gothic ? Hot damn I'm replaying the campaign and the atmosphere is on point.

Newfag who bought too much on ebay here.

I got about 30 space marines with only a few heavy weapons included and 3 dreads. Where do I go from here in making an army that's not fundamental garbage? ideally in the 1k range

how does the Defiler compare to the Hellbrute? I heard 8th fixed some of the Defiler's problems

Some points and unit changes at the beginning of this video, don't watch it for too long if you're allergic to autism.

Probably an HQ or two

Alpha Legion

Some HQs, maybe terminators and definitely rhinos or razorbacks.

Nth for "Guardanons cause shitstorms"

any suggestions? I haven't decided on a chapter yet.

It got a lot cheaper in the codex and gained an extra melee attack to boot. Looking forward to building mine soon.

I read your comment and now I'm sneezing like crazy.

Post Saturday games


>he actually plays 40k

Probably a captain
Safe bet

All of the 40k games are great if the essence you're looking for is Imperial. There's a glut of atmosphere if they're your faction of choice.

Everyone else can get by with a little here and there, but a lot of those races need expanding, or even just a fluff-nailing down.

You have so little life that you follow the thread of a game you don't even play?

Game looks amazing. What were your lists like? Looks like you and your ally have tons of Conscripts.

captain and a razorback it is. Thanks m8s

Been thinking of repainting my iron warriors CSM for a while now, as in from before 8th hit. I just look at them and think they look...kind of dull. So, I need to pick a new legion. Been considering word bearers because I've always liked their scheme, and their lore's okay, although I hear their rules are kind of wank. If I was going with rules I'd go with the alpha legion, who also have a decent paint scheme, but lore-wise I think they're a bunch of smug chucklefucks. Night lords are the other option, but they're just kind of okay, I don't hate their scheme/lore/rules but not sure I really love them either. Currently leaning towards the word bearers because at the end of the day they're my models and I need to look at them every day, but I dunno.

tl;dr When picking a legion, should I prioritise paint scheme, rules, lore, or what?

Thanks for reading my shitty blog post.

Also get Roboute Guilliman.

you've missed the meme boat. #lurkmoar


just do Alpha Legion

Go with whomever you think looks best and is coolest. Rules will change, color schemes won't.

Alpha Legion masquerading as Word Bearers obviously

GW released a pic of Death Guard in Iron Warriors color scheme, so if they don't give a fuck then neither should you.

Word Bearers may not be great but they do have the best daemon summoning. If you want to deep strike bloodthirsters they are absolutely the faction to do it with.
What big models do you currently own? Like which vehicles, daemons etc since they will have a big effect on what is right for you.

it's kinda sad that he's so broken he's auto include at this point.

shit, if it wasn't for keywords he'd even be in xenos armies at this point.

>Howling Griffons
>Individual heraldry for Sergeants, Lieutenant & Captain
yes or no?

Not sure whether to try it on the kneecap or shoulderpad.

Heres the new colors from white dwarf

Chaos Weapon changes. Also units got points lowered too. Don't have an authoritative list though. Bikers down 6 points for example. Plague Marines down 2 etc. Defilers got a huge point cost decrease. Same with Lord of Skulls who got a 100 point decrease.

Ranged weapon points:
Bale Flamer: 30 points cheaper.
Blastmaster: 8 points cheaper.
Hades autocannon: 5 points cheaper.
Reaper autocannon: 3 points cheaper.
Soulreaper cannon: 5 points cheaper.
Melee weapons:
Demonic axe: 35 points cheaper (45 to 10!!!)
Hellforged sword: 32 points cheaper (42 to 10)
Lightning Claws: 1 cheaper.
Power fist: 8 points cheaper.

>not naming the file "soon"

fucking try more

Guys Horus has betrayed the Emperor

With axe/sword Daemon Princes and Possessed getting nice bumps im considering purchasing a "favoured of chaos" pack. What do you guys think? I have spare heads etc from a bunch of plaguebearer kits so i could use that to make the possessed look all nurgly.
I like the metallic head on the word bearer.

The Emperor betrayed us.

Those marinelet spike marines lol

>Plague Marines down 2 points
>Power Fist the same as Codex: Space Marines

Well, guess I can add another unit now with all the points I have left over.

Thanks user!


I was going to point out how old the slopoke thing was... then I realized this was perfect on multiple levels.

my notes

bikers 25
termie lord 105
Cultists 4
pred 90
vindi 135
defiler 152
lord of skulls 365
maulerfiend 140
mutilators 50
noise marines 15
plague marines 19
warpsmith 45
abaddon ? cheaper
kharn 160

baleflamer 30
blastmaster 20
hades ac 25
reaper ac 15
soulreaper 15
DP axe 10
DP sword 10
claws 8/12
plaguesword 1
fist 12

exalted champion 70

Reminder that THIS is the kind of attitude we need towards Guardfags

Need the CSM codex, fuck.

>Soulreaper cannon

And I already loved them :O

>phone poster

In terms of big models, got a few daemon engines (maulerfiend, defiler, and heldrake). That was kind of why I painted my shit as iron warriors in the first place, but I guess other legions use daemon engines too - would that be a thing word bearers go in for?

Currently the only daemons I have are a trio of bloodcrushers (bought because I like the models) and some screamers & flamers of tzeentch (ditto). It is tempting to expand more in that direction though.

Well, that is definitely word bearers. At least people wouldn't accuse me of being cheesy and switching to the new hotness, I guess...

Reminder that all non-Guard fags phone post or even worse probably don't paint or play.

Does anyone got sauce on some gothic buildings that aren't GW's sector imperialis? I own 2, wondering if i should get more or search around for others

Can you have multiple demon princes? I want to get my buddy a new one to replace his old janky 3rd ednmodel with no wings but Id rather he be able to use both.

Were Mutilators improved like their ranged cousins, or are they still shit?

But user, that'd be spoilers.

My Primarch... Betrayed us? No, He couldn't have. Fucking Magnus lying again


Think they are something like 15 points cheaper each.

I had pask punisher, Lord commissar, 10 guardsmen, 50 conscripts, a Sentinel, a basisilk, a valkyrie, 5 ratlings and 10 rough riders.
Ally had 46 conscripts, 3 heavy weapon teams, yarrick, a vulture, chimera melta vets and a vindicare

Enemy had a good 40 or so khorne berserkers, 20 cultists, 10 raptors, a defiler, vindicated, predator, kharn and a dark apostle and some other stuff I may have forgotten

He actually won 14 to 10 unfortunately, but was good fun


You've always been able to field more than a single daemonprince.

chaos really needs some new undivided models

Is it practical? I kinda see them like Hive Tyrants with all the options but what do I know?

This is why I paint my Black Legion in the 3rd ed basic style. Because those grey highlights look hideous.

Raptors getting ready to Search and Destroy some Chaos tomorrow from the shadows.

Post WIPs!

Apparently we're getting a primaris equivelant

Word bears are hot stuff. The bad guy bad guys. No woobies here.

>Horns and metal teef on lower jaw
Alpharius confirmed for ork kommando

you could call them plague marines that are part of the IW, could be a cool conversion

Yeah, problem was never cost, it's buying ten man squad needed to get one.

Hope they go from 0 for

i hope to see some new berzerkers too - the models are too cute to be grimdark

Fuck how'd you know im Alpharius

With WE chapter tactics they might be acceptable. But probably not.

Alright Chaosfriends, how cheaper has your list got with recent change?

So what's the best way to make some rough riders for guard?
They're my favorite unit in the whole game but I couldn't justify going through the hassle of making them last edition.

That won't be for at least a year though. I don't think even GW is brazen enough to sell us ANOTHER codex after Traitor Legions, then 8e Index, then 8e codex so soon after...


methinks its out a week today. its pretty lame that theyre charging 60 bucks for them again, literally just paying for the hardcover and art (considering how cheap the indexes were)

Are ... are those extra ammo crates attached to the gun part of the kit ? Because holy fucking shit does it look retarded. If that is a conversion I'm impressed with your ability to make shit models look even worse when that didn't seem possible.

Gw knows we'll eat up anything they sell

Well if you want to expand in that direction lorewise and a little bit gameplay wise i think word bearers are the way to go. I don't know much about their vehicles but i imagine daemon engines are more popular than regular chaos vehicles such as predators to the word bearers.
If you want to expand in the realm of daemons the big thing to look at first is heralds, they give +1S and can cast buff spells on daemons aligned to their god, but this includes things like warp talons and daemon engines. For example a nurgle heldrake could get +1 to wound from a herald of nurgle or get healed for a few wounds each turn.
Each daemon type has a start collecting box, i would say grab one of those and maybe look into a greater daemon and you can summon these or even deploy them as another detachment. Slaanesh has a spell with a warp value of 8 (so not easy to cast) that lets a slaanesh daemon within 18 inches pile in and fight as though it were the fight phase. I'm sure you can imagine what a heldrake, defiler or maulerfiend dedicated to slaanesh could accomplish.
Cheaper, not better.

So now plague marines with plague axe and knife are just plain better than melee chosen, and havoks are basically chosen but cheaper, and less guns, what the hell should i do with my chosen?

The guns look a little too heavy and imbalanced. One bad swing and your ammo goes flying. A chute at least flexes and puts less strain on the connection.

If you want the ammo to be on the guns, why not look at something smaller, like 3rd party drum mags or take drums from some other gun, like ork sluggs or guard grenade launchers?

Ha, yes those come with the model and they aren't extra. That's not a drum mag in the fist, its a motor.

Shit even after 4 days in the simple green my dreadclaw is trying as hard as it can to keep that gay primer on. I'm using a metal bristle brush, would re-dunking it for another 4 days ensure it comes off without me scraping this thing to pieces? The resin marines around it all shed their primer easy, in some cases before I took them out at all.

Not to mention fucking Traitor's Hate...

looks like thats just the ammo feed mechanism but i have no idea

Prodigal sons about to remember the space alamo against space wolves on konor

I still think it'd be funny if you could take one Soulreaper cannon for every 9 models in the unit.

Hope there is an epub version

Lost against blood angels, but won against Memestealerss.

Reminder to crop your screenshots or all your going to get is phoneposter comments.

and thankfully all the guard players in my area are oldtimers who have painted everything with the exception of one guy that just primed everything green and tan and said good enough they're army men.
Though this is just one flgs, most the tryhards go to another one about 45 mins from it.

>phone posting is looked down upon as it signifies a lack of neet status. as people who post from their phones have things to do besides sit in their parents' basement.

>tfw only necron player here

I actually wanted to make a Nob using some Marine bits and that helmet, representing like a renegade Marine digga.

Try brake fluid.

I don't know. I'm like and for the life of me can't pick a legion.

Actually a very amusing thing just occurred to me a daemon prince or defiler or something (needs both heretic astartes and daemon keywords) could be warptimed up to within 3 inches of an opponent, then the slaanesh spell used to cause it to pile in to that target and attack it without having to charge.

One of the random SpaceSharkanons from last thread. Still looking for input on more AT/MonsterHunting.

My grocery/model list has a Stormhawk Interceptor and a Hellblaster Squad, but am up to suggestions for other options.

They basically are. Daemons used to serve the role of the Distraction Carnifex in a lot of armies.

Honestly i've considered at times picking up a monolith, some warriors and a lord of sorts, but in 8e they just look so boring and the monolith deploying 2-3 squads is hardly very exciting.

how did you do that rust effect on the chimera to the left? Looks realistic as fuck ive been struggling with chipped paint/rust

beautiful army btw

>Demonic axe: 35 points cheaper (45 to 10!!!)
>Hellforged sword: 32 points cheaper (42 to 10)
Praise the fucking gods
Also players non-existent or a shit