>he posts in Veeky Forums but doesn't play traditional games
>he posts in Veeky Forums but doesn't play traditional games
I'll admit it. I just like lore and worldbuilding.
I don't have time. Work every evening and every weekend.
lol sup
Me too.
And there a few settings I like.
You got me.
I play almost every week with my friends and write my own shitty homebrew
I play connect 4 with my niece on weekends and own the ps2 verion of Monopoly, does that count?
not enough time.
not enough players where I live either.
That's fucking hot.
I add my hot.
I like this thread.
Who here shitposts on 40k threads but dosent play the game?
More than half of my friends are dead or in prison.
Is there a story behind this all or just couple coincidences?
only explanation is drugs
But I play two sessions a week that my group streams.
If there's any issues it's that I don't paint my miniatures at a fast enough rate to match my buying habits.
Nothing exciting.
Childhood friends dying of cancer or grave stones falling on them or road accidents. Also I had a number of elderly friends so time was an inevitability.
As for prison I would rather not say but some will be out in a few years so there's something to look forward to. I may even make a cake.
I would strongly suggest to cut all ties and don't associate with them anymore. There's no such thing are reformed criminal, some just get more careful not to get caught again.
Does it count if you are supposed to be in a game, but sessions keep getting canceled because people can't make it?
I'm just here for the neat pictures. Occasionally for funny stories and creative ideas. To give something back I fulfill drawthread requests every now and then.
I ERP with Veeky Forums on F-list, does that count?
>not ERPing with Veeky Forums on Veeky Forums
Fuck that shit. I just spent 8 hours putting flock on tree armatures. Even if all my friends drop dead, I'll Lances stone his people to play with.
I can understand where you are coming from but no. For all that they are we are friends and I have known them for many, many years and bastards to a man though they are they are no harm to me or mine. I would trust them with my life, though maybe not with cash.
And I have maybe been no angel.
I did until... The mods exiled everyone to /soc/. Worst thing to ever happen to Veeky Forums and I'm still mad!
I confess I'm pretty shy
I used to until quests stopped being traditional games.
I want to find a group and get started but I'm too nervous of playing with strangers that won't have the patience to deal with a newbie like me
so I'm stuck playing video games until the planets align, i guess
I'm well aware of the plight and injustice...
Still, two of the best roleplays I had over the past year both started at Veeky Forums through escalation of random banter.
Disregard the constabulary.
Wanna be the third?
I...sigh I'm guilty of that too, but in my defence I'm poor...and have no friends
Most gamestores that aren't just bookstores usually have newbie friendly games at least one night a week for D&D 5e and/or Pathfinder. As long as you don't go full sperg you should be fine user.
I used to play DnD with friends. I also own some 40k but I've never played it. What do I have to confess? I like the lore and the memes and I need to kill some time.
I glad another user also shares in my plight.
I would, but I have a list of partners I must "tend" to first. But if you lurk the Veeky Forums channel we might meet one day.
>Have a pretty awesome gaming group
>Move 300 miles away
>No opportunity to meet new people because I work nights.
>Don't use Roll20 because of too many horror stories told here
>Have a starter kit of AoS that I keep telling myself I'll assemble so I can maybe play once a month but it just doesn't seem worth the effort
Sad as it sounds, you guys are all I have.
I come here for the world building to look at people's pathetic attempts and be reminded of what not to do.
your funeral I guess.
I play Magic. I'd like to get into other things. I'm just desperately poor and my friends all live far away.
"might one day" is not the kind of answer I was looking for but hey, suit yourself
ERP is the only RP I've ever actually done.
I used to play Shadowrun and DnD with my friends, but we all lost contact and I don't have friends anymore... doesn't mean I'm not interested in the subject
I used to roleplay, many years ago... perhaps a decade? It's been longer since I played in person, too.
I miss it, but now I live in a place where I don't know anyone, and I make friends very slowly. And I'd rather roleplay with friends; Veeky Forums has kinda scared me away from random groups. That, and I always preferred universal systems like FATE or BESM over D&D, and strongly preferred to outwit my opponents rather than outfight them— I'm the kind of guy who really enjoyed Undertale's "nobody has to die" approach. (Veeky Forums has convinced me that there is at least one insane, murder-happy psychopath in every roleplaying group, a circumstance I somehow evaded.)
I'm still interested in systems, scenarios, world-building, and so forth, especially the latter two. I recently bought Fire on the Velvet Horizon and was given Veins of the Earth, and I've become a fan of Patrick Stuart. The OSR scene intrigues me despite the fact that it's almost the polar opposite of what I enjoyed playing the most, in terms of the emphasis on high lethality, dungeon-crawling, and combat. (The actual polar opposite is 4th edition, which has the dungeon crawling, the combat, a variety of abstraction I don't like, and a high PC power level.)
I think the main thing is to avoid bolting together prefabricated concepts ("evil king" + "waterfall city" + "savage elves"!) Then again, my ideas are stupid (e.g., "a marketing-oriented paperclipper AI is accidentally resurrected after thousands of years and takes over a continent to advertise products that nobody can use and produce entertainment for an audience that no longer exists").
That is the most vaginal landscape photograph I have ever seen. Is this the entrance to Mother Nature's magical realm?
'Cause I could go for that.
>a marketing-oriented paperclipper AI is accidentally resurrected after thousands of years and takes over a continent to advertise products that nobody can use and produce entertainment for an audience that no longer exists
Sounds like a reasonable enough Engine Heart plot.
yup. I'm just here for the stories
I don't play any tg's any more. I even quit Magic.
I play monopoly does that count ?
Motherfucker I run my own pbp site.
I play MTG, but nothing outside of that.
Me and a group of friends RP a lot, the non tabletop kind, and this place has a lot of good ideas for spur-of-the-moment things I can inject into a story if there's a lull or it's getting stale.
I play card games and that's about it, listening to people's stories is alright too i guess
That and shitpost about japanese card games
The only traditional game I've played lately has been quests.
i do, but not very often, sadly everyone is so busy nowadays
I mean I keep TRYING to...but the games always fall apart due to scheduling complaints and lack of interest.
quests were never traditional games, scum
They only want to play D&D 5e.
I'm into lore and modeling/painting. My primary purpose of coming here is to make fun of Age of Sigmar and Age of Girlymen, but that's only when I'm bored and too tired to be productive elsewhere.
I don't play anymore because I don't know anyone who plays where I live now.
I love warhammer 40k and fantasy but my colour blindness men's I can't properly create any armies.
Man of taste over here
for all of you who wonder why Duel Masters was discontinued in America, you can blame pic related
I play board games regularly, but that's only a single thread at a time. I guess I just enjoy arguing with people about geeky shit.
I generally only come to Veeky Forums when I'm involved in a game. Running Exalted once a week. Play board games once a week.
Is anyone else turned on by OP's pic?
I used to, but the only one of my friends who ever wanted to GM suffers from mental illnesses and he's been too anxious/depressed/self-medicated to do it lately. I would GM myself but i'm too much of an autistic faggot basically.
Silly user, the way church looks at things fetus has consciousness long before it is born.
>he doesn't into gnosticism
My favorite monster is flumphs. Not sure if that is much of a confession but darn it I love the friendly little guys.
Something about the idea of a genuinely good creature existing in the Hell that is the Underdark really resonates with my sense of wonder.
I offer a hug, and some cute to all the anons who are sad in this thread
I actually GMed once.
But otherwise I just like fiddling with crunch and making random stuff.
Posted in Veeky Forums maybe twice, been lurking since 2009 or so
I've always had an interest in science fiction and fantasy, and was grew up to love Tolkien, Lewis, Lovecraft, Bradbury, Donaldson, etc. Never had friends interested in and was never exposed to Veeky Forums as a kid
I got out of the army in 2009. Lost some friends, had a shit job, girl left me. Coming to this board was an unexpected but welcome (perhaps needed) escape for me. I was able to lose myself in the lore of all these settings and systrms. I never knew a thing about role-playing or wargaming, and so just reading the threads was a great escape.
I remember loving the world building and art threads, discovering Ravenloft and AGP and Mouseguard, being introduced to Elric and Discworld and k6bd, the quests and flame wars and hilarious arguments
Maybe my daughter will learn to love these escapes as well. I have some great worlds I can show her thanks to you anons. Long as she isn't lonely, that's all I care about
/blog post, sorry, hit the bottle a bit heavy tonight lol
Started out playing 3.5 before moving to Pathfinder in college. Since graduating my group has moved on to Shadowrun 5E before dropping it for the vastly more playable Shadowrun Anarchy. We've also played oneshots of Dread and Everyone is John. Work, wedding planning, and adult life in general means we don't regularly sit down for PnP much this year but we still constantly play board games and MtG. Also play regularly with my fiance, her brother, and father.
I think storytime threads and storytime in general is a fucking cancer on this board. Anyone who's played any traditional game for more than a month will realize that 99%
of them are sensationalized bullshit and that almost every argument and edition war literally never come up when you sit down to play with real people. I think people who admit they have no friends and don't play games should get 24 hour wrist-slap bans.
I confess.
I only play NWN roleplay servers.
I've got two three weekly games going. One's a pretty standard 3.5 game that's a lot of fun, with mostly-new players I'd trained up basically from scratch since last year, and the GM now knows what they're doing.
The other is a shitty Mage: The Ascension hack that's dumbed down for my brother and his wife and his family.
Then a really silly Fate game for my brother and his seven-year-old son, in which a protoss expy and a crazy robot AI wreck shit on an alien planet. Though we only play this when the MTA game isn't running for whatever reason.
I do, but on second life because it's easier.
Shit dude, always glad to know our stories made someone's life a little brighter.
So you're just a retarded faggot, then.
This was true about a year ago until I met someone who invited me to a group after the professor mentioned D&D during philosophy class and I showed interest. You all have great stories.
My schedule is fucked.
Paint a Sons of Malice warband. Black and white.
Kinda the same reason as this guy. I don't play tabletops since there's no similarly-minded friends here, but I do play chess and boardgames sometimes, those count right?
Indo, I remember when we played Iron Hearts. That was five years ago.
Lennox's Empty Hearts Club will still march on
also sup?
Sergeant Lennox's Empty Hearts Club continues.
Working. Existing. You?
Haven't seen a conjunction of former players like now in a while.
Same same.
Still lurking about, occasionally joining Monday's games when it's Wonderful Days, still developing my own skirmishes through the death of one hard drive and probable dying of another, currently learning Unity to make my own hex-tiled turn-based strategy game
That is good.
Same. I do all my shit in skype and discord and IRC and stuff.
Discord or IRC?
can't say I shitpost on 40k threads but I
a) don't play 40k and
b) like to read the lore.
It's so metal and foreign and expensive to play. I watch games on youtube sometimes and am usually fairly satisfied just to be on the outside looking in.
same desu. I always get hyped up to be social and then when I actually have the opportunity to be social I think to myself "man I don't wanna be weird."
I'm way too self-conscious lol.
I usually use mibbit. Usual room at Rizon?
wh... I used to love Duel Masters. What even IS that card?
I didn't realise WotC were involved with the English version of Duel Masters.
>i own mtg cards
>i own a 40k army
>i played pnp for 19 years
>havent actually played a game of anything for the last 6 years due to wife and job
>just read threads and post while im at work
I play traditional games, but sometimes I think my group would be better off if I didn't.
>no real imagination
>can't roleplay
>can't really create a character, only a statblock
>can't really play any more tactically than Direct Assault
>too lazy to actually do anything about any of this
Why do I exist? I guess the only reason I'm still in this group is because I'm not actively offensive, just passively shit.
U got me OP
I'm not good enough at MtG to actually pay money to play, and can't find a place to play for free.
I haven't had a friend since i was in high school.
Well, I played with a few friends trying out systems now and then. But only one friend (who introduced me to the idea of P&P) and I are really into it, and we don't have much time to meet usually. So that usually falls short.
BUT I play (casual) MTG from time to time. Rarely drafts at the flgs.
And I own a few print P&P books (Symbaroum, Riddle of Steel, Eclipse Phase + Panopticon, Rogue Trader, Savage Worlds + three of the Companions, backed the SoS kickstarter, so in due time I can add that to the list), I own a few PDFs and I "own" a shit ton of PDFs.
Guess I'm just in for the collecting for the time being. Plan to buy LotFP, and maybe, if the financial gods are merciful, AD&D 2e Reprint (The green cover things, just look great) and/or some Riddle of Steel supplements.
I would like to play WH40, but I'm too poor at the moment to afford all the things. I do play Table Top Simulator sometime and also I like lore and all GM stories about retard players.
Also, I would like to get into D&D or similar game but as far as I know there is no one around me plays it and I heard you can play it via Internet using discord and stuff, so if anyone is willing to accept me I'm down.
I play traditional games like once a year if I'm lucky.
>I don't paint my miniatures at a fast enough rate to match my buying habits.
Same. I'm a horribly unmotivated painter. Even with my amateur skill level, I love the look of painted minis on the table, and I'm thrilled whenever I get a miniature finished. But I'm terrible at getting started and staying on task.
You're right. I only run them.
Pretty sure WotC develop Duel Masters even in Japan
Honestly looking at a lot of the later cards and mechanics, like Forbidden Liberation, Jokers, and God Links, I wouldnt be surprised if Duel Masters was an excuse for Wizards to test wacky ideas for Magic
Also Nicol and Jace have promo cards in DM