Paizo Games General /pgg/

Paizo Games General /pgg/ (also /pfg/)

Has your character ever done an embarrassing favor for another character?

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/sfg/ Link Repository (Starfinder):
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Old Thread:

what do you need to get the vizier storm cannon thing up and running? i'm looking at the rajah which is pretty awesome except for the half BAB thing and wondering if you can just feat the guns into it and be good to go

What strength should a ranged Soldier have? Can I stick with 10 and ignore heavy weapons? When are weapons getting leaked?

You don't need the full BAB unless you want to be a full attack babby

Attacking through Vassalage gives you a huge to-hit boost

What falls under "Misc Mod" for Saves, Attack Bonuses, and Armor Class in Starfinder?

Is it the same as regular Pathfinder or did they change/update/remove some bonuses?

>ignoring heavy weapons
What are you? A pinko?

You might want to at least go with a 12 or so to make sure you can carry more gear. You're gonna want a lot of weapons to switch in and out, for energy types, ranges, and so on. Never hurts to be able to carry more stuff.

Posed for a nude statue in full-view of an entire noble court to keep our cover.

Most characters are at the very least in shape. That's not so bad.

>Multiple campaign ideas
>Only enough time to run one

Leakanon, will you be posting Player's Companion Elemental Master's handbook?

>plenty of time to run
>almost everyone who plays Pathfinder or D&D online is a man-baby faggot looking to get his virtual dick wet

Reposting from old thread

>DM pissed me off
>Kills off my character after misinterpreting something I said.
>Put a lot of hours into developing that character
>Letting me reroll

What's the most broken (but not blatant) build you can think of that can smash through Reign of Winter?

25PB, level 3, DSP allowed aside from PoW, other content tentatively allowed.

Deathless Ghost. True Dragon.

Aside from Monster Classes, I mean. Stuff like Bloodforge is OK as well as Psionics, for example.

Never play a game for spite. You're giving up time to do something you won't enjoy either.
Tell the DM your problems and leave, save yourself the stress.


Nah. I'm definitely going to enjoy it if I'm able to break down any of his planned encounters.

i don't have enough targets to get the full boost

But my character was purposefully tiny peen'd because one other member always says that I make characters who are always big implying that I make characters with massive dongs because vicarious enjoyment and fantasy fulfillment and all that usual stuff.

It's time. The stars are right for you to build the Rerollmancer.

2 levels in Iroran Paladin and 1 into DC Oracle is enough to get you started on your path to ensure nothing the GM wants to do ever happens.

You might also enjoy suicide user.

Anyone who owns nude statues knows not everyone is a throbbing Adonis.

Well this sounds interesting. Got some more info for us?

Follow the elder meme, user. 14 Strength 18 Dex.

Also recognize you get hefty bonuses at level 5, when you'll be picking up heavy weapons anyway.

Adding to this, you may also try out a pure DC Lunar Oracle build focusing on exploiting Moonlight Bridge. Or mix the two for sufficiently broken results. CHA bonus times per day Wall of Force that lasts for 24 hours? That shit is just ASKING to cockblock some major DM plans.

Well yes, it is know that pretty much no nude statue has a dingdong larger than a thumb. But you don't appear in a court and flash your teeny weeny mini me to the king and not feel embarrassed.

Pee Eff Gee campaigns need more throbbing Adonises! We don't have any!


Could you also go Charisma SAD meme by using Steadfast Personality and CHA-to-AC?

Iroradin gets Aura of Excellence which shuts down forced rerolls for himself, and gives party members "roll twice and take highest" when they are forced to reroll. Such as, for example, when someone uses the DC Oracle revelation Misfortune on them (which is an immediate action). You also get Fortune for rerolls on yourself, and eventually your aura gets even more powerful.

That is a bald-faced lie and you know it.

Certainly! And if you're a pure oracle not limited by Paladonk LG memes, don't forget to bring your Desna-mandated CG CHA-to-Starknife memes, too.

What race do you reccomend, good user, keeping in mind that Bloodforge is allowed?

Well to be fair, those nude statues were made under the idea that a smaller penis was more manly.

Is the old wizard who is faced with forgetting more things as time goes on too generic for a PC?

That's a little too real for me, but Alzheimer's Wizard is a legit character concept if you really want to try it.

What's the verdict on Starfinder?

You can put more than one title on the same creature user

You can even put all your titles onto a single creature

It's certainly a game.

I am not a good Bloodforge memer, but honestly, the good old-fashioned Half-elf or Aasimar function just perfectly under these conditions. If you want to do extra heretical things, you can pull a Darkstar and take Racial Heritage: Kitsune (because nobody in their right mind actually wants to play a Kitsune) and use the Wrecking Mysticism curse to trade away all those shitty Lunar mystery spells for Magical Tails instead. Invisibility SLA 2/day, and other fine things, beckon!

Of course, if you are Bloodforge there's also some actual non shit options to use with Kitsune that allow you even higher levels of Magical Tail memery, so there's that.

But is it """""""""good""""""""?

There is hype for a new toy to play with but not enough info to make an informed decision.

aaaaa _ ____ __ __ __ __ __________ ____!

Its kinda like a 5E version of PF. Its not terrible, and luckily as far as we can see its not completely busted out of the gate like Pathfinder was.
Whether its "good" or not has yet to be seen

I mean, there are good parts and bad parts. We haven't seen the full mechanics yet, so it's hard to say.

I'd like to buy a vowel. An E, please.

I'll kill you and they'll never find the body.

aaaaa DHB~

I thought some people's books already shipped.

aaaaa _ ____ __ _e __ __ ___e____e_ ___e!

They did. A few people have the pdf, and that's how we're getting leaks, but we haven't seen the full book. The few people that have it can speak on it, but the thread as a whole isn't going to be that helpful. You could try chatting up Mash in the Discord.

There is also, if you want to be EXTRA EXTRA heretical, the Merfolk option. While this does severely fuck over your mobility, you have options to get this back, especially given that Lunar oracle gets access to Animal Companions - a tiger mount is not a bad option at all.

you'll never be in an unrequited love user

It'll take time to see how it holds up as the full rules become public, min-maxers narrow in on options, and a meta develops. It looks much more competent than Pathfinder so far though, the math isn't so busted that a 4th grade education could point out the flaws and they've changed a lot of core rules that're traditionally shit in Pathfinder.

that awkward moment when you recognize the OP character from porn

Cool. Thanks for the help, user.

Rolled 1 (1d20)

I'll spin.

A lot of people do by now, user.

Love me, and it'll always be unrequited~

Fucked up right out of the gate. It's aaaaaa not aaaaa.

What's better? Arcanist or Exploiter Wizard?

Aw, bankrupt. Player 2?

I want to be a vapid shitposter vidlogging celebtitty in Starfinder!

Ok, do it.

But Charisma is the worst stat!

Wizards because it's a wizard.

So, last threat postulated the witchhunter user was just a salty cunt who wasn't actually right about DHB. Does the same apply to his and/or their opinion on IDrive as well?

Trying to make an archetype for alchemist makes me want to pour acid on myself. Trying to use other archetypes for a reference just leads to even more confusion. Is Poison Use worth a discovery? What's Poison Resistance/Immunity supposed to be worth, and what the fuck is up with the scaling into Poison Immunity? Why do so many archetypes trade Poison Use but not Swift Poisoning? Why does Paizo keep making archetypes that do things you could normally do "but worse"?

Obligatory "CROSSBOWS REEE" as a bonus.

Who /vesksoldier/ here?

Me, user, me! I'm even trying to get art of one!

After I get my fill of bugs.

I'm unsure if all of the witchhunters are the same person. DHB and 2hu hunters mig be the same, but the IDrive hunter doesn't much in the same way and doesn't appear as much or as obsessively.

Hells yeah. Glory to the Veskarium

I don't hecking care, I'll do it and nobody can stop me!

Bugs are too small. It's a soldier's duty to be HUEG.

Who's the most REMOVE KEBAB in Starfinder? Is it the Elves, or the Azlanti?

But bugs are delicious!

Isn't there a whole faction that's basically Starship Troopers/EDF?

Mm, I guess that's true. It's just easy to lump them all into one group due to the anonymous nature of Veeky Forums, I suppose.

Gotta eat big to get big. C'mon.

I know I am

Bugs are for party support and emotional counsel.

properly built Psion

A reminder that if you're a Veskfag and hate Lashunta, you're power fantasy cancer that doesn't care about roleplaying options.

I thought the Lashunta would be better emotional counsel?

I have a Hobgoblin with the following natural stats:
Str: 16
Dex: 18
Con: 16
Int: 10
Wis: 10
Cha: 14

Physically what would someone like this look like?

You're right, we should be talking about the Hellknights!


Turkish athlete.

Eeeh? How?

The exploiter wizard, but it is still weaker than the Instructor wizard and the HH Pact Wizard.

>you're power fantasy cancer
So you're saying that wanting to be an 8ft tall blue buff lizard chick from a race where the females are generally larger and more impressive than the males is a powerfantasy?
Nice try Lashuntafag. Go back to fapping over your mary sue "teh bestests race every everyone loves me I'm special" donut steel race.

Wouldn't the relationship between Iomedae and the Hellknights be strained due to the events of that one AP where her crusade attacks the Godclaw, which is comprised roughly 1/5 of her worshippers, and another 3/5 being worshippers of LG/LG Gods that she supposedly has a good relationship with?

Plus the Hellknights are equal-opportunity employers in regards to races, which won't do at all for the God-Empress of Humanity


I'm actually thinking of a Kasatha, just for the "two handed gun plus riot shield plus [I haven't decided yet, but something one-handed]" thing.

It's been centuries. That's long enough for even Iomedae to get over it.

>suddenly remembered that Spore was a thing, and that I probably still own my copy
>urge to play a Vex run rises
Should I anons? For the glory of our Veskarium

Kasatha riot police equipped with three Model Citizen Converters!

So -10 HP?

>16 Strength
Carries heavy objects with one arm

>18 Dexterity
Light on feet, able to often hit small moving targets at a distance

>16 Constitution
Easily shrugs off most illnesses/Able to labor for twelve hours most days

You should make the Lashunta and be a huge diplomatic badass!

> 14 Strength 18 Dex.
I'm new, what meme is this?

> hefty bonuses at level 5
Using only the leaked PDFs, the only level 5 bonus is a Soldier style technique. What are you referring to?

General question, what attribute do Culture and Recall Knowledge checks use?