Give me the quick rundown.
Are they they traitors?
Are they secretly loyalists acting as double agents?
Are they both and one half became traitor and another became secret loyalists?
Give me the quick rundown.
Are they they traitors?
Are they secretly loyalists acting as double agents?
Are they both and one half became traitor and another became secret loyalists?
Yes and no to all questions.
>Are they they traitors?
They've produced Daemon Princes, so unarguably.
>Are they secretly loyalists acting as double agents?
>Are they both and one half became traitor and another became secret loyalists?
Highly unlikely.
The correct answer is whatever you think isn't the answer.
They are kind of their own thing
They possess the well maintained equipment and disciplined soldiers of the loyalists and the sorcery and artifacts of chaos
This is mainly the reason why the whole universe kind of dances to their music
They're traitors.
Anyone telling you otherwise is a memer, the kind of scum who would say "I am Alpharius" and think they were being funny or clever.
t. Alpharius.
t. Elias Artegall
T. Dorn
Honestly they're probably as confused as anyone else, so assume whatever makes most sense to you.
-The Inquisition bows to Alpha Legion
-In contact with old ones
-Possess psychic-like abilities
-Control Terra with an iron but fair fist
-Own fortress worlds & forge worlds galatically
-Direct descendants of the ancient royal blood line
-Will bankroll the first human cities in the warp (Aplhagrad will be be the first city)
-Own 99% of DNA editing research facilities on Mars
-First designer Space Marines will in all likelihood be Alpha Legion Marines
-both brothers said to have 315+ IQ, such intelligence on Terra has only existed deep in Tibetan monasteries & The imperial palace
-Ancient Terran scriptures tell of two angels who will descend upon Earth and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with them
-They own Nanobot R&D labs around the Imperium
-You likely have Alphabots inside you right now
-The Alpha Legion is in regular communication with the The God-Emperor of Mankind, forwarding his word to the Adeptus Ministorum. Who do you think set up the meeting between the Ecclesiarch & the Ministorum high command (First meeting between the two organisations in over 1000 years) and arranged the Ministorum leader’s first trip to Pluto in history literally a few days later to the Alpha bunker on Luna?
-They learned fluent Necron in under a week
- Rogue Traders entrust their gold reserves with the twins. There’s no gold in Ft. Knox, only Ft. Alpharius
-The twins are about 10 millennia old, from the space-time reference point of the base human currently accepted by our society
-In reality, they are timeless beings existing in all points of time and space from the big bang to the end of the universe. We don’t know their ultimate plans yet. We hope they’re benevolent beings.
I decided to make a list of people who have "killed" Alpharius. It just keeps getting longer
Behold, the pathetic memery of alphafags. Dorn was right.
t. Omegan
The Alpha Legion practised a distributed cell structure. While robust and effective, each individual cell was very vulnerable to "memetic mutation", resulting in mission creep and eventually nobody actually having any idea in the end why they were doing what they were doing. Only Alpharius/Omegon had any decent long-term goals, and the Legion and its operations is now far beyond his ability to influence even if he were to magically reappear.
So yes, some Legionnaires likely believe they are helping the Imperium, while others think they're working for Chaos. There may often be both present in an Alpha cell, each believing they are infiltrating/hijacking the other. Frankly it's some of Tzeentch's best work.
Literally nobody knows. Not even the authors, which means they can be both, as the plot demands, for all questions, here or hypothetical.
#3 holy shit, thats a real mess
Flip a coin. In either case, shooting your best friend in the face with a lascannon is acceptable. Maybe.
Its like Memoirs Found In A Bathtub.
Sort of.
Both primarchs sided with Horus, but one of them was probably secretly a loyalist. After ten millennia, it's highly unlikely that there are relevant numbers of pro-Imperial agents left. Any that did exist post-Heresy would have almost certainly infiltrated loyalist chapters and stayed there.
My homebrew loyalists have two geneseed lineages within their ranks, but only the Ultramarine lineage submits geneseed for tithes. The other lineage is very careful to keep their helmets on whenever dealing with other astartes.
for further non-answers about non-existent legions that do not exist loyal citizens are to consult the nearest commissar's bolt pistol.
but on the serious side Alfalfa Legion doesn't associate with chaos or loyalists exclusively. They are the grimdark CIA and grimdark >insert terrorist organization here< at once.
some cells have the weirdest boner for chaos while others maintain more loyalist views minus the abundance of heresy BLAMS.
despite some cells being for the Big E, and others making liberal use of chaos gifts, Alpaca Legion and all it's cells love nothing more than to fuck with the Imperium and Chaos indiscriminately.
They are labeled traitor by the imperium because without the Emp holding mankind's hand, not like he would have anyways given what we know of his parenting skills, humans have gotten real BLAM happy and bald grimdark James Bond taking his legion and using it to help/ hurt Horus during his temper tantrum has since given the imperium a very itchy trigger finger where Alf Legion is concerned.
while it is entirely speculation the Alps Legion was ultimately working towards fucking chaos over, but after horus's shitshow went tits up and the imperium went Oprah on the handing out Excommunicate Traitoris designations. Algae Legion went "well fuck you too" and decided to screw with the imperium too.
my own personal theory on why they target the imperium is that unlike most anyone in the imperium Alligator Legion knows that the Imperial Creed is based off the heretical texts written by Lorgar and in their mind they are trying to break the imperial Creed's sway on the imperium, and also there is the chaos parts of All-State Legion that range from "ah fuck it" to actually worshipping chaos and in turn attacking the imperium.
we don't hear too much about the loyalist ideals of the Apache Legion because a food majority of the fluff is written from the --
-- perspective of the imperium. so most fluff has to be taken with the thought in mind that it is blown up with imperial propaganda, censoring, and dogma. and from imperial perspective you never see Alderaan Legion's actions against chaos seeming both sides still hold the "enemy of my enemy is still my enemy" view.
also with Aurora Borealis Legion still being a big mystery GW doesn't want to expand on, or are purposely keeping this big secret as that secrecy produces so many great theories to their role in the universe (though it's far more likely GW simply doesn't know what the fuck it wants to do so it holds the "it's a secret" tand hoping we don't find out) it would be awesome if down the road they decided to delve into them further and if it came down to which side they are on, closet loyalists is a far better reveal than having them reveal they were chaos the whole time.
Dorn is dead.
>Are they they traitors?
>Are they secretly loyalists acting as double agents?
>Are they both and one half became traitor and another became secret loyalists?
There's a chance.
Dorn never existed.
Nobody is disputing that Dorn lives, but if you look at the facts you might not like what you find.
Last time we saw Dorn he was just hands, with no body to speak of. If Dorn lives, then where has he been? A Primarch wouldn't just hide for 10,000 years, even if he had no hands. He'd be leading from the front no matter what. He must be in disguise. Which other 40K character is tall and famed for his missing body parts?
Dorn is alive. he has been hiding in the imperial palace wearing a centurian suit. right now he busy racking what sanity the emperor has left with the help of some naked custodes coated in their body weight worth of hand made lube.
and before you ask yes, Vulkan was just sitting in the darkest corner of his garage waiting for his legion to finish his scavanger hunt and Korvis was locked in the trunk of a smart car.
The rundown is that their entire shtick is, beyond unreasonably good infiltration and black ops and secrecy that puts the Inquisition to shame, is that nobody' outside of the Legion is quite certain what they stand for or why they fight anymore. They are, at face, traitors, though they may be loyal to the Emperor's original vision of the Imperium rather than the stagnant shithole it is now, which is why they continue to fight if they're closet loyalists.
Also, their combat doctrine emphasized soldiers working under their own initiative to achieve goals if their leader was taken out. So after Alpharius died and Omegon just sort of disappeared after the Horus Heresy, like other Legions they fragmented and pursue their own goals. The Alpha Legion of the 40k present probably isn't the unified force they like to present to outsiders, more like they to project, just a bunch of warbands, squads, and individual members just using the same tactics and iconography as they're all doing their own thing.
The new Chaos Codex destroys all ambiguity. In no uncertain terms, the Alpha Legion as they exist now in the 41st millenium are serving Chaos. They are traitors.
They may have once been double-double super reverse twist agents or some bullshit, but that was lost over the 10k years since the Heresy.
Wild Cards
Completely unknown.
And even if we got a decent answer, because of the decentralised nature of the legion, a lot of the small cells of legionaires might have very different goals and values then the whole. Even if the bulk of the legion is still loyal, that does not mean that individual groups can't be traitors, and vice versa
The "Unsung" AL warband in Shroud of Night might have tainted members but generally do not serve Chaos.
>Are they they traitors?
>Are they secretly loyalists acting as double agents?
>Are they both and one half became traitor and another became secret loyalists?
#3 is basically canon
>Which other 40K character is tall and famed for his missing body parts?
>Missing his hands/arms
>killed the ressurected clone Horus
More to the point, the Emperor himself told Celestine to let them capture the macguffin, because he wants them to have it over anyone else.
Not so fast.
>Alpha Legion bows to Guilliman
>In contact with aeldari
>Possesses psyker-like abilities
>Controls Terra with an iron but fair fist
>Owns planets and fleets globally
>Direct descendant of the Emperor of Mankind
>Will bankroll the first human Webway (the first gateway will be built on Macragge)
>Owns 99% of geneseed editing research facilities on Mars
>First primaris in all likelihood will be ultramarines
>Said to have 215+ IQ, such intelligence in Milky Way has only existed amongst the Old Ones and Sensei
>Ancient eldar scriptures tell of a warrior with a flaming sword who will descend upon Terra and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with him
>Commands Mechanicus worlds around the galaxy
>You likely have a primaris behind you right now
>Guilliman is in direct communication with Vulkan and Jaghatai Khan, forwarding the will of the Emperor to Salamanders. Who do you think set up the return of the primarchs (second one in 1000 years) and arranged Khan's first visit to Imperial palace?
>He learned fluent tyranid in under a week
>Chapters entrust their geneseed reserves with the primarch. There’s no geneseed on Sanguinius, only on Konor.
>The primarch is about 10,000 years old, from the space-time reference point of the base human currently accepted by the Imperium.
>In reality, he is a timeless being, existing in all points of time and space from the big bang to the end of the universe. We don’t know his ultimate plans yet. We hope he's a benevolent being.
You are now guillpilled.
>the Emperor's crust eyes open on the golden throne
>he reaches a decayed hand up and peels off his mask
>I Am Alpharius
My theory - It's all over the place. It's quite possible that highest-ranking Alpha Legion staff (The Primarch - if he's still alive - and his inner circle) are loyal to the Imperium. But those on the outer ring are Chaos Marines, others are certainly Chaotic, and it runs the gamut.
Effectively, the spy ring has completely broken down. The left hand no longer knows what the right hand is doing, and the right hand is jerking off.
Traitors? Don't be crazy the ultramarines are the most loyal of the emperors sons.
Honest answer 2 primarchs, 2 choices and you know how that sort of thing works out.
....So has anyone gotten around to telling Dorn that his entire original Imperial Fist chapter was completely exterminated by Orks 8,000 years ago, and that the current members are just successor wannabes playing dress-up?
>Are they they traitors?
>Are they secretly loyalists acting as double agents?
>Are they both and one half became traitor and another became secret loyalists?
If you want that to be the answer.
They are what you want them to be until GW or BL says otherwise, and I don't think either of them even know at this point. So go nuts and do whatever you want and even when they make a decision tell them to fuck themselves and keep doing what you were doing.
Alpha means first, the alpha legion is the 20th legion, so obviously they don't exist, move along citizen
yes I am a commissar.....yes that's why I have a I wont tell you what regiment....*BLAM*
all right the rest of you move on
we are not alpharius.....YOU are alpharius
No you're thinking Dark Angels
The Alpha Legion is basically the KGB just after the Soviet Union fell.
"All right, Alpharius once tasked us with saving the Imperium and by the Throne we'll do it. Some of our former battle-brothers have turned traitor, holding up in a nearby gravity well, and we need you to infiltrate them under the guise of a recently-defected marine and undermine their command structure from inside."
>It turns out the sergeant giving the orders is a traitor posing as a loyalist in a loyalist cell, sending that marine to the traitor legion so he'll become indoctrinated
>It turns out the warband leader who promoted the sergeant knows he's a traitor and is feeling out his strategy while simultaneously recommending marines he knows will be resistant to indoctrination and remain loyal, thus actually accomplishing the mission that the corrupted sergeant is sending them to fail at
>It turns out the marine who was sent over was aware of the warband leader's plans, and has secretly been a traitor the whole time, putting on a show for the leader while quietly gathering information to relay to the traitor warband once the unknowing-but-also-corrupt sergeant sends him over to them
>It turns out the traitor warband isn't actually traitor, but has been posing as one in order to escape scrutiny from other, nearby warbands that are actually traitor for real
>When the bitch legions are projecting their jealousy again
Stay salty
They are true loyalists, and not brainwashed retards like most csm/sm.
Green is good, brother
I'm sorry, who's primarch has spent the last 10,000 years and counting in the Rock's basement again?
Because it sure as hell wasn't the Alpha Legion.
This is exactly the fate that the Alpha Legion deserves.
>Because it sure as hell wasn't the Alpha Legion.
You don't know that.
Jesus Christ, if Alpha Legion turn out to be some Darth Vader-esque lynchpin asspull to the entirety of the post-Horus Heresy plotline like that I'm going to have a fucking aneurysm.
I get we're all having a laugh, but that might actually have been the dumbest reason to hate on the Dark Angels I've ever read.
It's a half-assed attempt at joking about the Lion essentially going full basement-dweller since the Heresy.
I'm half asleep as it is, so my jokes are likely misfiring at this point.
>full basement-dweller since the Heresy.
...ok that's actually kind of funny, I've never heard that one before. Sorry for not seeing it.
alpha legion are pro humanity/anti imperium and are using chaos as a tool rather than an object of worship
Pretty sure that's the Iron Warriors shtick.
Alpha Legion is like that VOTOMS Veeky Forums banner "Why are we fighting our own forces?"
Certain Night lords also view Chaos as a tool to use (despite being so heavily corrupted by it)
Well, yes. But it can't be their main point, as you said, Night Lords are corrupted by Chaos.
Iron Warriors are famous for cutting off any and all demonic mutations and plugging up the hole with cybernetics.
If a Night Lord woke up one day with a clawed bat arm, he'd just say "Guess I got a new way to scare the PoW's."
I love the fact that they gave us a loyalist chapter tactics (Raven guard) and a similar strategem.
You could practically paint them up as Raven guard, and your opponent would have no idea until your warlord trait kicks in that you're actually chaos.
Think about it
>cultists as guardsmen
>Disguise various characters as loyalist equivalents
>disguise hellbrute as dreadnaughts
then when the timing is right you show your true colors and practice your best mustache twirling evil laugh as you get a gift turning you into a daemon prince and your "guardsmen" replenish their losses and pop up in his backfield while other Alpharius pops some poor sod in the face with a daemon shell.
Alpha Legion are the Scooby-Do badguys of the 40k world.
All of their "plans" end up fucked by, what amounts, to a bunch of school kids bumbling upon them.
The writers of the novels need to go fucking DIAF.
They have been fighting a war against the Imperium for 10,000 years. If they are loyal, they are very bad at it.
that is the Matt Ward talking. Alpha Legion's loyalties are forever unknown
there as loyal as the dark angels.
take what you will from that comment
Alpha Legion is the Delta Green of 40k.
>Alpaca Legion
>Apache Legion
>an entire legion who's gimmick is the brain meme pictures
But Horus is on the throne...
They are like the Istivanians. They are trying to force humanity to become stronger and more adaptable by disrupting sclerotic Imperial systems.
These would really be badass inspiration of IG regiment or Chapters one being crazy sun-worshiping mountain-folk and the other being assholes that scalp you pulverize your skull with a giant jawbone
I don't really see why he'd care. They're all successors to his Legion, and he was never keen on Chapters in the first place. It's not like anyone from his Legion was even alive at that point anyway.
No, I don't think Alpharius would care about the refounding of the Alpha Legion.