New Plague Marine stuff from Codex:
Plague Marines are now 19 pts, down from 21.
Universal Rules: Most weapons have 'Plague Weapon' which is rerolling 1s to wound.
If you replace your boltgun with a second Plague Knife, a Bubonic Axe or a Bubonic Axe AND Mace of Contagion, you get 2 attacks.
Champion can no longer take combi-weapons. Can replace bolter with bolt gun, plasma pistol or plasma gun. Can take a power fist.
2 plague marines can take 2 special weapons, namely: melta gun, plasma gun, blight launcher and two new flamer variants:
Plague Belcher for 10 pts, 9", Assault D6, S4, 0ap, 1d, autohits and plague weapon (Its a flamer with 9" range and plague weapon)
Plague Spewer 19 pts, 9", Heavy D6, S5, -1ap, 1d, autohits and plague weapon (Its a heavy flamer with 9" range and plague weapon)
Any number of Plague Marines can take either 2 Plague Knives, which are still just melee, S user, 0ap, 1d and plague weapon. (Probably just to have a cheap melee option).
Any number of Plague Marines can take a Bubonic Axe, which are melee, S+1, -2ap, 1d and plague weapon.
2 Plague Marines can take a Bubonic axe AND a Mace of Contagion which is melee S+2, -1ap, 3d, plague weapon and -1 to hit.
A further 2 can also take a Flail of Corruption or Great Plague Cleaver. Flail is melee S+2, -2ap, 2d, plague weapon, does D3 hits when attacking with it instead of 1. Damage also spills over.
Great Plague Cleaver is Sx2, -3ap, D6d, plague weapon and -1 to hit.
(Note, the Flail and Cleaver don't benefit from the +1 attack rule, so you only have 1 attack with them).
Thoughts on the new Death Guard melee and Flamer weapons? How would you use them if at all?