Warhammer 40,000 General /40kg/

200 Conscripts?! edition

>Chaos Space Marines:

>Grey Knights:

>Konor Campaign, Chaos winning patrician UK. Pleb USA and EU cucking for Imperials still

>Check your local store's contribution to Konor.

>GW FAQ (1.1):

>FW FAQ (1.1):

>Rules and such. Use Readium on pc/iphone, lithium/kobo on android:
>Everything 8th edition in pdf & epub, SW:A, WIP and BB are here too, no novels.

>Other megas

>WIP Math-hammer doc (Chart-user doing Chaos' work)

Other urls found in this thread:


Konor will not matter.

Named Guardfags worstfags? Y/N?

Second for "Will Forgeworld make models for the Other Dawn of War characters?"

The Kabal of the Emerald Hallow finally got a hold of some incubi. What are you working on lads?

How can Conscripts even compete with Brimstones once the CSM codex hits ?


Xth for Alpharius' email

lets hope not given the shit job they did

My store is doing some apoc games and my side has some spare power levels to play with. What do people think is more use
Terminus Ultra
A baneblade variant (can field any)
Triple preds (for the kilshot stratagem)
A knight

>Khorne already on damage control cuz he's getting BTFO

Chaosfags are worstfags by far. Named guardfags actually contribute. The guys who sperg out when they post are giving themselves away as the shitposters that everyone wishes would just hang themselves.

Angelos looks okay in the resin cast at least. Just the head is a bit weird, which can be fixed with a bit of strategic resin shaving and a half decent paint job.

Orders? The same way they have been?

When're we gonna get the 4th war for Armageddon? I-I just want to know if the Angron model's gonna suck or not

Brimstones just got nerfed in the Codex, what are you talking about.

Conscripts were ALREADY performing better than them before they got more expensive and got weakened smite.

Also I'm not a guard player, smug conscriptfags take heed, you fuckers are next.

Aside from the box art, are there any other decent colour schemes for Scions? Tempted to match them to my marines for personal fluff.

>angron model

he will only come out with a Codex: Worldeaters and since they are in the new Chaos Codex it will be a long, LONG time

Any of you all know where I can get a model that looks like am ork shield generator? I can't find the bits online and I need a couple to attach to my Big Meks that don't have one

What is Khorne's favorite vidya character?

With whatever shadow war update they are planning I'm guessing. I for one want some roaming swarm of daemons rules stuff like that.

So against a non-imperial army, Abaddon has no warlord trait?


the bad pun catgirl in Skullgirls


game/army shots are more interesting than most all of the shitposting that goes on here

Armageddon's gone, Angron is now prolly going to appear and be fighting the BT/Yarrick's Guard over with that chaos crusade headed straight for Ghazgkull and the Nid infested place

I am a guard player. I want conscripts nerfed into the ground. Then maybe I won't have to hear about them all the time.

>>lay down 3 Leman Russes.
>>get laughed out of the store for not buying 500 conscripts.


I got one that has a car engine from a 25 cent model car I bought at a yard sale strapped to his back. A few orky bits and some plasticard rods more or less completed the look.

what's the general opinion of recasters here? any trusted names or is it always a roll of the dice?


Not really. The people who hate them are far more obnoxious, but if their plan is to get people to hate the Guard fags by making sure they shitpost every time a Guard fag posts, then it will work. Eventually you start to resent the person posting knowing it will attract human trash.

Which Chaos god is the most fun to bully?

I'm a Guard fag and they do need a nerf. I just want blobs of men. If they made combined infantry squads again and bumped up their cost from 4 points to 5, then I would like it. I just want to melee blob again.

The Emperor

I play Death Guard, so I'm debating getting the CMS Codex at all. The issue is, I have a converted Heldrake, looks like a massive blight drone. I'm guessing the Heldrake won't be in the DG book.

>he has no style
>he has no grace
>he'll swing an axe right at your face

Yeah. Fuck the current state of guard infantry.

Stormtroopers should be elites.
Vets should be troops.
Conscripts should be mostly useless.

9th edition predictions?

>Vast majority of chapters have fully upgraded to Primaris marines
>Girlyman in charge of noblebright empire, brings citizens rights, education, knowledge , builds a utopia.
>First gay chapter master introduced
>Primaris marine range expanded, they are space marines now , majority of manlet models phased out of shops.
>Manlet models relegated to the bargain bin on eBay
>Rules simplified even further
>Movement characteristics removed again, everything moves 6 except for vehicles, flyers etc which move 12.
>Bs/ws merged to 'to hit'
>No more rolling to wound or damage, just hit and then the model gets an armour save based on the ap of the weapon then takes a wound.
>Weapon ranges deemed too complicated , if you can see a unit you can shoot it.
>CC phase removed, there's simply one attack phase where a unit can either shoot or attack with a cc weapon if within 1 inch.
>Morale removed entirely
>No more attack characteristic , all models just get 1 attack, extra attacks are simply.provided by the models weapons
>Cover entirely removed
>Tlos still inexplicably in the ruleset
>Wounds drastically reduced as a result, all tanks have 3 , most models just 1, characters and Primaris get 2.
>Community loudly complains but GW releases a new Value£££ starter bundle and a free PDF containing a slimmed down version of the rules and everybody reinserts their GW corporate buttplug and falls back in line.

Agreed. I think they should be the same cost, but not able to receive orders and only get the Commissar's leadership buff. The 1 and done passing check shouldn't apply to them.

So run him as a Blight Drone.

What happened to penal guard? Did they become conscripts? I don't follow IG lore.

Conscripts dont die to Morale Fuckups in giant Units because of Commisars. BrimHorrors mostly lack the ability to do damage like any damage.

That being said we have one Autist at our Store who literally has a bucket of Horrors
that he begged his Girlfriend? for at the store to buy him more of[/spoilers]
And he think he is a tactical genius to fill his entire Deployment Zone with Thicc Orange Blobs, not just the brimstones all his Horrors look like they were dipped in a bucket of orange paint.

Your Goal with that Army is basically hoping you convieniently only get "hold/defend objectives" in your deployment Zone and pray your opponent lacks the firepower to table your 500 wounds with a 4+ Safe Or draws worse Objective Cards which is pretty much impossible.

So youre basically wasting your and your opponents time


They were only in the 5th codex and removed because they don't have models. I love them. I made my own penal legion guys using Catachans painted orange. I run them as Conscripts, but I would love it if the actual squad came back.

conscripts are basically either your raw recruits on their first combat action, or a penal battalion

Still buttfrustrated about having to sell your Riptides?

>Vast majority of chapters have fully upgraded to Primaris marines
>Girlyman in charge of noblebright empire, brings citizens rights, education, knowledge , builds a utopia.
>First gay chapter master introduced
>Primaris marine range expanded, they are space marines now, majority of manlet models phased out of shops.
>Manlet models relegated to the bargain bin on eBay

But user these would all be good things that show that actual progression is occurring in the setting

8th edition doesn't even really EXIST until we get more codexes. What's even the point of speculation yet?

>count it as a model that's 1/3 its size

Good call.

if you separate shapes in that sideways khorne icon you can spell D I C K

Is this faggot forreal? Will Chaosfags never be satisfied? This is their best Codex since 3.5 ffs.

Fuck off with 9th edition shit.

The only way I would want to see my conscripts be nerfed would be like company command squads. As in a rule that says you may only take a conscript blob for ever 2 other troop choices.

He's not wellpainted, but dammit, he's mine.

>First gay chapter master introduced
Who is Azrael?

New Plague Marine stuff from Codex:

Plague Marines are now 19 pts, down from 21.

Universal Rules: Most weapons have 'Plague Weapon' which is rerolling 1s to wound.
If you replace your boltgun with a second Plague Knife, a Bubonic Axe or a Bubonic Axe AND Mace of Contagion, you get 2 attacks.

Champion can no longer take combi-weapons. Can replace bolter with bolt gun, plasma pistol or plasma gun. Can take a power fist.

2 plague marines can take 2 special weapons, namely: melta gun, plasma gun, blight launcher and two new flamer variants:

Plague Belcher for 10 pts, 9", Assault D6, S4, 0ap, 1d, autohits and plague weapon (Its a flamer with 9" range and plague weapon)

Plague Spewer 19 pts, 9", Heavy D6, S5, -1ap, 1d, autohits and plague weapon (Its a heavy flamer with 9" range and plague weapon)

Any number of Plague Marines can take either 2 Plague Knives, which are still just melee, S user, 0ap, 1d and plague weapon. (Probably just to have a cheap melee option).

Any number of Plague Marines can take a Bubonic Axe, which are melee, S+1, -2ap, 1d and plague weapon.

2 Plague Marines can take a Bubonic axe AND a Mace of Contagion which is melee S+2, -1ap, 3d, plague weapon and -1 to hit.

A further 2 can also take a Flail of Corruption or Great Plague Cleaver. Flail is melee S+2, -2ap, 2d, plague weapon, does D3 hits when attacking with it instead of 1. Damage also spills over.

Great Plague Cleaver is Sx2, -3ap, D6d, plague weapon and -1 to hit.

(Note, the Flail and Cleaver don't benefit from the +1 attack rule, so you only have 1 attack with them).

Thoughts on the new Death Guard melee and Flamer weapons? How would you use them if at all?

>mfw I'm just sitting here as Xenos watching you fags fight and whine about each other

>manlet models relegated to bargin bin on ebay

Good I hope so! Second edition day long games every weekend for the rest of my life.

> one guy = all chaos players.
Ok buddy!

Most of that lore sounds pretty good. Especially getting rid of manlets, they need to upgrade or die off.

second on this

Chaos players are either mostly huge whiners, or they just have the single most annoying and vocal minority out of all the factions. For every normal guy playing chaos, there seems to be at least one total crybaby autist.

There are some good recasters, but they are not publicly available. I continue to use the Frenchman and I literally cannot tell the difference between his casts and my Forgeworld models.

Ccon is fucking great. Alpharius or pillpit are pretty good too

I still think they should lose orders. It doesn't make sense that some yokels who've basically been given a lasgun and some flak armour and sent into battle can pull off a complex ripple fire manoeuvre. That's for the proper guardsmen, who've had some decent training.

Here here fellow Archon!

>I recognize that image.
>You fellow anti-imperial Xeno, you.

Love is blind. Be proud of your boyfriend.

Hello all, I used to collect about 10 years ago but had never played a game. I recently moved to Aus and now I actually have games workshops around me + an active community I'd like to get back into it. Always loved the look of Tyranids so I think I'll go for them. Thoughts? Speaking to one of the store guys I also heard that recently a new edition was released?

A fine hello to you too

It's hear hear you brainlet


What datasheet profile would Doomguy have?

has it leaked!?

Go for it. What color are your nids?

Damn it Slaanesh.

You forgot
>Tau are still dead as a viable faction

Yes, the new edition is a huge change and basically reset the game. Tyranids are an awesome choice, they're finally decent to play again for the first time in probably a decade. You need Index Xenos 1 to get their rules, and it also comes with Genestealer Cults if you're interested in those.

Dubs negate misuse of words :^)

Squats. Everywhere.

>fellow anti-imperial xeno
My Mephrit Cohort would like a word with your dynasty, surely you're not helping the Empyrean corrupt realspace and our other properties?

Iron Hand Straken

Pretty much, you can piece together almost everything if you look around for the reviews on youtube. Buffs everywhere, points cuts everywhere, some better stratagems than SM, like 3 of the Legion traits are insanely good, psychic powers are all amazing.

I think I have literally every 40k cup image on a flash drive at this point

crybaby autist is my best friend. I don't invite him over on game day.

Idk I rather like how they are now I just want to stop WAAC fags from spamming them by adding back the platoon tax they had in 7th. So that to field a 50 man squad you would need 170 points of other guardsmen too. Thus stopping the spam fags.

Haven't decided yet. That's a question I had actually that they couldn't really answer - where do you guys find schemes nowadays? There used to be a bunch of examples in the race codex but that's gone now, I also remember getting them off 90s style forums. Anywhere there is a good collection of colour schemes and the paint lists?
I picked up xenos 1&2 yesterday so I could browse units etc :) going to buy something to start making and painting next week

Then say something nice about the named Guardfags in these threads.
I bet you can't.

Tax doesn't fix conscripts. They're still too efficient point for point. Brimstones can be removed because they don't have morale hax.

Either Conscripts need to go up to 4ppm or Commissars need a massive points hike (like more than double).

Second part is on their site behind a paywall

Does anyone have any custom army template I can use? Such as history, notable characters, hero units, etc. If not, what would be the best program to keep my army information in?

GGA put actual effort into improving his painting since the first time he posted his army, they're much more presentable now and his battle reports are fun to read sometimes.

RGA has a gorgeous Vostroyan collection.

maybe find a new store

Does anyone have the pic of tg recommended 40k novels? I had a couple saved on my last phone but it bit the dust.

Who's RGA?
I know a few Vostroyobros but I don't get the acronym.

Just just finished this one. The lenses are painted, but it doesn't show on my picture for whatever reason.

Tyranids are in a good place right now, much better than 6/7th. I'd say the best way to get started is the Start Collecting then a Squad of Gant/Gaunts and that nets you enough for a Patrol Detachment

Legion is pretty good

Their armies are fully painted and they consistently play games. The only other players that do that are Ad Mech players. Everyone else seems to talk about Marines and doesn't seem to play.