How come Magic the Gathering isn't all that popular with girls?
They seem to like Hearthstone a lot.
What gives?
How come Magic the Gathering isn't all that popular with girls?
They seem to like Hearthstone a lot.
What gives?
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Only one those can be enjoyed with iPhone.
Girls tend not to spend money on overpriced paper, they have other shit that interests them. Most of girls tend not to play it for long, the thing with MtG is that it is a gateway drug to boardgames/rpg, and boys tend to stick more becausse they fear they will get rejected by new friends they meet playing it, while that fear is less present in women. There you go user.
It's because Wizards keep nerfing Red.
Toxic community, expensive entry and maintenance costs, non-mobile, male dominated, less players than other games, demands physical presence and interaction, competitive, and outdated.
The same reasons the player base don't increase, with the added problem of toxic and male dominated community.
It's going to depend a lot on who's introducing them to the game.
Hearthstone also has the advantage that you can start playing without spending anything. Theoretically, you can keep playing that way, too. Which makes it much more attractive as something to try. Even if more people who try Magic keep playing it, more people will try playing Hearthstone, so you could easily end up with Hearthstone having more players as a result of that.
You can play Hearthstone without having a roomful of sweaty guys staring at you in a combination of lust and confusion.
You can also play Hearthstone competitively without your opponent being a condescending ass. The other week at FNM, my opponent reassured me that "It's okay that you don't know how the rules work." Dumb motherfucker was trying to claim that his Soul-Scar Mage meant that Djeru's Resolve wouldn't save my creature from a burn spell.
>Toxic community, expensive entry and maintenance costs
Not to dispute your other points, but those basically come by default with being a girl.
>The other week at FNM, my opponent reassured me that "It's okay that you don't know how the rules work." Dumb motherfucker was trying to claim that his Soul-Scar Mage meant that Djeru's Resolve wouldn't save my creature from a burn spell
There is also a point to be made about MTG being obtuse as fuck with the rules and rulings, lending itself to that kind of discussion.
Kind of agree with you, but think about it as some extra toxicity and costs.
I'm not sure which effect takes priority, but due to the way soul-scar is worded, Djeru's resolve might actually do fuck all, since soul scar is a replacement effect that turns incoming damage into -1/-1 counters
And he would be right
hs is made for retards and normies, mtg is too complex, now that hard to understand.
How come nursing isn't all that popular with guys?
You don't have to go to medical school or whatever to learn how to play Magic.
The owner of the creature gets to choose which one to apply in the case of multiple replacement effects.
They don't have to make contact with the kind of sweat-drenched stinking 300lb neckbeards that play MTG when they play Hearthstone you fucking braintrust.
Is this pasta? Or am I having a huge case of Déjà vu?
You can always check the archives by post text to see if something's pasta or not.
Think about the people you play Magic the Gathering with. Now pretend they all want to fuck you, and most of the time all they do is hit on you instead of playing Magic.
Would you want to play Magic the Gathering anymore?
Delete this ;_;
It used to be, but neckbeards.
I asked my girlfriend who used to play, and her response was that "those places smell funny. Why do nerds not shower?"
Maybe that has something to do with it.
The game is unappealing to women from a thematic and mechanical perspective. Couple that with a negatively charged and often vitriolic community and you've got yourself a largely male player base.
For the record, posts like these are exactly what draw normal people into /r9k/ just to trigger the robots.
Because most of the dudes that play it at shops are disgusting. Hell other dudes don't want to play with them more often than not. They're better at tourneys but you have to learn to play at draft and FNM before you can hope to compete and you can only really do that at an LGS, and the crowds there are usually terrible.
MTG attracts future sex offenders and most women don't want to be raped.
next to DnD I'd say Magic has the highest ratio of female to male out of any /tg I've seen, still not very high, but higher than anything else
In my experience, that's true at my LGS, but not the other ones I've been to. Everywhere else, it's always board games that have the most girls playing.
>That meme again
Red is crushing Standard right now.
The two last Modern playable Planeswalkers printed are Red.
Monastery Swiftspear, which make 4 of the 10 creatures played on Modern Burn was printed in a recent set.
Red is in great shape right now, shut the fuck up allready
I have two theories. First is pic related, a pervert harassing innocent asses.
The second is that magic players don't quite know what to do when women and cards are together.
They simply go off in entirely unrelated things, and this is seriously disturbing.
Too many bad smells from the MTG side if my FLGS
Appeal for ass decorum is not a harassment.
We have a female player at my LGS. Kinda ugly , kinda chubby, huge insecurities and dady issues, in short: a walking stereotype. Because of this I can't imagine a non "damaged" girl playing Magic.
Maybe I'm wrong but heh.
>free to play on phone
>don't have to interact with anyone unsavory
>costs a lot of money from the start; not all value in those cards remain
>either you have to risk interacting with a community that is stereotypically inexperienced with how to interact well with women (and a few are even unpleasant to interact with in some sort of way), or play buggy Magic Online
I think the answer is obvious. I would go as far as to say that there are more gay guys and trans people combined in a few LGSs than cis women.
Could you please explain why a primarily male community is automatically a "problem"?
If you have to ask you're part of the problem, friendo.
>in4b your Stockholm Syndrome-suffering gf is somehow anecdotally relevant
>harassing innocent asses
I know, right? They were just hanging out.
With Hearthstone, you don't have to smell your opponent.
I've heard horror stories; you like to think the autism and sexism are blown out of proportion, or only happen in worse-case scenarios, but it's disappointingly real.
People tend to flock around their equals, even from a gender perspective.
Almost all women won't do anything unless there are either a bunch of women already doing it or a man heavily pushes them to do it. You either need a critical mass of renegade women before the rest will decide it's okay to like thing (this is what has happened with Hearthstone) or virtually the only participants will be those who are being strongly encouraged by a nearby male (how MtG has always been).
Nobody needs your shit about Stockholm Syndrome.
I'm not that user, but in my view a predominately male community isn't inherently bad. The minds of boys and girls have different tendencies, and even have a few outright differences that are only broken in rare exceptions.
However, the lack of females playing a game is viewed pessimistically as an untapped market. Having more people playing is good for the company and the community. More people playing means more opportunities for players to play the game as well as more options as to whom you want to play with.
There are multiple factors that play into why the community is disproportionately male, and some of them are acceptable or out of the hands of the company and community, but others may be the result of one of those groups doing something that drives females away or fails to attract them.
I've heard that YuGiOh is more popular among black males than MtG. The most solid hypothesis I've heard is that YuGiOh has an anime that makes it easier to market, whereas MtG usually relies on word-of-mouth among the predominately white (and also usually having more money) Magic players.
My LGS has a lot of obese guys, but I haven't come across anybody who reeks. It may be my below-average sense of smell, but I think I would know if somebody didn't shower and deodorize.
The real question is how to keep the rest of them out.
Oh, (you).
since the damage is prevented, there is no damage to replace with counters
same reason deathtouch+trample works the way it does
Yeah yeah everyone has heard the horror stories, but i never experienced them and neither has anyone i personally know.
Well, time for me to go to /r9k/ to trigger some virgins.
1. this
2. Magic is OOLLDD
3. Magic's fans are overwhelming fat BO neckbeards
yes, of course, "if the score of people I associate with haven't experienced it it hasn't happened;" very reasonable.
>You're totally wrong, but I can't tell you why, then you might question us.
Well, if you can't bother to 'educate' people, then you're not part of the solution, are you?
Being male dominated isn't necessarily a problem, but it does mean a woman won't feel like she'll have peers, and may feel uncomfortable being around so many men. Like it or not, sex is going to define social interaction between men and women. Exceptions do exist, but for social peerage we tend to seek out same gender for this reason
By that logic, couldn't the "my horror story is real, therefore it must be somewhat common" also be false? If we want any data we're going to have to do some surveying. Otherwise the prevalence of LGS horror stories is ambiguous.
What I want to know is what were these locations like? Was it a dumpy LGS, big LGS, a LGS that has busy staff, LGS with careless staff?
There are a few of us, even here on Veeky Forums It's an interesting problem. Men entering a female field tend to improve work culture and increase pay across the board.
Though you can be a nurse and not really have to interact with your coworkers, where as in magic interaction with your opponent is almost guaranteed.
Monastery Swiftspear isn't even that good or cute
Why are tabletop gamers so fucking gross? How do they all struggle to not smell like shit?
Like seriously, what other hobby requires "Please be hygienic" reminder posters
It's just bad diet+anxiety
>They seem to like Hearthstone a lot.
Presumably there isn't quite as much plumber crack in Hearthstone.
I'm glad I live in a cool climate. I figure most of these references to people being sweaty and smelling horrible refer to warmer areas
how does anxiety make you smell bad
literally because the existing virgin neckbeard population of users is actively repellent to most of them
You get nervous, you start to sweat, shit sticks to your clothes and that's it. Doesn't matter if you had a thorough shower and blasted yourself with cologne, you're still gonna smell.
I've never seen muslims at my lgs.
Playing Magic means having to be in close proximity with other magic players and I wouldn't wish that on any woman.
My gf used to play MTG with her older brother, but after visiting a shop just twice she lost interest immediately because of the people.
Besides, Hearthstone is actually fun.
actually, I'm a judge here, he chooses to use soul-scar mage and then your djeru's resolve doesn't do shit
so he was right
MtG is a pain in the ass to play. Men like games that are a pain in the ass to play, that's why we glorify fencing and chess and war itself. My own wife will refuse to play anything that isn't Rx Aggro despite the fact that I KNOW she'd be a hardcore UBx Permission girl deep down if she'd invest the sweat and tears. They just have so much more to do in life than worry about building the best deck and making the best plays. You know, like putting on makeup properly and pretending to look like they're actually interested and entertained by you and like they're actually interested in sucking your dick.
On a semi-related note, MtG is a good way to tell if a self-proclaimed "nerd" girl is actually a catfish. If they say they like MtG in any capacity, then they're actually some neckbeard in his mother's basement.
Hearthstone is a spinoff of WoW.
Many girls played WoW.
This makes Hearthstone more approachable.
I can't really argue it's a bad thing. How many of us here see a movie or play a game and want to homebrew it into an RPG immediately afterwards? Hell, the main reason I got into tabletop games in the first place is because I got hooked on Mechwarrior 2 when I was in elementary school.
>pretending to look like they're actually interested and entertained by you and like they're actually interested in sucking your dick.
True, though one could take a page from that and do a little makeup on themselves, as well.
A little blackface will go miles in getting them to want to suck that dick.
Literal ruling on the card Soul Scar Mage:
>If multiple prevention and/or replacement effects are trying to apply to the same damage, the controller of the creature that would be dealt damage chooses the order in which to apply them. As examples, an opponent could choose to apply the effect of Djeru’s Resolve and prevent the damage rather than put -1/-1 counters on it; or an opponent could choose to convert the damage to -1/-1 counters before Insult could double it, and then Insult’s effect won’t apply anymore.
Tell me some more about how you're a judge and can't follow logic on cards, though.
At least in my two local game stores, there is a lot of sexism running rampant, both in the "Aw, do you need someone to help you play" and the straight up lechery way of things, which I imagine turns most people away.
I don't mind it so much, being underestimated means more packs when I go 4-0
The hero we need.
Because MTG requires some strategical thinking as opposed to Hearthstone which is extremely straight forward.
>They seem to like Hearthstone a lot.
That's not necessarily true. Hearthstone, as a digital game, has a global playerbase. Magic is mostly played at a local level, so even if the overall proportions are similar, if your LGS doesn't have any, you may never see a female player.
Then there's the fact that Blizzard's marketing approach allows them to cast a much wider net towards prospective players than MTG. There's no barrier to entry, and they have a large customer base across multiple games to market to, including the mobile market.
The real question is why the fuck are so many men dumb enough to play Magic.
I don't play, but the fact that people speculate on the price of cards speaks volumes.
>Shit community
Your 'friends' are only your 'friends' because they share your addiction. I mean, damn, I collected pokemon cards when I was 7 too, but a couple years later I knew that shit was just a dumb fad. How old are you now and haven't learned your lesson?
And before you say
>B-but it's just a hobby
I've seen This Exact Thread enough times to know you're not meeting women elsewhere. You're not meeting them because it's not a hobby, it's your life. You're probably young, and you obviously have disposable income since you're wasting it on the cardboard crack. Youth and some scratch is everything you need to be doing all the best things in life. Women and sex are nice and all, but there so much more you're missing out on.
If you enjoy the game, then whatever, seems retarded to me but to each his own. I do Veeky Forums shit for fun so who am I to judge. Maybe it being so expensive makes it feel rare and special for you or some shit. But when the fact your hobby isn't providing you a gf is a problem it's not longer an issue with the hobby, it's an issue with your lifestyle. You can brush me off if you want and regret it later, or make a change and reap the rewards. Good luck.
Is this pasta? It reads like pasta.
I will argue for the toxic community.
I have personally introduced 3 women to the game.
they all liked the game.
one was put off by a few guys at the LGS that had a terrible smell. it was fucking disgusting and we literally gaged for a second. this was a pre release event and the atmosphere was nice, this was the last time she ever attended a lgs. I mean I tried to play it off as someone eating Indian food mixed with the trash can but she just kind of was grossed out.
another one was put off by the attitude prevalent amongst players of "I'm the smartest thing in the room" morons not understanding social cues and making thinly veiled sexist comments. guys creeping on her from a distance and dealing with scoffs and mockery for being interested in the game. not by bullies outside the game but by players that thought being a noob and a girl is a sin.
the last one is the safest story as she was a good player and she was put off by walking in to the local group talking shit about her. she was pretty and literally a 9/10 and neckbeards couldn't handle being so close without spilling all of their spagetty or going full fedora tip on her.
what was worse is that they would talk about raping her and tucked up shit behind her back until she walked in on it.
these are the sad stories of introducing women to magic.
this is all true.
I still play with them every once in a while and we remain friends but they will never play in an lgs again.
>ITT: People that forgot that Kitchen Table with your friends and/or bf exists
You can play MtG without going to a LGS to play
i'm not meeting them because i'm gay check and mate reverse-faggot
Two Words
Electrostatic Pummeler
No woman wants to see her carefully constructed deck torn apart by a 1/1 robot
That just turned into a 40/36
That just hit them for 40 trample
Then The asshat spent his remaining 2 mana to cast Fling just to put her on -60 life
>This was how I won game day.
pummeler represent
STOP introducing hoes in my autistic thangs ,you lil pathetic neck beard.
Robo Battle Buddies forever
>women are less materialistic
>women are less invested in relationships
Obviously because there's too much tiddy in the art. Women hate tiddy. If WotC cover up all the tiddy, it will solve all the problems and attract all the womens.
I knew Lily was a bad girl, but reading a newspaper in the bath?
Ikr it would get all soggy
>Expensive entry costs
Bitch what?
You can buy a premade deck for 15 bucks or a deck builder's toolkit for 20! And thats canadian dollars so its probably pennies in the US.
What, thematicly is less appealing than see hearthstone which use WoW lore of all things? I suppose the mechanics might be more offputing maybe.
You can't stream it with your tits out.
Seriously, kitchen table is more fun than LGS play anyway. and if you are in college you might be able to find a tabletop club to play there, too.
Not with that God damn attitude
>Would you want to play Magic the Gathering anymore?
Women tend to gravitate towards things their peers (other women, usually) are doing, rather than starting new hobbies on their own.
Now I want it even more~
I've met plenty of girls who play or have played magic.
They just mostly refuse to go to events or play anymore, because the guys who play magic in public are overwhelmingly creepy as fuck social rejects who get either angry at them, aggressively "flirty," or both.
Well, you don't personally know me, but it's why I stopped going to FNM.
Women are sooky and avoid male heavy groups.
Probably a hang over from when rape culture was actually a thing.