Fuckin' Order Edition
Core rules
General Handbook
Army builder
Custom Warscroll Designer
Old thread:
Fuckin' Order Edition
Core rules
General Handbook
Army builder
Custom Warscroll Designer
Old thread:
Any second now...
Second for staying ahead of the Everwinter!
You got me guys - khorne daemons seem to be a reasonable choice.
What about mixing them with mortals? I'm thinking about swaping one SC box for a khorne half of starter set. It would be cheaper and I will gain a bloodsecrator and three universal khorne battlelines
Anyone has a PDF? Can't find any android reader that is not fucking up the epub version
Anyone mind linking me or giving me a very brief summary on the magic item and special general traits in the GHB?
Would like to know what other options are there for my Moonclan Boss
are the 2017 points values leaked yet?
If I found out this army I've been slowly building and painting over the past year is over limit on points now I will be sad.
its in the op
the book isnt due for another 2-3 weeks at least
>mixing them with mortals
You could always run a bloodsecrator with your bloodletters. His banner doubles their offensive potential.
oh no the old thread
rule of 1 came from ripperdactls you ignorant buffoon
Use adobe digital editions or FBReader or Play Books
>rule of 1 came from ripperdactls you ignorant buffoon
Um no sweetie it was because of any ability that generates attacks on a 6+ and a significant amount of +hit to get infinite attacks
Also stacking mystic shield and other save buffs to get to an automatic pass on saves
rippers get extra attacks on successful hits, none of this "6+" bullshit
they were regularly killing archaon and other giant godlike centerpieces with a single attack
where are you getting all these +hits for warherds?
>rippers get extra attacks on successful hits, none of this "6+" bullshit
But they still have a chance to miss, which means they are infinite damage. They did a lot of damage but it was not infinite.
Infinite damage is getting +5 to hit and generating attacks on hit rolls of 1+
I never said it was warherds?
and what is giving +5 to hit?
you really cant figure it out on your own?
Find a +1 hit buff
Now bring 5 of it because its open play so why the heck not
nigger are you retarded? Cast a +1 to hit spell or buff, repeat 5 times with your models you took to do this. Obviously this would be a problem so they limited it.
Sorry, but isn't this the AoS General?
I'm afraid you are mistaken. This is not the AoS general
I read in last thread Slaves to Darkness is mainly knight spam with mounted lord.
Do Chaos Warriors and regular Chaos Lords not have a viable place on lists or what is the situation?
comp meta is shooting heavy, WoC are too slow
What points is comp normally played at?
2000 are all the GTs
but there have been majors at 1500
Ah fair enough. Thanks.
Can't decide between slaves to darkness, exiles, or free it sucks
Free Guild*
What do you like about each?
Freeguild. Coz chaos isn't stylish. When have you ever seen a filthy chaos worshipper don a fancy feathered hat perfectly complementing his waxed moustache?
Never, because chaos is lame.
It's fucking weird that destruction comes second when it comes to moustache potential, since most of the chaos humans are either clean shaven, totally hairless, or have giant beards
I'm fairly new to AoS, and starting to assemble a unit of Stormfiends, but apart from the ratling, i am quite unsure about the other weapon choices. Are there any option really better than another ?
I also plan to buy 2 more boxes to field some specialist units, is that a viable option for them or would you rather keep diverse units ?
I think they're best all outfitted the same
Except give one of them that gear that allows them to tunnel up anywhere, and the rest the same loadout, I especially think ratling cannons are devastating. They pop up 9" away from anything, and unload into some hapless wizard or artillery
Okay but would it not be better to taka a warp-grinder weapon team and 3 ratlings instead ?
Any ideas about how could I convert this fucker into a Vampire Lord?
I thought about changing his head and not gluing/erasing the Khorne icons, but I'd like to see what you guts think
sand down the mutation spikes, different sword and loincloth piece, new helm, new pauldron(s) and some wings
Magnetize them. Was relatively easy when I did mine
That right arm with the sword? I'd try and replace it with this. It's probably a shit load of work but man it's cool
I'd be pretty fucking cool, but quite hard too
I'm no good with green stuff either
But I might try
I like the idea of using the mace as the main weapon, tho, I've always liked the idea of a vampire lord armed with a mace, sending to fly his enemies just like Sauron
I actually prefer maybe sculping an amour and going for the Knightly thing, maybe
I'm expanding my Ironjawz to 2k points, how does this look?
Allegiance: Destruction
Megaboss on Maw-Krusha (520)
- General
- Command Trait : Ravager
- Artefact : Battle Brew
Orruk Megaboss (140)
- Artefact : Battle Brew
Orruk Warchanter (80)
Orruk Weirdnob Shaman (120)
10 x Orruk Ardboys (180)
20 x Orruk Brutes (720)
3 x Orruk Gore Gruntas (180)
Ironfist (60)
Total: 2000/ 2000
Heroes: 4/6 Battlelines: 3 (3+) Behemoths: 1/4 Artillery: 0/4
I know Gruntas suck but i like the models and i find them mildly useful in taking distant objectives or going artillery hunting. The list is all about buffing the big mob of Brutes with the Warchanter, Weirdnob and Megaboss, the boss also tears stuff up decently and the Maw-Krusha is my secondary big scary unit
I just find all three aesthetically pleasing but I'm not really sure how each faction generally plays.
I assume Free People is mostly a shooty army.
New slaanesh mirror guard are coming to total war.
How could I make these guys? Dire-avenger plumes but I cant think of armor that looks like that.
free peoples.
What the fuck are exiles? dark elves?
How about Sisters of Silence? Cut one boob off and smooth out that panel and it matches the Slaanesh theme. Shoulders would need to be replaced too
It's my current Skaven list. Is it a good idea to buy a Verminlord to improve this list? I thought about dropping a warlord and a cannon for Verminlord Warbringer
Allegiance: Chaos
Skaven Warlord (100)
- General
- Barbed Blade & War Halberd
- Trait: Lord of War
- Artefact: Crown of Conquest
Skaven Warlord (100)
- Barbed Blade & War Halberd
- Artefact: Crown of Conquest
Screaming Bell (260)
Warlock Engineer (100)
Packmaster (60)
- Shock-Prod
40 x Clanrats (240)
- Rusty Spear
20 x Clanrats (120)
- Rusty Blade
20 x Clanrats (120)
- Rusty Blade
4 x Rat Ogors (240)
1 x Warpfire Thrower Weapon Team (60)
1 x Warpfire Thrower Weapon Team (60)
1 x Poisoned Wind Mortar Weapon Team (60)
War Machines
Warp Lightning Cannon (180)
Warp Lightning Cannon (180)
Ripsnikk's Raiders (80)
Total: 1960/2000
Having trouble with monsters? No problem, just add some Stormcast Vanguard-Raptors with Longstrike Crossbows™ for only $35 USD
Our new allies rules let you bring Stormcast to any army - how convenient!
Hell yeah, I love how convertible that mini is. With little work it can be done. That one especially because I see a lot of bits from von carstein. Which is nice if you made arkhan or neferata instead.
I've brought this here before but this is another example. This is the Rotpope. My rotbringers sorcerer
Can my destruction army ally a wizard that doesn't look like a pile of snot with teeth?
Nope. That's destruction
Also it will depend on what your allegiance is with what factions they can ally with
bump this
Yeah, he seems to be a backbone of every khorne army. Shame he is the only hero that gives a decent buff for both daemons and mortals - wish there were more options to make a flavour mixed khorne army
Clickity clack, a rattatat tat! WELCOME TO THE BONE ZONE!
Skeles with a 6+ and a 5+ invulnerable save, reviving d6 models each turn and one unit gaining an extra attack and the power for a unit to fight again!
Allegiance: Death
Wight King with Baleful Tomb Blade (120)
- General
- Trait: Ruler of the Night
Wight King with Black Axe (120)
- Artefact: Something, probably tomb blade, or cloak of mists and shadows for movement
Necromancer (120)
20 x Skeleton Warriors (160)
- Ancient Spear & Shield
20 x Skeleton Warriors (160)
- Ancient Spear & Shield
5 x Hexwraiths (160)
Total: 840/1000
>160 unused points
Why tho
invulnerable saves dont exist in aos
I can throw skeles at someone to stall or bring in more hexwraiths. Sword of unholy power makes the summon 100% chance of success
Fine. "Ward saves". Same thing you... you... double nazi
Posted this a while back and people told me to finish the base, so I did.
C+C please and thank you.
I like it. I don't think I've ever had the pleasure of seeing someone paint up the FW dragons
I could be wrong but I believe ward saves were treated like an armor save and didnt do anything against multiple wounds. So if you get hit by a weapon with 3 damage you would still only make 1 ward save.
Ignoring wounds happens as damage is being allocated to the unit, which means you roll for 3 times for a Damage 3 weapon.
the photo looks blurry in general and it is hard to make out much of the detail
I would do higher contrast highlights on the scales. The head especially looks like a solid red blob with no shading or highlights to it.
Still two extra saves ;)
I'd assumed they were like what you said in the first paragraph
My gf bought me a gorechosen box as a birthday present - she's not good at hiding things so I know nothing about this for next three weeks. I still don't have a proper army so I thought that it might be a good way to start a bloodbound army.
Will Gorechosen, a Start Collecting box and Start Set work as a good core of the army? Plenty of heroes, a lot of models to paint and at least I'm sure that GW will not drop the chaos posterboys in the immediate future.
I remember khorne mortals as slow fuckers that rarely manage to live long enough to catch me into melee in demo games. Did Blades of Khorne battletome changed this? I like their aesthetic but don't want to end up with an unplayable army. I'm not a waacfag - I don't have to win all games but also don't want to spend my money and time on army that is as useful as Nids in 7e
>Still two extra saves ;)
I call those "wound ignoring ability", to avoid confusion.
The battletome didn't really change their survivability, but at least you get something out of losing your heroes with blood tithe. But with khorne it's about having lots of heroes and redundant heroes anyway. As a khorne player you should always try to max out your hero slots at least with cheapos
If it's for death, we just call them death saves. If I'm playing a 40k player, I just call them feel no pain
With my pruchase plan I will have 8 heroes in total - 3 from starter set, 1 from SC and 4 from gorechosen. It should be enough for a beginner, right?
Now we just have to wait for the battletome. Hopefully we get GHB2 by Christmas 2020
The GHB2 will drop in 2 weeks user
Yeah it should be plenty. In a 2k point game, you can have up to 6 heroes. It's good to have options
That's one of the things that's maybe attracting me to do a khorne army, they encourage lots of heroes. I'm all about herohammer.
Are any other armies encouraging using lots of cheap heroes?
Played a 500 point kill the beast this weekend and the Kharadron player killed it in one turn.
What, did he gun it down? Maybe it would be better to play a different Battleplan.
I know there is a Skirmish one about sacrificing an enemy model. 3 2+ in a row and game ends so some battleplans may not be as suited vs other armies as other.
Some battleplans favor some types of armies. Most objective centric battleplans aren't ideal for KO because they require you to get close and get on objectives where if your opponent is melee focused, they will have an advantage in getting into combat with you.
Yeah he did, then shot the piss outta the other 2 players
Not this user but there is a Gorechosen box in LGS waiting for someone to purchase it. Anyone here played it? Is it worth it as a tabletop game for non-chaos players?
I've heard good things about it from a guy who won't touch AoS with a ten foot pole. I haven't had a chance to play it myself yet.
It's a fun arena combat game worth the buy.
not before aelves
I can't wait for Fimir heroes later this year.
I'm gonna run a full Fimir army. Shits gonna be great.
Did you at least take him down a peg?
Allegiance: Order
Loremaster [20]
- General
- Trait: Inspiring
- Command Ability: Merciless Killer
- Artefact: Cursed Tome
4x Swordmaster [12]
- Bladelord
- Hornblower
9x Spireguard [18]
- Watch Master
- Hornblower
Loremaster for buffs shielded by Swordmasters and Spireguard for shooting. Don't really know if I can brew up anything better only with Spire of Dawn models and this extra Loremaster - any ideas?
No, he won pretty easily with double turns.
Anyone have any experience with the chaos spawn kit? Is it worth it or should I just proxy plague toads as spawn?
Anybody? I thought reddit rats are a common faction among aos players
Dang, sorry to hear that. Surprised you guys didn't just run at him full speed.
One guy ran a shooting bastilodon and the other ran chaos knights. Due to vendetta felt by the chaos player, he fucked over the seraphon near the end. 3 of his knights died before he ever got to attack.
The overlord guy ran a frigate with some op port, khemist, and a little dude unit with 3 skyhooks.
So bassically the Kharadron was shooting two bunches of fish in a barrel. Ouch. That Chaos guy must have really had it out for the Seraphon if he was willing to charge through a third parties gunfire to kill him. Any fun stories behind this vendetta?
Well, the seraphon guy generally builds good lists with synergy while the chaos guy started out using random skaven and started to add khorne chaos units in. I think in all the games they have played against each other chaos won once.
I'm talking using chaos knights with a hellpit abomination, gutter runners, slambo, and rat ogres. He's all over the place. One time he ran like, over 8 heros for the fuck of it.
The seraphon guy has a balewind vortex, slann, kroak, eternity warden, engine of the gods, etc. All really synergy heavy units.
We are all coworkers and got into aos at the same time. I got them into aos, but they went full force and have 3k+ points to my 700 built points.
I run nurgle mortals and am genuinly afraid of the point the skaven player realizes he needs to go skyre and start dishing out mortal wounds at range like seraphon can.
Wow, that's pretty nuts. Fair play to the three of you though, its great to get into any game system, let alone Warhammer together. Really adds a lot.
Poor Chaos though. Sounds like its some kind of pseudo arms race but the Seraphon sounds like he has the better idea. The Chaos guy sounds more anarchic and just keeps adding brute force. Seraphon is an all-comers list builder which is probably the soundest method of army building you can get.
At least your Nurgle mortals got their Blight Kings to make it brutally hard to actually hit them. Worst case you can get Papa Nurgle on the field to tank some hits. 10 Wounds, healing each turn and 5+ ignoring wounds.
Good luck with them Nurgles, we need more like you. I'm starting back into AoS myself after years. The rules seem much easier compared to last few editions which is a huge plus for me.
Right now I have a lord of plagues, harbinger, festus to be used as a rot sorc or chaos sorc, and 2 units of kings.
I have 3 more kings and 2 maggoth in the mail. I originally had a SC daemons but shyed away from that since seraphob does more damage to daemons.
I'm gonna grab the Balefiend and a set of Warriors and a Noble for sure around Christmas.
Provided the damn thing actually releases. Is it confirmed this year or is that just wishful thinking?
Sounds solid. I was half tempted to make a Rotbringer/Chaos Warrior army myself but I'm already in the middle of clearing stuff. Nurgle is great though, love that big guy.
I don't think there's been word one way or the other, but I could be wrong. I'm pretty fimir-crazy, and at this point only really need this guy to have a functional 1000 points, so I track down as many scraps as I can. I hope they're working on the meargh concept they showed more too
I honestly expect the Aelfs to be either mentally unhinged or barely affected by fear & pain thanks to all that time inside Slaanesh. Surely they would have some of the mental effects of being presumably fucked for thousands of years inside that thing.