Warhammer 40k General /40kg/

ydra Dominatus Edition, For the Emperor!

>Alpha Legion (and I guess Chaos as a whole)

>Grey Knights

>Konor Campaign: Alpha Legion winning the tabletop. Imperium winning painting and model purchases.

>Check your local store's contribution to Omegon.

>GW FAQ (1.1):

>FW FAQ (1.1):

>Rules and such. Use Readium on pc/iphone, lithium/kobo on android:
>Everything 8th edition in pdf & epub, SW:A, WIP and BB are here too, no novels.

>Other Omegas

>WIP Math-hammer doc (Chart-user doing Omegons' work)

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2nd for the Aeronautica Imperialis

[Ride of the Valkyries intensifies]

Ld bombs! Are you ready for them?!

Repost from last thread
Aiming to get into Orks for this edition, here's my almost finished list:

Battalion, 2000pts

Warboss in Mega Armor
>With Power Klaw and Kombi-skorcha
Big Mek in Mega Armor
>With KFF, Power Klaw, Kombi-rokkit launcha, and Grot Oiler

29 Boyz and 1 Boss Nob
>29 sluggas & choppas, big choppa & kustom shoota
29 Boyz and 1 Boss Nob
>29 sluggas & choppas, big choppa & kustom shoota
10 Gretchin

10 Nobz with Trukk
>10 Power Stabbas, 4 Kombi-rokkit launchas, 2 Kombi-skorchas, 4 Kustom Shootas and 2 Ammo Runts
>Big Shoota and Wreckin' Ball
Nob with WAAAGH! Banner

Heavy Support(2)
2 Deff Dreads
>2 Dread Klaws and 2 Skorchas
>2 Dread Klaws and 2 Skorchas
6 Big Gunz
>6 Kannons

There's still 251 points left to go, what should I add to the list? Apologies if this post is hard to read, my first list post and I wasn't sure about format.

Which should I get first lads?

What's Leadership?

t.Ork, Imperial Guard and Tyranid.


So do you think Gulliman noticed that his chapter have been working with a Scions force called the Alphic Hydras?

>Nids still don't give a fuck within Synapse
>Guarsmen still only lose 1 dude near a commisar

People were ready before it was even a thing.

Toxicrene are straight garbage

You will soon find out friend!

Did all FW QA guys die or soemthing. The state of the last few books they've released has been hilarious

Bit risky to do significant work after base is done.

How'd you do the base anyway? Looks great.

Give me poses. I want to see pictures of your custom poses.

I hatched this idea during some late night building for a Reaver doing his best "WITNESS ME" impression.

Why don't Space Marine players appreciate narrative tension?


I don't care for stats and sick strats, they just look and sound cool.

Probably not because all he can hear is Cawl boasting about how his chads are better than the Emperor's manlets

Would it be allowed for Space Sharks to take Black Templar tactics? Wiki says that they're "most likely" a Raven Guard chapter but that they're unknown overall. I mean, they're both crusading chapters that love melee fighting and fucking up heretics.

Honestly, I'm kind of torn. I like a lot of RG tactics but the BT exclusive relic would be so good for Tyberos. I don't think I can use a single one of the other relics.

Well, one of them did, yeah.

Most of them are still in their insecure teenager years, they just can't handle anything doubtfull.

The rest plays shitty edgy armies like Night Lords and think they're cool.

I don't think he can take relics? Can he?

well you got one model that you like and looks cool and you have another model that you like, looks cool, and viable in the game.

you know which one to get!

They are Raven Guard. They were sent to the darker spaces because Corax felt they were too brutal and he wanted them to fuck off.

Steel Legion plastics?

>Tale of Two OPs

I've been playing imperial fists for years, do you think it would matter if I used a decent chapter tactic?

Named characters are indeed not allowed to take relics.

Personally, I wouldn't care at all. But the issue I could foresee is that all of the ForgeWorld characters do have acknowledged chapters in their keywords... You'll be fine until ForgeWorld releases their own chapter tactics

Play them however you want. Only a pure autist would tell you you can't use BT chapter tactics because you painted them the wrong colour.

Legion of the Damned.


So when will these edgelords attacks Ulthwe and remove the knife ears?

if you use black templar chapter tactics, you miss out on this glorious motherfucker.

Hearing this
You Should just go raven guard mah nigga. It's helpful getting into combat anyway and sharks are understated as a sneaky beakie chapter anyway.

qt dominatus

Wow he is cute

I disliked the pose of them just holding the knife in front of them so I tried to go for them drawing the knife from a sheath instead.

Lose the Kombi-rokkit on the Big Mek and use a kombi-Skorcha

Also would recommend using Big Choppas and Klaws on Nobz instead of making them shooty

Try and pick up Tankbustas wroth leftover points


I see what you did there. But how can you be sure it isn't a woman pretending to be a man preteding to be a woman pretending to be a man pretending to be a woman ? You can just never be sure with those slithery AL fucks

venomthropes if you have a lot of infantry.
otherwise toxicrene.

Is this a hinted conflict or do you just hate elves?

I got squished in a AM+SM game vs Salamanders today. A thousand point Scion army with an extra thousand points of space marine characters, Greyfax, an eversor assassin, and a chimera against an actually coherent 2k army.
It was fun, especially the part where the crassus got blown up and I had to try to fit 30 scions out of the wreckage without losing more to model placement, while losing two librarians to the vehicle's explosions and killing two of his terminators and almost killing his captain.
Then the captain walked into a chainfist after wiffing all his relic blade attacks, then the two techmarines couldn't manage to take four wounds off a land raider.
But by god not all the scions got wasted

Well then pick the one that is the coolest looking or does the coolest thing on the table top. Generally people asking that want to know which is better.
And the toxicrene is by far the most tentacle rapey of the nids. Not my cup of tea but whatever floats your boat

Hey Tau player!

Reposting for new thread.
That looks like double athonian camoshade for the skin with agrax earthsade in the recesses, is that what it is? Also what are the guts?

Venomthropes it is then, as I like the look and they'll suit my swarm of infantry

better not be, i literally just got a bunch of anvil industry guys im making steel legions out of. if GW comes out with a new sculpt for them right after i just blew a huge wad of cash im gonna cry

Someone get this man some tissues!!!

Thanks, did not know this and now I do.

How would I miss out on him? I thought that since they don't have their own Forgeworld codex tactics yet that Carcharadons could use another chapters tactics?

Yeah, I like their tactics a lot more than most. Theres only one thing I'm a little confused about. Am I able to use their strategem multiple times in the deployment phase? It seems to be set up to do so but I thought you could only spend one CP a phase. I mean, deepstriking a single unit without having the cost of deepstriking is super good on its own but I'm worried that it might be wasted if I only got to use it for a single unit.

Honestly that would be insanely disappointing but might fit that bundle of grenades and the lasgun from the rumour engine. Seriously i know guard need a new baseline model because their current dudes are too big and having cadians be the front dudes is silly now that cadia is gone (yes i know cadians still exist) but come on they are hyping this up way too much for it just to be something like that.

Thats pretty sick

I'm using count as and kitbashed models for my ministorum units, but I'm not sure what to use for Arco-flagellants in terms of converting or count as. Any ideas?

Give me tips on what to make muh chapter's symbol. I was thinking a moon getting struck my lightning.

Would fall to Heresy if she tickled my pickle

Would you a daughter

Ah fuck I didn't even think of nids.

Anyone got a .pdf of the book that game with the 8th starter set?

Tech primaris

I would the oldest daughter

Plastic Krieg

They're the new IG posterboys

What color is this?

The apple logo
call them iMarines or something like that and have them all white/cream and a white scars successor since they're all looks and no filling

>Mangus breaks into countless shards of himself
>One of those shards manifests itself as a Loli
>Creates buxom rubrics after Ahriman fucks everything up

Why do I want this

No, only Thousand Daughters.

There's literally only one faction that brings hordes and isn't immune to leadership and that is daemons. So Night Lords are now better at daemon hunting than the GK basically.

Awww yiss gimmie them affordable suicide nazis baby!

Wasn't it implied in the Void stalker book?

yeah thats fine.

there was a warhammer community article about successors tactics and they mentioned using BT tactics for Black Dragons because it suits them even though they're probably a Salamander succesdor.

Why would it be a loli when Magnus is an intellectual? Wouldn't his mind be older than his body?

You get Cake Magnus.

Thinking of taking some Aggressors in my marines. Is it better to take the boltstorm gauntlets or flamestorm?

Update from last bread couple more things some basing then into real space to harvest suffering-n- such.

After he got his back broke his personality fractured, stands to reason some part of him wants to be a little girl that is taken care of by his papa

Well how close do you want them to the enemy?


I dunno what's a void stalker I'd read about something like that.

Looks like they used they gw gold spray, forgot the name

that is the most retarded camel I have ever seen

damn, that skull aquilla is cool.

i need to use it on something.

He got hit by a coconut, user. Can't you see the stars?

I think you're reaching here.
Cakes > lolis. Magnus is a control freak. Clearly part of him wants to control younger men by manipulating them with hier vuluptious red tits.

If anyone has enough daddy issues to want to be a loli its Lorgar.

>That pic


Now I want them to be steel legion just to taste those delicious tears

What I was considering was sticking them in a repulsor with a Lieutenant to maximize flamer damage. I'm mostly curious if it would be better to hold them in the rear firing copious amounts of bolter shots.

Rolled 3, 4 = 7 (2d6)

I cast smite on this post

>T-tau poster

Depends what you're facing
Standing still and getting that sweet double flamer over watch is sweet

cyborged up AoS flagellants perhaps

Hey Dustyman. Probably upset that daddy Magnus wouldn't let you do this, huh?

Lets see how many mortal wounds I get

Jesus Christ, I feel bad for that thing, what the fuck happened?

i think im gonna hold off on buying anymore. worst comes to worst, i can just use the anvil ones as conscripts i guess. still gonna cry though

Too good to be true

You admit to being a filthy blueberry!

thats what happens when a cow dosent wear a bicycle helmet

Any day now. Any second now.

Whatever Tzeench you can't just magic them outta a tyranid tummy... can you?

lightning getting struck by a moon

Last of the Night Lords Trilogy by ADB

No clue honestly. Probably a disease or brain damage.

raptord aren't to bad for going after the comissar first, flying over the bubble wrap and all.