>mate never creates OCs, just uses preexisting copyrighted characters
Mate never creates OCs, just uses preexisting copyrighted characters
Whatever works.
get fucking killed
How...would you know that, exactly?
>barneyfag browses Veeky Forums
Holy shit what is this autism?
Barneyfag. He's all over /co/ and I've heard he does it on /v/ too. Some weirdo autist that hates Barney, decided MLP was related to Barney, and spergs out over any picture tangentially related to Barney or MLP. Even cropped pictures and fanart you'd never know was MLP related unless you spend all day looking at it.
I'd say it doesn't work when it garners displeased attention at the table.
Adding to this, it should be known he deliberately posts the majority of the pictures himself and then switches IPs (which he has to do to ban evade anyway) to "catch" the poster.
>Get invited to an online group by a friend
>Everyone is fine, but said friend's characters are completely ripped off from other places with no changes
>Has abilities from Fate, Metal Gear Rising, and whatever anime is the flavor of the month
>Watch another TV show with them, they begin to copy that directly
I don't care if you copy stuff if you make some effort to change it, or it fits. But ctrl+c'ing everything you come across is just horrible.
t. newfag
Come on, not every anons little operation is notable.
I dunno about that, some guy or guys on /co/ were deliberately baiting him with threads of cropped Peter Griffin with ponies. He sperged out harder than usual, claiming that doing so was "harassing" him.
Lee Goldson, I will never understand why you continue obsessing over a show. There's so much more you could do with that time man, doing things you actually enjoy.
Well, it really is.
I thought it didn't originally have anything to do with barney, but he decided that since the timeslots are next to each other, it would establish it's a "children's show" and in theory shame the pony poster
also because he kept getting banned for posting "ponyfag"
Sadly, barneyfag is a lot more pathetic than that. Just read up on kiwi farms or encyclopedia dramatica about him, he's obsessed with hating shows due to their connection to barney.
You could actually use that to your advantage. Introduce him to some weird and obscure anime with a main character that would fit well in your game, then just wait for him to copy that character.
Normally I wouldn't advocate this sort of thing, but it's not really a problem unless someone uses it as an excuse to pick on him.
Well... fuck. And I thought I had the roundabout hyper autistic Meta-posting market cornered back when I was Wayne.
Die you degenerate barneyfag.
It is a portrait of a humanized Twilight Sparkle.
fucking get necked
You deleted this one, and posted it again here: Ah, Barneyfag, I've honestly been anticipating your arrival to the board, as you make the occasional post on here every so often, once or twice a month. Likely simply to spread your name across the site and perpetuate your name to a memetic level.
Now, considering the length and scope of your career, and your dedication to it, I have to rate you quite highly, however, as extensive as it is, it's still just the same trick.
You post an image tangentially related to MLP, then switch IP Addresses and call your own post out on it.
You get off to this.
People then point out that you samefag to the point that the process itself is associated with you.
You get off to this.
People start talking about how autistic you must be to do this. You find it hilarious BECAUSE THAT'S THE JOKE. The fact that you post it now because you get the attention for the whole thing is, in itself, and addiction, because now, no matter what people day, you always get that sense of recognition.
You DEFINITELY get off to this.
And the Ban Evasion? That's just the icing on the cake. You can ignore the rules that everyone else seems to abide by.
Overall... this is the Ultimate Power Trip of Shitposting. This is the cycle that creates trolls that cannot and will not be removed. This is the behavior common to so many unknown others that causes the decline of boards.
This isn't commendable, but the fact that you've become a unique case that stands out... that's noteworthy.
10/10, you've ingrained yourself into the Veeky Forums Ecosystem indefinitely, until either you or the site dies.
die, fag
get necked
Since this thread will eithet be pruned or moved to /trash/, better bite the bait while I can and show off my autism.
>Carnac is worse
>Virt was even worse
>Smaugposter was hilarious
It's disappointing that the thread went this way because I wanted to go into how used to be into freeform games on IRC like a decade ago, and hoo boy let me tell you, that sad bunch of faggots didn't have one single creative bone between them. It was all copyrighted characters everywhere, at all times, with the occasional half-decent player who would make a fan character (like an original jedi or original Nanoha-verse mage).
I find this shockingly hard to believe.
I have absolutely been in groups were everyone is creatively dead inside, but even they come up with characters like, Grog the Barbarian, or Bob the fighter.
What kind of person sits down and says to the DM, "I am playing John Snow." ?
What about the sorin obsessed chick. Her reaction to nahiri was wonderful.
Fuck Carmac.
I kinda miss Virt. He was always wrong but the anger he inspired in me felt good. I just want to call him a cock suckered one more time.
The problem with barneyfag is he isn't home grown. It's the same problem with all flavors of /pol/, it'd not homemade so it's not as good.
fuck you Carnac chaos lost to the irks and nids
IRC freeform channels are crazy, my dude. I used to slum around in channels with time traveling / dimension hopping settings with a multiversal threat, or the anime and video game equivalent of the old inn-style channels, where everyone just preens and talks about themselves and occasionally has a power level wanking contest (which usually results in one participant getting so butthurt that he ragequits).
It's an entirely different environment than your average tabletop RPG group. People come stomping in demanding to play either "me but with superpowers" or Goku and Superman, and call the admin a hitler if he says no.
>that guy who is more comfortable with the GM making a character for them
He's too pure for this world
Can you really hinge your scoring on how pleased a shitposter supposedly is with himself?
Everybody could claim 10/10 then.
Hmm, let's see what happens.
I honestly like MLP. In particular the new Tails of Equestria RPG looks pretty neat, and I'd like give it a whirl at some point.
Plus there's no reason why you can't just take the races of Tails and make them a more standard fantasy setup.
Pegasus = Faerie
Earth pony = Human
Unicorn = Elf
Changeling = Changeling
Griffin = Troll (have to replace Fly with something else, of course)
Diamond Dog = Dwarf
Zebra = Gnome
Buffalo = Giant
die, fuck
You know you are completely missing the point of that. They are urging you to be authentic and make an effort towards being genuine in your efforts, not a half assed rip off of something more successful.
Find something you like, imitate it, figure out what it is you are trying to do differently, and slowly model your art on other, better artists.
Eventually, when you have the skill and the methodology, you can find your own voice, figure out what it is you are trying to say, but until then just try to develop good taste in what you watch, read and listen to.
people you damn well know you shouldn't be playing with, because they absolutely can not handle it.
fuckin' die
>implying /pol/ actually comes here
>implying that grognards don't hate SJWs naturally
We hate you both.
Now fuck off.
>hey guis everything shitheel nazis stand for is totally what original Veeky Forumsers stand for right?
>normalize my lunacy plz
>dimension hopping settings
>Multiversal threat
Well shit. Maybe my setting is more autistic than I give it credit for.
>What kind of person sits down and says to the DM, "I am playing John Snow." ?
probably those who spend 20 hours watching GoT?
It's half n half, newfags want to test his autism and/or want to use him as a laser-guided missile to delete an on-topic thread
And anytime someone posts shots of him getting caught red handed, he dismisses it as "n-n-no it wasn't me it was someone trying to tarnish my beautiful reputation" or "what is photoshop"
That is difference between the virgin and the alpha, alpha isn't afraid of the copyright
>pretending that anyone to the right of marx is a nazi
user, you can tell it's /pol/ and not homegrown grognards because they use the term "cuck", and use frogposts.
Two things that have had more posts and mentions on the board since the trump invasion than they've had FOR THE REST OF THE LIFETIME OF THE BOARD COMBINED. At least, if you ask the archival programs.
Hell, they don't even know that we solved the NTR problem long ago on this board.
So I see you've migrated over here, matey.
Yes, from /b/, when the board was made. Nice try though, kid :^)
It's kind of crazy how it was universally called NTR before /pol/ came, and they still don't realize it makes them stick out like a sore thumb.
> claims to have been here since /b/
>pretends frogposts are an innovation specific to /pol/
Come on. We had this discussion yesterday.
Technically, I said THESE forgposts came from /pol/, newfag.
No, that's just Barneyfag, terror of /co/ and /v/, And yup, you're matey.
I'm just here to point out that shitpost frogs and "cuck" have seen more use since the trump invasion than they ever have in the rest of the board combined. At least, since the archival sites came into existence.
If you want to shitpost in response to that, then you deserve the same back.
I'm sorry, but where is the frog posting in this thread?
Are you trying to pull the same thing that you were trying at in /wodg/ last night?
You're having a terrible time keeping track of the conversation.
was posted in reply to
which was posted in reply to
The subject matter was that these things were not homegrown trolls, but instead imported.
Not that they were all present in this thread simultaneously.
I know these conversation chains can be confusing to newfags like yourself who prefer to discuss in the form of shitposts than with facts.
And now you're calling me a newfag instead of a /pol/yp.
Buuuuuut... where was the frog posting? I notice that you neglected to answer that question. Oh. BTW? I'm also this guy.
>Not that they were in this thread simultaneously
>a newfag can't be a /pol/