Couldn't find one, hoping these are still a thing.
Noticed a severe lack of Cultist Chan on the 1d4chan smut index.
Also how to handle lewd as a DM?
Weekend Smut Thread /wst/
Tags for cultist smut
m/f, f/f, bdsm, HERESY, vague incestual subtext, HERESY, femdom, breeding, mild homoeroticism
>m/f, f/f, bdsm, HERESY, vague incestual subtext, HERESY, femdom, breeding, mild homoeroticism
you said HERESY twice
>/wst/ is back from the dead and back from exile on /d/
well fuck, welcome back lewdfags.
>Cultist smut
>well fuck, welcome back lewdfags.
Thank you, got the writing juices back and hoping for some brutal feedback
>you said HERESY twice
There is a lot of heresy
>those post times
>only 2 unique IPs ITT
Stop trying to bump your own thread, OP. This shit was erased for a reason.
>/wst/ is back from the dead and back from exile on /d/
/wst/ was in exile?
Shit, are we doing these again? Awesome
Oh shit, that's nice !
I hope you guys stick around.
Seem the old autosage thing is still on, you may want to slightly change the thread name next time.
I used to love you guys. Gosh, it's been a long time.
Write something about a cute hobgoblin princess marrying a brave adventurer.
>Implying with the traffic of this website that people don't immediately post on threads when they pop up
Aww, so this thread is doomed to sink?
Maybe title the thread "Lewd fiction" thread
Yeah, unless for some reason the mod feel like removing the filter, which is doubtful. Also assuming the thread doesn't get shitposted to death like during the last days.
OP here, I can always repost the thread on /d/ I guess.
I'm not gonna fight the mods. As a question, why did they autosage /wst/ threads?
During the great shitpostening, as many as 20 fake /wst/s were being posted every week, all week long. For a month or so the mods were removing the autosage from the real one, and then I guess they gave up, since by then even the real thread was like 80% shitposters trying to derail any conversation.
I don't know exactly what happened, but somebody posted caps of this one fag on another chan trying to coordinate a "raid" on the /wst/.
>as many as 20 fake /wst/s were being posted every week
Excuse me, that should say as many as 20 per DAY, all week long. Most of them clustered on the weekends, but with more appearing all the time. It obviously cheesed the mods off.
A few dedicated shitposters shitposted the threads to death, ban-evaded whenver the mods took action and spammed dozen of falseflags threads all day long. Eventually the mods gave up and just sent the threads on immediate autosage. Theorically the threads were never banned, despite what some claims.
After that /wst/ left for /d/ where it became /efg/, but most of the original content creators left until only a few remained, and recently it seem that /d/ got a new rule banning all written porn, so /efg/ got merged the writing thread of /trash/ I believe ?
Have I traveled back in time?
A few assholes spoiled the party got it
>Write something about a cute hobgoblin princess marrying a brave adventurer.
A cute hobgoblin met an adventurer and they had sex
that work for you?
Not that guy, but I'd be down for that.
Please fuck off already. You've been banished five times already. Begone.
Deleting thread
but not because you told me to
>forced sage
well, at least everyone isn't getting b&
I wish these would come back for real.
So many good memories.
Not into traps/futa, but that pic is hilarious.
And second, these threads were loads of fun once upon a time, and really helped make Veeky Forums a very different place from all the other stodgy RPG-related boards.
I've followed the smut threads to trash but it is not quite the same as it once was.
There 3-5 writers per thread and 5-10 garbage men requesting horrible things.
Oh how the mighty have fallen.
Plus all the drawfags are gone, that kinda suck
What happened to the dedicated Flockmod, btw ?